THIS IS A CLONE/CLONE SAFE SPACE! These are text messages I send to my friend every now in a while. She enjoys them, so you have to as well.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Forbidden fruit
Hold the line
Don't shed tears
They make you vulnerable
Forget what you lost
Its memory will fade
It's a bad habit
To dwell on nightmares
If they only fuel your fear
I really liked our poems, let's do one more.
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Recent anon looked for this?
Hope I could help 🥰
The Museum HC
Refers to this post (wolffe and his pack)
Plays post-war, fixit
If you find bad spelling, pls inform me
it's a discarded star cruiser. It's name was The Solar Storm and it served for a young Jedi who has been knighted and promoted to General shortly before the war ended.
Some walls were replaced with glass walls. The rooms behind the transparisteel show the daily life of the clones aboard a republican cruiser such as the sleeping rooms or the cantina (each room has a scene set with realistic looking (nonblue but colored) holograms of clones interacting with each other in a stilled frame, like their lives were frozen in a moment
it is guided with an audiobook: it's the voice of a clone (actually it's multiple clones but nobody but the Jedi can tell them apart) who tells stories of how they lived together. He tells how the rules were and what they usually did to occupy themselves.
there are pictures of important men, mostly Generals or Admirals but there are some clones as well who got their picture, such as the 10 Marshal Commanders of the GAR.
Cody has his own little space where they out all of his personal belongings out on a shelf, his Gun, his helmet, a small bone flute that General Kenobi has carved for him on a long campaign. Next to it is a small necklace with a small golden pendant in the form of the Jedi symbol. His picture above the shelf shows him and two ARC troopers that are tagged with ARC-23-1666 and ARC-4169. They all carry the tint of a smile on their serious faces.
in the cantina you can actually order food and eat alongside the holo exhibits of the troopers.
the screens and holo projectors on the command bridge show fake plans and star maps, there is a hologram of a vague Jedi figure on the bridge, discussing a strategy on the holoscreen.
every 3 hours an alarm goes off, indicating the attack of a separatist's fleet. (I actually do know a museum about submarine that does that and it's dang cool)
the medic station shows a clone with bolts buzzcut into his hair that does a physical exam on a brother who has a five tattooed to his temple.
some stations in the ship are accompanied by the audio of a Jedi explaining detailedly how they perceived the clones from the outside.
there are free to put on clone armor pieces. They are especially exciting for little kids who want to be heroic as well. They have a helmet there that most of the kids choose, it has an antenna scope on the right ear and blue eyes drawn on it's forehead that look a little like flowers. The designation on the HUD says CT-7567.
the training rooms have become a playground for children where they can try to lift the weights that clones used to train with or where they can play a simpler form of Lasertech to practice to shoot blasters like Clones.
there is a corridor in the ship where there are designations printed down. Tiny and almost unreadable. The wall of numbers, it is called, and it is on both sides of the longest hallway going from the front to the ship to the back, to honor the clones
Now for the creepy or sad facts about the museum:
Trigger warnings: mentioned suicide, mild horror, major character death
If you are sensitive to the topic DEATH, then you should probably skip the next part. This is a serious warning!
The Solar Storm was found drifting in space with no power. The entire crew was lost to starvation or suicide, including General Tano
the holograms are not holograms. They are real bodies of real clones just preserved and prepped like stuffed animals. It's a graveyard.
had anyone known the clones who talked on the audio books they would have recognized the undertone of fear and dread in their calm voice. A vivid indicator for grief and fear for their own life.
anyone who pays attention can see that the pictures if the admirals and Jedi are professionally taken in a studio with neutral grey or white background whereas the pictures of the clones are all pictures taken somewhere on ground or battlefield. Not a single one looks like it has been made after the war.
The audio on Cody's place is spoke by Rex who reads out from Cody's logbook. In his log he describes the sound of the flute as the sweetest and most angelic sounds he has ever heard in his life - scientists, however, confirm that this flute is physically unable to produce any sound as it has no hole to blow through. The Jedi symbol pendant looks a bit melted on one side, carrying the clear signs of blasterfire.
