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jediknightjameslunagazer23 · 4 months ago
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So, I've been thinking about easing back into drawing some Trauma Center stuff and posting it here again, and thus I made this drawing the redone astral realm attire Doctor James "Lunagazer" Kalveria, inspired from Aileen and Storm's Trauma Center Manga for how Derek appears in ancient Greek attire as an Asclepiad for some of the cover arts, I decided to have another crack at it from how I've done it the first time nearly 3 years ago now.
In this take, I intially planned it to be a sort of cross between Apollo and Artemis' attires as I did consider having James connected to two Greek Mythology gods, but I decided to stick with Apollo connections alone for him in terms of what I'm currently planning out his story arc as the co-protagonist of an altered version of UTK 2 alongside Adel Tulba and Heather Ross.
But the biggest departure is that unlike the Greek God he's connected to, James doesn't have a bow or arrow, but instead, he uses a sword shaped with parts of Apollo's lyre, as James would more prefer to fight in close range rather from a distance, and it also represents his want to be a strong protector of everyone close to him, hence the more Knight-inspired armor, making him kind of a mix of mage and Knight.
However, he also has winged boots as a not only a reference to Hermes and his connection with Apollo but also for another reason, as unlike Derek, James doesn't manifest energy wings when tapping into his power... yet, since he's still in training as a doctor, and the crown on top of his head plays a major factor in his own superpowers of enhanced vision, far stronger and wider than that of a regular medical ultrasound but it will be revealed when I get to my own take on UTK 2.
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jediknightjameslunagazer23 · 11 months ago
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Made a new full-body character sheet for James Lunagazer's appearance across most eras of the Star Wars Universe and for Hyperforce Alliance, as for his hair being different from the Reaper fight, he cuts it at some point but it will grow back eventually.
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jediknightjameslunagazer23 · 11 months ago
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So, I finished Valkyria Chronicles 2 recently. While it wasn't as amazing as the 3rd game, I did enjoy getting to choose the number of classes to upgrade the characters into. Granted, I had the right credits when RNG allows for it..., mainly Avan as he's the only one to be able to change into every class, so in having Valkyria Chronicles brain rot, I decided to draw him.
Fencer Elite was my main choice for a while until I later switched to the Heavy Scout, with Avan getting two battle potentials that could be paired together with Fencer Elite having Double Movement to allow him to travel further across the battlefield to make up for the Fencer's slow movement and low AP, along with Double Action from the Melodist to let him act again and attack twice, making him a powerful boss killer given they trigger when RNG allows for it... which was not very much for me.
Depending on how I feel, I might do other characters from different franchises I'm currently into in what Valkyria Chronicles classes fit them sometime.
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Did a drawing of what Kira Kalveria, the secondary Jedi protagonist alongside James Lunagazer, looks like in the Hyperforce Reignition crossover fanfic universe, alongside the Monkey who will be a major supporting character in her development, the reckless red-maverick himself, Sparx.
I did consider having Otto, given that he and Kira share the same colour, and he was the first Monkey she took an instant liking to upon meeting, (barring the massive freak out they had when they understood each other without a translator.) But the more I thought about it, her personality more or less meshes more with Sparx.
I'd imagine Sparx would start to see some of his own traits in Kira, and so he'd begin to mellow back his reckless nature and become a sort of father-figure to the young Jedi Apprentice sort of like Chiro and Antauri's dynamic, (Not to say it won't be difficult, given Kira's impulsive and reckless attitude!)
I'll probably do one for James Lunagazer and the other members of Flarren Squadron who join the two Jedi in their adventures on Shuggazoom overtime as soon as I figure out the characters.
Kira's design is one that I actually tweaked from an old design, evoking her Green Jedi heritage and her energetic wise-cracker attitude, including gold shoulder armor which was inspired from the Mighty Morphin' Green Power Ranger, the Jedi Credit was rough due to it using the old Jedi Order symbol, but I got there.
But if anyone is knowledgeable about the old Legends lore, you may have noticed Kira is an apprentice, and Jedi Credits are usually given to those in the Corellian Jedi who ascend to the Rank of Knight, there's a reason for that which will be explored later...
I actually did consider making Kira an Togruta species to set her apart from her TC OC counterpart, but I felt it would have been too similar to Anakin and Ahsoka with how she and James are intially, though another Togruta character might appear later down the line, but to be blunt it won't be Ahsoka as she's straight up dead in this universe.
I don't hate her but she has been getting over-used in Star Wars, so yeah, and this universe is a mix of both Canon and Legends, at least from what knowledge I do have, but it won't come up much as I decided to leave that vague so that it could fit in either universe, and for if I decide to make a prequel series.
See you for the next one!
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Alright, finally, after teasing it with the crossover fanart I did for @dreamstormdragon 's Hyperforce Reignition OC The Reaper a while back, I've finally completed part one of the duel between Jedi Knight Lunagazer Vs The Reaper!
I originally intended it to be one whole story, kind of similar in vein to a double premiere TV show episode of Star Wars: TCW, but felt it was best to split it into two parts, that and also I had to change a few things so as to not contradict Storm's Reignition AU where I could.
Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this first chapter of what will be an ongoing series I'll post from time to time! If so, I'd appreciate feedback.
For event reference, this story occurs sometime after @dreamstormdragon 's Hyperforce Reignition Chapter 24 and just before Chapter 25, so I'd recommend checking them out either before or after reading this as a quick shout out to her, it's an amazing AU that inspired this and got me into SRMTHFG so show her some love!
Archive 1: The Moonlit Duel over the Shuggazoom Bridge!! Part 1
Lost in the unknown! During a routine patrol mission inspecting the sector leading close to the Unknown Regions, Jedi Knight JAMES LUNAGAZER and Padawan KIRA KALVERIA were suddenly attacked by a mysterious entity which sent them into a dangerous trip through Hyperspace to an uncharted galaxy beyond!
Following a daring escape from their captivity, their ship was damaged, and they were forced to crash land on a mysterious planet! Stranded with no way back and their communications disabled for the time being, the Jedi duo choose to make their way through this unfamiliar world, hoping to find help or a way to head off-world back to the Jedi Praxeum!
