lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
4 Ways to Move Your Life From Calling to Clarity
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By Jimmy Jean For most of my life, I had this strong inner impulse of my calling, as if life had a special assignment for me. I have had mentors and people of influence who I have crossed paths with who have told me that I have something special and unique to offer the world. While these compliments made me feel empowered and affirmed, they were not the roadmap on how I could move my life from calling to clarity. I truly believed the words of those who spoke to me and felt at the core of my being that I did have a calling and a purpose for being in this world. I remember jokingly telling my cousin, I wish our callings came with a “callings for dummies” book, so I could move forward with my life and be the person I was created to be. It would just make things easier for my journey if every detail of this divine plan for my life were laid out for me. Sadly, callings are just not designed that way. So I have come to the realization of this simple truth on my own path to purpose, and it’s this:  
Tweet: Not having your calling figured out is not an excuse to be still, it’s really a beckoning to have faith and to act. Via @RoadtoPurpose
1. Activate Your Faith  
 “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”-Martin Luther King Jr.
Our calling and purpose are no different, you start even if you can’t see the entire staircase.  Don't wait for your calling and your purpose to find you. Start by getting on the path of exploration, and as you put one foot in front of the next, clarity has a way of emerging. Revelation always comes, as you move forward, not by waiting for epiphanies to come to you. Begin even if you can’t see the entire calling. I know that if the path before our calling is clear, it means we took the route of someone else who found theirs. Your calling may not look like anything you ever have seen before, so that is why you don't have a blueprint, and your faith is one of the keys to unlocking your path. The beauty of our faith is that it empowers us. We get to be co- creators in our own unique paths. Faith is your response and your participation in the plan for your life.  Activate it!
2. The Journey is the Calling
“Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come”
I now realize even the times where I sat confused, frustrated, sad, crying, and even envious of those who I saw living their purpose, it was all part of the plan and the process that was steadily moving me towards my calling. You might be saying, well I have tried this and that, and nothing seems to be working for me.  I will say to you, sometimes you have to fail your way to purpose and destiny. Signs of our callings are not always evident, it takes a bit of patience plus our willingness to find what may be hiding underneath the surface.
Tweet: The path to Destiny rarely travels a straight line. Via @RoadtoPurpose  
We never arrive at our calling and purpose at warp speed, we get there gradually. And as you become more aware, you will realize that there is a purpose behind everything that happens. The responsibility of the journey is to mold us for our highest good. Once we embrace this, the sooner we realize that our calling is not a destination, it's a journey.  
3. Seek Stillness  
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi I love this quote because the word that stands out for me is silently. We live in a world where at times it’s difficult for us to be silent or even still. Often, we have this permanent on switch that keeps us moving through life without experiencing the benefits of solitude. I believe the quieter you become the more you can hear. Imagine for a second your calling and your purpose is a friend that's been constantly whispering for your attention. It’s been trying to speak to you for days, weeks, months, and even years. Because all it wants to do is spend time with you so the two of you could become acquainted, because this friend loves you dearly and wants the best for you. But when it always tried to get your attention, you were on social media, rushing for work, always out with friends, and just too busy. It wanted desperately for you to silently be drawn by the pull of your calling, but that became impossible with all the distractions and the demands of your life.  I find myself falling in the trap of being on the go all the time, and I have to remind myself to be still. Because insight doesn’t appear in our busyness, it comes out of our stillness. Prayer and meditation are my way of creating stillness for my life. It’s my way of seeking God for clarity and direction. Callings are rarely loud when they speak, so begin by getting quiet so you can hear the still, small voice—your inner compass that will move you towards what you love. 
Tweet: Callings are rarely loud when they speak, so get quiet so you can hear the still, small voice. Via @RoadtoPurpose
4. Break up with the one
" Don't think you have to do just one thing with your life. You are creative, resilient, capable. Pursue your passions, have many missions, grow, enjoy this." - Brendon Burchard 
Growing up people would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up, and you probably felt that your reply should be this singular definitive thing like I want to be a cop, doctor, or a teacher. Looking back over my life, nobody would ever have a follow-up question like  " And What else would you like to be?"  It seems as if all the way back to our childhood that we were being programmed with this idea of committing to one path. Now as adults, we go to networking functions or you’re socializing at a bar, and you get the common question of: " So what do you do? And even if you did more than one thing, you probably shy away from telling it all, for the purpose of not looking like the jack-of-all-trades and master of none. So this idea of just one thing has been ingrained in us, and it's time that we break up and part ways with it. Your calling is not one thing.
Tweet: Believing that your calling can only be one thing limits your calling potential and need for creative expression. Via @RoadtoPurpose 
Rather than one calling, one life's work, one mission, we can explore all the things that make us come alive and do them without choosing.
