30 posts
Art and personal account. Structure? I don't know her. Header by Wazilikie
Last active 3 hours ago
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insert--coffeebean · 10 hours ago
1 day since monster hunter wilds came out. 6 days until I can play it. I'm going to fucking combust.
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insert--coffeebean · 8 days ago
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insert--coffeebean · 20 days ago
Where's that user who self-made spoiled milk with carbonated water and milk powder. They're calling them again
what is THE worst thing you've ever drank. all liquids acceptable. please tell me what it was, bonus points for why
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insert--coffeebean · 20 days ago
I feel really bad for some people who are dumb. Like damn. I'm so sorry you don't get anything. I wish I could help you but you don't even get that. I hope you won't be alone and miserable forever.
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insert--coffeebean · 21 days ago
I'm doing this one more time, from then on you have to promise me to do your own research if you do really want to know more.
First of all, I am deeply sorry that you cannot feel safe in your own home, in your own country, without access to an assault weapon. That is a horrible reality to live in. Feeling unsafe every day of your life is devastating and heartbreaking. I hope one day you can feel safe without having to every day be ready to take someone else's life.
Feeling this unsafe is, however, not something to pride yourself with.
According to the National Crime Victimization survey from 2018, there were approximately 70,040 defensive gun uses in that year in the USA. This number is of course hard to track, which is why it says approximately. Circa 70,000 cases in which a person used a gun to defend themselves.
On the other hand, there were approximately 484,800 cases of firearm Victimization; cases in which someone used their firearms to harm others. That's more than six times the defensive uses. So, while these number are of course not 100% accurate, the majority of cases of gun use are definitely not defensive.
Im sure the European countries, in most of which incredibly strict gun laws exist, and who all together had less mass shooting in the entirety of 2024 (9)
than the USA faced in only the first month of 2025 (23)
don't really matter to you, so let's stay in the US:
Here is a fine statistic measuring the strength of each states gun laws in relation to their gun violence rate:
To sum it up, the stricter the gun laws, the less gun violence per 100.000 residents. Not of course for every single state in every single case, (for example New Hampshire does pretty well which among the weakest gun laws and a better than average rate of gun violence(though "better than average" in this case means 10 from 100000)), but, all in all, I just don't know what to tell you other than you can see it all over the fucking world that stricter gun laws work.
Again, I'm sorry you feel so unsafe. I hope one day you can feel safer. Maybe, one day, you can even send your kids to school without a bullet proof backpack. Like in every other first world country. I'm so sorry.
The Clue is, if you're only able to feel safe by constantly being ready to harm others, you're not safe. If you're only able to feel safe by constantly being ready to harm others, something is wrong. If you're only able to feel safe by constantly being ready to harm others, something needs to change.
(also, another clue to add on!: using a picture saying "it's not facism when we do it" while the two men in charge of your countries are fascists, is kind of, you know. Ironic, almost? Sad, at best. I'm just a little worried, man.)
Imagine being dropped into a fantasy land, just out of nowhere. Everything seems normal, pretty usual, actually, until you notice one crucial thing.
People own monsters. And not like Pokemon-type shit. People own carnivorous, dangerous animals, everything from small dog-like to big, lion-like creatures. Some use them for hunting, some just carry them around like property, a lot of people own multiple ones.
You're a little freaked out, walking by someone with a gigantic lion with red eyes and the sharpest teeth you have ever seen. They're just walking around with them like it's normal! That thing could kill someone! But okay, you think, hey, I'm sure this is fine, I'm sure this is all regulated and cool.
You look into the media, wanting to learn how this weird world operates. You learn that it is not unusual for people to use their monsters as property control, sicking them on whoever steps a foot in their yard. You dig deeper. You find that a lot of people actually use their animals to attack and kill each other. There are thousands of reported cases of people murdering others with these animalistic weapons. Cases of random attacks, people killing their spouses and partners. You find murders, but you find accidents, too: a kid playing with the monster of his dad, losing control of it. It never should have been left alone with it. A stray monster picked up by some rando, who has neither the tools nor the mental stability to not use it to hurt anyone. You start to feel really uneasy. But you dig deeper.
