#greg kasal
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yrptraumacentermanga · 3 months ago
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And so... our first story comes to a close. Thank you all so much for reading our first entry in this manga series. It's been an honor to entertain you. We will be on break for a time as we prepare for our next entry.
Derek and Angie have another journey ahead of them but for now... We have a team to meet and new area to explore.
Thank you, everyone.
Till we meet again.
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aerithstrelitzia · 1 year ago
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an observation. feel free to debate i guess
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badlydrawntraumacenter · 3 months ago
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Oh, nothing much to see here! Just some Kasal brother antics involving a Seagull swiping Sidney's food whilst he was on holiday! XD
I dunno, just the whole idea of the normally calm Sidney, Chief Surgeon of Caduceus Angeles Bay, getting undone and chasing after a Seagull in a mad fit was just too funny to pass up in my mind!
Though I'd imagine Greg's never gonna let poor Sidney live this one down for a long time, don't you?
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cryogenicmuses · 2 years ago
Trauma Center/FFVII Crossover Meta/Headcanon - Caduceus Midgar
Caduceus Midgar was established 30 years ago as a small-time medical organisation but over time it grew into a powerful yet rather secretive organisation battling at the forefront of medicine. They have to remain secretive due to the fact that Shinra would want them for their cutting-edge techniques, and any of their personnel who are also employed by Shinra keep their ties secret.
Several prestigious hospitals around Midgar are staffed by some of Caduceus Midgar's doctors and scientists, and they're always looking for ways to better the lives of those in the city. They are also doing research into various secret projects through the staff they've got who are employed by Shinra.
Current Notable Staffing:
Director: Sidney Kasal
Other Staff
Employed outside of Shinra:
Robert Hoffman - Senior Surgeon
Richard Anderson - Secretary
Greg Kasal - Surgeon/Medical Administrator
Mary Fulton - Head Nurse
Leslie Sears - Nurse
Markus Vaughn - Surgeon
Langston Miller - Strategist
Kenneth Blackwell - Senior Researcher
Valerie Blaylock - Surgeon
Stephen Clarks - Senior Surgeon
Elena Salazar - Surgical Assistant/Nurse
Employed within Shinra:
Derek Stiles - Surgeon
Angela 'Angie' Thompson - Surgical Assistant/Nurse
Victor Niguel - Research Lead
Tyler Chase - Surgeon
Cybil Myers - Anaesthesiologist
Naomi Kimishima - Surgeon (working under the alias 'Nozomi Weaver')
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yellowroseanddreamstorm · 3 years ago
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Ever think about… Them?
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theblueskyphoenix · 3 years ago
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Well ain't this a familiar sight? =) I'm starting work on Chapter 15 of Trauma Center.
The chapter that closes out Volume 3. Crazy how far I've gotten but I'm happy to be here. 
 For now, enjoy lil' intern Derek here and his toothpick arms.
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trauma-center-shtposts · 5 years ago
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respiracondificultad · 5 years ago
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Memes born from @the-sutures-are-ready and I memeing the fuck out of the Spanish localization of Second Opinion. It’s a real gold mine.
(the second quote is real, in case you’re doubting my testimony)
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reynsfaceonpromoimages · 6 years ago
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yrptraumacentermanga · 3 months ago
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Epilogue time. Let's wrap this story up shall we?
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tcdarkeststorms · 5 years ago
Mother’s Day special
Since it’s Mother’s Day, I wanted to give some tribute to the moms we see in Trauma Center, along with headcanons about how a couple of ‘em are as moms and generally exploring stuff. This is my ship hell, just a fair warning.
Cybil Kasal
Cybil and Greg, honestly thought long and hard about starting a family. Neither, were entirely sure, because of their GUILT and worrying if it would potentially cause issues with having kids or create issues for the kid once they were born. Privately, they got gene screening done.
They were so relieved when they were told they could in fact have a family safely.
Kari was born 10 months later.
