British nerd, Ravenclaw. New to writing fanfiction writing. Comments on whatever I'm reading or watching @Knight_BenG
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Ladybug, what could have been
In hindsight, its kinda surprising that Ruby and Blake didn’t become the big pairing between RWBY’s main characters, and I mean that as in the pairing the creators would go forward with, at the point where Ruby and Blake meet they have everything that could be setup for an interesting relationship dynamic, Blake has become cynical and jaded through experiences and then she meets Ruby, an optimistic girl who believes in doing whatever she can to help others, even in spite of the world not always having happy endings, it could have been a real opposites attract,
I’m not disappointed that things didn’t go that way, but it is very interesting
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Latest Chapter of Rose in Bloom
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Chapters: 6/? Fandom: RWBY Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blake Belladonna/Ruby Rose, Coco Adel/Velvet Scarlatina, Neon Katt/Yang Xiao Long, Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie, Penny Polendina/Winter Schnee, Neptune Vasilias/Sun Wukong Characters: Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Penny Polendina, Yang Xiao Long, Neon Katt, Sun Wukong (RWBY), Velvet Scarlatina, Coco Adel, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Ilia Amitola, Robyn Hill, Winter Schnee (RWBY) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Real World, Autism Spectrum, Slow Romance, Teen to Explicit, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - College/University, Not Beta Read Summary:
Ruby Rose is content with life. Her first year at university had been brilliant. She’d made new friends, worked out living away from home and enjoyed most of her classes. All while managing her autism. At the start of her second year, Ruby is planning to continue her new life, with her new friends, in much the same way. That is until she is dragged out to a new lesbian club, to celebrate her twentieth birthday. There she meets a mysterious goth girl.
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The Maidens and their connection to RWBY
I have been rewatching RWBY recently and coming to the end of Volume 5 a thought struck me about the Maidens. I know I lot of people have said that in the end, the 4 main girls will become the maidens but I have a different idea.
What if each individual maiden is important to a particular RWBY member? Not important as they care about them but important to the huntress and the person they become.
A quick overview of the connections before I explain each in turn.
Fall Maiden Cinder Ruby
Spring Maiden Raven Yang
Winter Maiden Winter Weiss
Summer Maiden Unknown Blake
Starting with Ruby. Cinder is her foil. Only interested in power and herself. The complete opposite of Ruby’s aiding others without care for herself or personal gain. For Ruby’s story, Cinder is the root cause of all her pain and loss, outside of Summer. Cinder is directly responsible for Pyhrra’s and Penny’s deaths.
Raven for Yang works similarly. Raven is the beginning of Yang’s abandonment issues, for which many of her relationships have been affected. Raven also gives in to her fear and Yang faces it, typically to protect others.
Winter is more nuanced. It would be easy to say she is Weiss’ sister so they have a connection, but more importantly, she is Weiss’ only loving relative. Nothing against their mum but she doesn’t really have a strong presence in Weiss’ life. No Winter I think works more in the positive for Weiss than Cinder and Raven do for Ruby and Yang. Winter is the sister that encouraged her and showed her it was possible to leave their abusive father's control.
For Blake, it is harder since we don’t know who the Summer Maiden is, but I can give some ideas. My first guess is the only person who is solely a part of Blake’s story and qualifies for a Maiden, such that they are a young woman, is Ilia. Ilia works as someone Blake helped and in turn, showed Blake that she can change things and doesn’t have to run. But since we haven’t seen Ilia since the start of Volume 6, and that she is not that well-developed I don’t think this is right. The only other option for a strong Blake connection, that I think works, is Yang. Their love, and story of protecting each other, make's Yang the only other young woman in Blake’s story to have a deep connection to her. I don’t think it works though because non of the RWBY girls is going to be a maiden. Also, Yang becoming a Maiden loses the idea that they are equals protecting each other.
I don’t think this idea will come true but it was a fun theory I had and I don’t remember seeing it before. Please let me know if anyone has any other ideas about this, especially for Blake.
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RWBY and Neurodiversity
Ive been thinking about this for a while but resisted posting until Volume 9 ended. Mainly to see how Ruby’s ascension would resolve, because I knew it would impact how I felt about this.
