USSS&StPri translations
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Shin |Ph| twitter: shinsama1121_ I translate USSS & Strawberry Prince stuff! I like anime and utaites ww I'll be using this mainly to post translations and anything related to USSS and StPri (and my art) || PLEASE DO NOT USE MY TRANSLATIONS AND ART WITHOUT...
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ichiban-princess · 7 years ago
[Translation]Further details on urashimasakatasen's new album "V-enus"
Further details on urashimasakatasen's new album "V-enus" (To be released on July 4, 2018) 
<First Press Limited Edition A> [CD + Bonus DVD-A]  GNCL-1300
¥ 2,500 (excluding tax)
Bonus DVD-A "urashimasakatasen tries fan sports"
Cast: urashimasakatasen (Uratanuki, Shima, Tonari no Sakata., Senra)
<First Press Limited Edition B> [CD + Bonus DVD-B] GNCL-1301
¥ 2,500 (excluding tax)
Bonus DVD-B "The one with the most feelings for urashimasakatasen is me! Championship"
Cast: urashimasakatasen (Uratanuki, Shima, Tonari no Sakata., Senra)
<Normal Edition> GNCL-1302
¥ 2,000 (excluding tax)
First Press Limited Edition A & B and Normal Edition's First press includes:
"urashimasakatasen's V-enus release celebration & fan meeting!" application for participation flyer including serial number
Artist photo card (1 out of the 5 illustration versions)
01. Starry Cruise
Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement:Hayashikei(by urashimasakaten)
02. One Night Love Pattern of the Year(Toshi ni ichiya no koi moyou)
Lyrics, Composition:Mafumafu Arrangement:Sasaki Hiroshi(by urashimasakaten)
03. Peacock Epoch
Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement:halyosy(by urashimasakaten)
04. Tinplate’s Dance (Buriki no dance)
Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement:Hinata Denkou(by urashimasakaten)
05. Life goes on
Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement:her0ism(by Uratanuki)
06. spill
Lyrics, Composition:koyori Arrangement:Kurosu Katsuhiko(by Shima)
07. School boy
Lyrics, Composition:Eve Arrangement:Numa(by Tonari no Sakata.)
08. Make a pass
Lyrics:KOTOKO Composition, Arrangement:toku(GARNiDELiA)(by Senra)
09. Green Dream (Yume Midori)
Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement:BACK-ON(by Uratanuki & Tonari no Sakata.)
Lyrics, Composition:Shuto Yoshikatsu(KEYTALK) Arrangement:Sasaki Hiroshi(by Shima & Senra)
11. Romeo
Lyrics, Composition:HoneyWorks retrack:Gibson (by urashimasakaten)
12. WiFi illusion boy (Wifi bousou boy)
Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement:Rerulili(by urashimasakaten)
13. secret base ~Kimi ga Kureta Mono~
Lyrics, Composition:Machida Norihiko Arrangement:GoWat(by urashimasakaten)
14. In the sky, fluttering (Sora ni, hirari)
Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement:Hayashikei (by urashimasakaten)
(On track 12, I’m unsure because about the translation as well as the romaji because you never really see that word being used.Please feel free to correct me if ever I am wrong with anything!)
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ichiban-princess · 7 years ago
[translation] Urata’s got a question for you.
I got a question for you.
There’s a certain mascot character in urashimasakatasen.
What is its name?
I’m always right beside you: Sakata ♡
(t/n: “Kimi no tonari ni zutto iru yo Sakata” a play on Sakata’s name, Tonari no Sakata)
Is the answer.
In short, it’s Tonari no Sakata.
I got a question for you.
There’s a certain mascot character in urashimasakatasen.
What is its name?
Hint: it’s yellow
The answer is as the hint suggests
It’s Shima
Here’s the final question!!!!!
(t/n: he never tweeted the final question)
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ichiban-princess · 8 years ago
[Translation] Urata’s midnight tweets
[t/n: sorry, I’m too tired to translate the tweets before this _(:3 」∠)_]
“I like you!!!”
Translation: I love youuuuuuuuuu
Like this
I like you!!!!
Would you please…
Here’s a question.
The next phrase is:
1. Go out with me
2. Overcome these difficulties with me
3. Promise me that you won’t let go of my hand
4. Play blocks with me
Urata: Those with ♣︎ on their names, I’ll give out a sudden reply so watch out
Urata: I’ll do this until I forget about that tweet
Urata: I’ll be going to urashimasakatasen’s Tokyo Koen performance! Is there anyone going whom I can meet up with? (><)
Urata: I tweeted on the wrong account!
Urata: If I really made a mistake, I’ll delete the tweet immediately
Urata: I’ll only go to the 1st set (>_<) RT @sento_rin: I want to meet up!!! Are you going to the 1st or 2nd set?? Or are you going to both??
