lighthandedwriter · 1 year
The Soul of a Fawn
A fawn in the road lay now in a ditch
how cruel and fast a fate can switch
struggling, shaking, gasping to breathe
scared, stressed, one leg snapped at the knee
A fast moving car caused this ill fate
it did not stop, it drove away
A terrible fear of a world it barely knows
the spotted fawn felt all alone
It lay there dying of internal wounds
sensing the motion of approaching boots
A man walks up, he could see it clear
the little fawn would soon die here
Placing his hand upon its hide
offering guidance to find the other side
“Don’t be afraid, I’m with you now
You’re not alone, nothing more to worry about”
Soon it lay still, no life in its eye
he waited allowing its soul to pass by
carefully covered the body with goldenrod
It’s purpose now to be picked apart
In its death he hoped it felt peace
A warm place for its soul to keep
poignant respect he felt for the fawn
thankful it did not have to die alone
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
Gold Rush
Chasing after happiness
in hills far and wide
panning for joy in streams
cold water flows with lies
“Waters full with happiness,
and the water never dries”
the cheerful water gleams
dismal feelings in guise
A chase without end
through mountains of addiction
for a little taste of cheer
leads to living on prediction
full time contentment
can be chased all around
the legend of true happiness
can never be found
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
i think everyone needs to get into wildlife identification it's like a minigame for real life
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
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A Trillium in Autumn
Trilly was my first Highland. This is one of my favorite photos I have of her.
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
Scraping By
A foggy morning in early Autumn
leaves have changed but not yet fallen
air is cool, the cows unphased
grass is still growing with much left to graze
world keeps turning as the seasons change
often feels like we’re trapped in a. cage
I gaze at the cattle and up to the sky
wondering will we ever be more than just scraping by
tirelessly working to make ends meet
someday hoping for financial replete
these cattle are happy and fed
even managed to get a few bred
so I figure that makes it worth while
A good enough reason to smile
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
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ghost ranch, abiquiu new mexico
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
Land of the Buffalo
They grazed in the millions
over Great Plains they’d roam
no matter the weather, they were resilient
A wide open range was their home
their stampedes caused the world to rumble
moving one in the same with thunder
Bison would be free to roam if it weren’t from mankind
their demise was a terrible blunder
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
This song blew me away when I listened to this album. A message that needs to be blasted. And as a new parent it resonates hard.
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
As a farmer who once had cattle , it’s the farmers responsibility to coexist with wildlife and that includes predators. Wolves and coyotes are vilified to such an extreme level and it’s ridiculous. There are way more lies than truth spread about them. If your not willing to coexist with the ecosystem that’s around you then you shouldn’t be a farmer /rancher. It’s not your land it belongs to the earth and the wildlife.
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This is definitely the worst take I've ever seen on why wolves shouldn't be reintroduced into the UK
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
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Looking After You
A year ago , the end of May
you weren’t there to see June
seasons have passed since that day
with a quiet sense of gloom
fields full of green grass
A thousand yellow flowers
swaying in the early Summer breeze
as cattle graze under the bower
A world alive among warmer weather
I can only see where you used to be
like a bird disappeared in a cloud of feathers
never more a physical form to see
as the trees become ablaze
swift wind taking their leaves away
A long established natural phase
I can see that you’ve gone to stay
dreary hillsides make up the landscape
sharp wind blowing shapes with the snow
hoof prints leading away from an old creaky gate
but your hoof prints faded long ago
now the end of May begins again
harder now to grasp your presence
passing of time seems to blend
to a world lost of your essence
though in your loss
new life has sprung
A smiley boy
so pure and young
his name is Colter
with deliberate meaning
“To look after horses”
You’re not here to offer a greeting
but I believe somewhere , somehow
you both had a meeting
you took leave of your pain
and you paved the way
he won’t grow up hanging onto your mane
but I see in him here
it’s beautifully clear
he’s got spirit from an old chestnut mare
there’s a notion I trust
when a rainbow shows up
you helped send Colter here to look after us
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
Days of Fading Woodnotes
In the muggy days of mid July
bird song begins to dwindle
Melodies once heard all day
never ending, like a persistent fiddle
thrushes voicing still, lyrics of the forest
an anthem of a lush Summer grove
accompanied by cicadas constant humming
A rise and fall, like a tea kettle upon a stove
savannah sparrows present a verse of reticence
subtly springing over continual insect buzzing
much like a choir man projecting a brief falsetto
keeping music alive in a quiet midsummer meadow
A constant dimming of bird ballads
little reason to warble as July comes to close
in verdurous setting it’s poignantly placid
A descending season of fading woodnotes
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
-please don’t share my poems without permission
-I write a lot of poems about hard times and working class/ agricultural struggles. I feel it’s important I make it clear that my poetry is for everyone to appreciate. My poems mainly highlight my personal struggles or things that I feel strongly about
- I am happy to be here to share my writing and hope to meet other writers . Feel free to interact
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lighthandedwriter · 1 year
Low on Life
Low on fuel, low on feed
temps are low with a fierce cold breeze
we’ve more animals, than we have dollars
we’re workin hard to pay our fees
I fear sometimes that we’ll go under
as I fight to keep the wolves away
but the cows are fed a healthy plunder
reckon that’s good enough for today
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