Where are you on your path? What are some things you can start implementing today, that can move you from calling to clarity?
Need help on your journey? Visit www.Theroadtopurpose.com to sign up for a free coaching consultation today!
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
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Please join me and @beliftedwellness for a powerful conversation about " Leading and living with purpose" on @blab.im on Monday @ 3pm Est. Register easily with your Twitter account on @blab.im Hope to see you there! #Livewithpurpose #Blab #Twitter #livebroadcast #liveshow #motivation #inspiration #Purpose #passion #dreambig #Greatness #lifecoaching
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
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No one has ever been successful with just intentions. Turn those good intentions into good actions. #intentions #action #success #Dream #purpose #Passion #quoteoftheday #followthrough #greatness #entrepreneur #Passion #livewithpurpose #motivation #Inspiration #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #lifestyle #lifecoaching #lifecoach #business #affirmations #mantra #fitness #mastery #theroadtopurpose #lifefuel365 #lifequotes
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
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The heart is very resourceful. #heartconnection #listentoyourheart #Purpose #purposediscovery #intuition #heart #Passion #Dream #livewithpurpose #quoteoftheday #inspiration #greatness #success #lifequotes #motivation #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #lifestyle #lifecoach #lifecoaching #entrepreneur #business #selfdiscovery #theroadtopurpose #lifefuel365
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
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Feelings of discontent and unfulfillment are simply the starting points for amazing changes in your life. #Purpose #Fulfillment #happylife #selfdiscovery #selfdevelopment #mastery #success #begreat #Greatness #passion #livewithpurpose #dream #dreambig #lifestyle #lifecoaching #lifecoach #entrepreneur #Business #fitness #inspirationalquote #motviationalquotes #quotestoliveby #lifequotes #theroadtopurpose #lifefuel365
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
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Life is lived forward but understood backwards. #Preparation #itwillallmakesense #Journey #quoteoftheday #Destiny #Purpose #believe #Success #Lifecoach #Inspiration #Motivation #Dream #Passion #theroadtopurpose #lifefuel365
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
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My philosophy is simple: I am in the seat of power. It's the belief and understanding , that the ability to win in this life starts with me. The ability to win, starts with you. Let's work together on creating the life you want to live, clarifying your future, stepping into your power and living with purpose. Visit theroadtopurpose.com or email [email protected] to sign up for a FREE 30 min. coaching consultation today! #Purpose #Dream #liveyourbestlife #liveyourdreams #Greatness #purposecoaching #lifecoaching #lifecoach #Greatness #Passion #quoteoftheday #picoftheday #entrepreneur #business #Motivation #Inspiration #theroadtopurpose #lifefuel365
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
From Start to Finish: 5 Ways to Finish What You Start
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Hi, My Name is Jimmy and I am here to let you know that I am a starter but not a finisher. I know this sounds like an introduction to an addict anonymous program, but it many ways it is. So here is my story. I love to read, and if you could see my book collection, you would definitely agree with me. My love from reading began years ago, and now that love is stronger than ever. Reading makes me feel alive, sharpens my mind and adds to my intelligence. I just have an insatiable appetite for words, and I just can’t go a day without getting my daily dose. This thirst for knowledge has led me to drink from many wells. In other words, I am what some would call a simultaneous reader. That’s right, I read more than one book at a time. This has been my habit for many years, and to make matters worst I am a serial book buyer. I get sucked into buying books with irresistible captivating titles that scream at me “ Jimmy buy me!” I succumb to the pressure, and I buy.  This is the result of my never ending craving to have more books, and that is why I am Amazon’s favorite customer, they love me  (Smile).
The problem gets deeper. With being a simultaneous reader and a serial book buyer, I have developed an inability to finish books that I have started, not to mention the stacks of books that I have left unread (I am sorry books). You see, I enabled this behavior by claiming to be hungry for knowledge and having a deep passion for reading.   I have come to the conclusion, that my underlying issue is a lack of discipline and commitment.  To take it a step further, I started assessing how these non-productive habits are manifesting in other areas of my life and how I can improve my overall productivity. In learning the discipline of finishing and commitment, we grow. So How do I get better? How do you get better? I know I’m not the only one suffering from the disease of not finishing.  So here are 5 things I have been doing to help me become a finisher.
1. Commit to it:
Once you start, commit to finishing. What I learned about the process of finishing, no matter how big or small your objective is, the whole point is to create the habit of completion. Hold yourself to your word.
2. Make Your Goals Public:
You strengthen your ability to keep your commitment to your goals by sharing them with friends who will help you be responsible. A circle of accountability is a great tool.