Greg gleefully was telling those they were comfortable telling “She’s Gregnant.” including his mother in law. Cybil was bemoaning the fact, that this was his first dad joke and only the start of a lifetime full of them.
During her pregnancy with Kari, Cybil didn’t even stop working. While anesthesia isn’t an easy specialty by far… It was pretty much a situation of let her or lose a hand. Greg just kept a careful eye on her but put his foot down finally when she was in her last trimester.
The night Kari was born, Greg actually nearly missed it because of an emergency patient. He wanted to pass them off to another doctor, but Cybil insisted he go, she was gonna be fine. He made it with literally seconds to spare as the first thing he heard when he came into the room was Kari’s first cries.
Kari’s name actually has some significance to them both. Derived from HIkari since she was their little light of Hope.
For the first few months, Kari could only fall asleep if she was nestled between them. Cybil lost a LOT of sleep making sure their little girl was fine. (She had a little cot that she was tucked into that was above their own blanket)
Kari’s first words were….
Greg would never forget the LOOK Cybil gave him when that happened. He tried to convince her, she really said Mama but they both knew.
She took her first steps for Cybil though and that was enough for her. (And Greg got it all on film including the crying from Cybil.)
As she grows, Kari and her mom are very close and Cybil does her best to be there as much as she can. She still works, but she’s not ashamed that she did indeed bring her little one to work a few times.
The first time Kari got sick with something more serious than a cold, it was a good number of sleepless nights. (Poor kiddo had food poisoning. It was not fun for Kari who was five at the time and Greg and Cybil were taking shifts all night to make sure she was comfortable/hydrated)
Kari was born on Mother’s Day of 2021. (May 9th) Cybil boasts that she was the best present she ever got.
Cybil is THAT Mom during sport events at school and the like. Cheering as loud as she can, booing the other team, boasting: “THAT’S MY LITTLE GIRL!!!” And generally just… embracing the role of “embarrassing mom” with utter pride.
They never had another child. They only planned for one and they got their little miracle child.
Naomi Kimishima
Naomi after she woke up from surgery had Alyssa moved to her room. Alyssa actually never slept in her hospital bed again, they slept in the same one together.
Alyssa doesn’t really sleep in her own room all that often. She prefers being near her mother, since she’s so busy… and Alyssa privately, feels safer being right next to her. When she gets older she’ll gradually sleep in her own bed more and more but Naomi doesn’t mind…. Privately, she feels better having her kid right there.
Alyssa, doesn’t remember the first time she called Naomi “Mom” however Naomi does. It was while she was dropping Alyssa off to play at Joshua’s house and Alyssa shouted over her shoulder “Bye Mama! I’ll see you later!”
She’d never admit this out loud to anyone (Except Little Guy) that she sat there in her car for nearly ten minutes crying.
Naomi… doesn’t really get along with the other moms that volunteer at Alyssa’s school. She comes across as intimidating to them and she thinks they’re too protective. (She got a pretty nasty set of glares, when waiting for the kids to be done messing around after school, Alyssa fell. Instead of rushing to her and fretting, she just called across:
“You good!?”
“Good, get up and keep going.”
She could FEEL the judgement)
She… generally dislikes parental participation during events. She loves spending time with Alyssa, but she’ll be the first to admit, she’s more of an introvert now than she used to be and being around so many people is exhausting. She’ll suck it up for her sake though…
Except for Bake Sales.
She refuses to bake. She’s not a disaster chef like Gabe jokes, she can make basic meals and the most advanced thing she can make is various curries (all from scratch and both Indian and Japanese style curries) but unfortunately, that’s not exactly… welcomed at bake sales. She has no shame buying stuff at the store and dropping it onto the table.
There’s a few other moms she works with at CIFM, but they don’t talk…. And actually, Naomi avoids talking to them in particular, because she… really, REALLY hates how often they try to envelope her into their “Mom Clique” at work.  (She got enough of it, after being told how often Alyssa should be snacking, ect and flat out said: “She’s breathing and suffered no brain damage from the explosion. But you know, let’s hear again how I’m a terrible mom for letting her stay up late on weekends and letting her eat candy.”)
