Jeanell Sunshine
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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When you’re so damn beautiful like me, you have to post photos of yourself for the world to see! 👸🏾💖💜💙😘 • • • #blackisbeautiful #blackgirlmagic #summer2022 #melaninmagic #melaninmagic #BlackExcellence
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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How it ended ➡️ How it started NEW HAIR, WHO DIS?!? If I must say so myself…I look GOODT!! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL and FABULOUS! I’ve been flipping my locs like crazy since Good Friday! Thankfully, I haven’t broken my neck ���🤪! My hair has been resurrected and I’m feeling like myself again. Now I shall twirl and be gone-with-the-wild fabulous! 💃🏾👸🏾💃🏾💅🏾 Thanks to @joliedenbeautybar for doing my hair so beautifully and thanks to @jazzi_jeff for the referral! I will most certainly be back! • • • #blackgirlmagic #goddesslocs #BlackExcellence #gonewiththewindfabulous #goodfriday #blackhair (at Harlem)
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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JUSTICE KETANJI BROWN JACKSON ✊🏾✊🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾 An esteemed and highly intelligent Black woman who has had to defy the odds and be resilient against gaslighting and blatant racist attacks to advance to the highest court of the land will be confirmed today by the U.S. Senate as an Associate Justice. As a Black woman, I am full of JOY and PRIDE! She is another example that further proves that BLACK WOMEN ARE SUPREME! Today, April 8th, 2022, should now be #KBJDay because the U.S. Supreme Court is gradually starting to look like the USA that I am part of. Also the irony is not lost on me that even though we sadly lost #RBG, we now have #KBJ. I hope Justice Ginsburg is having a good laugh over their social media-created acronyms. Greatness recognizes greatness. One more thing: she’s from Florida like me! Double pride! • • • #BlackGirlMagic #BlackExcellence #KetanjiBrownJackson #USSupremeCourt
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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BLACK PEOPLE, SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS IN THE COMMENTS! I think about my people’s utopia all of the time. What would an ideal world look like for us if colonization and its evil AF cousins (racism, slavery, colorism, discrimination, gentrification, hatred) never existed?!? I would love to know what other Black folks think because my imagination runs wild when I think about it. Let your mind run free too, and see what comes up. • • • #blackpeople #BlackExcellence #utopia #motherafrica (at Harlem)
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY! I love you so much and you’re the best mother in the whole world! I’m so blessed 🙏🏾 to have you as my mom! No one in our family can compete with your quick wit and snappy quips! Even when I try to recreate them in a script, they always pale in comparison to your prowess. You are loving yet wacky, and a fierce warrior parent with Daddy. You two will protect your family at all costs, and we all benefit. Now I still don’t understand how you can watch The Waltons every day and act like it’s brand new (even though the show has been off the air for over 30 years), but you can say the same for me and my love for Bravo. We’ll call it a draw! 🤣 Celebrate your birthday like it’s a national holiday, Mommy! FYI this is my mom and my Grandpa Clyde at Kendric’s baby blessing last year! I got my camera-shy mom to pose for a photo! • • • #mommysbirthday #happybirthdaymom #ariesmom #blackmothers #blackgirlmagic #aprilsfoolbaby
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my big brother RJ (@djjizzle2306)!!! Yesterday he turned 3️⃣6️⃣, so I can officially say he is an adult! RJ, I love that we share a love of traveling the world and karaoke, and we always got each other’s backs. Even when you get annoyed with my loud craziness, you still love me and I just remind you that you can be loud too 😜! I am so proud of the mature and fantastic man you’re becoming, and the only way is UP from here. Like Cardi B said: if it’s up, then it’s up and it’s stuck (though she may have been talking about something else 👀 😬). I love you RJ and I’m so excited to see you begin this new chapter in your life! Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🙌🏾! P.S. ~ This picture represents our siblinghood very well! 👏🏾😂🤪🤣👏🏾
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! I love you so much and you’re the best father in the whole world! I’m so blessed 🙏🏾 to have you in my life along with your corny dad jokes (astrology is not gravity, Dad 🤣), your love for Richard Pryor, and your campaign to make sure everyone knows “Friday After Next” is a Christmas classic! You’re also a great lifeline for “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”! Can’t wait to celebrate your birthday with you! • • • #daddysbirthday #happybirthdaydad #aquariusdad #blackfathers #blackfathersmatter
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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#TBT to an AMAZING and FABULOUS time with these crazy peeps that became my NYC fam! FAM BAM, Y’ALL! We got together in October 2021 and we needed it too! It was 🔥🔥🔥! Yes, that meant I was supposed to post these photos and videos last fall, but better late than never right?!? I love these people and we always got each other’s backs! We need to do this again soon! Also I need this Pandora’s Box to take back her Omarion, Delta Airlines and all of their little variant cousins, and shut the eff up forever so I can hang out with my friends freely again! Thank you kindly. • • • #framily #fambam #harlem #BlackExcellence #BlackPeople #livingmybestlife #blackhistorymonth #throwbackthursday #knuckifyoubuck (at The Corner Social)