3. Check for progress:
Tracking your progress is a great way to see how you’re doing and if you are improving.  I find that it’s easy to lose my momentum and revert back to my old ways when I don’t take the time to assess my progress.
4. Say No to the New:
Another reason why I can’t seem to finish what I start is because I am always convinced that the next “New” idea, project or goal will be better than the one I’m working on. I challenge you to say no to the new until you finish the old.
5. Keep Going:
As you are embarking on this journey on becoming a finisher, I can assure you that it wont be easy. Breaking old habits can be hard, but it can be done. You may even regress, but you must keep going. It takes time to give birth to a new habit. This is not to be used as a crutch; it’s an aid for the journey. Anything that requires effort and application will take time.
I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes:
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle
Cheers to creating the habit of a finisher!
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
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With research and many endless conversations with friends, I have explored the successful keys that are the catalyst for self-growth. Through out this process of discovery, nothing sums up the prerequisite for self-growth like when Socrates stated: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  In other words, we are unable to understand who we are and grow into the best version of ourselves unless we take the time to examine, reflect and ask questions to asses our lives.   Asking yourself great questions is the first step in your development as a human being. A good question is one that will provide you with some good insight and ways for you to grow.  
 Ask yourself these questions to create explosive growth and development:
1. What is the one skill that is missing in my life that I could learn? Author Robert Green said in his book Mastery: “The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” To have a great future, you need great skills. And when you employ your time in improving yourself by adding new skills to the ones you already have, you will become a force to be reckoned with in this world. There are amazing benefits to being a well-rounded person, and being skilled is the way you make that happen.
· You might be great with administrative work, but a bad communicator. Some of us are very great writers while others have great people skills. 
· What do you feel is absent in your life at this moment? Which skill can most help you fill that void?
2. How do I ruin my chances for success? We all can be our greatest enemy when it comes to sabotaging opportunities and our chances to become successful, I know I have done it many times in my life. I recall quitting a customer service job because I was too timid and fearful of having to deal with customers. I sabotaged my chance and opportunity for achievement. I felt like a complete failure!  At some point, I knew I needed to stop being the road block of my success. The lesson was eventually learned. Don’t allow fear, doubt, insecurities or anything to keep you from being successful . The next time that you are about to ruin your success, I dare you to challenge whatever that is telling you to be less than the greatness that is within you!  Examining ourselves in this kind of way is not an easy thing to do, but the results can be incredible.
3. If I could go back into the past, what advice would I give the younger version of me? Our past can be used as great teachers for the future. “The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence.” It’s a good feeling to have and know that we are growing and moving forward in life. We are not supposed to be stagnated beings; we are made to be progressive beings.  Take a closer look at the mistakes that you’ve made when you were younger and see if you are still making those same mistakes in your life now. Think about the choices you think you should’ve made when you were younger and see if those same mistakes are occurring now. It’s a great way to break the cycle.
4. What are my greatest strengths? Take a sheet of paper and create a list of your greatest strengths. How can you utilize those strengths that you have and apply them to your life? You don’t have to allow your weaknesses to impede your progress or hold you back, but you can allow your strengths to decide how great you can become.
· It’s great to have a second set of eyes, when it comes to evaluating your strengths. Ask your friends and family for their opinions, too. You would be surprised, some people know us, better than we know ourselves.
5. What do I have control over in my life? I always say, control the things you can control. The more that you try to control the things you can’t, the more control it has over you. Worrying about things that are outside of your control is a waste of your time. It’s like complaining over the weather. Complaining about the rain for ruining your sunny day. Silly right? We have no power over that.  Focus your energy on things that you have control and influence over. Apply your thoughts, time, and effort wisely.
6. What do I want my legacy to look like? The most painful thing would be to get to the end of your life and have nothing to show for it.  How do you want to be thought of at the end of your life?  Someone once said, the riches place on the planet is the graveyard. Why? Because people go to their graves with all the brilliant dreams and ideas that they could have made a reality. Think about life like this, everyday that you are blessed to see another day; you have an opportunity to lay the foundation down for your legacy, brick by brick. Are you creating a legacy or are you creating excuses?
· Think about who you want to be, and work diligently to become that person.
7. If I could accomplish the biggest dream in my life, what would it be? You probably have a lot of dreams for your life and choosing one could be a hard thing to do, but this question forces you to zero in on what really excites you.
·  Think about the one accomplishment that would mean the most to you. Then create some actions steps that will help you passionately pursue it and achieve it.  
