lilly07sstuff-blog · 5 years
Peter Pettigrew wasn't a bad liar.
Everyone says that Peter was a bad liar and terrible at keeping a secret, but I disagree. I think he was actually the best at lying and keeping them from getting in trouble. Because why would Lilly and James make someone who is terrible at lying and keeping a secret, their secret keeper. Peter kept the secret of being a death eater from his friends for who knows how long. It could've slipped out so easily, but it didn't. He was one of Voldemorts most trustful servants. Even when they were younger Peter was the one who came up with excuses when they got in trouble, mind you they still got detention, but it wasn't that bad. So I don't think that Peter Pettigrew was a bad liar or secret keeper.
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 5 years
If being gay is a phase, then why isn't being straight, cause I know for a fact that my phase was being straight.
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 5 years
Me: Hey let's make a bet.
Family member: Okay
Me: We have to choose one person in our family that we think is gay and the if the person is gay the person who guessed them wins, and if neither of our guesses are gay then no one wins, and if they're both gay, they win.
FM: Okay deal, I choose (insert random family member).
Me: Good choice. I choose.....mhm....me!
FM: But you're not gay ?
Me: Wrong, pay up b#tch.
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
BTS VS Harry Potter
So my friend and I are having a kind of duel/challenge/fight. So she likes BTS (I hate it) I like Harry Potter (she hates it) so we decided to send each other a video everyday of BTS/HP. After wards we will say or honest opinion. And well it's actually pretty fun. The hard part is having to watch the videos which are like 4-6 minutes long. But in the end I get to send her Harry Potter shit so I'm happy
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
I'm not the only one who imagined Harry and Draco right ??
Imagine your OTP in any domestic/angsty/smutty situation (which you’re probably doing all the time)
With one partner being very dominant
For example, dancing - who’s steering very determinedly?
Snogging - who’s pinning their partner down to the floor/bed and having absolute control?
They’re moving to a new house/flat - who’s ordering everyone around?
Now you know who’s the dominant one in that situation - make them tiny. And by tiny I mean literally a foot shorter (at the very least) than their partner (and everyone else) Make them a tiny horny/angry/fluffy little ball of ferocity
Reimagine your situation.
Your dancer is being dragged around by a tiny but strict little dancing pro
The Tiny One has to stand on a chair to press their partner against a wall while snogging
Gracious Person B being bossed around by a smol bossy bean
And let’s not forget Baby A comforting their much taller partner, who’s sobbing into their chest
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
Harry: (wiping his mouth with his hands)
Hermione: Ugh Harry that's disgusting, don't use your hands to wipe your mouth, your just asking for more germs.
Harry: Okay. (Wipes mouth with shirt)
Hermione: HaRrY pOtTeR !!! Oh my merlin, that's not what I mean !! Use a napkin !! They're there for a reason ugh !!!
Harry: Oh sorry Mioné.
Ron in the background: (Laughing his arse off)
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
So yesterday I got so frustrated with a joke that my friend told me. I just couldn't believe I fell for it. Okay so say addicted after every one of these sentences...
What are you if you drink alcohol ?
What are you if you do drugs?
What hit you in the face last night ?
If you didn't get it, I'm praying for you and your innocence. 😂😂😂
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
so my Bff (who hates Harry Potter) said the funniest thing today. So we were just sitting since it was lunch, now these to dudes just walk by. Now one of the boys name has the first syllables of Harry Potter and he kinda has Potter in his surname. Now my friend started coming up with random names for him (idk why) and ended up with names like Hairy Potter, or Harry something. Then she says Harry Potter and Voldemort which made me laugh so hard I had to leen forward. Now the reason she said this was because the other dude kinda has a weird nose and we call him weird nose dude and just Voldy is known for his nose so when she said that I just died. I couldn't ask for a better friend, and who would have known that someone who HATES Harry Potter ends up making a HP joke? @cupcakeart12
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
Recently I've been rereading drarry fanfiction (since I've run out) and I must say best decision I've made this year. Ah how great, a nice warm cup of Milo in your Slytherin mug (YES SLYTHERIN) smuggling up in your blankets with your fave cushion/stuffy rereading the gloriousness of Drarry fanfiction. Ahhhhhh
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
I'm fine (Poem)
I'm fine
now that has crossed the line
When you were feeling sad
and every good feeling turned bad
You were broken inside
and every time I asked you lied
You were stuck in the dark
and somewhere inside you was a mark
Filled with sadness and hate
I almost thought it was too late
On your body was all the scars
as if they were in the shape of stars
You said you were fine
but that was before you were mine
By:Lilly Uys
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
This is so me. Who else can relate ??
the plot forming in your mind:
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actually trying to write it:
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
These people make hilarious comics go check them out please 😉
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This our first Web comic! We hope you enjoy it -Supermcdoodlepeople
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
Snape isn't that bad
Everyone says that even if Snape loved Lilly he bullied children and was mean to them. Well he was like that because of the friends he hanged out with when he was younger. They were a bad influence on him. Since he was/is in Slytherin and Slytherin's were taught that all other houses are below them and like blood status matters. So that's why he treated them like that, but remember he still saved Harry like twice. And he helped them find the sword of Gordric Gryffindor. So yeah that's just my opinion.
(Edit: Do you ever regret things ? Yeah so do I)
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
I am gonna cry !!!! Aph died like why !!!!!! This is all Gene's fault. He was the one that sent Ein to take pictures of Aph which lead to him being obsessed, which lead to him being an idiot blinded by "love" which leaded to Aaron dying, the Aph dying and poor Daniel not being so innocent anymore !!!!!!! Why Gene!!!!!!!
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
Love is life with more hope
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
Random Comment on a drarry post: Harry isn't gay!! Neither is Draco !!
Me: Excuse me for all you know they could have been bisexual and plus Harry came out of the closet in the first movie !!
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lilly07sstuff-blog · 6 years
Okay so my cousins mom went to a friend and well they asked the UBER driver to fetch more wine from her house. So when he got here my cousin had the weirdest conversation ever and then he went of but the gate closed so he sat there for about five minutes before she realised the gate was closed and she opened it. She said that he probably thought that this family is alcoholics and is crazy. LoL
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