There is one trooper in the cantina with a giant GAR symbol on his face. He looks like he is waiting for someone to show up, as he has his head tilted to the side slightly, eyes open as if searching.
the Jedi figure has no face, their hood is drawn deep into their face so it is too dark to see, and they are not tagged with a name. The audio book entry for the bridge is spoken by Admiral Tarkin and his voice sounds evil and gloomy.
if you are in the right places, when the alarm goes off, you can hear voices of clones. In the hangar you can hear someone screaming "i'm hit, where's the backup" in the armory you can hear someone shout "blast him!" In one of the freshers, if you are unfortunate enough to need one, you can hear someone screaming a an indistinguishable name that sounds a lot like "Echo". Inside of one of the tanks you can hear a short commlink conversation between soldiers on the ground during an ambush. If you are in the commanders quarters you will hear "Move it, soldiers!" If you are in a certain specific 10×10 inches position in the training rooms you will hear a quiet sob of a grieving soldier.
there is a fake bacta patch on Five's bare chest, right over his heart. If you touch it (which you can't because they're behind a transparisteel wall) you will feel the dent of a blaster wound.
if you listen closely enough you will hear that the Jedi on the audiobooks sound more like machines than living beings. Their words are stuttering st times and sometimes they missplace the natural stress on words. Their audios are stitched together from records of reports and holocalls.
the HUD of Rex's helmet is cracked thoroughly
there are a series of distinct blaster shots on the wall in the training room playground. For no reason. With no explanation.
some of the designations on the wall of numbers are smudged or scratched out with a vibroblade.
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I cant find your Museum AU post, is it deleted? :(
I haven't. But let me check again. I'll reblog it for you soon. And sorry for the late reply, I didn't have my laptop with me these days.
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You're kriffing creative with the URLs and names mate!
Also just gonna drop some love eheh
Eeehehehe is that sarcasm?? Because I laughed because I thought it was and then I was like: Wait
She mean it?
Thanks for the love, pal <3 I appreciate it. If you ever got any requests for stories, I'm your gal.
#aaaaaaaaaaa#you're not even a fan of this specific account#omg#and still you drop by to say hi =^-^=#Thank you
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I really enjoyed our last poem, so here I am writing yet another one for you @hikime
There is a sound in my ears
A distant song
A feeble melody
dresses and colorful ribbons
a market
But Alas! you are gone
An engine took your place
Why do you leave me
You were a charm to my ears
Now you are nothing less than
A memory between the rustling branches of a tree
#A more or less exact description of what I see in my close environment... What is yours?#others than hiki are welcome to answer too#let me hear your lives through words
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It is only on rare occasions that all three of them can come together. If it isn't for the low chances of Wolffe and Cody having shore leave together then possibilities are high that Fox is either on duty, overworked and passed out somewhere or, if he's unlucky, both at the same time.
To lay with his head against his childhood friend's shoulder just feels like the world is finally having mercy with him and despite Cody and Wolffe talking he falls asleep almost immediately.
"Maybe we should be quiet?" - "Hm?"
Wolffe nods towards their sleeping brother. "Oh", Cody hums gently, "Overworked idiot", he chuckles lightly and lifts a hand to card his fingers through the wild hair. "Sleep well, vod'ika", Wolffe whispers.
"'M 'lder th'n y'u", Fox murmurs back, making the other both giggle softly.
Be quiet or you will wake them up
#commander cody#commander fox#commander wolffe#clonepiles#Feeling a bit uncreative :-/ but I really wanted to write something soft for this picture#ever since you uploaded it.#So here we finally go.#amikoroyaiart
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What is it, that I crave?
To fall on my knees,
So you can catch me.
To spill my heart out for you,
So you can drink me up.
To open my doors,
So you can hear my storm.
To bleed for you,
So you can heal me.
Where are you, sweet, holy love?