They give her a wide berth now as if she’s cursed.
That’s perfectly fine with her.
While they eat out often, Naomi does ensure Alyssa and her both eat a variety of food. Lot of vegetables, fruits, ect.
She became closer with her own mother, after adopting Alyssa since her mom was elated at having a granddaughter… and elated her child was going to live.
Naomi and her mom were close when she was growing up and she wanted the same for her and Alyssa… Luckily for her, Alyssa utterly adores her.
Alyssa shows interest in biology, but she’ll admit, she doesn’t think she could do the work Naomi does. She knows how hard it is emotionally on her at times and has stayed up with her, distracting her after some rough cases. Mainly in the form of watching movies and lots of cuddles in a blanket nest.
On her days off, Naomi always tries to see what Alyssa wants to do, before making plans… most of these plans, include teaching her about meditating, telling her stories, or facetiming with Naomi’s parents. Making blanket forts and watching cartoons, or reading together. (Naomi’s just… baffled at how easy going of a kid Alyssa is. She realizes she lucked out with having a child that’s so calm)
Chloe is still a problem cat and Naomi laments frequently, she didn’t expect to share a familiar with Alyssa.
She’d do it all over again for her sake.
When she and Little Guy get married, Naomi makes one thing clear - she wants ONLY one child and she’s got that already. Navel happily agrees.
Tomoe Tachibana
I like to imagine, Tomoe does want to be a mother someday. It’s just a matter of getting there… and being patient, even if it’s hard sometimes…. Sooo here we are.
In every timeline, when she gets with CR-S01, they struggle for awhile to have kids.
And in each timeline, they adopt after a certain point. They take in a little girl, named Rizabelle who is the utter light of their lives and they adore everything about her. Later on, they’ll have another child, a son (Galen, who you can find here: https://theblueskyphoenix.tumblr.com/post/612419824029777920/citra-torres-teresa-cunningham-galen-muller
Tomoe’s a very gentle and nurturing parent. While their daughter’s pretty hyper, she does her best to help her slow down and appreciate the life around them.
Their little girl, is generally just a ray of sunshine to everyone she meets and a very kind little girl. She adores her parents and spends as much time as possible with them when their home… and even at work.
Tomoe wants to teach both of her kids, martial arts, only if they want to though.
Rizabelle wants to. SO BADLY. Unfortunately, she’s a bit of a frail little thing so it’s not until she’s a little stronger that she starts learning the basics. There is absolutely no desire to take over the Tachibana clan though.
With both of her children, Tomoe emphasizes wanting them to know about their family’s background. A lot of history lessons, Japanese lessons… but she emphasizes she wants them to be kids as well. She never wants them to feel the pressure she did growing up, to do everything a proper “lady of the clan” would do.
Tomoe and Erhard both are guilty of being WAY too excited, to shop for their kids back to school supplies. Rizabelle had JUST turned six when they adopted her, so she was phasing out of Kindergarten when that happened. (They both went overboard. A LOT of books, too many backpacks, specialized stationary, Rizabelle genuinely lost count of how many bento boxes she has for her lunches. They were just so excited to have a kid to shop for. The same thing happens with Galen when it’s his turn, except he does use a few of Rizabelle’s hand-me-down’s since at least there were a few backpacks that weren’t too girly for his tastes and bento boxes didn’t really matter if they were cutesy or not)
Tomoe, privately really enjoys anime unironically, it’s just what she grew up with. It was a real joy to her, to get to share some of her favorite series with her kids. (Black Jack, the original Sailor Moon, stuff she remembered fondly as a little girl).
Movie nights are frequent in the Tachibana-Muller household, with everyone taking turns.
When Tomoe did fall pregnant with their son finally, she was excited, nervous, terrified. She was just… so looking forward to meeting him.
Oddly enough, she didn’t have much in the ways of severe symptoms. She was one of the lucky ones, who didn’t deal with morning sickness and she worked a good deal of the way into her pregnancy.
