Regret - Imagine Stiles x Reader
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You are laughing at your friend Rachel, because she just told you an hilarious joke. You and Rachel are sitting up front in the school bus, on your way to school.
Stiles (Your ex), are funny enough taking the bus today, even though he has a car, and you know it’s running perfectly fine..or.. It’s running. 
Y/N: Rachel, have you seen him.. He’s sitting in the back..
Rachel: Yeah, I did see him. But girl, don't let him know that you recognized him being here. After all, he dumped you and we don’t want him to think that you are desperate and want him back.
Y/N: But that’s the thing.. You know I do.. I want him so much..
Rachel: I know, but if he’s that smart as he lets everyone knows he is, he will regret soon. 
Y/N: Yeah.. You’re right.. All right, i'm taking myself together.
Rachel: Yaaas girl and now, you need to listen to this song I recently found, it’s AMAZIIIING.
She’s so beautiful when she laughs.. I miss when I made her laugh like that..
Stiles on the phone: 
Stiles: Yeah scott, what did you say?
Scott: Mann, are you even listening to me anymore?
Stiles: Sorry bro.. I took the bus today and..
Scott: And Y/N is there isn’t she?
Stiles: Yeah.. She is.
Scott: Bro, you need to tell her you fucked up and regret..
Stiles: I can’t.. She seems to be so happy now.. She’s probably already moving on..
Scott: Yeah.. Well she was a good one though..
Stiles: The best. She is the best. 
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Why is this relatable 
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Who would refuse
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Kids say the darnedest things!
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Jealousy - Stiles Stilinski X Reader
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Stiles finally has the courage to ask you out. As he’s on his way up across the halls of your school, he finally finds you - only to witness you being asked out by another student from your school. 
The sadness comes rushing through his body, as he realizes it was maybe to late.. 
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Hi everyone and welcome back. It's been some time, but I want to start writing again. Do you have any kind of requests? Any kind of character, it does not have to be the joker - I will look into that, just dm me. Thanks Xx
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Naughty Bath time - Joker and You
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” HUN! Are you in the bathroom?” Joker yelled from what sounded like your living room.
” YEAH! WHAT’S WITH THE YELLING, GET IN HERE WITH ME!” you yelled back at him from your bathroom. You were just taking a bath and wanted Joker to join you in there for some fun.
“I CAN’T!! IM GOING OUT….IM GOING TO THE CLUB TONIGHT” Joker yelled back at you.
“AW THAT’S SAD…IM NAKED THOUGH…AND READY IF YOU ARE BABY!” you yelled back at him, with a touch of sensual tone in your response.
“Urg... why does she always do this to me...” Joker asked himself, while he was now thinking. Joker walked back and forth a couple of times, until he decided what he wanted to do the most this night.  
“Screw this...!” he said to himself, af he quickly threw off his jacket and almost ran to the bathroom, to come and claim what was his.
“IM COMING NOW!!” Joker yelled at you, as you could heard his quick footsteps coming closer.
“NO, NOT YET YOU ARE PUDDIN” you yelled back at him, with a smirk on your face and ready to take what was given to you.
“She’s gonna get it now” Joker said to himself, as he finally was in front of the bathroom door and swung it open...
“Daddy’s here babygirl” Joker said, as he looked at your beautiful naked body, with a smirk on his face.
“Give it to me daddy” you said with a giggle at the end of the sentence.  
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Hey I just found your joker story’s I really like them. I hope there is more soon.
Thank you love xx Right now the jokers stories are closed and finished, I promise I will think of doing others - maybe others stories but idk yet. Thank you for reading - best wishes for you xx
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- Fear not, for I have lived A thousand years beyond the stars And an eternity in your shadows. -------------------------------------- - You shall not define me Who I am and what I think? That’s up to me and not you. -------------------------------------- - Fear not, for I have lived A thousand years in chains And what you think isn’t my opinion. -------------------------------------- - Fear not, for I have lived Broken chains and happy smiles I am free now And my opinion matters.
Maria-Louise Deleuran Thomsen
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Summer is here - where are you traveling to this year? o.o
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Beautiful tatts
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Well, that’s something to think about
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This life is what you make it. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And baby, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soulmate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.
- Marilyn Monroe
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Hi, have a great day ⭐️
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Got you good
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