However, before they could reach the city, the two Jedi suddenly found two robotic monkeys under siege from a force seemingly made out of inky ooze and skeleton-like bodies, not ones to stand by while others were in danger, the two Jedi are entrenched in battle to save the monkeys and hope to find answers to their current predicament…
On the outskirts of a suspension bridge, the skirmish continued to rage as an indigo fire burned away at the gooey substance of the skeleton soldier, dissolving into a puddle as the blade quickly withdrew from out of their chest and flourished in the user's hand before moving onto the next soldier on the chopping block in a fluid motion, barely missing a beat as the young man sighed, trying to catch his breath and adjusting his glasses to ensure they didn't fall off.
“Kriff… there just doesn't seem to be an end to these… whatever the heck, these guys are called!"
But before he could process any further, another voice cut through his thoughts, this one feminine, but sounded much younger around early teens, she wore Jedi robes similar to him, except unlike the young man's blue with white trims, they were green with yellowish gold patterns, accented by two shoulder pads.
The girl's eyes shone emerald contrasting the man's azure eyes, these pairs were brimming with high energy and mischief above her freckles as she spoke out.
“Getting outta shape already big bro? Come on! You need to be loud and full of more stylish stamina like me!”
As the cheeky quip was given, a pair of emerald blades forming a long-staff at each end slashed up another skull-faced soldier, sending some of its bones flying along with the inky substance and landing right on the young man’s head.
“Hey! Watch it, Kira! You’re being too reckless! It wouldn't kill you to exercise civilised manners along with caution.”
As the young man chided Kira, he noticed a soldier trying to strike from behind, so he quickly outstretched his left hand, and with an unseen psychic power, pulled her out harm’s way before cutting down the threat with a throw of his cross guarded two handed hilt lightsaber.
Soon after he retrieved the hilt with the force as the weapon shut down, then placing it back on his belt, he turned to address Kira.
“Much like just now, but at least there seems to be a lull in that army’s attack, I’d take this chance to rest or heal with a bacta stim, but stay on guard.”
“Yeah, yeah, Big Bro…I get it… Still, thanks for the save, James. I seriously appreciate that, I’ll work on my rear guard.”
At this, the older Jedi couldn't help but crack a comforting smile as he’d finished healing his minor injuries, he knew Kira’s heart was always in the right place, (save for a few of her mischievous antics.)
“I know you will Kira, and there will certainly be a few more opportunities if we can fix our ship and figure out what planet we’re on or contact the Jedi Academy for help… and possibly even have some spare robes, as I think these ones have been through the smoke or rather… the ink of it!”
Despite his rather dry and obviously bad attempt at puns, Lunagazer wasn't exactly wrong, his bluish-grey jedi robes had taken the worst of it, with worn scratches in the fabric coming close to tearing, not counting the soot and ink splotches gained from the messy fighting, but it was better than the worst case scenario.
Kira on the other hand wasn't too bothered by her contrasting green robes getting dirty, as she’d often come back from training or playing with other Jedi padawans or younglings dirty from rough activities, it was part of her adventurous nature, but she simply just rolled her eyes at James’ poor attempt at humour.
“And this is why you’re never gonna win at any stand-up comedy acts or outdo my own brand of snark, you’re practically like a Kenobi without a high ground of civilised humour!”
James frowned a little at that comparison, but soon turned his attention back to healing, and making sure that no civilians were caught in the crossfire, even though they weren't from this planet, they still had a duty as Jedi to help those in need, and as Grand Master Skywalker urged, get to know the people and cultures of those worlds they helped.
(Though right now in this case, it’s more us that need the help of the people of this world, given the ship isn't exactly in the best of flying moods right now… Huh, it seems like one of those monkey looking droids is walking over to us, maybe they can help us out of this particular dilemma.)
He then turned his attention to a pair of robotic-looking Monkeys, one was red with black eyes, and seemed to be using magnets to attack with, while the other was green with two buzz-saws for weapons, James and Kira had saw them battling those monsters and seeing them in trouble, they decided to intervene and saved them, although the red monkey didn't seem very appreciative, he couldn't deny they had saved him and his companion.
“So then mister-strange boy and girl with the laser-swords, what exactly are you supposed to be? And why did you step in? Because if you’re with the bag of bones and looking to back-stab us… we won't go easy.”
At this, the red monkey, eyeing them with suspicion drew his magnets preparing to fight, however James then quickly raised his hands in the air, signalling that he did not wish to fight, and motioned Kira to do the same, however before any further action could be taken the green monkey spoke.
“Hey, Hey Sparx, I don't think these guys mean to harm us, I mean if they were wouldn't they have attacked civilians alongside the formless like that one Reaper nut job? Besides I think they were cool kicking those formless butt with those weapons! And anyone who saves us surely must be a friend! By the way… Where did you two get those!? Can you show me how to make one of those so I can upgrade my buzz-saws!?”
At this, James felt taken aback by the green monkey’s sudden chippery barrage of questions about the lightsaber, he was even practically having his hand shaken about so much he thought his arm was going to melt into jelly!
“Wh-Whoaaaaaaa– slooooooow dooooooown there a minuteeeeee!! One question at a time, and You’re gonna pull off my armmmmmm–!”
Kira on the other hand was feeling very, very flattered, she was practically blushing so much her freckles were lighting up as she brought her hands up to her cheeks giggling with glee and bouncing about, all the while, Sparx was staring dumb founded at what the situation was turning into.
“Awww~ Please! No need to compliment me! I was just kicking butt, doing my best to help save you two and the civilians! Plus, I think you're a cutie and a giant sweetheart, little green monkey!”
“Otto… I swear… sometimes I worry that your inability to read the mood as soon as anything mechanical comes up makes you less cautious around strange…rs…”
Suddenly everyone stopped what they were doing, (much to the relief of James’ arm!), both humans and monkeys staring blankly in confusion at each other for a brief moment before…
The whole thing quickly escalated into a barrage of confused screams and questions, as both parties were failing to communicate actual sentences, eventually James stood up, raising his voice as loud as he could.
At this, the voices died down, startled by James’ sudden shout causing him to immediately blush sheepishly, but quickly coughed to clear his throat before addressing the situation.
“Sorry about that, but let's try to be rational about this. First off I should ask, who are you two monkeys? What is this planet? And just what were those guys attacking you back there?”