Erhard came home from work, quite a bit to find his wife and daughter fast asleep, with Rizabelle having her ear pressed to her mom’s stomach trying to hear what her new sibling was up to.
He has a lot of pictures of those times.
Tomoe is… VERY protective of her kids. Rizabelle got pushed and almost punished in the third grade, because it counted as a “fight”.
That was the last time, someone messed with a Tachibana child, as Tomoe went NUCLEAR. (Erhard took a step back and focused on making sure Rizabelle was alright).
No one ever picked on the Muller kids again after that.
Tomoe intimidates the other moms just as much as Naomi and… she honestly doesn’t care. As far as she’s concerned, if they don’t like how she raises her children, they can keep their opinions to themselves.
She admits, she’s a little lost sometimes initially and wishes she could ask her own mother for advice.. But she picks herself up and keeps going. (And asks for advice a LOT from Lisa and Naomi at the start. She realized very quickly to not worry so much since as long as their kids were eating enough, sleeping enough, ect then she couldn’t really mess up)
Lisa Cunningham
Lisa wanted to be a mom, ever since she could remember. When she fell in love with Gabriel, the first thing she warned him was that she did want kids and if he didn’t, then she would let him go right then and there, during their first date.
Luckily he agreed… When they had Joshua, it was still when Gabe was in the reserves. She quickly got on with the other military moms, who all had husbands in the same program as Gabe was. They got along pretty nicely and frequently lamented how often their husbands were busy.
Gabe only had to report to training so many times, never deployed. She still held things together though, when he needed her to.
They lived in California for part of Joshua’s life, before moving to Portland. Both are actually from Portland, but due to Gabe’s work lived in Cali for awhile. She misses it… especially when it’s cold.
When she first became pregnant with Joshua, she was mostly exhausted all the time… and mostly cried at stuff, when her hormones got to her. She could never remember actually being mad. (And Gabe would agree. He just felt bad when she was having a hard time.. And he also wishes he could forget some of the cravings. (“Who the heck dips pickles in peanut butter? For the matter, how many jars of those did you even eat!?” “Your son, wanted them.”)
They had a few names picked out but Joshua was the one they both liked the best. (It’s actually Gabe’s middle name, since he didn’t wanna saddle the kid with being “Gabe Jr.”, Lisa thought it was sweet… and it’s actually a family name, since it was also Gabe’s grandfather’s first name.)
They had some trouble deciding on a middle name though. It was a week long debate, over dinner because both wanted Joshua to have one of his grandfather’s names as a middle name.
They literally had this discussion until Joshua was born.
They settled on Joshua Thomas Cunningham… Neither grandfather's name won. Instead, Joshua’s named after one of the members of the band Styx, Tommy Shaw (Gabe’s favorite band EVER)
Joshua was a C-section baby. He was in distress and they both agreed it was best to just get him out ASAP. (Lisa was honestly terrified and tried to put on a brave face. Gabe stayed by her side the whole time. She can look back on it with humor nowadays though. “He didn’t want a squished head. He was already fluffy thanks to his dad here.” “Hey!”)
Lisa’s a doting mother on Joshua. Loves her baby more than anything else and does whatever she can for him… even if for part of his life, Gabe wasn’t in it.
They are very, very close due to this. Joshua wants his mom happy and does his best hoping not to worry her… even if she still worries like crazy.
They have tried to reconcile several times, meeting privately and talking over the course of the last year or so.
She was mentally burnt out by the time the outbreak had ended. She was so stressed out, it took a toll on her. She and Gabe were together again by this point and… yeah. It was rough. She was having trouble relaxing, neither were sleeping well.
Gabe declared they needed a vacation and they headed to California for two weeks.
Lisa… honestly gets a kick out of the fact, she gets asked for advice from one of Gabe’s old friends, about parenting… and happily will offer it if it’s wanted
A year later, they have another child, their daughter Terry… this time, everything goes nice and smooth and Lisa thanks her lucky stars it went just as planned.