Urata: Yamadanuki-chan of course (>_<) RT @uramaru_inai: I see~ btw who are you
rooting for?
Urata: You can also call me any way you like💚 Just kidding!!!! RT @bpq_u: I’m also going to urashimasakatasen’s Tokyo Koen performance. Let’s meet up. You can call me any way you like! Let’s get along!w
Urata: Then I'll call you Perismmon Seed💚 RT@_blume03: How should I call you? You
can call me Nanami, Nana, whichever you prefer ♡
Urata: I’m thinking of buying Yamadanuki-chan’s nose hook (>_<) RT @etoooileee: Which goods are you planning to buy?
Urata: I don’t know the other members (>_<) RT@Non_simin: What do you like about the other members?
Urata: Kojirou, Masamune, Kogorou, Yukiotoko RT@ryuryu330: Can you name all the members?
Urata: I’m in front of Tokyo Koen!
Urata: My outfit for today!
Green full body tights,
red gloves,
yellow headband,
violet belly band
Urata: I got the dressing room pass!!!!!!!!
Urata: I bought cheering clothes! [photo wwwwwwwwwwwwww]
Dressing room pass report
Urata-san did a high kick on my head!
Shima-san did a kick from the back.
Sakatan did it with a bamboo sword and gauntlets.
Senra-san’s chest hair did a round-trip slap!
I’m so happy~😇
Urata: [translation of the video] (in a dramatic tone) Sorry… forgive me…! I was bored!!
Urata: That was fun (о´∀`о)
Urata: I’ll just do the things I have to do and then go to sleep
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ichiban-princess · 8 years ago
[Translation] Shakemii’s wallet...
Shakemii: Okay, I'm going to leave no matter how cold it is or how rainy it is, I'm going to go out. Actually, I'm already outside, wait, my wallet isn't with me. I'm dead.
Shakemii: I’ll return it ASAP so can anyone please lend me money
Kouichi: How much?
Shakemii: Half of what’s inside your wallet (for real)
Kouichi: Pick it up at Fukui Prefecture
Shakemii: I don’t have money to go to Fukui (no money)
Kouichi: ah~ Too bad~ too bad~
Shakemii: Pretty much everyone is showing me their attitude of lending money, so fishy
Shakemii: I'll return it someday!!!!!!!!! RT @zxow2: Sure, but it depends on what you'll use it on. When will you return it?
Shakemii: Isn’t your teacher just running away? RT @NATUATR1: My teacher told me that “someday” means that it will not happen for an eternity-!
Stungun: I tried out the popular swirly eyes thing but I just look like a monster wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [photo] 
Shakemii: Medama-ojisan! [t/n:Like Gegege no Kitaro’s Medama-oyaji but ojisan(uncle) ww] 
Stungun: gross w 
Shakemii: Crazy ojisan! 
Stungun: wait did you really forget your wallet? 
Shakemii: I went back to get it so I’m okay 
Stungun: that’s good that’s good 
Shakemii: Leave it to me, I act as soon as possible in this kind of situation, leave it to me
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ichiban-princess · 8 years ago
Takahashi Wataru/Urata will participate in The Missing's Japanese dub
Urata: [Wataru-san’s work information]
The Missing ~The Captured Girl~
I was asked to play the role of Matthew Webster ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
You will be able to watch it on 2/4 (Saturday) 11:00 JST at WOWOW!
The first episode is free!
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
[Translation] Shima's Birthday Live!!!
Taisa@Shima Day Planning Department: [Shima Birthday Ticket Information] Shima Day is on the 3rd of December It has been decided that the tickets will be sold on The 22nd of October, Thursday, 20:00JST onwards m(__)m To be able to meet everyone on that day is a great pleasure (≧∇≦) This time too we are allowed to sell it at Confetti's so more details will be made into a blog post to be posted on a later date Taisa: [Shima Day 5th Anniversary Goods Information 1] This time we will be selling our very first official goods for Shima Day! An acrylic holder illustrated by Tsukimori Fuyuka will be sold (≧∇≦) ※There is a limited amount of the goods, it will only be sold as one per person Please also note that mail orders will not be possible for this Taisa: [Shima Day 5th Anniversary Goods Information 2] This will be the design of the acrylic holder ( ´ ▽ ` ) Please win the ticket war and get this acrylic holder!! (Photo of the acrylic holder!!!) https://twitter.com/yosinobu0817/status/779622249867292672 Taisa: [Questions for Shima Day] We have received several questions about Shima Day. It won't be easy but we are doing our best to answer your questions! 1. Ticket purchase will be done only one sheet at a time. 2. It will be first come first serve, not a lottery. 3. Goods will be sold in the same amount as the ticket being bought by the purchaser. 4. The acrylic holder will be sold for 600 Yen.