Also this is long. Like seriously long. Once I started it got out of hand. But I feel it is all Important.
I will start by saying that I am autistic, and I have friends and family who are both autistic and or neurodiverse. I also understand that a lot of this maybe subtext or head cannon, and at times deeply personal. I also get that this will never be made cannon or had ever even be intended by CRWBY. But, I cannot escape some of the connections I have made or how I relate to some characters.
Right with that out of the way
RUBY IS AUTISTIC, or at least somewhere on the spectrum.
From the first volume I could see some of the traits coming through. From the use of headphones and music separating her from the world around her. Her over exuberance when is excited or interested in something. Right up to her passion/special interest in weapons and being a huntresses. This is not to lessen the other characters interests or passions, but Ruby’s is very much all consuming. She speaks about how she went over board on Crescent Rose’s design, and about how much she likes others designs. Including Jaune’s classic Crocea Mors. I cannot help but see my own love of history. That took me to university and beyond. Like Ruby with any weapon, I love any history.
Then there is her abilities in the classroom. Ruby is clearly a natural talent, but she is never shown to be a savant. She has issues keeping her attention in class and with the work load. Although I do understand that this can be put down to being jumped ahead and that Port n Oobleck’s class seem to have a similar effect on others. Much like me and some of my friends we had classes we loved but struggled to show it though other academic difficulties.
The early volumes also cover her struggles to connect with people. Such as wanting to be with Yang, instead of meeting new people. Or with Weiss and hers rocky relationship, early on. Countered with the open acceptance by Jaune, who sees a fellow outsider. Although for different reasons. Her own comment of wanting “normal knees” is something I think everyone one with autism can relate too. The wish to be just like everyone else and not stand out. That, at times, can be the greatest wish living in a world you struggle with.
Then there’s the events post Beacon. They show a defining personality trait so common in autism. Her unshakeable moral centre. It can be hard to describe but it is well documented the autistic people have a very strong sense of justice and morals. Although obliviously not all the same morals. We are all have a different in outlook, just like everybody else. Ruby’s is based around helping people and making the world a better place.
This is shown most strongly in her mission to walk to Haven. Even if most would say she is too young and it is too dangerous, for 4 unqualified huntsmen/huntress. They went and got hurt and burnt out along the way. Yes others went with her but would they have gone without her taking the lead. It shows a lack of self awareness that can be common as autistic people. To the point that they burn themselves out pushing to achieve things, without taking time for themselves.
The other massive tell is her reaction to Ironwood. She has no dislike for him and shares his goal. But, his actions and plans go against her moral code. So again she sticks to her morals and works to stop him, while rescuing Atlas, at the same time. Yes others agreed that he was in the wrong, but would the likes of Winter changed their allegiance, without someone like Ruby offering an alternative.
Then we get to the biggest thing for me and the reason I felt I had to put my feelings down. Volume 9. While Ruby’s mental state and issues during this volume are very much based in trauma, lose and depression. That a lot of people can relate too, not just the autistic community. I cannot help but think about what she says before she drinks the tea. “I don’t want to be me anymore.” I have never related to a character more. Or be triggered more, for that matter. When I spoke to some of my autistic friends about it, it was something all of us had felt at one moment or another, to varying degrees. See we all know we cannot separate autism from the rest of our person. Most of us don’t even know what is an autistic trait and what is just us. But, I need to make this clear, none of us want a cure or to be changed. More the reaction was things I have felt at times when at your lowest a small voice screams that would it be easier if you weren’t you.
Then there is Ruby’s ascension. After episode 9 when it was put to her she could change to be someone else, and people where discussing how she might change, if you see Ruby though the lens I’ve described it can be harmful.
Now I don’t want it to sound like I’m accusing CRWBY of not thinking about this. Thousands of people watch RWBY and can be effected by it in ways they would not think, not having that person’s experience. They are telling a story, and that story includes these real moments.