She’s a loving dedicated mother and will do anything for her kids and husband.
While being married to Gabe wasn’t easy at times… she is glad they were able to work it out. (Though she gave him SUCH a look when someone at Resurgam said: “Didn’t you say you were gonna divorce her?”
“Oh please, he wouldn’t survive without me.”
“It’s true.”)
They both have had to put a lot of work into making their marriage work but it’s worth every second.
Angie Thompson
Angie and Derek’s first kid came along exactly 9 months after they got married. They really wanted a family of their own. They were blessed with their first daughter, Luna Stiles.
Derek has quite a few photo’s and notes from over the course of that particular pregnancy, to put in Luna’s baby book later…. Including some of the sillier things. (“Please tell me you didn’t take pictures of that time I cried because you made me eggs with a bacon smile.”
“Noooooo. NOOOOO never….” He did. He got a smack on the arm for it later. It was worth it.)
Angie, didn’t work in the OR at all during this. They worked with too many potential hazards and the smell of the disinfectants made her morning sickness act up BIG TIME. She instead, worked directly with the patients for most of it.
Derek spoiled her rotten and made sure to do as much as he could to make it easier for her… Including, overhauling paperwork duty for them both. (And later realized, he may have made a mistake as Angie now calls him on it every time. “What? Do we need another kid to make you do it on time again!?”
Angie and Derek both agreed, they didn’t want a lot of prying when it came to their children coming into the world. She quietly checked into Hope Hospital and after a long, LONG night… Luna was born and they couldn’t be happier.
Two years later, they were blessed with a little boy, named Glenn.
Angie dotes on them both equally. She was just so happy they were finally here, safe and sound… healthy…
Glenn is a mama’s boy. He happily will cling to her leg when she gets home from work, or if she brings them to work for a bit. He loves spending time with her and getting to know more about her job.
Her favorite part of her day is coming home to their kids and getting to enjoy their evenings with them… or mornings, depending on the shift. Either way, it’s her favorite part.
Angie and Derek both have days where they take one of the kids with them to do an activity solo with that particular parent, along with family outings all together. That way, they get some one on one time along with full out family time. (Derek’s forbidden Disneyland as a “solo parent activity” cause deep down he’s a big kid at heart who loves going just as much)
During the earlier parts of their kids lives, they lived in a few different areas, due to work reasons. They got to see quite a bit of the world before the age of ten, but were very happy to go back home for good. It was around when Luna was 6 and Glenn was 4 that they decided no more international medical work unless absolutely necessary. (“As in, we better be the last ones called.”)
Nap piles are a must. She didn’t understand initially the appeal of mid day naps before she and Derek got together… She admits, there is now nothing better than, taking a midday snooze, her kids her husband all together with her in their big queen sized bed.
Angie is a total helicopter mom when her kids are sick. She’s on top of everything… Derek’s involved with it too, but he’s mainly reminding Angie that they’ll be fine. He’s actually the calm one.
Angie is a member of the now unofficial “Moms who aren’t liked by the other moms at school” club, with Tomoe and Naomi.  It’s more to do with the fact Angie gets recognized from being in the news so often… More so because she refused to give free medical advice.
(“They do know, I’m not allowed to do that right?”
“I got snubbed for not freaking out over Alyssa falling.”
“They were afraid of me.”)
No matter what, she wouldn’t change a single thing.
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jtaguirrestories · 5 years ago
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Demi, The Simple Lass - Note To The Readers (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/JgXPfRAHq9 
Matagal ng lihim na iniibig ni Demi Arcilla ang kababata niyang si Arvin Esguerra. Handa na sana siyang magtapat sa lalaki tungkol sa kanyang nararamdaman, kaso maunahan siya nito. May mahal na palang iba ang kababata niya at lihim siyang nasaktan tungkol sa nalaman.