Where do you hide that I can't see you?
Do you even try to find me?
Is it wrong to love you?
I just want you to smile,
And I wish I bring love and peace to your heart;
I never hope it would ever be mine
To hold and see --
I need to be good
I just want to be good.
Alas alas oh alas
Never enough is what I truly am
But what I try
Is perhaps more than enough.
That's good enough.
#I.... allowed myself to write an answer#i hope you don't mind#It came up on my dashboard this evening and I just felt like....#A call has to be answered#doesn't it?#[ btw it's its-commander-thorn-yall ]#[ I'm just on my content creator account since this topic didn't reallly --- fit my rp account#you see? ]
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Pinup Art (Colt)
Colt lays seductively on his side, a blood red silk scarf barely covering his masculinity, he holds the arm that is not occupied with keeping him propped up in the air, a gleaming cigarette in his hand while he stretches his chin upward and releases a cloud of white, thick smoke in the air.
07.06.2021 11:44 AM
And then I inspired myself to draw.
So here you go:
goes with smoking and cloneshipping, slightly NSFW (he’s very clearly naked, but you can’t see anything)
Keep reading
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Captain CT-61-9121 - "Lullaby"
Now please bear with me while I write a quick love letter to @amikoroyaiart because she made my babey come alive 😭
Dear Amiko,
I honestly don't know how to express how grateful I am for your work and your generosity to bless humanity with the beautiful art you do.
Lullaby means the world to me, he has from the very beginning, despite being an accidental side character creation in the beginning, and now after all this time I see him come to life like this: drawn by my still most favorite artist, and that's not even understatement, I tend to repeat myself, I know, but I cannot stress this enough because as a content creator myself I know how much encouragement and compliments mean and how much enthusiasm of your fans helps to keep producing.
He's perfect.
He already was perfect as just a character, you see, he is a person that I would do a lot for to actually meet in real life. And this piece of art is probably the nearest thing I'll ever get to said meeting. This picture spikes things in my heart, emotions I rarely ever feel with OCs. I grew on him, he is a never ending challenge to do better not only as a writer but also as a person in real life. Lullaby is a very special character that owns all my heart and soul. You helped me form him in a very significant way. And for that I will always owe you my thanks.
I paid 40$ to fuel a dream that I know will never come true but that feels all the more amazing to call back into my head. I do not regret a single ounce of the effort it took me to gather the courage and actually ask you to do it. I must be honest, I expected myself to back down when you messaged me that you have a free slot in your commissions. Mostly because I got massive anxiety from just asking. You were so kind to me and gave off a nice first impression, that helped a lot, thank you for making me smile that day. And the other day when the sketch came in. And literally 15 minutes ago when your last E-Mail popped up in my notifications, I nearly burst out in tears when it said "Here is the boy :D", I'm so on the verge of tears right now....
The other day I had a wild experience when it hit mit like a train that Fuck! Shit! He's real! He truly exists now.
And now you're probably sitting in your room, tucked in somewhere in a semi comfortable space and read this unforgiving wall of text that is literally me just fangirling about a fictional character that has no impact on any one's life but mine. If you're still reading I guess you're probably expecting something exciting of any kind. So I decided to add some of my most favorite context free Lullaby quotes from all across the story.

I hope you enjoyed drawing him even half as much as I enjoyed writing him. It was a great honor to interact with you.
With the deepest respect and gratefulness,
Your Charles.
#CT-61-9121 - Lullaby#star wars clone wars#clone oc#amikoroyaiart#fav artist#most of these quotes have questionable background lol#And no Lullaby has no single respect for Fox at that moment#commissioned#other peeps art#also: me screaming about my OC#sorry#Now with a fixed plackart! Yay!
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"Fives, I'm fine. Come on, it's nothing." "A ship exploded on you!" "But I made it, alright. I'm never going to leave you dik'ut. You're way to stupid to be left alone." "You lucky bastard, come here."