Back to the point. Telling someone with autism or that person thinking they have to change to achieve or be accepted is a horrible experience. And it is something almost all autistic people experience. It is the reason we learn to mask and hide who we are. The world tells you that it is what’s expected of you. So when in episode 10 Ruby chooses herself and is then reminded that her friends accept her for being herself. It is powerful. Again I understand that this can relate to a lot of things; imposter syndrome, being gay or race issues. But, as someone who is autistic this is how I saw it. I personally have only had 2 people truly accept me like this.
PENNY is the only other character I see as on the spectrum. Obviously a lot of her character traits are put down to her being a robot. But as Ruby says to her does that make her any less a real person. In fact the relationship between Penny and Ruby is a massive indicator for me of them being on the spectrum. When they first team Ruby asks if she was just like Penny to Weiss. It is not uncommon for autistic people to spot each other quickly, whether they realise it or not. Then when they meet up at the tournament, both feel no need to hide who they are. Ruby is openly dorky in asking Penny about Ciel’s knowledge and Penny doesn’t hide her excitement to see her friend.
This is repeated multiple times when Penny returns in Atlas. Each time they see each other they share and communicate in away that they don’t with others. Such as hugging Ruby first and asking do all hugs feel like this, before hugging others. She knows that Ruby will be honest and non-judge mental. In fact we can see how non autistic people react when Penny is her over excited, unmasked, self in front of them. Winter stopping Penny bouncing is a typical action from neurotypicals. Even if it comes from a place of care and concern, with no wish to harm, as I believe Winters was. But it is something neither Penny or Ruby would do to the other.
Then there is Penny’s morals. She is clearly guided to help her friends, people and world. At great detriment to herself. She becomes the hero of Mantel, protecting those who can not protect themselves, and when others will not. Much like Ruby she will risk it all for her sense of justice.
One of the most impactful parts of Penny’s story is that of virus. I didn’t even think of this, my friend pointed it out when I spoke to her about it. But her Penny is controlled by the virus, she felt it worked as a metaphor for Applied Behaviour Analysis or ABA. Which if you haven’t heard of it, is a horrible thing to experience as someone with autism. Much like conversion therapy for the LGBTQ+ community this works by trying to train you out of being autistic and make you more accepting for others. Penny is pushed towards things she doesn’t want to do and most horribly to do harm. She becomes a tool to the villains, which can also mirror how some savant autistics are treated. There skills used for a “greater good” instead of them being in control of their own destiny.
Now I want to move on to discuss Ships. These are all Ruby related and while I’m not saying these should be cannon or that they are over other ships, cannon or otherwise, but I feel they work at different points in Ruby’s story when viewed as discussed above.
LADYBUG is the first ship I gravitated towards in the show. For me Blake was the first character to simply accept Ruby as who she was. This does stem from Blake’s own wish to be accepted for who is she and not what she is, but it is still important to outwardly show it to others as well. I understand that a lot of people find this to be a boring ship, I think that’s because it lacks drama, but for me the idea of someone new accepting you without question or concern is powerful. That is why I like the ship. It is comforting and has little interpersonal drama between the two. More mutually assured care and concern. In fact that is why they talk so little in the show. They understand and trust each other. One of the many reasons people have Blake as a deputy team leader, during and after the events of Volume 9, is this mutual trust.
NUTS AND DOLTS maybe the most loved ship these days. Outside of Bumblebee, that is. As I have already gone into Penny and Ruby’s relationship as being very neurodiverse. They are themselves with each other, and communicate more easily with the other. Although I would add this is the only one I see as asexual, but I think both characters can be seen as both asexual and not. Just when they are together, they are asexual. Plus after events in Volumes 8 & 9 I think we can call it as close to cannon as possible.
WHITEROSE i find the most interesting. At the start of the series I never got it. Weiss was mean and uncaring to Ruby. Why would Ruby ever being interested romantically in Weiss. But then as the show progress I understood it. Weiss is just as bigger dork as Ruby but due to reasons outside of autism, she had to mask this. Seeing Ruby act as she wishes and not be punished for it, as she might have been, lets her drop the mask. Two big things outside of the main show solidified this for me. The first is Ice Queendom. We see inside Weiss’ mind and how she has locked away her childish side for protection. Going as far as to do the same thing to Ruby. The second is that I was recently introduced to The Owl House. Luz and Amity’s relationship has a lot of similarities to Weiss and Ruby. Both start with a cold and unforgiving person who is thawed by the loveable dolt. Bringing out there more natural playful side, originally hidden away to protect themselves. Now after the loss of Penny and Weiss being so accepting of Ruby in the ever after. She is the first to call her name when she returns and doesn’t ask any questions, after all. I can see it becoming cannon. If there is time.
