We're organizing a raid on that account anyone who wants to join let us know
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can someone fucking explain why people just assume age!?
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Ik right?
Hey @djlights you got to see this
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Hey @djlights you got to see this
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Bruh I kept getting texts like this IM A FUCKING GUY
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People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don’t how it is all around the world but I know it can’t just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
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@flamy-789 kitteys eyes are blue
Two Truths and a Lie!
Rules: Share two truths and one lie about yourself, tag five people to guess your lie and to share their own, make sure to guess the lie of the person who tagged you!
and 🤔 mmm I wanna guess that 3, you never went to music festivals, is your lie? I’m real tempted to say 2, but even smart people can repeat grades for one reason or another. Ohh I love this game, though I’m pretty bad at guessing games. I got tagged by@de-sire-blog
Now mine, which I had a lot of trouble coming up with xD
1. I used to get into lots of trouble for fighting and what not in school because anger issues~
2. I was basically raised at renaissance fair for how often my parents and I attended from my birth until I was about 6-7.
3. I once had plans to become a musician and/or actor until I realized my social anxiety was way too terrible, so I settled for doing art instead.
Tagging, but no pressure ~ @thebattlehamster @miss-bibbles @jegulus-trash @clifford-thebigreddog
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