8. What is the biggest lie that I have told myself? It might be the belief that your dreams are not obtainable. You might be saying to yourself I am not smart enough. You probably said to yourself, I will never attract the right person to be in a relationship with because all my previous ones have failed.  Or could it be that you will never be able to be a great public speaker because it’s only a skill that is reserved for the experts.  How can you set yourself free from these limits?  The only way to break free from a limiting belief or lie that you have accepted is to reverse that lie or limiting belief with truth. You heard the saying:  “You shall know the truth, and truth shall make you free.” The truth is, you don’t have to believe the lie nor your inner critic or anything that would place limits on you. Live in truth!
9. Whom or what do I blame for my challenges? Sure, your parents night have made a lot of mistakes. Maybe you are the blame for some of the things in your life that has gone wrong that you have never took ownership of. Nobody is responsible for us; we are responsible for our actions and ourselves. “The greatest ability is responsibility.” Don’t blame, take responsibility!!
· Regardless of the source of your challenges, it’s up to you to deal with them. Understanding this self-governing truth will never allow you to past blame ever again.
Questions are powerful tools that give you insight and clarity. There are also great for personal development. If you’re feeling lost or frustrated, utilize the power of questions to continue your self-growth journey.
 Jimmy Jean
Certified Life Purpose Coach
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
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So excited to announce the launch of my website which will go live this week! The vision behind the road to purpose is to help others discover the unique reason they we're placed on this earth. I believe that our gifts and talents were not made to sit on the shelf, but for us to bring them forward to serve the world and do amazing things with them. If you are seeking to find your way to your purpose, I invite you to take advantage of my free coaching sessions. Email [email protected] for more information on how you can schedule a free session today! #Theroadtopurpose #Lifecoach #Quoteoftheday #purpose #greatness #purposecoach #purposediscovery #lifecoaching #website #comingsoon #freecoaching #coachingsession
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lifefuel365-blog · 9 years
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There are infinite resources waiting to assist you, but it first starts with you. #sundayreflection #Preparation #Foundation #Working #Success #Visionary #Greatness #Motivation #Inspiration #Quoteoftheday #Inspirationalquotes #Motivationalquotes #Believe #Faith #business #Entrepreneur #Fitness #Lifestyle #Lifecoach #Theroadtopurpose #Lifefuel365
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lifefuel365-blog · 10 years
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Here's a tip to get you started on your purpose discovery journey. The clues and signs of your purpose are right in front of you. Take a closer look at the things that excite you. #Purposetip #Discovery #journey #Success #Purpose #Passion #Dream #Greatness #seek #Signs #explore #Quoteoftheday #motivation #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #Fitness #business #Entrepreneur #Writers #lifecoach #lifestyle #Theroadtopurpose #Lifefuel365
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lifefuel365-blog · 10 years
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Monday Mantra #Affirmation #Makeitagreatweek #Begreat #faith #Power #Productivity #mastery #Motivation #Success #inspiration #Grow #Greatness #Inspirationalquotes #Motivationalquotes #Quoteoftheday #purpose #Fearless #fitness #Nyclifecoach #Lifecoach #Theroadtopurpose #Lifefuel365
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lifefuel365-blog · 10 years
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"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence" #Success #Future #Passion #Unlockyourgreatness #Unlockyourpotential #Dreams #Vision #Motivation #Inspirationalquotes #Motivationalquotes #Quoteoftheday #inspiration #purpose #Lifepurposecoach #Lifecoach #Lifefuel365 #Greatness #Declaration
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lifefuel365-blog · 10 years
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When you do the work to become your best , you will become more confident and equip to do what you have been place on this planet to do. #Potential #Purpose #mastery #Learn #Grow #Study #Greatness #Success #Motivation #Inspirationalquotes #Quoteoftheday #Business #Work #Theroadtopurpose #Lifecoach #Lifefuel365 #passion #dreams
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lifefuel365-blog · 10 years
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Even your fears know how great you are. View them as the enemy of your dreams, your productivity, and your destiny. When you decide to be bold in the face of your Giants, fear has no choice but to lose its power. #Begreat #Faith #Fearcantwin #dream #Power #Success #motivation #inspiration #quoteoftheday #purpose #greatness #Nyclifecoach #lifecoach #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #Theroadtopurpose #fitness #business #Lifefuel365 #Fearless
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lifefuel365-blog · 10 years
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"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give" #Give #Service #Motivate #Mentorship #Leadership #People #Relationships #Love #Inspire #Success #Humanity #Kindness #Greatness #Purpose #Quoteoftheday #Inspirationalquotes #Motivationalquotes #Nyclifecoach #Lifecoach #Theroadtopurpose #Lifefuel365 #passion #Visionary #Giveback #Contribution
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