"Fives! Snap out of it", Rex puts a hand on Fives' shoulder to pull him back to attention. The ARC trooper has been staring blankly against the gunship wall for the entire ride back to the flagship of the 104th.
"He's gone", Five whispers, "Just like that."

Citadel AU, Echo makes it back with just a minor scratch to the temple 😌
[Image ID: a digital illustration of Echo and Fives embracing. They are each in their full ARC kit minus helmets. Their armor is weatherd and worn. Behind them sharp purple structures are lit by an orange and purple sky. End ID]
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Pinup Art (Colt)
Colt lays seductively on his side, a blood red silk scarf barely covering his masculinity, he holds the arm that is not occupied with keeping him propped up in the air, a gleaming cigarette in his hand while he stretches his chin upward and releases a cloud of white, thick smoke in the air.
07.06.2021 11:44 AM
And then I inspired myself to draw.
So here you go:
goes with smoking and cloneshipping, slightly NSFW (he's very clearly naked, but you can't see anything)

"Where do you even get these?", Wolffe asked curiously and took the cigarette from Colt's hands to take a drag of it himself. The Rancor Commander blew a cloud of white smoke in the direction of the vent. "Let's just say I got the right connections and the Kaminiise have really bad noses", he replied smoothly, his voice gruff from the smoke. Wolffe propped his head up on his elbow and offered the cigarette back to Colt's lips for him to take another drag. "One day I'll get off this shithole and actually be useful to the Republic", Colt let the smoke flow out of his parted lips and breathed it in with his nose simultaneously creating a velvety layer of white-grey liquid on his upper lip. "You already are useful", Wolffe dragged his fingertip over the line tattooed down the plain of Colt's Torso then he thumbed at the Mando'a on his pec. "Oh please", Colt huffed and blew into his face before offering the stub back to his boyfriend, "Pinching you down and fucking that smirk of your face is hardly any useful to the war." Wolffe bent down and ghosted his lips over Colt's, the smoke between them was thick and intoxicating, "We'll see about that, Commander", he whispered before darting his tongue out to taste the scent of the cigarette in his lover's mouth.
Bases on my main Fic (that doesn't have a name yet), Colt smoked in this one, yes, Wolffe picked that up from him after he died.
I googled but never found Colt's real designation, so I invented one myself.
This is just the lineart, my friend is going to do the shading and coloring once she is done with her current project.
#commander colt#commander wolffe#colt#wolffe#colt/wolffe#cloneshipping#clone/clone#clonecest#smoking#pinup art#this is the picture for october#if anyone cares#Wolffe is november#or is going to be#he doesn't exist yet.
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Imagine Obi-Wan going away again and more or less forgetting about them and then later he meets Cody and is just like: hm, clone 🤷🏼♂️
But cody is like: bro you look familiar and I don't fucking know why
And then anakin is like: cc2224? Well, weren't you one of the cadets we talked with 5 years ago
And cody is like: 😳😳😳😳😳😳 I was bEbE bAck thEn!
Obi, Protect Them AU
Obi-Wan and Anakin stumble across Kamino years before AotC, and Obi-Wan is half dead because reasons, we’ll say they ran into some pirates, accidentally hopped into a near-unused hyperlane to Rishi Maze, and just landed on Kamino because The Force Told Anakin To Go There.
Most of Kamino does believe they are working for the Jedi in some capacity, so they provide Obi-Wan with medical care. There are painkillers. Anakin’s teary about it. Jango shows up because why the FUCK is this guy here, and ends up letting teensy tween Anakin play with toddler Boba because he doesn’t want a baby Jedi crying on him.
Obi-Wan wakes up. The painkillers aren’t super compatible with his system so he’s kind of high. He hugs Anakin. He hits on Jango. He asks where they are. He is introduced to the clones.
Anyway, this is all just an excuse to have Obi-Wan reacting to the baby clones as this gif:
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Do I have to write about that now? I think I do.
mentioned cloneshipping
If the artist does not want my content to be associated with their work, I will take it down without complaint.
