innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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I think Breaking News Daily got a bit confused.
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
14th February
Louis’ Twitter account tweets this and this (which is funny because of this)
#AIMHTo2Millions is Top Trend
AIMH hits 2M retweets
antis get bitter :)
Jay posts this on Instagram 
Louis goes to Sephora with Oli and he goes shopping clothes with Oli, with a fan
Danielle walks the red carpet at a Z-list Candy Crush themed pre-grammy party (Louis doesn’t walk with her, people assume he isn’t there)
there appear tons of photos from fans of Louis and Danielle in different positions (yes, it was another photoshoot), they posed in front of the UAs and stalkers, one of the video literally starts with “why are they just standing there….” so like :)
Zayn walks the red carpet at the pre-grammy party (he apparently leaves when Harry arrives)
Harry and the Azoffs are at the same party - Pre-GRAMMY Gala and Salute to Industry Icons honoring Irving Azoff (the distance from the party Louis was at), there are only few photos of Harry though, Harry leaving (15/2) 
Briana posts a photo holding baby’s hand on Instagram, suddenly taking it off private, captioning it “couldn’t have asked for a better valentine” 
articles about the photo come out really soon after 
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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Drag him.
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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Well would you look at that
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
the little Ls that randomly appeared on Harry’s hands
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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hello peeps here r some white charcoal thingies on black paper :)
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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make me choose: lirry, lilo or narry.
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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Semper Fi: Detroit, 29 Aug 2015 // Manchester, 3 Oct 2015
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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Billboard Music Awards 2015 - American Music Awards 2015
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
“who would you like to be your valentine, if you could have anyone in the world?”
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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Harry x Botticelli
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
Top 15 unexplained larry moments
The most questioning moments in all of Larry history.
Starting off at #1 The standing out to film. What even was this? We all thought it might have been a coming out video, but we actually don’t know. Note how it’s just the two of them and supposedly Eleanor? (Debatable)
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#2 The Wellington. What even happened here? It’s debated that Louis shouts “boyfriend” and “waitress” here. And apparently they kiss? They were obviously very drunk. Also note that the camera is blurry and it’s the only beautiful footage we have.
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#3 The almost kiss. During a radio interview Louis doesn’t think the camera is on him and harry, so he turns his head and somewhat puckers his lips, kinda asking Harry to “kiss me” Harry then takes notice of the camera and jokingly slaps Louis’ cheek. Louis sees that the camera is on them then mouths “oops.”
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#4 The couch moment. What exactly happened here? A “I’ll just causally whisper something supposedly dirty into you ear” moment? Well what ever happened made Louis have a “loaded gun” for the rest of the night.
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#5 The chocolate coin fight. Somehow opening chocolate coins lead to throwing them at each other, which lead to the “Now kiss me you fool!” Totally platonic right? (not to mention Harry tweeted “chocolate coin problems” which is a code for gay sex or this moment?)
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#6 The same love performance. When Macklemore, Ryan Lewis, and Mary Lambert performed, Harry rested his head on Louis’ shoulder. Maybe totally platonic, or not; not to mention the song is about gay rights.
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#7 The moment when Louis jacked off a fern plant and look at Harry. What even was that? Mid-interview and everything. Just looked at Harry and waited for him to look and then shamelessly did it. We saw that Louis. The poor fern. 
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#8 The supposedly whispering into Harry’s ear. (as antis said) A famous concert part.  But his ear isn’t there, is he whispering into his cheek? 
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#9 The “Harry’s getting head.” When Louis and Harry were questioned about what they were going to do after the BRIT Awards, Louis said, “Harry’s getting head.” They were all a bit drunk and then Harry high pitch squees and Louis smirks and licks his lips. Like ok, just friends.
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#10 The Paris interview. That was extremely painful and sappy oh my. I don’t think I even need to go on about the flirting, the soft hair touches, the soft laughs, and full on heart eyes.
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#11 The “How do you whisk?” Ok, on national TV Louis just so happens to forget how to whisk? Like we get it, you don’t cook, but do you really need a hands on example? Apparently he did, and he also mentioned how Harry loves sweet corn and how they live together, and how Harry does all the cooking. 
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#12 The “My first real crush was Louis Tomlinson.” Harry said it so straight forward with such a serious expression. And the interviewer says “who” and Harry replies and later says “It’s mutual, we’ve discussed it.” Like ok. Then the lady says “That’s beautiful Harry” and he just nods.  
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#13 The “Next to you.” The infamous “Where do you want to sit?” “Next to you.” And of course management’s right there and says “you can’t sit next to each other.” Which is an example of management’s ability to do what they want.
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#14 The “Do you all want to get married and have kids someday?” Oh you know just answering it while looking into your pals eyes and turning away blushing. ‘100%.” from Louis. And then a “Even as young as you are?” And a “yeah” from both of them. 