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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I miss my long hair and being rowdy AF and it’s officially #AquariusSeason, so I just felt like posting this photo! Enjoy! • • • #BlackGirlMagic #ForMe #longhairdontcare #sagittariuswoman #sagittarius #livingmybestlife
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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This is unbelievably sad. When I got the news alert, I yelled out “NOOOO!” I didn’t want to believe it was true, but here we are. Mr. Poitier, I’m so glad we gave you your flowers while you were still here to receive them. You deserve them and even more. Sidney Poitier was a titan who captivated the screen. This man moved mountains, so artists like myself can make it in the crazy business that is Hollywood. I remember in high school researching him and found out that not only he was born in Florida like me, but his familial lineage had roots in the Bahamas like mine did. I secretly hoped we were related, so that I could win an Oscar one day. I’m not sure about the 1st part 😂, but I’m still holding out on the latter to continue the legacy he created and cultivated. 🌟 But seriously, it is beyond sad that he is gone. However, to live 94 long prosperous years is such a beautiful thing. Sidney Poitier is a LEGEND 👊🏾 and a KING 👑. Even though he may no longer be in his physical body, his magic and power will live on forever. Rest in Paradise, Sidney Poitier. • • • #SidneyPoitier #RIP #BlackExcellence #BlackHollywood #legend #titan #oscarwinner #artist
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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❤️🎂❤️🙏🏾 Happy Heavenly Birthday Grandma Pauline! You would’ve been 90 years old today! A day doesn’t go by where I don’t miss you and think about you dearly. I always think about the plethora of questions I wish I could ask you, but I take solace in the fact that you’re watching over me and the rest of the family. I feel your presence everywhere I go and feel every sign you send. Also I hope you’re laughing at our family’s rambunctiousness and slightly judging us at the same time. Love you Grandma! • • • #newyearsbaby #HappyBirthdayGrandma #dearlymissed #january1st #heavenlybirthday
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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Bye 2021! BONJOUR 2022! #HappyNewYear
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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Au revoir 2021…BONJOUR 2022! 2021 was one for the history books, I must say. Because of this crazy AF year and rid myself of non-beneficial habits, I’m not making any New Year’s resolutions. Instead I’m going to set standards for myself, so I’ll treat myself better in order to thrive. I will treat myself the way I deserve. Show myself the love I yearn from others. I’m going to be kind to myself and give myself grace whether situations go well or not-so-well. I’m going to prioritize myself and my needs. I strive to have little-to-none expectations but to just live my best life and be my authentic self. Also…7•7•22… that date came to me in a daydream. The repetition of numbers seemed just right. When I looked up the significance of the number, it instantly clicked for me. I will reveal the significance one day, but I shall keep that part in secret for now. Trust me, it’s great! I ebbed and flowed through the trials and tribulations that 2021 had to offer. I survived and I saw what thriving could be for me. I will thrive in 2022 and beyond. I can’t wait to see what my future will be like. Happy New Year, y’all! Live your best lives and THRIVE! • • • #thrive #hello2022 #bye2021 #happynewyear #topnine #bestnine #7722 #yearofreturn #livingmybestlife
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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My message to 2022: YOU BETTER BE FUCKING AMAZING OR ELSE!!!!! Bye 2021! • • • #bye2021 #happynewyear #newyearnewme #newyearnewbeginnings #Hello2022 #decembertoremember #decemberbaby #Year32 #Chapter32
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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Merry Christmas from my family to yours! Don’t my parents look like Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus? We’re just too adorable and fabulous! 🎄🙏🏾🎁❤️💚💛🎅🏾🧑🏾‍🎄🤶🏾 • • • #MerryChristmas #Christmas #happyholidays #seasonsgreetings #winterwonderland #familytime #floridachristmas
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jeanellsunshine · 3 years ago
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How it started ➡️ How it’s going HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY PRINCE KENDRIC🤴🏽! You are a big ball of energy ready to rock the world! It’s nice to have another Sagittarius in the family because we truly are the life of the party! Auntie Nell loves you and I can’t wait celebrate your birthday with you! @queendee_20 you gave birth to a handsome, hilarious and fabulous baby! I apologize in advance if Kendric’s Sagittarius energy is a handful; we can’t help it…🤷🏾‍♀️😂👸🏾 • • • #sagittarius #sagittariusseason #1stbirthday #prince #babyboy #auntielifeisthebestlife
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