Nasa panahon siya ng pagmomove-on nang makilala niya naman si Basil Calderon, ang sikat na team Captain ng Men's Volleyball ng kanilang eskuelahan. Nang lubusan niya itong makilala napagtanto niya na pareho pala sila ng pinagdadaanan ng binata. Hanggang bigla na lang umalis si Basil nang hindi nagpapaalam kay Demi para mag-aral sa abroad.
Pagkaraan ng walong taon, marami ang nabago sa buhay ni Demi bilang isang simpleng babae. Magandang career, magandang buhay kasama ang pamilya at higit sa lahat ay mayroon siyang isang manliligaw na talaga namang consistent sa pagpapakilig sa kanya, si Greg Manansala. 
Pero biglang nagulo ang tahimik na buhay ni Demi ng isang araw ng magpakita uli si Basil. Nang araw na iyon ay handa na itong itama ang pagkakamali niya sa nakaraan. Ngunit hindi lang ito ang sumulpot sa buhay niya, nariyan din ang kababata niyang si Arvin na noon nama'y handa ng gawin ang itinakda sa kanila mula pa noong bata pa sila ang alukin siya ng kasal.
Sino kaya ang pipiliin ni Demi? Si Arvin na kababata at first love niya? O si Basil na noon akala niya ay mayroon na silang mutual understanding? O di kaya'y si Greg ang present suitor niya na handa namang gawin ang lahat para higitan ang nakaraan niya? First Novel Of The Dream Girls Series Written Language: Filipino-English Status: Ongoing Word Count:
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supersweetgal · 6 years ago
Chapter 1
“Come on Coleen, Tanggapin mo na ang offer ko. Nabalitaan ko na umalis ka dun sa work mo.”
“Ayoko nga, paano mo ba nalaman, ha? eh di ba hindi na nga kita kinakausap? hindi na nga ako nakikipagkita diba?”
“Kay Mama. Tsaka in the first place? bakit ka ba biglang hindi nakipag-usap?”
“Like duh? Baka artista ka? At tsaka diba, sinabihan na ako ng girlfriend mo na huwag na daw ako lumapit sayo. Kaya yun, ang dali ko lang namang kausap”
“Nakikinig ka dun? At tsaka diba, sabi ko sayo ON-SCREEN PARTNER ko lang siya sa drama ko last time?”
“Wag mo nga akong pinagloloko. Tsaka umuwi ka na pwede ba? Nakakagambala ka.” Naghahanap kasi ako ng trabaho sa internet. Ang totoo naman niyan, I’m a professional Physiotherapist pero dahil sa gusto ko muna ng bagong buhay ay umalis ako sa field na yun. 6 months pa lang naman akong nagresign as PT. pero mga 5 ng work ang nagawa ko. 
“Come on, sinabi ko na kay Sir Jake na ikaw ang gusto kong maging manager. And he said na it is better daw if you’ll be my manager coz you’re a great friend of mine. Hindi ako lolokohin. AND! Naipagpaalam na kita kay Tita. ”
“Wow ha. Ang galeng. . . . Ayoko nga kasi!”
“Just try it, okay? kahit 6 months lang? eksakto rin na 6 months kasi mag-leave si Kuya Clark next week kasi diba bagong kasal siya, kaya wala akong manager. Sige na best friend. Diba best friends tayo?" Nagpa cute pa ang loko. Mukha siyang timang.
“Ano bang next projects mo?” tanong ko na lang habang nakatingin sa cp ko. 
“Tinatanggap mo na?”
“Hindi. Curious lang ako.” humiga naman siya.
“Well, may drama ako with Diane Kang, along with Mark Oh It will took 3 months? siguro. after that, mag-guest ako sa TV programme na “I Live Alone”, pero pag-uusapan pa uli. Then may fan-meeting event ako sa Hong Kong and Japan, and also pala sa Thailand but that’s next month na ata. Ewan hindi ko sure . . . .So? What do you think?”
“Hindi ka naman nakikinig!”