“R-Right… well, you DID save our butts, so I suppose I can let you in, my model number's SPRX-77, but I'd prefer to be called “Sparx” thanks, this green buddy of mine's called Otto, we are the members of a group the “Hyperforce” that fights bad guys we call the formless, mindless drones serving the dark entity that threatens all of Shuggazoom that's our world by the way, the vile and cruel Skeleton King, there's five of us robot monkeys, but we've got a kid who's our leader and fights in the same manner as you two, minus the laser-swords and telekinetic psychic powers via the Power Primate, now what about you?”
Kira was quick to pipe in before James could get a sentence out, dashing over to Sparx with bright stars in her eyes eagerly staring into his soul.
“Hyperforce!? What an awesome name! Is it like hyperspace where you travel to other worlds and help those in trouble!? Could we sign up to fight with you!?! I mean we practically wiped the floor with those formless blobs, so I'd say we're capable!!”
“Kira! Don't get ahead of yourself! Besides… we have other responsibilities to all parts of the galaxy we're from, we can't just abandon it to interfere with what others can handle.”
Upon hearing this, Kira moved back, deflating at practically being shot down immediately, but she knew James was right.
“Sorry about her, she's my apprentice, but unlike most other Jedi who wish to safeguard peace and justice in our galaxy, she craves action and excitement… not that it matters as trouble often seems to find us, my name is Jedi Knight James Lunagazer, Kira and I were travelling the galaxy on the edge of the Unknown Regions when we were suddenly attacked by a mysterious entity and we were sent through Hyperspace and ended up crash landing here.
“Wait… Hyperspace? You have hyperspace too!? And wait… Jedi!? Like those wizards wielding laser swords from those Star Wars movies that Chiro told us about!? You mean you’re actually the real deal and not made-up?!?”
Otto butted in so suddenly that the confusion was barely registerable to James and Kira at first, before Sparx quickly stepped in pulling Otto back a bit.
“Slow down there, Otto, you’re getting ahead of things.”
“Wait… movies!? That’s… hold up, what’s a movie?”
James sweatdropped at Kira, and then quickly summed up for her what a movie was, unlike in Shuggazoom their galaxy had different terms, such as holograms or the holo-net, but they seemed to be similar in concept from what James gathered.
“So then… those stories actually happened… and Shuggazoom is actually connected with your galaxy via this “Unknown Regions” section of your space, maaaaan… Chiro would prolly lose his mind if he were hearing this right now! But moreover, how is it that you two can understand and speak to us without the need of a translator?”
Kira and James looked over at each other, puzzled by Sparx's question before Kira came up with a possible answer, well, as probable of an answer she could come up with.
“I guess… it must be our power of the force granting us some-kinda telepathy helping us to gather your words based on your emotions, but to be honest… I'm not really sure of it myself if I'm being honest… it almost feels like… it's got some kinda connection with you monkeys, maybe much like how some force users could communicate with animals and their minds, perhaps something similar is happening thanks to this… Power Primate thingy you've mentioned.”
Now Otto and Sparx were even more curious, but before they could continue the discussion any further, the two Jedi suddenly sensed a disturbance in the force glancing over at each other before turning to Sparx and Otto again.
“Something's coming… we'd best prepare for battle!”
Sparx looked baffled by James’ sudden response, before remembering what Chiro had shown him and the Monkeys, he decided to trust his gut instinct and readied himself, however James and Kira suddenly felt overcome with a shiver…
(What…what is this feeling…? It feels so… oppressive, full of suffering, hatred, malice and…)
As the thoughts spilled over into words, a dark figure appeared before the Jedi/Monkey duo's eyes, the man had jet-black colours, skeleton ribs covering his chest looking very similar to the formless but had purple gems to break the pattern, including long flowing purple hair, that once the wind picked up, almost seemed to whip about like a sharp tail, poised to spear its prey.
Sparx and Otto tensed up at the sight, horrified as they knew exactly who this mysterious man was, they knew they couldn't take him on alone by themselves even with the help of these two Jedi as while they did do well against the formless, that wasn't exactly a good measurement of their strength, they needed the whole team, NOW, and so Otto immediately sent out an emergency transmission to HQ.
“Jedi-Kids… get outta here. This Reaper guy's one opponent we can't fight against by ourselves, trust me, we've fought him before… it nearly ended horribly, right now we hatta to survive until back-up arrives to force him to retreat!”
Neither James or Kira had responded to Sparx's command at first, they were paralysed with overwhelming dread at such a presence.
“Hm, so you're the two psychic-laser sword wielding warriors Sensei told me about, must say… I was expecting two powerful warriors, but I didn't expect a mere four-eyes boy dressed in blue, nor a green pipsqueak who's barely even a refined fighter swinging those blades as if they were flailing baseball bats, just pathetic! Even more than those monkeys who couldn't even put up a fight against me!”
James recovered, narrowing his eyes, ignoring the insult but deep down he was fighting the urge to charge in and rip the dark figure's mask off for insulting both him and Kira along with the monkeys, but he understood that given he and his apprentice were unfamiliar with the Reaper, it would be foolish to blindly attack head-on, Kira however… completely fell for the taunt.
With that, she recklessly charged forward! Throwing all sense of caution to the wind and blinded by her wounded pride at being called a pipsqueak, she swung fast, her emerald blades ready to strike and end the threat in a single blow!
James and Sparx both shouted out warnings but it was too late! The dark figure simply side-stepped the attack as if he were a fleeting shadow, catching Kira off-balance, he then sent a blinding punch to her gut, forcing her into the air as she screamed in pain landing hard on the concrete falling into a dazed state.
(S-So fast…!! he countered her speed as if she were a slow Bantha…! Sparx is right… This man is not to be underestimated… but… I sense that he's not here for the monkeys… It's me and Kira, so then even though I'm certain I can't beat him straight, I'll act as bait to give Otto and Sparx time to help Kira and hopefully escape, I won’t let her end up like her father!!)
“As demonstrated on your apprentice four-eyes boy, my powers of the skull are nothing compared to your wizardry tricks, now… back down and surrender quietly, otherwise it will be nothing but a boring one-sided thrashing, much like with those monkeys and their precious chosen one.”
The Reaper spoke with such cockiness, that it made Otto hiss with fury as he hurried over to Kira, meanwhile while James’ blood was boiling, especially after the Reaper hurt his sister, but he remained steadfast and calm issuing a challenge to this figure bravely.
“Sparx, get Kira away from here, I'll handle this.”