Thank you for reading this I know it is long but I felt I never saw much discussion about RWBY from this perspective.
#rwby#ruby rose#penny polendina#blake belladonna#weiss schnee#autism#neurodivergent#neurodiversity#rwby ladybug#nuts and dolts#whiterose#ruby x weiss#ruby x blake#ruby x penny
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Please Green Light Volume 10
After everything its not the mysteries unanswered or even how it ends that I what to see. Its just to see team RWBY win a fight. Not to merely survive to fight another day or to succeed at great cost. But to push Salem back just once and prove her wrong. Give her pause to think.
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Rambling as I watch the episode in digested afterwards.
I’ve watch the episode multiple times now and if I don't write this down and put it out there I'll just spiral again. Like I did last week.
If you want to comment please do. I'd love to have someone to talk to about all this.
The paper pleasers show what happens. It is growth. They have the same purpose but a better way to achieve it. They are still them in attitude but physically that can do what they couldn’t before.
Weiss gives the Volume’s theme we are our failures as much as our successes. And that June weighs to heavy on his failures.
Weiss and Blake might seem to unaffected by Ruby’s actions but in talking to Yang and helping her understand they show they do. They know Ruby needs to grow.
The Blacksmith’s comment that they didn’t expect Ruby there yet. For me that is her saying that you shouldn’t come here until you know what you want and how to for fill that purpose. That’s why the others Weiss, Blake and Yang don’t need to go to her. They now there purpose and feel they have what they need for that purpose.
When I first saw what the blacksmith was working on I actually thought it was a march hare mask for Neo as she was expecting her next. But now I think others are right that it is Little. Who knows their purpose and how to achieve it. They need to be stronger and bigger to aid Ruby.
That’s why she says what happens here is your choose. What you want to happen and what you want to become.
Yang saying what happens to Ruby is her choice is showing the others understand Ruby’s issue. She has had everything put upon her. She is the hero and leader because she thinks that is what is expected of her.
This is made even more clear as the Blacksmith comments about Ruby’s concern about others over herself. She is being destroyed by her purpose because her choice to be a hero was used by others for their needs. Ozpin, Ironwood.
The idea that you can be anyone and leave yourself behind. I hate it. Like really hate it. We are our failings as much as our success. Again the weight of the weapon and their exception. I think the Blacksmith is trying to walk Ruby to finding herself outside of others exceptions.
The idea that her mum was enough. Was she? She failed. Ruby needs to find herself. And define who she is herself. Not be define by others exceptions of her. Everything about Ruby is defined by others. Her mother’s eyes, symbol, colours and clothes. Here uncles weapon. In fact the only thing that is her is her Semblance.
Now thinking about her semblance the idea has popped into my head that it will be the biggest evolution as it is the part of her that is her. It comes from her soul. Not something that others have influenced her to choose.
The only issue for me is a fear that she does choose her mother and become her mother. But I think that’s my anxiety and the fact that I never call exactly how CRWBY will play it out. Even in the end is largely correct in theme. I don’t think she will become her mother but will see her mothers life through her weapon and see she is more than Ruby knows. Pushing Ruby towards finding herself.
If she is to leave with a change reflecting another person I think it will be Penny. She has cast just as bigger shoulder over the volume as Summer has. If Ruby is to take anyone on it is Penny because Penny is someone she choose not someone forced on to her or put there as someone to live up.
To Finish off. For me the message of the volume is that we don’t lose purpose but more as we fail we forget or become frozen by it. The only way to achieve is to grow and evolve. That’s why the symbol of the ever after is a tree.
From small acorns grow mighty trees.
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2 Forget-Me-Nots in less than 24 hours I’m f**king dead
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This has to be the best depiction of communicating autism I have ever seen, all it is missing is when you image bitch slapping that person.
