itspinkyguerrero · 5 years
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itspinkyguerrero · 5 years
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Represented Actress
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
Gratitude and Joy
Today, while serving at Maggie’s Place at their Family resource center we had our weekly meeting. In today’s meeting, we talked about one theme of advent, joy. Now, before you exit out of this please read this to the end! I promise it’s worth it!
“One theme of Advent is Joy. One thing that I’ve thought about this year is the relationship between gratitude and joy. I started thinking that we are…
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
A Year Of Service
A Year Of Service
Hello, Valued Readers!
Can you believe that it’s already December?! Time is sure flying by! It’s been a while since I’ve been active on the blog. I apologize! With a million reasons about why I haven’t been active is because it was due to a death in the Family. And, some passion projects that I have worked on! BUT, nonetheless, I can FINALLY announce some of the things that I have worked on since…
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
  My name is Pinky Guerrero (left) and this is my Daughter, Katelynn (right)! We are a Mom and Daughter team who recently had the opportunity to compete in the 2019 Royal International Miss Arizona Pageant.
Before I move forward, I wanted to share what the Royal International Miss Scholarship Program is all about! RIM, is about empowering young women while giving them the opportunity to grow and…
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
Hello & Welcome: Life Came Full-Circle (Story Time)
Hello & Welcome to my first EVER wasblog post on my NEW site! (Yay!)
I appreciate you for clicking on the link and thank you for coming to read this first post! If you’re new here — Hello & Welcome! My name is Pinky Guerrero and I am your newly crowned 2019 Royal International Ms. Arizona! (Woo Hoo!)
Now, if you don’t know about me or my background here is a littlebackstory: I have competed in…
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
My Dearest Katelynn,
I knew I wanted to have another baby, but, I didn’t know that it was you that I needed until God placed you in my heart. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I prayed for you… I asked God to bless me with a healthy little Girl. One to call my own, one whose heart would love and know Jesus. One with ten little toes, ten little fingers, and gorgeous eyes with beautiful long lashes like her Father. One whose head was filled with locks of curls, with a personality like her Lolo Rudy, and with the sass and determination of her Mom, Purita. A little girl who would grow-up brave, independent and one who would make a difference in the lives of many. One who would keep me on my toes, one whose eyes saw the beauty in everything she saw. One who could rough it up with the boys.
And, then you were born. The day you were born you changed everything. You made it known that you marched to the beat of your own drum, that you were born with a purpose, that you are strong and courageous. The moment I held you, Katelynn, I knew that you were the missing piece to our puzzle. You completed our Family.
As you continue to get older, I hope you never lose that twinkle in your eye, I pray that you continue to look at the world as magical and beautiful as you see it, I pray that you continue to keep everyone on their toes with your personality and spunk. I know you’re eager to share your talents and skills with the world, but, in all honesty, the world isn’t ready for you yet. ;]
Thank you, my little Gremlin for blessing us with your grace. We love you more than you’d ever know.
  Happy National Daughter’s Day, Katelynn Marie! My Dearest Katelynn, I knew I wanted to have another baby, but, I didn't know that it was you that I needed until God placed you in my heart.
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
Hello & Happy August 13!
First things first, I hope you are well! It’s already 13 days into August, and I feel like I am barely just catching my breath! Whew! The Kiddos had their first week of school, and unlike many other schools, they started on August 6th! It is a new school for them, and so far they love it! Spencer always gets a little separation anxiety, so he has been shedding some tears…
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
Hello, GP5!
First and foremost, thanks for reading our blog! It truly means the world to us! Thank you for all your messages regarding our moving adventure! And, although we haven’t shed much light on the situation, we can finally address that …
EEK! We have wanted to share this news for a while and didn’t want to say anything until everything was finalized! I’m sure those who…
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
Packing-Up & Saying Goodbye To Our Home
Packing-Up & Saying Goodbye To Our Home
Happy Monday, GP5! First and foremost, I do have to say your comments, messages, and texts about my last post crack me up! I swear we have the best readers EVER! ❤ and, sorry if you felt fooled by my title ;]
If you have followed us since Day 1 (thank you), if you’re just joining the #GP5 Fam, Welcome! As most of you know, we just announced something special last week Monday! If you have no clue…
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
STORY TIME: Moving to Vegas, Selling our Home!