“WHAT!? Kiddo! Did you not hear what I just said!? YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM! Didn't you see him pummell your apprentice!? What chance have you got alone!?”
“You're right… I likely don't have a chance… but I can sense that he doesn't want you or Otto, he wants me, so even though the odds are stacked against me… I will do what I must so you can get Kira away, I don't want to lose her like I did her father!”
Sparx and Otto blinked, confused for a second by what James had meant, but seeing the resolve in his eyes, Sparx reluctantly relented, realising he wasn't going to take no for an answer.
“Very well… BUT. Promise you’ll survive for her. I don't wanna have to be delivering awful news when she wakes up, and the Hyperforce will come through, I swear it.”
James nodded grimly, turning his attention back to the Reaper before igniting his crossguard saber and positioning himself in form IV Ataru stance, hands gripping tightly around the burning Indigo hilt as he responded back to Sparx who went on over to Kira.
“Don’t worry… I don't plan on dying that easily without so much as a hard fight...”
Seeing that James wasn't going to back away the Reaper let out a disappointed sigh, and then drew out his scythe, its purple hue blade shining like a crescent moon, he readied his stance and then the two warriors, dashing forwards at blinding speed clashed, or rather…
James was more trying to play defensively as he had never fought a scythe wielding opponent before, so the range threw him completely for a loop, and he had no choice but to execute several dodge tactics instead of intercepting with his blade!
“Is this all you've got? You disappoint me, Four-eyes, Sensei seems to hold your potential in such high esteem. Perhaps he was mistaken?”
James grunted and tried to land another blow with a strong thrust, but it was immediately repelled when the Reaper's scythe knocked his lightsaber out of his hand, leaving him temporarily defenceless!!
(Kriff!! Not good…!)
“Hmph, just as calculated, I'll spare your misery and end it now boy.”
“Oh I wouldn't be so cocky about that… skull-faced scum.”
Thinking quick on his feet, James slid out with a burst of force speed, ducking under the scythe as he followed the motion up with a major force push, sending the Reaper flying off-balance and disorienting him long enough for him to retrieve his saber and continue the duel.
“Care to re-evaluate your opinion of me now?”
“Hmph… not bad for a four-eyed brat… but your insults could use more refinement.”
“And perhaps you should quit wasting your breath trying to be almighty with a lack of spine for concealing your face!”
This for a flickering instant, seemed to make the Reaper slightly scowl, even though James couldn't see it behind the mask, his force sensing abilities made that more than clear.
(Looks like I struck a sore nerve with words there… now if only I could do the same physically with this guy…)
With that, the fighting resumed with occasional clashing sounds echoing around the bridge as they zipped around in blurs so fast the average eye could barely keep track of.
Meanwhile, far on the outskirts of Shuggazoom, four figures, one a regular human boy aged around 14 wearing white with an orange scarf, and three other robot monkeys similar to Sparx and Otto were hurrying to the bridge where they had lost contact with them prior.
“So… you guys really believe there’s a boy and girl with laser-swords helping Sparx and Otto fend off the formless and the Reaper?”
The question came from the yellow monkey, whose voice was feminine but tough, with her fists being all she needed to do the talking on the battlefield.
“Honestly, I still can't wrap my head around it scientifically, I mean… Otto has come up with even more ridiculous things before, but this… I just can't believe it, what are the odds of there being an actual Jedi from this Star Wars movie being real?”
As the blue monkey continued to speculate, the boy was looking over to the black monkey who, throughout the whole trip, seemed to be lost in thought.
“Anaturi? Something the matter? You haven't said a word for a while now.”
“My apologies Chiro, I was lost within my thoughts, I sensed something in the Power Primate that felt familiar… but I can't seem to understand why, I suspect it may have something to do with our unexpected quests Sparx and Otto spoke of, at any rate we cannot afford to theorise right now, our teammates are waiting for us.”
On that, Chiro, and the other two monkeys nodded vigorously in agreement and sped up their pace, hoping to near the battle sooner rather than later.
“Yeah, and hopefully… we’ll get some payback on that Reaper-Jerkface for wiping the floor with us!”
Back at the suspension bridge, James was in the process of attempting to use a series of nearby debris from the battle and launching them like a missiles, hoping to delay the Reaper or knock the scythe out of his grasp, but the Reaper simply cut through the objects as if it were mere butter to a hot knife.
By this point the battle had moved away from the incapacitated Kira and the Monkeys over to the middle portion of the bridge, with the Reaper pushing James on the backfoot the whole time, as his scythe left several trails of cracked concrete underneath, with Lunagazer's lightsaber being unable to connect a solid hit other than the occasional sparking tap emitted via contact with the scythe.
At one point James barely blocked a strong blow and was sent flying back, quickly he dug his lightsaber into the pavement, slowing his reverse motion and leaving a trail of molten ash in the ground as he struggled to catch his breath.
(Urgh…! That long ranged weapon is just too wide in reach for me to safely close the distance! If it weren't for my long hilt and dual-phased blade extending the length, I'd be headless now…! I need to separate him from the scythe, but how–)
Meanwhile Sparx was keeping watch, becoming agitated as Otto was working on trying to awaken Kira and treat her injury as with the way the Reaper sent her flying it had fractured her right arm when she hit the ground hard.
“The fight’s going nowhere fast for that Kid… I’d better get up there and intervene!”
“Wait Sparx! You can't just leave me and the girl! Formless might attack while she’s still unconscious and I might not be able to respond fast enough with treating her wound! Have a bit more faith in that guy, he might pull through somehow.”
At this, Sparx begrudgingly relented as Kira slowly began to regain some of her awareness as her vision refocused onto Otto's concerned face, which slowly melted into relief but still cautious in case the Reaper were to summon reinforcements to attack them while James was busy.
“Mmrrgh… wh-wha…? What happened…? OWWWW!! M-My arm!! It feels all shattered and crooked!”
Otto quickly stopped Kira, carefully pulling her up slowly as he made sure not to worsen her injury, all the while wincing at her sudden loud shriek of pain.
“Whoa, whoa… easy there sweet-heart, you've fractured your arm upon impact with the hard ground, I've managed to somewhat treat it with first aid, but it's no Gibson's medical magic, you'll have to let him treat it properly when we get outta this, so no moving that arm.”
“I-I see… Thank you mister uh… Sparx? Was it?”