People use their monsters freely. Some hunt other normal animals for sport with them. The license that one needs to get one is easy to acquire and very often left unchecked. Its super easy to get one. You think to yourself, shit, I need one, don't I? What if someone attacks me with theirs, what am I supposed to do then?
You find cases of people running rampant with their monsters. In malls, in banks, in cinemas, even in schools. Thousands of people die every year from people sicking their monsters on them.
And then you find something else. In a lot of other countries of this strange, twisted world, these animals are banned. Normal people, regular citizens, are prohibited from owning them. They cause too much violence, too much death, they're too easy to use to hurt. This is almost relieving, but you think to yourself, wait, why aren't they banned here?
The best thing you can find is that people believe it is their right to own whatever they want. They should be able to own their killing machines because otherwise their freedom is infringed. You just sit there, mouth agape. This doesn't feel like a good enough reason to let thousands of people die every year. To make violence so easy and accessible to everyone all over the country. To make children die in schools, teens in the mall, adults at their workplace, or in their own home, anyone and everyone constantly open to being attacked in the street, dead within seconds.
Why would they let people own killing machines? Talking about freedom, while people die day by day, and the system of banning them works so well in dozens of other countries. But no. They just won't. They pride themselves on their right to earn monsters. They think it makes them great. They harass anyone who dares question it.
Who wouldn't want to go home? Who wouldn't question this? Who wouldn't want to change this, open people's eyes?
Sigh, folks. This post is about firearms.
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insert--coffeebean · 22 days ago
Let me quote you! "OMG!! You're so close to getting a clue!!!"
Imagine being dropped into a fantasy land, just out of nowhere. Everything seems normal, pretty usual, actually, until you notice one crucial thing.
People own monsters. And not like Pokemon-type shit. People own carnivorous, dangerous animals, everything from small dog-like to big, lion-like creatures. Some use them for hunting, some just carry them around like property, a lot of people own multiple ones.
You're a little freaked out, walking by someone with a gigantic lion with red eyes and the sharpest teeth you have ever seen. They're just walking around with them like it's normal! That thing could kill someone! But okay, you think, hey, I'm sure this is fine, I'm sure this is all regulated and cool.
You look into the media, wanting to learn how this weird world operates. You learn that it is not unusual for people to use their monsters as property control, sicking them on whoever steps a foot in their yard. You dig deeper. You find that a lot of people actually use their animals to attack and kill each other. There are thousands of reported cases of people murdering others with these animalistic weapons. Cases of random attacks, people killing their spouses and partners. You find murders, but you find accidents, too: a kid playing with the monster of his dad, losing control of it. It never should have been left alone with it. A stray monster picked up by some rando, who has neither the tools nor the mental stability to not use it to hurt anyone. You start to feel really uneasy. But you dig deeper.
People use their monsters freely. Some hunt other normal animals for sport with them. The license that one needs to get one is easy to acquire and very often left unchecked. Its super easy to get one. You think to yourself, shit, I need one, don't I? What if someone attacks me with theirs, what am I supposed to do then?
You find cases of people running rampant with their monsters. In malls, in banks, in cinemas, even in schools. Thousands of people die every year from people sicking their monsters on them.
And then you find something else. In a lot of other countries of this strange, twisted world, these animals are banned. Normal people, regular citizens, are prohibited from owning them. They cause too much violence, too much death, they're too easy to use to hurt. This is almost relieving, but you think to yourself, wait, why aren't they banned here?
The best thing you can find is that people believe it is their right to own whatever they want. They should be able to own their killing machines because otherwise their freedom is infringed. You just sit there, mouth agape. This doesn't feel like a good enough reason to let thousands of people die every year. To make violence so easy and accessible to everyone all over the country. To make children die in schools, teens in the mall, adults at their workplace, or in their own home, anyone and everyone constantly open to being attacked in the street, dead within seconds.
Why would they let people own killing machines? Talking about freedom, while people die day by day, and the system of banning them works so well in dozens of other countries. But no. They just won't. They pride themselves on their right to earn monsters. They think it makes them great. They harass anyone who dares question it.
Who wouldn't want to go home? Who wouldn't question this? Who wouldn't want to change this, open people's eyes?
Sigh, folks. This post is about firearms.
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insert--coffeebean · 23 days ago
Imagine being dropped into a fantasy land, just out of nowhere. Everything seems normal, pretty usual, actually, until you notice one crucial thing.