“hahahaha. Sorry na. Kasi naman, nakakatawa yung pinapanuod ko”
“I’m gonna tell this to SIr Jake. I’ll tell him na your okay with it na”
“Oo na, alis na” sabi ko na lang sa kanya. I mean, wala na rin akong magagawa. Hindi niya ako titigilan. Nakakaawa rin naman kasi itong kaibigan kong ito, walang manager, pati temporary lang naman, tsaka baka maglupasay pa siya diyan sa sahig.
"Talaga?! SALAMAT! HINDI MO ALAM KUNG GAANO MO AKO NAPASAYA" niyakao niya ako ng mahigpit. As in mahigpit talaga.
"Para naglalambing lang eh. Sige na, I'll call Sir Jake" tumayo siya at lumabas siya ng kwarto ko. Talagang hindi pa siya aalis ha? MambuBuraot na naman yun ng pagkain dito. Nanuod na lang ako ng favorite K-variety shows ko.
Konting background lang sa kaibigan ko. Siya si Louie Kim,25 yo, childhood friend ko siya, well hanggang ngayon. Alam ko lahat lahat sa kanya, pati balat niya alam ko kung nasaan. Siyempre siya din sa akin. Then, dahil “DAW” sa kagwapuhan niya ay naging artista siya. Hindi ko alam kung paano siya naging artista eh mukha namang tsonggo. Tss. Marami naman siyang kaibigan pero sabi niya ako lang daw ang pinaka totoong kaibigan niya kaya para lagi siyang linta kapag wala siyang work, lagi siyang nandito.
Anyways, bumalik naman agad siya.
"Sir Jake told me na you need to go to our office tomorrow para mapirmahan mo na yung kontrata"
"wala ng bawian yan ha"
"oo na. Umuwi ka na nga. Nanggugulo ka lang eh. Dun ka sa gf mo."
"uyyy. Selos ka ba?"
"Selos? Ulul! Umuwi ka na sabi!"
"eeehh. Ayoko nga. Dito ako tutulog. Nagpaalam ako kay Mama noh. Ang sarap kaya ng dinner natin."
"ah, baka nakakalimutan mo?artista ka?"
"ah, baka kaibigan mo na ako bago pa ako maging artista? Kaya okay lang na matulog ako dito?"
"hay. Ewan ko sayo" nanuod lang ako ng funny vids nung mapansin ko na nakatingin siya sa akin.
"Bud, alam ko may itsura ako. Kaya pwede ba, wag mo akong titigan?"
"Hahaha. Kapal ng mukha sa part na yon. Tsaka hindi kita tinititigan, nakatulala lang ako" hinampas ko lang yung braso niya. bigla namang tumunog ang cellphone niya.
"Kailangan na naman niya?" sabi niya habang nakatingin sa phone niya. 
"sagutin mo na. Miss ka lang niyan"
"Tss. . Hello?" Sinagot naman niya ng hindi umalis sa tabi ko. "Hi Louie!" Niloudspeaker pa ng loko. Iniinggit ba ako neto? Porket may lovelife siya ganyan na.
Louie: Hello
Gf: Kamusta ka?
Louie: okay lang
Gf: nasan ka nga pala?
Louie: (sinenyasan ko siya na wag sabihin) ah, nasa labas lang.
Gf: Don't tell me kasama mo na naman yung best friend mo?
Louie: Yes. I'm with her (hinampas ko tuloy siya) ARAY KO NAMAN!
Gf: Kailan mo ba siya lalayuan? Diba sinabi ko sayo layuan mo na siya?!
Louie: Bakit ko naman siya lalayuan? Eh bestfriend ko siya?
Gf: Kasi nagseselos ako. Hindi mo ba nararamdaman na nagseselos ako?!
Louie: what the?
Gf: Louie, I like you. More than as an on-screen partner.
Louie: you know, I'm not interested in having a Gf or whatever.
Gf: what? So you're telling me you’re gay? (Natawa naman ako ng very slight kaya tinignan niya ako ng masama)
Gf: then what?
Louie: Let's not talk this matter over the phone. Let's talk some other time.