Otto gave a soft look, understanding that given she’d just regained consciousness, her head wouldn't be at 100% yet, all while Sparx gave an annoyed look at being mistaken for Otto.
“Otto, Now then, let’s help you outta here! Your Brother’s busy holding off the jerk who knocked you down for us, we'll get him out afterwards.”
At this, Kira’s face went pale, and she attempted to rush over to help, only for a hand to grab her arm as her eyes met Sparx's face.
“Hey! What are you thinking!? DON'T be an idiot! You’ve just fractured one of your arms! If you go over there charging head-first like before, you’ll only be hurting yourself and your brother more!”
Sparx roared as he held Kira back the best he could. However, Kira was too stubborn and eventually broke free of Sparx's grasp, dashing head-long towards her brother!
“Ugh!! Otto, Let’s hurry before she gets herself–”
But before he could finish his sentence, Sparx was struck from behind by more formless, which Otto promptly cut down soon after.
“Let’s quickly get rid of these guys Sparx!”
Standing back to back, the two monkeys got to work mowing down the herd, hoping that they would stop Kira in time!
Back with Lunagazer whilst he was struggling to strategise, he had to quickly duck and slash to avoid yet another deadly swing, however this time it was a blade of purple energy that cut through the air and cracked one of the suspension bridge pillars, much to Lunagazer's shock and awe!
(H-How…!? How is he able to summon ranged attacks of that magnitude!? Could it be Nightsister Magick? No… it's too powerful for that, this is something else entirely… if I had been a few inches closer, that would have seriously injured me more than that pillar…!)
Suddenly as rubble started falling to the ground from the pillar straining to stay upright from the attack an idea struck James’ head!
(Well, it's risky… And I'd be draining a lot of my spiritual stamina with that power since I haven't perfected its stability in long range, but if I use it in small bursts at the right time, I could close in and finish it with this gambit!)
“Hmph, just as I thought, just a one-sided thrashing like all the rest, you should have given up and turned tail while you still could, four-eyes boy, now it's the end for you!”
As the Reaper let out a dash of speed, James simply outstretched his hand, giving himself over to the force as he moved, he gathered every single molecule of air and quickly transformed them into sparks that eventually turned to a small ball of fire before launching the projectile with all his might, this momentarily caught the Reaper by surprise as he had to stop and defend mid attack, only for the fireball to dissipate halfway.
“Kriff! It failed to hit… in that case… try out some more of this Skull Mask!!”
As the fight continued, Kira slowly started to get closer to the duel, but more formless appeared blocking her path forward, hissing and growling she reignited her saber staff but only using one end due to injured right and skated around as if it were a ice ballerina show cutting down as many as she could, all while being careful.
“Come on… GET OUTTA OF MY WAY!!”
Eventually, James managed to back the Reaper near a pillar, but it had cost much of his spiritual stamina, and the fight still didn't seem to be going anywhere as the Reaper remained unscathed, save for his cape which had been scorched by the Pyro-Kinesis.
“Ha! Was that all? Just a bunch of fireballs? You really are noth–”
“Heh… did you really think that I was particularly just aiming for you alone?”
At James’ sudden odd smirk, the Reaper looked confused for a brief moment before looking up too little too late.
In the middle of all that gloating the Reaper didn't realise those fireballs were driving him backwards with one of them striking the very pillar that was cracked, and now he was in the right place for rubble to fall on top of him!
Seizing this opportunity, James swung with the speed and fury of Ataru-style combat, as the Reaper tried to bring the scythe down on him, a blinding gold flash erupted blocking the blow and allowing Lunagazer to launch an almighty kick to his arm knocking out of the scythe from the Reaper's grasp, and in that same motion everything seemed to slow–!!!
“Your cocky attitude betrays you so badly, it’s almost pitiful, you assumed you’d win before we started, but in reality you're nothing but a poor excuse of a death god who uses condescending remarks to hide his insecurities, much like your mask… which I will shatter no matter what it takes!”
At this, Lunagazer swung his indigo blade in a blinding slash and struck the Reaper’s mask, unfortunately whilst it didn't land a fatal strike as the Reaper had ducked back, but it did make a noticeable crack in it.
However, in that same instant Reaper felt his left shoulder burn in a similar slashing sensation before James jumped away, the Reaper stumbled backwards, disoriented and shocked at having allowed himself to fall for James’ plan and being wounded for the very first time by someone that wasn't his Sensei or Skeleton King.
However, upon refocusing his vision, he soon noticed that James’ Lightsaber wasn't a Crossguard anymore, in fact… he was now wielding two blades!
One was the same Indigo colour as his main blade, and the other was a bright orange-yellow, he soon realised in being distracted by the falling rubble, it had given James the opening he needed to safely separate his lightsaber into dual-wield mode to both block and remove the scythe leaving the Reaper wide open to attack.
(D-Damn…!! I’ve completely underestimated this boy’s prowess for spontaneous improvised planning. He might actually prove to be more of a dangerous adversary than Hanamura if I don't take him seriously now… well… since he’s revealed his hidden weapon, I might as well reveal my own…)
Over on the far side, Otto and Sparx finally managed to deal with their formless horde and were rushing over to help Kira, through their ranged binoculars they saw James land those two hits on the Reaper and were amazed and shocked at the sight, Sparx the most in disbelief.
“Holy Shuggazoom above! Th-The blue Jedi Kid… managed to wound the Reaper creep?!? The same skull masked creep that we couldn't land any hits against last time!?”
“And his weapon can become two blades!? Looks like we might have a shot at beating the guy with that Lunagazer around! Now let’s help his sis Sparx!”
With their morale soaring high, they forgot their exhaustion and renewed their efforts to aid Kira, charging up their most powerful attacks!
James brought one of his sabers to the Reaper’s chin, hoping to force him to surrender, unaware of the trap he was walking into.
“It's the end of the line for you, Reaper, surrender, and I'll honour it by sparing your life, I don't wish for things to escalate to the last resort.”
“How hypocritical… to think you have the advantage over me… you forget that when you corner a Reaper, you force it to fight with everything it has, and clearly you Jedi are so preachy about peace, it makes you unwise to lower your defences!”
Everything happened at once. Before James could get another word in, he suddenly sensed dangerous intent and quickly raised his sabers to guard!
