itzqueen · 8 years
Carolina Panthers
I'm not really a big football fan. I never have been in my life. It seems every year the Super Bowl has the same couple teams playing. This year it's not the Patriots, Steelers or whoever typically goes. The Panthers and the Broncos are going to Super Bowl 50. This year I'm actually rooting for a team....like officially. People may think I'm just jumping on the bandwagon but common. I've never even heard of the Panthers until this year. The Panthers are the underdog and they are kicking ass. I'm really rooting for them especially with my recent move to North Carolina.
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itzqueen · 8 years
The newest Suicide Squad trailer
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itzqueen · 8 years
If you want to talk about an amazing Star Wars game, Battlefront is the way to go. Space battles, planet battles and hero battles. I've played the old Battlefront games for the PS2 and this game brings back old great memories. The space battles are a little difficult for me to control. That's me personally I get my ass kicked online. Even though I die consistently I still have mad fun playing it. You can switch the camera view so you get first person view of the cockpit of the fighters. Now that is fucking cool as hell. The ground battles I'm a 100% better online than I am the space battles. It's kind of like COD in regards to the HUD. You get cards which act as perks, and you have to use credits to unlock special skins, cards, and blasters. Which isn't terrible and makes you work for what you want. You don't get a whole ton of credits for winning matches and some of the items costs thousands. It does not take away from the game at all though. The planet battles are pretty epic and last a decent amount of time. You can get a ton of kills if you are used to first person shooters. I have yet to play Hero Battles because I keep getting sucked into playing the normal "slayer" type games for hours. However I'm pretty sure it's just as awesome. I hope in the future they add more characters. Darth Maul from Battlefront 2 for PS2 was my shit, and I really hope they add him into the game. Also I hope they add the Wookie planet, that was one of my favorites. It reminded me of D-day with the Empire rushing the beaches.
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itzqueen · 8 years
Star Wars the Force Awakens *Kylo Ren*
The concept of the movie is pretty much the same concept as the other Star Wars movies. It is all based upon the Skywalker family and their family drama. Don't get me wrong I love these movies and I love the new one. However when Kylo Ren lifted up his mask it was the most underwhelming reveal in Star Wars history. I mean common. If he was interrogating me and I saw that face.... I would feel much safer. Darth Vader's face reveal in 6 was much more intimidating, considering he was burnt all over and almost looked like a feral ghoul. Now that is a reveal... not some emo kid with daddy issues. Let's step away from that and go straight to the fact that he couldn't beat Rey in a lightsaber duel. Serious? A stormtrooper basically beat his ass too. Common Kylo Ren. Vader would of just force choked one while slicing the other. Not to mention he cost the Empire thousands of creds with his temper tantrums. The only issue I have with this movie is the main bad guy, but he doesn't even look like... a bad guy.
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itzqueen · 8 years
#Xmen #marvel #trailer #Apocalypse
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itzqueen · 8 years
#Deadpool #Movies #marvel #2016 #trailer
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itzqueen · 8 years
#BatmanvsSuperman #Batman #DC #Movies #2016 #trailer
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itzqueen · 9 years
This is pretty off topic of games, movies and anything actually interesting. Sometimes I can’t believe what I see on the internet, but it’s just that.... the internet.
Since when did anyone care if you can twerk or not. It’s not even dancing. #MakeThatBootyWerk
Last time I checked, All Lives Matter, so get the stick out of your asses. #KillingIsKilling
If there are no cops, who you gonna call to help you when shit goes down? Your drug dealer? Bitch Please. Half the people who hate cops probably haven't passed the 10th grade. #DrugDealerHero
A woman didn’t do the job she was appointed to do. Last time I remember if I chose not to do my job I’d get fired. That’s why you got hired in the first place. Survivor is suing someone who probably has no money anyway. #SheNeedsANewDress
This crap has got to stop. The movie idiocracy might just become reality.
Gatorade has electrolytes! It’s what plants crave ;]
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itzqueen · 9 years
New games need to hurry up
I for one can not wait until there new games come out for the Xbox One. I’ve beaten most games that have come out and now I’m ready for more. So far the lineup has been pretty awesome. Shadow, Batman, Dead Rising, Halo MCC and a few others.
I find myself getting back into Star Wars Old Republic and I don’t mind it. It’s a decent game and you get to find out what happened to Revan at the end of KOTOR. Star Wars Battlefront needs to hurry up and be put on the shelves. I remember having a blast playing it back on the PS2. EPIC massive planet battles and endless fun. Halo 5 I’m nervous about but you never know 343 might do something awesome with the game. I’m not too excited about Black Ops 3. Not sure how I like the COD franchise jumping from developer to developer. We won’t know until we get there though.
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itzqueen · 9 years
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itzqueen · 9 years
Batman Arkham Knight (Review)
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Anyone who is a Batman fan is surely a fan of the new-gen Batman games. The most recent installment Batman Arkham Knight is one of the best Batman games to date. The story starts soon after Joker dies, and Scarecrow attempts to take out his revenge on the Dark Knight himself and hold Gotham hostage. This time around Scarecrow actually has a decent plan; however he isn’t the only one who is terrorizing Gotham.
The game features many villains from the Batman DC Universe such as Man-Bat, Two Face, Catwoman, Penguin and a few others of which I’ll keep a surprise. The other villains are implemented into side missions and each with their own unique story line. The Riddler is back, and so is his many many trophies hidden around Gotham. Not only is his pain in the ass trophies and riddles scattered through out Gotham once again, but now he has a little story line of his own.
All in all Batman Arkham Knight is an amazing game and has an EPIC story line. Side missions are not dragged out, the fighting system is the same as past games and flows smoothly. They plan on making DLC for 6 months and if you plan on getting it, I’d recommend the Season’s Pass. It will definitely pay for itself.
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itzqueen · 9 years
Dragonball Super yes please!
So some new episodes of Dragonball Super are out and so far it's pretty awesome. Granted it's only two episodes in, subtitled and no huge battles have ensued; but hey it's still pretty exciting. The Dragonball franchise has been kicking off this year in a big way. New game (awesome game btw), new movie (hurry up FUNimation), and a new series.... the creator's are killing it this year. I hope that as time goes on new generations will get into DBZ and start it from the beginning to see how much each character has grown individually. I can't wait for the *insert dramatic deep voice* NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGONBALL....SUPER.
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itzqueen · 9 years
Walking Dead Season 6 trailer!
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itzqueen · 9 years
Batman vs. Superman trailer!
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itzqueen · 9 years
Suicide Squad Trailer!
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itzqueen · 9 years
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There is finally a release date for the new Dragonball Z movie in the U.S.
August 3-12th
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itzqueen · 9 years
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Gay Marriage is now legal in all of the U.S States and U.S Territories. The Supreme Court just made it the law of the land and American’s couldn’t be happier. Well most of them anyway.
This is a huge win for the LGBT community and after years and years of being scrutinized the community has finally gotten what they wanted. It was a long time coming and I couldn’t be more proud of the direction this country has gone as far as the LGBT community is concerned.
Yeah there will be people who still think it’s wrong but you know what.....
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