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#15 The “Lou can I give you a blowjob?” Ok, who even says that? During Niall’s interview you can hear Harry ask that. Which Louis’ responds, “I’d love it if you’d just wait.” And of course they’re whispering so they didn’t mean to get heard. Which makes Niall stop and laugh. Totally platonic pals. :)
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
Do you really think he signed it cass? Cause it really looks like a legit copy
okayyyyy i have 30934455 asks asking me if it’s real or not… basically. my answer is… louis doesnt have a kid. i dont care how they try and prove to everyone that he does, but i know that he doesnt… so im not gonna get all wrapped up in the ins and outs of it… im not gonna worry if the BC is real or not… im not gonna sit here and wonder how they’re going to get out of it IF the BC is real… im not bothered about anything else they throw at as tbh… because i know that louis doesnt have a kid. it will come out that he doesnt have a kid… it will also come out that harry and louis are together and it will also be made public that there is a team change and that simon is a cunt.. i dont know when this’ll happen, but i know that it’s the truth…
so yeah… i dont careeeeeeeee. i dont care about figuring out how they’re gonna try and get out of this tangled web they’ve weaved, i dont care what happens between now and then, because i know what the ending is. im not interested in being pulled back and forward with my emotions, i dont care for the drama that all this shit creates, i still remember all the things that’ve been shady af since the beginning so another effort to try and prove louis has a kid to a minimal amount of people who dont believe it, is not going to make me forget those things or convince me he does have a kid. 
the problem is, everyone is trying to figure out how things are getting done. how are they able to forge a BC, how isnt it illegal, how can he sign it if hes not the father, how is he going to get out of it, how how how… i dont care about the hows because whoever is looking after this knows how it’s all happening… i dont need to know how it happens. i just need to know that it’s going to end.. and im confident that it will. so happy good for now :)
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
Short Story: I am 42 years old. I am a One Direction fan. I have 3 stories/reasons why.
Long Story: Almost two years ago, my husband died. Our daughter is a little duplicate of him. They loved to prank, tell bad jokes, and tease each other about things including One Direction. He wanted her to be a Liam girl. She just rolled her eyes.
Reason 1: I always wanted to be close to my daughter, but she was such a daddy’s girl. I loved that. When he died, I wanted to be there for her. She reached out by giving me One Direction. I like to research things. I went online to find out more about these boys my daughter liked. I found freddieismyqueen. I watched the interviews. They made me laugh. This was the first time I truly laughed after my husband died. I loved the boys because they reminded me to laugh. I tell people often that I am a One Direction fan because they taught me to laugh again.
Reason 2: I have found that the One Direction fandom, for the most part, is a wonderful family to be a part of. My daughter became sick in June 2015. She ended up in Children’s Hospital with a brain absence. On July 4th, she had brain surgery. She made it through two surgeries and began to heal quickly. However, she was supposed to go to a 1D Concert on the 11th in Santa Clara, California. She still had too much infection inside, so the doctors wouldn’t release her from the hospital. She was devastated. I was new to twitter. While she was resting, I tweeted everybody I could think of…each of the boys, their families, fan sites. I didn’t expect anything, so I didn’t tell my daughter that I was doing it. Right away, I started received “Get Well Julia” tweets. Cam Mansel, a DJ in New Zealand, sent her a get well video. She was thrilled. Then Gemma, Harry’s sister, tweeted her. Wow! This was a turning point for her. She happily gave away her tickets to a friend who couldn’t afford to go to the concert. She just requested pictures and stories. After Gemma’s tweet, we received so many tweets. This fandom is such an amazing family.
Reason 3: When the doctors finally said that she was completely released from their care, we decided to try to go to a different 1D concert. There weren’t many left. A group of our family and friends raised a bunch of money and sent us to Boston to see the last 1D concert on the North American leg of the tour. Holy cow! Almost two months after she had surgery, she was going to see the boys! Here comes my reason 3. My daughter made a sign that said “I survided brain surgery to be here.” She didn’t expect special treatment; she just wanted to say it. It was her way of celebrating that she was a survivor. In the front row, there were these sweet girls who had won tickets and meet and greets. They were so excited that they grabbed a girl from the upper decks to come sit in their extra seat on the front row. This girl and my daughter bonded because they were wearing the same shirt. These two girls wanted to squeeze my daughter up on the front row with them. I told my daughter that she couldn’t because security had said that we had to stay in our seats. Next thing I know, the security guard grabbed her and made a place for her right on the railing of the front row. My girl got to see the entire concert from the front row! The boys were so amazing to her. They smiled, waved, and blew kisses to her. These boys are amazing. After watching the boys, I don’t think I will ever believe a negative report about them. They are genuinely nice and kind. When the concert was all over, my daughter told me that it was kinda worth it to be stuck in the hospital her entire summer vacation.
Bonus Reason: At the Boston concert, Harry talked to my mom. He is so totally adorable. I’ve heard stories that when Harry talks to you, you forget anyone else is around. That is kinda true for my mom. She had no idea she was being filmed. She had no idea she was on the big screen. She only knew that the two of them were having a fun conversation in the middle of a concert. Of course, my mom is a 1D fan and a true Harry Styles fan. I love to tease her and tell her that she was flirting with Harry.
Moral of the Story: I am an older One Direction fan, and I am proud of it. If I ever met one of the boys…I would love to give them a hug, tell them I love them, and then maybe “mom” them a bit.
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
Larries in jail be like:
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Originally posted by yuphaz
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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“You’ve got Harry, who’s like.. the perfect popstar. Just born for it. Like, loves it.” 
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innitsomething-blog · 9 years
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