Aspies forever!!!

The number one thing people say when I mention my diagnosis :’)
Autism isn’t visible! It’s a complicated disorder that’s inside our brains, and everyone with autism is different! There’s very little understood by professionals and even less by most people, it’s important to learn there’s more than just the stereotype! Fellow people on the spectrum, be you! 💕
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Ruby Volume 3; Bumblebee Lives, Everyone else is DEAD
The last two episodes of the volume have just been draining. But so good.
Miles and Kerry, have done such a good job with this volume and the growing plan that Monty created is genius and the best and kind of scary thing is that this is the RWBY “Chronicle” prologue. The idea that the place the characters are in by the end of this volume is just the start of the story is like Game of Thrones level shit if the end of the first book.
Also I have send this before but the Harry Potter parallels are huge. From the impact of the war on Beacon to the over high racking villain against the powerful old guy on the good side. The end of the volume has left the RWBY universe in the place of somewhere between Order of the Phoenix and Half Blood Prince. People missing, war coming and kids with no idea of what they are doing, going on a mission.
Now the theories of what has happened, Oz is missing no more; but Pyrrha is dead. Cinder is the really interesting question. First thing is that I can’t stand Cinder - I’m not sure of her motivates or if they are really understandable. So it is sadly I say this but I don’t think she is dead, maybe frozen but most likely injured and on the run or with Salem.
With the main four; Ruby is clearly going to find answer and learn about her powers. Weiss is going to trapped in Atlas until she can escape of deal with her father issues. Blake is interesting cause some people are having huge goes at her for running but she isn't running for the same reasons that she did in the past. Now it is protect her team and more importantly Yang, I’m not sure though that she is going after Adam, more likely is that she is laying low. For me the most interesting character is Yang because the effect her arm and Blake has had on her. I’m hoping in the next volume we see her deal with moving on and her feelings for Blake (It is the only ship I sail) but also dealing with depression of the situation and possible cancelling. Blake's effect is clear because she is the second person/women of importance in her life to leave her with no note.

#rwby#rwby3#rwby spoilers#ruby rose#weiss schnee#Blake Belladonna#yang xiao long#professor ozpin#selam#cinder fall#Harry Potter#game of thrones#Miles Luna#kerry shawcross#monty oum
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Hi, yes. I’m here to join the pain train.
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RWBY Volume 3 Ideas and Fears Spoilers!!
This volume just keeps getting better and better. Every wait for the next episode is becoming more and more torturous. The maidens storyline is inspired and although it is clear that at some point the four RWBY girls will become these maidens, however this is going to a long deal. It would not surprise me to find that the girls don't feel this role till volume 10. Mile and Kerry have also been very clear that they are playing the long game with this series.
However, I am convinced that by the end of this volume Ruby will be shown as the Spring maiden, with the death of Pyrrha. Ruby will be given it by her mother. Yet Summer Rose will not be the only maiden from the perilous generation. Raven will be the Summer maiden and at the point of connection between her and Yang an event will course the power to be passed. Along the same line is Winter and Weiss. I don't believe that Winter is yet a maiden but is being prepared to become the next Winter maiden. At some point she will fail and pass the power to Weiss. Blake's passage to the becoming a maiden I can not yet see, but it will most likely have something to do with her own patronage or family, whether that is parental or the White Fang.
From the beginning the link to and inspiration from the Harry Potter series has been talked about, this volume is the most clear to this. With the back ground and control form highly powered teachers to the information about the characters families and past. Thinking of that the ever growing darkness of the series is clear. What is interesting is the speed at which this has happen. The first to volumes have been very kind to Philosopher’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets. The third volume started very much in the vain of The Prisoner of Azkaban yet as time has gone on the volume, with the Battle of Beacon in episode ten, it reach Deathly Hallows or at the very least Order of the Phoenix.
With this I can’t wait for the next part while I dread the cliffhanger that is coming at the end of the volume and the 10 month wait for whats next.
#rwby#rwby spoilers#rwby3#rwby volume 3#harry potter#ruby rose#wiess schnee#blake belladonna#yang xiao long#pyrrha nikos#summer rose#winter schnee#raven branwen
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