Bigla na lang niyang pinatay yung tawag niya. "Gay ka daw? Haha"
"Shut up"sabi lang niya.
"Bakit nga ba hindi mo siya gusto? Naging okay naman yung TV show niyo?" May ginawa kasi silang movie nung Celin na kaka-air lang last last week. Oh diba, sobrang lucky niya sa work. Tapos may movie agad siya after that project.
"I don't know, kaibigan lang talaga ang turing ko sa kanya"
"Sino nga yung last GF mo?"
"Si Anne, nung 1st year College pa ako"
"SERYOSO? Akala ko ba nagkaGF ka na ulit?"
"well, nagkaron naman but it took only several months. Eh seryoso yung kay Anne eh"
"Don't tell me?! Mahal mo pa si Anne?!"
"Wag ka ngang shunga! May asawa na yung tao oh?!"
"Hahahaha. Sowri Sowri!"
"Magboyfriend ka na din kaya uli?"
"Ni wala ngang nagkakagusto!"
"eh kasi naman mag-asta kang babae! Hindi yang sisiga siga ka lagi"
"Grabe ka! Babae ako noh!"
"Alam ko namang babae ka! Ang sabi ko mag-asta kang babae"
"nagaasta akong babae kapag may gusto akong lalaki"
"Kailan pa yun?"
"Hmmmmm. Nung nasa ospital pa ako"
"nung kayo pa ni Greg? Tss. Move on na Bud!"
"Wag mo ngang mabanggit pangalan ng damuhong yun! Bago pa ako makaalis sa hospital, may naka fling ako noh. Yun nga lang hindi din nagtagal kasi nawalan kami ng time"
"Bakit hindi ko alam yan?!" Gulat niyang tanong.
"busy ka eh" yun na lang sabi ko.
"Nako nako nako! Tampo ka ba Bud?"
"Tampo? Nope. I understand naman that you're busy coz of your work"
"kakatouch naman. Hahaha. Sorry Bud ha, ganito trabaho ko eh"
"Naintindihan ko, noh ka ba. Tsaka you don't need naman din na balitaan ako sa mga nangyayari sa yo. Lagi naman akong may balita sa yo sa internet"
"pero ngayon, makakasama mo na lagi ako"
"yeah right"
"mga anak! Tara ng kumain!" Sigaw ni Mama sa labas.
"opo!" Sagot naman niya.
"tara na?" Tumayo na kami at dumiretso na sa dining area. Nandun na rin si Kuya at si Papa.
Ipinaalam niya na sa lahat na payag na akong maging manager niya. Hirit pa nga ni Kuya na ipakilala daw niya ako sa mga kaibigan niyang mga lalaking artista. As if may papatol. DUUUUUH!
Anyways. Pagkatapos naming kumain ay nagchikahan pa sila nina Mama. Pagtap9s nilang magchikana, si Louei ay naglatag naman sa sahig ko, as usual. Ako naman ay nagbabasa ng mga review books ko sa course ko habang nakahiga.
"Kailan ka nga pala babalik sa work mo sa hospital?"
"pagkatapos na lang siguro ng trabaho ko sayo"
"miss mo na bang magwork dun?"
"Okay lang, nageenjoy rin naman ako kahit konti yung sweldo ko. At least nakapag ipon ako kahit papano kaya hindi masyadong mahirap"
"Hmmm. Ganun ba?"
"matulog ka na lang. Alam kong kanina mo pang gustong matulog at pagod ka sa guesting mo kanina"
"Opooo. Good night"
"Good night" maya maya ay nakaramdam na rin ako ng antok kaya natulog na rin ako.
Sana maging okay tong papasukin kong ito.
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yellowroseanddreamstorm · 5 years ago
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Model sheet of the docs that work at Hope Hospital to go hand in hand with the nurse model sheet. Two familiar faces and two unfamiliar. What can I say? Hope needed more life to it and I was more than happy to provide. Cause... ya know. They need more than TWO surgeons on call.
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theblueskyphoenix · 3 years ago
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