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✕ NO EXCUSES ✕ I’ve said this to myself since the beginning and I’ll continue to say it to hopefully motivate you 👊🏽 You have just gotta put on your big girl pants and suck it up to achieve greatness! I want to share some quick excuses quotes that I love: “Excuses are for people who don’t want it bad enough.” Want it BAD enough 👊🏽 “Excuses will always be there for you, opportunity will not.” Seize the opportunity 👊🏽 “Save the excuses. It’s not about ‘having time’. It’s about making time. If it matters, you will make the time.” It matters so MAKE the time 👊🏽 Ab day today then I ran through the #bbgmdmeetup workout - you girls are in for a treat 😁😅 ps who hasn’t been dying to get their hands on this bra after seeing @getfitbrooklyn @workoutbean @rrayyme & @cindy_fitness rock it?! 💣 got this bad girl on sale too 😎 Happy WEEKEND everyone!! #noexcuses #bestrongerthanyourexcuses #adidas #adidaswomen
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Looking for inspiration tonight... what are your best tips & tricks to get back on track?
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I know weight loss is a journey and I know it's hard to expect yourself to make--and stick to changes overnight, but I've let my health take a back seat for the past week now, and I can't afford another day! I had every intention of working out today, and I know that if I had, I'd feel a lot better crawling into bed right now. But I let silly excuses and pure laziness get the best of me. I need to get back to holding myself accountable. I need to keep updating this blog, my Instagram, and setting GOALS for myself in my fitness journal. I refuse to go back to 189 lbs.
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My snack from earlier! An egg scrambled with cheese and spinach! Yum.
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Obviously added some blueberries to my shake tonight! Buying vanilla protein and F1 powder was the best decision, because now I can customize all of my shakes and add fruit! It has been a rougher week, and this weekend I truly ate terrible. I was back at my old habits of eating CRAP. But, today starts a new week, and so I start getting back to my happy, healthy ways!
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My zoodle lunch! SO yummy. And so simple. I spiralized one zucchini and sautéed it with mixed veggies and spinach; topped it off with just a little hot sauce and Thai peanut sauce! It was so yummy, and only 350 calories!
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Forgot to post this yesterday! My mid-day meal of rice, chicken, leftover veggies, and sautéed spinach. So tasty.
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Way over my calorie goal today. Trying to remind myself that a couple of bad days don't make me a bad person, and they don't mean I can't lose weight. I'm still eating healthy food, I just need to cut back on portions. Tomorrow it is.
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I am very, very, very, very, very tired. But I feel so good after connecting with my yoga mat and stretching it all out. After a long day at work, I really needed it.
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Cheat Day!
Let me start by being honest: I think “cheat days” are a bunch of bull. In terms of diet, I think it makes more sense to allow yourself very small portions of some of your faves here and there, rather than gorge on a bunch of unhealthy crap one day a week, ruining all your previous progress. But that’s just me. And today, looking back, I guess I had a cheat day.
I started the day out strong and had an Herbalife shake and some coffee for breakfast. My mid-morning snack (at work) was a protein bar and some raspberries. I had a SmartOnes meal of spaghetti for lunch, but was tempted by some of the bakery treats my boss left out in the break room. I thought, “what the hell?” and had a brownie bite (120 calories! In ONE brownie bite!) and a mini cinnamon roll (105 calories!). I was proud of myself for sticking to my SmartOnes meal instead of giving in to the pizza my boss had ordered for us (from my favorite pizza place). But, by the time my final break rolled around, the pizza won, and I indulged in one piece of macaroni & cheese pizza, and one piece of pepperoni (totaling 340 calories!). I didn’t necessarily regret it, because I didn’t feel like shit afterward, but what it meant was that I had hit my calorie goal by 2:00PM. I couldn’t believe how quickly my calorie intake had added up just by indulging in what I thought were a few relatively innocent snacks.
Thankfully, I did a lot of walking today, and I’m about to hit my yoga mat for an hour-long practice. I’m burning calories, too, and I’m not about to starve myself, so I allowed myself to have a second Herbalife shake as dinner. I’ll still finish my day “under” my calorie goal, thanks to exercise, but I can’t help but feel guilty. It’s hard balancing it all. It’s hard to be dedicated to a new, healthier lifestyle and leaner body, while still allowing myself a “cheat” here and there.
But, as I’ve said before, tomorrow is a new day, and a new opportunity.
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