STORY TIME: Moving to Vegas, Selling our Home!
What’s up GP5 Family! Man, Do I have a LONG story for you! It will answer a lot of questions and hopefully shed light on my life’s current situations! Cause I know you have to be curious (or nosy) HA HA! Whichever.
If you’ve followed me on social media you’d know that I took a slight hiatus on my Facebook, Instagram, etc. I did this for several reasons:
I had to focus on the load that was on my…
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
Story Time: When Are You Graduating College?
Story Time: When Are You Graduating College?
Good Afternoon, GP5 Fam!
I hope your Summer is adventurous, fun and that you’re being safe (and of course wearing sunscreen)! Our Summer has been interesting, to say the least. When is it not interesting in the Guerrero household?! Anyways, if you couldn’t tell from the title of this post– we are gonna talk about my college journey!
So, sit tight, grab a snack and get comfy!
My college journey…
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itspinkyguerrero · 6 years
How My 8 Year Old Made Me Cry
How My 8 Year Old Made Me Cry
Happy Monday, #GP5Fam! It’s been a crazy start to our week here in the Grr-arrow household! I mean when is it not ever crazy in my household, psh! Who am I kidding! I live with crazies! Haha! (facepalm)
Anyways, with hockey & figure skating in full swing. I barely can keep up with the household chores and sleep– speaking of sleep, I missdoing that. And, it’s usually when everyone is asleep, is…
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itspinkyguerrero · 7 years
True Story: Epic Melt Down (Mom Edition)
Multiple people today mentioned how busy my wife and I have become; “How do you do it?” They ask. My answer: I couldn’t do it without her. - Ric
Hello! Happy first day of Spring! (Is that day today or was that yesterday?) See how well, I know my days? anyways, hey there! ;] It’s been an absolute hot minute since I’ve posted on the blog (epic fail). But, I guess you can say, my overflowing schedule has finally burned me out! And, I’m shamelessly here to share with you, my meltdown moment (Mom edition)! Today, was one of those days when I…
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itspinkyguerrero · 7 years
Story Time: I Cried Way More Than I Thought I Would
As I spoke of my story, I felt the emotion in the room. Through their tears, I can tell they felt what I was saying, my words were resonating with them. It was such a raw, vulnerable moment... one I'm grateful I got to experience.
Happy Thursday, Friends! If you’re new to Guerrero Party of 5 — Welcome to the #GP5 Fam! I recently just finished “The Living Library” event at Phoenix College and let me just tell you, I am changed. I know, so cliché. But, in all honesty, I cried way more than I thought I would. To be able to share my personal story, my struggles, my obstacles and overcoming them. And, being so vulnerable was…
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itspinkyguerrero · 7 years
Story Time: I Cried Way More Then I Thought I Would
Story Time: I Cried Way More Then I Thought I Would
Happy Thursday, Friends! If you’re new to Guerrero Party of 5 — Welcome to the #GP5 Fam! I recently just finished “The Living Library” event at Phoenix College and let me just tell you, I am changed. I know, so cliché. But, in all honesty, I cried way more then I thought I would. To be able to share my personal story, my struggles, my obstacles and overcoming them. And, being so vulnerable was…
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itspinkyguerrero · 7 years
4 Reasons Why You Should Come To The "Living Library" Event
4 Reasons Why You Should Come To The “Living Library” Event
Hello, GP5 Family! I hope you are all having a fabulous Wednesday! In all the hustle and bustle of yesterday’s adventures, I forgot to mention an event that I am participating in, and it’s held in Phoenix, AZ.  And, I would LOVE to invite all of my GP5 Family and Friends to come take part! Photo Credit: Google/MemesHappen.com I know, I know — this Kevin Hart meme is totally on point! — Haha, In…
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