People own monsters. And not like Pokemon-type shit. People own carnivorous, dangerous animals, everything from small dog-like to big, lion-like creatures. Some use them for hunting, some just carry them around like property, a lot of people own multiple ones.
You're a little freaked out, walking by someone with a gigantic lion with red eyes and the sharpest teeth you have ever seen. They're just walking around with them like it's normal! That thing could kill someone! But okay, you think, hey, I'm sure this is fine, I'm sure this is all regulated and cool.
You look into the media, wanting to learn how this weird world operates. You learn that it is not unusual for people to use their monsters as property control, sicking them on whoever steps a foot in their yard. You dig deeper. You find that a lot of people actually use their animals to attack and kill each other. There are thousands of reported cases of people murdering others with these animalistic weapons. Cases of random attacks, people killing their spouses and partners. You find murders, but you find accidents, too: a kid playing with the monster of his dad, losing control of it. It never should have been left alone with it. A stray monster picked up by some rando, who has neither the tools nor the mental stability to not use it to hurt anyone. You start to feel really uneasy. But you dig deeper.
People use their monsters freely. Some hunt other normal animals for sport with them. The license that one needs to get one is easy to acquire and very often left unchecked. Its super easy to get one. You think to yourself, shit, I need one, don't I? What if someone attacks me with theirs, what am I supposed to do then?
You find cases of people running rampant with their monsters. In malls, in banks, in cinemas, even in schools. Thousands of people die every year from people sicking their monsters on them.
And then you find something else. In a lot of other countries of this strange, twisted world, these animals are banned. Normal people, regular citizens, are prohibited from owning them. They cause too much violence, too much death, they're too easy to use to hurt. This is almost relieving, but you think to yourself, wait, why aren't they banned here?
The best thing you can find is that people believe it is their right to own whatever they want. They should be able to own their killing machines because otherwise their freedom is infringed. You just sit there, mouth agape. This doesn't feel like a good enough reason to let thousands of people die every year. To make violence so easy and accessible to everyone all over the country. To make children die in schools, teens in the mall, adults at their workplace, or in their own home, anyone and everyone constantly open to being attacked in the street, dead within seconds.
Why would they let people own killing machines? Talking about freedom, while people die day by day, and the system of banning them works so well in dozens of other countries. But no. They just won't. They pride themselves on their right to earn monsters. They think it makes them great. They harass anyone who dares question it.
Who wouldn't want to go home? Who wouldn't question this? Who wouldn't want to change this, open people's eyes?
Sigh, folks. This post is about firearms.
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insert--coffeebean · 24 days ago
My dad's such an icon, one moment he will discuss the dangers of leftist extremism with me - which is not a totally unwarranted conversation but I think we have bigger problems here in Germany right now - and literally the next day he will say that what we would have needed in Germany was a kind of french revolution cause we have too much nobility who still have their heads.
I love him so much.
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insert--coffeebean · 1 month ago
Middle Earth loves two main characters constantly gaying on each other. Just all the time. Gay sexing over soft words and softer looks.
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insert--coffeebean · 1 month ago
Fuck you, Neil Gaiman.
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Fuck you, Neil Gaiman.
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insert--coffeebean · 2 months ago
Defying Gravity but it's Crowley's and Aziraphales breakup.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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insert--coffeebean · 2 months ago
Being a warrior cats fan who doesn’t read the books and relies on the internet to update me is the funniest experience ever 10/10 would recommend. Wdym Tawnypelt and Crowfeather are having a nostalgia induced nursing home affair omg
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insert--coffeebean · 2 months ago
Who the fuck is Moonpaw?
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I haven't even read that chapter but I feel like this is obligatory. Maybe I'm even gonna do a real design on a later date
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insert--coffeebean · 3 months ago
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insert--coffeebean · 3 months ago
I genuinely fucking LOVE studying the Bible in school because how awesome is it that most of these horrible people that like using the Bible to cement their power over others have probably never read it, or sure as shit don't understand a single thing about it
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insert--coffeebean · 3 months ago
Not even american but man, slay. I'd hide you out in germany if you need a place
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insert--coffeebean · 3 months ago
Frankenstein is so simple and so good at making me cry
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