lazybutsmart · 4 years
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planning on starting an Official Bullet Journal in january so, for the last few months of 2020, i slapped a little spending tracker in the back of my regular journal!! and nO i do not planning on buying 78 lines worth of things in the next 2.5 months, i just gave myself that much space ~in case~
this is a pretty simple spending tracker!! i have columns for the date i made a purchase, what the purchase is (groceries, throw blankets on amazon, etc), the cost of the purchase, and the money left in my savings!! it should be simple enough for me to keep up with and that’s what’s important, seeing as i am Not Very Smart
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lazybutsmart · 4 years
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not convinced that this is the best way to plan an essay, would not recommend for everyone
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lazybutsmart · 4 years
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so uh,,, i’ve been in university for a year. hey. what’s up.
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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my october planner layout!!!!! do college kids still dress up for halloween??
my month of october looks deceptively void — can’t wait for like seven different major events to happen all at once
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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hey!! i just spent my last ten dollars and had a panic attack in front of the campus printers so that’s how that’s going!! and i sincerely hope that joseph conrad is still alive somewhere out there so i can beat him to death with my own two hands
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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hey guys! it’s been a while, so i thought i’d let all of you guys know what’s in my university backpack!!
the backpack itself seems to?? not exist on the internet?? like i can’t find it anywhere so that’s whack. i bought this exact one at Staples, and the closest one I’ve found online is the Adidas classics 3-stripe
the small and big pockets are pretty self-explanatory, but i have two quick things to say. Number one is to carry Dayquil in university, especially if you’re like me and you’re always sick. Number two: if you’re like me, you might find a file folder better than a binder in university. i find i get way fewer print outs in university, so a file folder is a lot more compact and easy to carry around.
i try to only keep the essentials in my pencil case but i’m a little in love with stationery, so i really have to focus on keeping it minimal. i carry the kokuyo beetle tip dual colours with me because they’re super compact and really good for highlighting books and print-outs — they don’t bleed through at. all. definitely check them out — i got mine on @jetpens
the last photo is of my textbooks and required reading. i don’t carry these around with me all the time, i just take the ones i need for each class. i think my spine would die if i kept them all on me all the time.
not pictured: my laptop! it’s a 13 inch macbook pro (one of the new ones — i can’t remember what year it’s from lmao)
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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just realized i never actually posted my high school grad cap! it’s hamilton themed (duh) and i chose that line from hurricane because i’m a creative writing major now and writing was a huge part of my high school experience
i blurred out the name of my old high school (which is pretty obvious - i didnt do a very good job)
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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guess who literally does not sleep ever!! hint: it’s me.
i took this photo at four on monday morning. i couldn’t sleep so i finished outlining and started writing a new story
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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moved into my uni dorm last night!!! still setting up the rest of the room so photos of that will be coming later, but this is my current desk setup!! can’t wait to see how messy it gets.
being real though, i can’t believe how big of a change this is. i’m going to uni in a different city, 6 hours from home, where they speak a different language. i’m living in my own room in a hall and my parents aren’t gonna be there and yikes!!! i’m excited as all hell but i’m also terrified.... guess i’ll see how it goes.
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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hey y’all! it’s been a long time.
i recently got in a massive @jetpens haul (not spon, lmao i wish). i’m gonna swatch and photograph the rest of it as soon as i have a spare minute, but right now i’m absolutely in love with these zebra sarasa push clip gel pens in 0.5mm. usually i write with 0.38mm but i’m obsessed with these gen pens, and i’m so hyped to use these as accent colours in my notes come september.
let me know your back-to-school/first year uni tips and hacks! i could use all the help i can get
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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i’m officially a high school graduate and, while i wait for my corsage flowers to press, i’m gonna make a list. not sure what to do this summer, or when i’ll get the time to do it given my work schedule, but i guess i’ll figure something out.
let me know if y’all want a pic of my grad cap!! it’s hamilton themed, if any of you are into musicals
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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all twenty-five mildliner colours! i’m nutting right now.
i found the Bright and Friendly sets in a ten-pack at staples today which was a nice surprise, so i absolutely had to pick them up.
i don’t have school for another 2 months but... i’ll find something to do with them
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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did some studying on my porch tonight!! it was fun until i became a Full Course Meal for some mosquitoes.
I’ve got my last ever high school exam tomorrow and jesus c h r i s t i’m nervous but anyway!! it’s eleven, i’m getting up in six hours, so i should probably sleep. wish me luck!!
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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essay outlining!! also this is a really good book/movie!! if you’ve never read or watched it, i really recommend
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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broke: studying weeks or even months in advance for the AP psych exam in order to do well
woke: studying the night before like some kind of fucking goblin
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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the ap english lit exam is in just over 12 hours and i just started studying lmao!!!! so here i am reading books i haven’t even looked at since tenth grade!! wish my dumb ass luck!!
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lazybutsmart · 5 years
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my desk set-up!! hot damn this photo is bright lmao. also was i on drugs when i put up that dear evan hansen programme??
AP exams coming up in a few days uhhhhhhhh rip my dumbass hasn’t even started studying all hail the watcher i guess.
the desk is ikea if u wanted to know
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