iwillbemeforever · 9 days
fanfiction and me had a weird relationship.
When I was younger, I didn't like fanfiction because I thought the original author words is the best. Original is best.
But then, I read some good fanfics and thought hmmm... this is good. But for a long time, I felt ashamed that I like fanfics.
But once I became adult, I'm more like nah, fanfics are good. So yeah.
i guess fanfiction wasn’t a phase….
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iwillbemeforever · 9 days
I actually needed this
hope is a skill
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iwillbemeforever · 17 days
sitting here rereading the hunger games for the first time in eight years and i can't stop thinking about how
in the first book Peeta and Katniss went into the hunger games only wanting one thing
Katniss wanted to save her sister
Peeta wanted to still be himself. he didn't want the capitol to change him
and then in Mockingjay
Prim died
and the Capitol brainwashed Peeta to the point that he didn't know what was real
They both went into the games wanting one thing. And even that was taken away from them
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iwillbemeforever · 17 days
Honestly, I remember watching the first hunger games movies.
I remember reacting to Caesar Flickerman, just as the the people in the Capitol.
And for a moment I thought, jeez, am I not the same as the Capitol right now? So yeah.
there was a moment when the people in the movie theatre and the capitol audience in the stands were laughing at the same things, having the same reactions to the games, to the deaths, to flickermans jokes, to the doctor's announcement...i wonder aren't we watching it for entertainment too
suzanne collins' books may exist in popular culture as "dystopian", but they have always been a meticulous and startlingly close social critique of our world. at what point does our own idolization of the movies and the books repeat that story? we watch just as the capitol audience does.
all dystopia eventually crosses a line from realistic futurism to current relevancy. how long will it take us to realize we've already crossed that line with these books? and the very people who need to realize this are the ones in that audience...real or fake, we're the same: consuming and consuming.
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iwillbemeforever · 17 days
Sure there's zombies killing and eating people on the street but those people are not dying from the virus they're dying from comorbidities. For instance, that guy we saw getting eaten on the way into work today clearly died from blood loss, not infection, plus he already had a heart condition. People with preexisting conditions are just going to have to take care of themselves. Say it with me, "They're all already dead to me." See, that feels a lot better now doesn't it?
Good because you still have to go to work. No we're not paying you extra. Yes we're doubling grocery prices. No you don't qualify for disability. Or healthcare. Or a home.
Look, if you get bitten, you can stay home for one day, I guess 😒, but then you need to come in early. We're really short staffed at the moment, despite our company's profits being higher than ever. In fact we may be laying some of you off next month. You don't mind working off the clock right?
Also you look silly with that protective gear. We're gonna harass you for it, not like institutionally but just socially. Who cares if a zombie attacks you? Who cares if we invite them into the building? You don't need to defend yourself, you're just overreacting. If you get bitten just tell everyone the festering bite mark is from a different animal, that's what we all do.
And hey, don't worry so much. It's endemic, which means we don't have to keep track of how many people are dying from it anymore. Just look at those numbers! It's only killed 2,000 people in America this week! That's basically nobody! We're back to normal!
If everything starts tasting like rotting meat for the rest of your life, it's probably something else. If you experience brain fog or you forget things constantly or you're tired all the time after even minor physical activity, it's just because you're lazy. Yes every other virus you ever get will also be increasingly worse but that's just a coincidence. Those viruses just happen to be exponentially worse now.
Plus, those few weeks during the lockdown were terrible for my mental health. I just can't keep living like that, so we have to go back to normal life, which now involves people biting each other and twitching uncontrollably and rotting visibly.
You can't expect the world to wait for you. "Already dead to me," remember?
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iwillbemeforever · 17 days
This was an amazing scene.
Because Anthony is so competitive but for what???? It's not like he is bright. AND KATE IS AT THE SIDE GOING, NO, WRONGGGGG.
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#he doesn't joke about flowers BRIDGERTON (2020—) S03 | E05
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iwillbemeforever · 23 days
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iwillbemeforever · 1 month
This gave me some hope. I recently just got into a relationship again but I haven't told my new partner about my asexuality. And this time, I really like them and I don't want to ruin anything.
Also, I also think they would be the kind who'd say that they are okay.
But I guess, we should take it easy and do what is right for us.
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Chapter 7-34
Tori Spring 💖
Read on Tapas / Read on Webtoon
More info/buy the books: https://aliceoseman.com/
Heartstopper updates three times a month, on the 1st, 11th, and 21st at 11am UK time.
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iwillbemeforever · 1 month
Oh, I'm pantser I suppose.
I'm not telling the story.
The story is telling itself and I am but a vessel.
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Putting together a class for beginning writers. Are you more of a pantser or a plotter? Here are some highlights I put together after asking more experienced writers what the process is like for them. I’m definitely more of a plotter. I’m hoping my beginners can use this to help identify which direction they lean. 😊
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iwillbemeforever · 1 month
She is me. I am her.
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iwillbemeforever · 2 months
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iwillbemeforever · 2 months
you have unleashed all my repressed feelings and I do not like it one bit.
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iwillbemeforever · 2 months
I'm surprised to find that you are actually a romantic.
It has always been you. Who else could it have been?
Are you trying to murder me??????
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iwillbemeforever · 2 months
You have always been my Aziraphale.
I have always known even if I didn't want to admit it.
I never wanted to admit it because I didn't want to put whatever we had at risk.
What we had was enough. It was already enough for me.
So when you told me that it had always been me. I melted a little.
Because it has always been you too.
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iwillbemeforever · 2 months
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Today (18.2.2024) it's been 15 years since Sir Terry has been knighed! :)
Fun fact: He made his own sword from a meteorite ore :) <3
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iwillbemeforever · 2 months
I actually do not want to see Aziraphale believing Crowley is dead. I think Aziraphale will be very very cold and mean. He will do anything to bring Crowley back.
I’m calling it now -
In Season 1, we had Crowley believe that Aziraphale was dead.
In Season 3, we are going to see Aziraphale believe Crowley is dead.
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iwillbemeforever · 2 months
I will, Terry.
Thank you for everything
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“Use your gifts and your talents to greatest possible effect while you can. Spread joy wherever possible. Laugh at jokes. Tell jokes. Make puns and bugger the embuggerances. Read books. Read my books. You might like them. You might find something else you like even more than them. Look for these things in life.
Question authority. Champion good causes. Speak out against injustice. Do not tolerate bullies or bigots or racists or anti-intellectuals or the narrow-minded. Use your education to challenge them. Broaden their perspectives. Make the world you interface with a happier place.
These are your choices. Choices you have been fortunate to have been given, so don’t waste them while you have them. Don’t look back in years to come and wish you had grasped a fleeting opportunity. Grasp it now with both hands, Live. Strive. Love.”
from A Little Advice for Life taken from ‘Terry Pratchett: from birth to death, a writer.’
—Sir Terry Pratchett; April 28, 1948 – March 12, 2015
One of the greatest compliments I've ever received is that I resemble Sam Vimes.
Mind how you go.
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