But it wasn't fast enough, as he attempted to block, he felt something sharp cut into his left side as it pushed him backwards, blood began to form at where he was sliced stained dark-red against his pale blue uniform, thankfully the wound wasn't deep, but it still winded James who looked up at the Reaper, eyes widening in shock at what caused his wound.
“Wh-What the–!? You can't be–!!”
The Reaper stood up again, readying a stance as a purple crescent blade revealed itself, but not as a scythe…
“Surprised? You aren't the only one who specialises in the art of the sword, nor in the way of revealing a hidden weapon, Jedi.”
The Reaper's sword shone in his hands with a faint purple glow, almost mimicking Lunagazer's lightsabers but it was more serrated at the back of the blade, with the hilt looking almost spinal cord like, the two gazed at each other, sizing the other up as both sidestepped around, but James faltered a bit due to his wound but he didn't want to give in, not yet.
(So that's how it is… I walked right into that trap, with the way he inflicted that wound, Reaper's clearly more skilled at swordship than I am… if it weren't for that warning through the force nor had I not blocked or moved away a second slower, I’d be dead by now… but I can't afford to fall here!!)
With that, James quickly force pushed the Reaper backwards, allowing himself space to quickly treat his wound behind a support pillar, however there was a major problem.
(Damn… I'm running low on bacta stims! Seems I have no other choice but to use force heal… as much as I’ve forfeited my use of it since… then. I can't afford to fall here not until Sparx's friends arrive… and Kira’s safe…)
With that, James concentrated and a faint blue glow formed around his hand, slowly sealing his wound, wincing in pain as the skin slowly regenerated, for a brief moment however he began to see horrible images of the event caused him to leave the path of a healer out of trauma, but he did his hardest to block it out, shutting his eyes and refocusing.
(Come on, Lunagazer, this isn't like Kira’s Dad… Your wound isn't impossible to treat with this, plus you have to stay alert in the moment or you’re dead!)
As James was psyching himself through his troubled thoughts, the Reaper was continuing to search for him, now resorting to threats.
“Where did all your confidence go, Jedi? Are you that much of a coward that you’d abandon your sister to treat a minor wound? If so… then she can be next to die.”
At this once his wound was closed, James made his move! Recovering what little spiritual strength he could, he summoned it into his legs, and jumped high, coming down fast like a charging bullet as the Reaper focused on the wind direction and turned to strike at James as he came down!!
“NEVER! If it comes down to it, I’ll finish you before you lay your kriffing hands on her!!”
Snarling war-cries at each other, the two warriors entered the next phase of their fight, all the while… a figure similar in shape to Sparx and Otto stood far out high on top of the bridge out of sight, observing the Reaper and James in particular closely, their orange fur standing on end in twisted amusement and delight…
“Kehehe… yesssss… that blue-eyed boy is clearly the one… the emergence in the Power Primate I have not felt in a long time… not since that one old Jedi came to the Mystic Verons many years before! Ho-hoh! I have certainly got to get my hands on his power of the force! Then I could use him to overthrow Skeleton King and re-take my rightful place as leader!!”
With that… an ominous laugh filled the air as it reached the night sky, with the sounds of lightsaber on sword clashing choking the atmosphere in-between as Kira felt the disturbance in the force as she made haste to the duel.
“Big bro… I-I have to hurry…! You’re in grave danger!!!”
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So, been playing a lot of Valkyria Chronicles 3 recently as Valkyria Chronicles is another franchise besides Star Wars and Trauma Center I've fallen in love with, and just I've had the idea of trying to mix Valkyria Chronicles music with Trauma Center/ Trauma Team music, using UTK 2 Chapter 4 Episode 8, since UTK 2 gets a lot of flak for lack of music variety, just to see how well it blends together via Drastic DS emulator recorded on my tablet via screen recorder.
I felt Desperate Plea fit the mood for the Valkyria Chronicles music used, given the heart to heart shared, between Angie and Derek, but see what you think.
As for the OST I used in this edit, it's from the first Valkyria Chronicles game called Empty Loneliness by Hitoshi Sakimoto, followed by Trauma Team's Guns and Knives composed by Atsushi Kitajoh and Ryota Kozuka.
I might start doing some Valkyria Chronicles stuff on here, but I'll see.
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So, while I was re-watching SRMTHFG, a thought occurred to me after seeing the Silver Monkey being introduced in Season 3, and thus, it inspired this drawing, which I may make others for Gibson, Nova and Otto later down the line:
That being, "What if the other four remaining Monkeys of the Hyperforce got a Silver Monkey-like rebuild later in the series, and possibly Season 5 if it continued?"
For this idea, it would be that the remaining four monkeys would overcome personal trials that would test their heart, and upon overcoming it, they unlock part of the power primate and it transforms their bodies, much like the Ninjago's Ninjas way of unlocking their full potential.
I decided to do Sparx first, as my potential upgrade idea for Sparx would be that he gets an additional magnet on his tail to allow for more defense and offence and for a new Primate ability made exclusively for him in this form:
This new power would be when he combines all three electro magnets, he can generate a massive EMP blast from his body that can stun multiple targets and even assist in him being able to jump faster onto opponents, it would be for this reason, exhaust vents are added in order to reduce the potential of overheating his body after being used.
I could potentially see Sparx gaining this upgraded form during the events of the Season 4 finale, maybe being the final monkey to receive this body upgrade with the order I'd imagine being: Nova for the Season 3 finale, maybe Otto followed by Gibson or could be the other way around, not sure.
Also, much like how Anaturi's eyes change from Yellow-Green to Blue upon becoming the silver monkey, I'd imagine Sparx having Red eyes to match Nova for obvious reasons.
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Something I've been doing recently after getting into Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go, and binging the series thanks to Storm Arashi's Reignition AU, that being a Star Wars OC Lunagazer crossover fight with one of @dreamstormdragon 's Hyperforce Reignition OCs the Reaper, while this fanart is only depicting one moment of the fight, I'm actually writing a fanfic which I'll show off later displaying this full fight.
While it was meant to end as an open-ended thing for if I wanted to have James and Kira return to Shuggazoom, as I was thinking up and drawing this, with Storm's permission, I've actually decided to have Jedi Knight Lunagazer and Padawan Kira remain in Shuggazoom full-time as auxiliary protectors for if the Hyperforce team are incapacitated or unable to respond to a threat far away, kind of similar to what Jinmay later does in Season 3.