Rex: He just bathes like a queen. With a lot of foam, hot water, and preferably a maiden to gently massage his scalp and feed him with grapes. He knows his worth and sometimes he just wants to indulge. When he falls asleep he needs someone to place a pillow under his head.
Cody and Lullaby: separated they just turn into little fetuses curling up and desperately needing someone to hold their head above water because otherwise they'll just drown.
Together, however, they hold onto each other. In their love's arms and surrounded by warm water their cadet instincts kick and this is the safest place they ever could be in. They sleep so deep that they turn into wrinkly old fruits.
Thorn: he takes a towel and folds it into a pillow to keep his head above surface then hangs his feet out of the tub and falls asleep immediately with his nose 3 millimeters away from the water surface.
Fives and Fox: they're not made to fit into a bathtub together. One of them always moves and it drives the other one crazy.
Seperated Fives is the one who plays with the foam and Fox just sits back and cries quietly. The tub is his safe space to release some pent up emotions.
Wolffe: he's terrified of water, please don't ever force him to go in there again. He'll take the rubber ducks, though.
Bacara: almost knocks himself out because he tried to deep dive then remembered he's in a bathtub and not a swimming pool. That will leave a mark.
Neyo: He likes to lay down face first with a lent snorkel so he can breathe. There is not better way to relax than with water pressing your eyes shut.
Bly: it's too quiet for him. He tries it always but then gives up when a tinnitus sets in. He needs some background noise.
Echo: he covers the whole tub with towels and sheets to have a soft and comfortable nest. Then he reads and forgets about the time.
Jesse: he's a bit bored all by himself. He hangs over the side of the tub and moves all the time, the floor is covered in water when he's done. How come??
Tup: he's basically just a mixture between Fox and Neyo. Face first into the water, then cries. This way nobody will know he has emotions.
just rex dozing off in the bathtub because he deserves some relaxing 🙌
#rex#captain rex#cody#commander cody#CT-61-9121 - Lullaby#Lullody#Thorn#Commander Thorn#arc trooper fives#Fives#Fox#commander fox#wolffe#commander wolffe#bacara#commander bacara#neyo#commander neyo#bly#commander bly#arc trooper echo#echo#jesse#clone trooper jesse#arc trooper jesse#tup#clone trooper tup#clone/clone#cloneshipping#fivox
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Fox(at Thorn): Don't mistake me cheating on you as me not loving you to the hell and back to heaven darnlingyou'remyoneandonlyIcouldn'tlivewithoutyou!
Fox(at nats): Don’t mistake me not shooting you as affection. I’m just too tired to deal with the consequences.
Fox(at vod'ike): Don’t mistake me shooting you as hate. I’m just too tired of you getting permanent psychological damage.
#commander thorn#commander fox#coruscant guard#clone/clone#cloneshipping#thox#Fox/Thorn#I'm reblogging this here because I wrote this#just submitted it from another account
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Fox laughs hard then pulls his shirt up. "Do my stomach!!" Cody takes Fox's fat tiddies with both hands and blowfarts his chest.
Wolffe is dead.
Clone humor the second
Cody leans over with a bad seductive duckface, smirking at Fox and dives for his neck. Instead of a kiss, though, he blows creating a loud farting sound.
Bacara laughs lemonade through his nose.
#commander cody#commander fox#commander bacara#commander wolffe#clone wars#clone wars crack#star wars the clone wars#blowfarts are funny#fite me ⚆_⚆
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Clone humor the second
Cody leans over with a bad seductive duckface, smirking at Fox and dives for his neck. Instead of a kiss, though, he blows creating a loud farting sound.
Bacara laughs lemonade through his nose.
#commander cody#commander fox#commander bacara#clone wars#clone wars crack#star wars the clone wars#st tcw#tcw#you can't tell me it happens exactly like this...#also I'm gonna tag this as#clone/clone#to keep the sensitive fellas off my back#even tho there is nothing cloneship in here
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