Those stories would be like mid-quel stories, covering events that happen in-between or sometimes concurrent to the events of the Reignition universe, but from the Jedi Lunagazer duo's point of view, although there may be some other characters from the Star Wars galaxy that might join later...
I'll admit, the Reaper was a massive pain to draw from another angle that was different from what @theblueskyphoenix came up with in the Reaper's concept art, but I think I managed decently enough, also decided to stray from the Scythe the Reaper's seen using in the Reignition Chapters and gave him a katana, for certain reasons, and it will get an explanation as to why it never appears again after the fight the Reaper has with Lunagazer.
As for how James and Kira arrive in Shuggazoom and how they eventually end up in the role they take after meeting the Hyperforce, I'll save that for the fanfic to explain in time!
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Hey, been a while since I've done an fanart for Trauma Center Fan Manga, this time it's set around the Under the Knife 2 timeline, in which I decided to focus on Adel Tulba and how he'd interact with James Lunagazer my main OC if he were in the manga, being a fellow intern at Caduceus alongside Adel in the Advanced Training Program under Tyler Chase.
The idea I have is that at somepoint during the events of Under the Knife 2, James ends up as a paitent at one point, one of those times being infected with G.U.I.L.T around the game events Third Chapter, or when he falls ill from a minor sickness, and Adel is checking up on him.
During this check-up though, James ends up saying something that causes Adel to briefly see an glimpse of his younger brother's face instead, causing him to stare blankly at James for a moment, much to the latter's confusion, not sure when Adel would eventually tell James that he reminds him of his younger brother Amari Tulba, but this would occur a few more times, especially when Adel first meets James, and a certain event in the game's Chapter 7 for which James is present.
I mostly decided to pair James up with Adel, as he could use fellow classmate to interact besides from Dr. Chase or Leslie, mainly to give himself a break from whatever antics Tyler would enact, and to kind of give Adel more of a role of a senior to James, while adding some more justified depths to why Adel would later do what he eventually does later on, as he'd want to avoid a shall we say, a similar fate happening to James like with Amari...
Admittedly since there's very little info from the game's story on Adel's family, Amari Tulba's appearance might not be entirely accurate, since I'm not sure how young Adel's Younger Brother in game's was at the time of Adel's childhood, so just kinda worked with what came to my head.
Also gave James' hair a bit of tweaks, which I can never seem to settle on, much like with the shape of his glasses which I did consider including, but decided to have a glasses-less James instead, as I'd imagine that unlike Derek Stiles, he doesn't need his glasses all the time.
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I've been back at it again, creating a new pathogen for my fan-made Trauma Center virus, which was originally called the Zeta Virus, but I decided to change the name to Chimaera, as I'm considering the idea of the pathogens belonging to this virus being kind of fused concepts of previous pathogens from G.U.I.L.T/NEO-G.U.I.L.T and possibly even Stigma depending on where I decide to set the story of this virus.
Also added some technical details of this pathogen, sort of treating it like it's a researcher making notes of the observations made, whether its the main villans who created it or Caduceus is up to you to decide.
Haven't fully come up with a treatment plan for this thing yet, as I'm still developing it as I go, but I might go into more detail, should I expand on the shadowy body under the main body...
Haven't named this thing yet, as I kinda wanted to deviate from the Greek mythology that Trauma Center is known for with the naming scheme, but couldn't find that many options other than the ones that I thought sounded cool, nor what the overall theme will be for the pathogens, including how many there'll be.
As for the pathogen, it would be treated more as an Early or Mid-Game major boss to end off a particular act of the game, with it having possibly two or three phases, with one requiring the Healing Touch or alternatively, James' Soothing Choir ability.
If this were a game, I'd imagine it being like New Blood with selectable characters, bit instead of it being limited to two, you'd probably have 4 or 5 characters to chose from depending on where you are with the plot, as this would be with the Switch or PC in mind, and this could have a gameplay mechanic of certain characters preferring one or the other as you can chose your assistant nurse at certain points as well, and it can lead to various benefits of better synergy or better tool effects.
However, for certain story operations, you're stuck with the surgeon that's best suited against major boss fight pathogens, kinda like Markus and Valerie's introduction operations for their Healing Touch abilities, in this case it will be James Lunagazer and whoever you chose to be his assistant nurse or surgeon in that chapter for example.
I'm also considering the idea of the Pathogens having one of the Villains of the Bio-terrorist organisation possess the power of Healing Touch or some other Greek theme related power to make it more challenging and personal, kind of like the X-Missions where the villains taunt the player, but having a more active role, and less extreme in difficulty.
However, as a result, these pathogens are much more aggressive, not counting the fact that due to their fused concept nature, they are highly unstable to the point that they can even attack the operating surgeon, such as knocking a tool away or possibly infecting them.
Anyway, I think I've gone off on enough of a tangent, I'll probably make a follow up to this where I explain a major mechanic in my ideal James Lunagazer story involving his Soothing Choir ability and by extension how it affects similar powers to the Healing Touch.
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Something I've been dabbling in, it's a second variation of the James Lunagazer UTK 2 Let's Begin the Operation Pose, made for much later in the story where he's gotten far more confident in himself after around Chapter 4.
For his new pose, I decided to give him two Scalpels as way to show his new prowess of being able to dual wield operating tools, and to show he's started to move away from trying to be like Derek and shine (no pun intended) in his own way and power, with it practically radiating an aura as bright as the sun.
There is something more to that Aura beyond that, but I'll get to it another time.
In addition to improving on the design and getting better with the animation timing, I decided to add SFX from New Blood, along with the briefing music from UTK 2 to enhance the feeling of it being like the games.
And the biggest of all, I decided to add my own voice to Lunagazer, much like how New Blood did for it's main characters, kinda like an what if UTK 2 was on the Wii or remastered for Switch with full voice acting.
Admittedly, it took me several tries to get my voice to where it sounded natural for me, and it was something I had been considering for my first version of the Lunagazer Let's Begin the Operation Pose, but I intially couldn't figure out how to do it at the time.
I also decided to lend my voice as a way of getting out of my shell and to give you an idea of what James sounds like for when I get around to doing the AU story of UTK 2 with him and Adel being secondary protagonists along with Derek.
All in all, I think I've outdone myself on this one!
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Oh, nothing much to see here! Just some Kasal brother antics involving a Seagull swiping Sidney's food whilst he was on holiday! XD
I dunno, just the whole idea of the normally calm Sidney, Chief Surgeon of Caduceus Angeles Bay, getting undone and chasing after a Seagull in a mad fit was just too funny to pass up in my mind!
Though I'd imagine Greg's never gonna let poor Sidney live this one down for a long time, don't you?
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"Respectfully speaking, Dr. Chase, While I do appreciate being your student... could you and Ms. Sears perhaps, oh, I don't know, lay off with the kid treatment for once!? I'm 19, ya know! Which practically makes me an adult!"
"Sorry, kid! But after Adel, you're practically the little brother of our family in Caduceus, so the universe has practically decreed that I'd be the demon of messing with you! Besides, surely I can't be THAT bad, right?
"... Oh, suuuuuure, when you're not being a mega moron trying to play matchmaker with me and Ms. Ross or Dr. Stiles and Nurse Thompson, that is!"
"My, My! For someone so quiet most of the time, you really can be a sassy little monster! Who knows, you might be even more of a demon than me someday, my young apprentice!"
"Humph! The day that will happen is when I decide to grow a carpet on my chin like yours!" (NOT.)
So yeah, that's James and Tyler's mentor and student relationship in a nutshell. Don't get me wrong, he and Dr. Chase are very close, but sometimes the Demon Doctor's antics can often test his patience and thus bring out the sassy nature within!
And yes, James does have a second nickname after Lunagazer, being Little Monster due to his once hyperactive nature during his childhood, which Kira being the mischievous little sister she is, blabbed about it to Tyler and Leslie when James told her about it, much to his dismay.
Also decided to give James' design some changes, that being his scrubs are now more muted in colour, reflecting his emotional state, and he has his necklace for his Soothing Choir powers like Derek for his Healing Touch but he choses instead to tuck it under his shirt for reasons, and his hair is tweaked again.
I even decided to give Tyler's UTK bear pin to James instead of the blue one I gave him for the Operation start animation I did, as I'd like to imagine Tyler would give it to him after he becomes his student in the Caduceus Training Program as an intern, sorta to show he's part of the family as Tyler puts it, and you know it acts as a metaphor for the old generation passing the torch onto the new.
As for Tyler and why he looks different, well, I kinda chose to do a headcanon of "What he could have looked like 3 years later in UTK 2, if Atlus didn't decide to only update Derek and Angie's looks."
Tyler mostly keeps the same personality and design as inspired by Aileen's manga, except for the fact his hair is a bit more wavy as well as noticeable differences being he now has a goatee and stubble, as I'd like to think he did that to play up his demon personality, (And not just because he thinks it looks handsome or anything!)
He also gets a new bear pin influenced by his Second Opinion design. Since Tyler's old bear pin started to wear out and feel out of fashion for him, I'd like to think the new one he has was a birthday gift his little sister Amy gave to him as a thank you for being a good doctor, and so when he wears it, he feels as if Amy is always there for him in spirit.
And that's mostly it. I might decide to eventually do some stories revolving around these two when I get to it or feel confident in doing so one day and when I've got it figured out, as Tyler will be important as James' guide during UTK 2 from his and Adel's points of view, but that's for another day.
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"Uhhhh....kid? Are you sure you wanna follow my example? No offense, but shouldn't you be I dunno, interested in doctors that actually perform the treatments on said paitents like yourself, rather than some cranky researcher who spends most of his time cooped up in the lab with not much recognition by those that wouldn't even know or care?"
"Nope! Your waaaay more cool! I mean, you practically create amazing new kinds of medicine for those docs to use! In a way... you're practically essential and like a Batman-kind of super hero that lurks in the shadows, saving the lives of those that don't even know! How is that not something I'd wanna grow up to be!?"
(I don't know whether I should be heart-warmed or concerned that a kid is looking up to me in the same vein as heroes in comic books... but at least he's not as crazy about inventions as his father, thank Asclepius for that...)
Something I've had on the back-burner for over 3 months, but I just never got around to finishing it until now, yet another OC and Canon character interaction, but this time with Victor Niguel as a focus.
Sorta trying to branch out from just doing my main OC and giving a spotlight to Cody Jones, a patient you'll remember from an early example of James' powers in use outside of Operations, and the son of R&D Dr. Wilson Jones.
Here, this would be sometime after Cody recovers from the ailment he suffered from and whilst planning on visiting his father. He instead ran into Victor and was highly fascinated by Victor's genius of creating new kinds of treatments, even going as far as to inadvertently help Victor when he got stuck with figuring out an new treatment method.
Following this, Cody began to visit Victor more and more, much to the head researcher's surprise as I'd imagine he doesn't get this kind of attention or being idolised by a kid, in turn bringing out an softer side he doesn't get to show often, and kinda led into Cody's future goal of wanting to be a researcher someday.
And you know, gives Victor someone else to talk to besides just being in his own personal space in the lab.
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Just a little something I've been dabbling in for a while now, and just for a reference of what James Lunagazer's first, (keyword: first), "Let's begin the operation!" Cut-in/pose would look like for during UTK 2 if he was a playable character, not sure if I'll do other characters but for now, I think I've done a good enough job with my first GIF animation!
As for this, I've decided to move James' story to much later during UTK 2 instead of SO, mostly for an AU retelling I have in mind for him recently as a main dual protagonist alongside Adel Tulba, might be a while before I get to doing that story though.
And for what would have been James' role during SO, I'm currently thinking of swapping it for Juila for reasons, but as for Kira, her role during SO will remain mostly intact, but I've got a few changes in my head I'm still considering.
Either way, I'm pretty proud of myself for what I've accomplished here!
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Wait... there's actually G.U.I.L.T themed ties...?!
I-Is it kinda bad that I want one of them now? I feel as if I try getting one of them and put it on, I'll end up turning evil!
Perhaps it's in poor taste, but...DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN! Side note, does Owen just have a collection of Super-Evil ties that he wears?!
Mehehe no worries. XD I tend to think that sometimes with cliffhanger endings.
Owen's got one for every day of the week. Including G.U.I.L.T. themed ones.
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Yep, Kira's marvellous cooking skills in a nutshell! Or rather in a crispy-shell!
This was all based off a oc conversation in the caduceus server
Kira belongs to @jediknightjameslunagazer23
Roisen belongs to me
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