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
[Translation] Urata has some questions for the fans
Urata: To those who are Sakata-ke Please tell me what Sakata-san is doing right now The reward is Sakata's sleeping face Urata: too much toilet(replies) Urata: To those who are Shima Risu Please tell me what Shima-kun is doing right now Reward: Shima-kun's kabedon Urata: To those who are Senraー Moja (t/n: shaggy, always referring to Senra's chest hair) Urata: To my kids Kiss💚
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
[Translation] Zen Zen Zense ver. Aho no Sakata
I tried to sing Zen Zen Zense (Many Lives Ago) ver. Aho no Sakata http://nico.ms/sm29704487 I also want to trade bodies with a girl. Music:RADWIMPS - Zen Zen Zense From the movie "Kimi no Na Ha."(Your Name.) Guitar&Bass:Taichou(@taityou930 mylist/47636401) Drum:Yokoyama Keiji(@keiji66) Illust:Tsukimori Fuyuka(@albino_karasu mylist/37206858) Movie:Asako(@OO1O83 mylist/33112620) Arrangement&MIX:Sum(@sum_sounc1) The singer who's suffering from addiction: Aho no Sakata mylist/34669838
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
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あすくさんお誕生日おめでとうございます!! あすくさん描きましたよ〜 いつも楽しいキャスありがとうございます! 素敵な誕生日になりますように(*´◒`*) 【@ask_corn 】
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
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ころんくん描きました! I drew Colon!(@Colon56N)
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
[Translation] Kimi no Yozora Shoukaihan ver. StPri
[We won't lose to professional utaites] Kimi no Yozora Shoukaihan (Your Night Sky Patrol) [StPri] http://nico.ms/sm29622571 "Moles of the future--!!!" (t/n: They changed the lyrics from "Mirai no Bokura" to "Mirai no Mogura") Original:Orangestar/sm26969103 Mix:toki(sm27340248)@toki_ain Vocal Colon  :mylist/47483756 /@Colon56N Satomi  :mylist/54428605 /@satoniya_ Ketchup:mylist/41705784 /@ketchup2525 Jel  :@jor2684 Nanamori :mylist/52348090 /@love_nkun The other members' collaboration video Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan:sm29621658 Strawberry Prince official:@StPri_info
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
[Translation] Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan ver. StPri
[We won't lose to professional utaites] Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan (Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow) [StPri] http://nico.ms/sm29621658 "Tanaka dancing into the sky and beyond this world" (t/n: they changed the lyrics from "Sora e mau Sekai no kanata" to "Sora e mau Sekai no Tanaka") Original:Orangestar/sm24276234 MIX:Root Strawberry Prince:@StPri_info Vocal Kanna :mylist/25546357 /@kanna0kyun Shiyun :mylist/31063194 /@shiyun928 Riinu  :mylist/53510918 /@rinu_nico Root :mylist/49717635 /@root_nico Nanamori:mylist/52348090 /@love_nkun The other members' collaboration video Kimi no Yozora Shoukaihan (Your Night Sky Patrol):sm29622571
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
[Translation] Zen Zen Zense / Uratanuki
[Kimi no Na Ha./Your Name] I tried to sing Zen Zen Zense/Many Lives Ago (movie ver.) arrange ver. http://nico.ms/sm29613752 "Kimi no Na Ha." was amazing-!! I might say some spoilers, but the scene where they went zuguoon and dodododo and fuooooooooooon was amazing! I was allowed to sing RADWIMPS' Zen Zen Zense. ※The original song is the best Music&Lyrics:Yojiro Noda Borrowed source:sm29577820 Guitar&Bass: Taichou(@taityou930 mylist/47636401) Drum: Yokoyama Keiji(@keiji66) Illust:Mizuki Movie:Asako(@OO1O83 mylist/33112620) Arrangement&MIX:Sum(@sum_sounc1) Vocal:Uratanuki(@uratasama / mylist/35789880 SpecialThanks UraShimaSakataSen/Taichou/Yokoyama Keiji/Sum/Hatsune Miku/IA/GUMI/Kagamine Rin Shima→sm29590804
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
[Translation] Shima's Twitter accounts and Gaming channel
Shima: Once again, These three are Shima's official Twitter accounts. The rest are fakes. Main account: @shima_s2 Sub account: @shima__sub Game account: @shima___game Shima: [Notice] I have opened a channel at FRESH! By Abema TV. My future gaming broadcasts will be happening there. It's free. You can easily register on the site so please follow my channel! You can also view it on mobile! https://abemafresh.tv/shimas2
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
[Translation] Zen Zen Zense / Shima
Zen Zen Zense (movie ver.) arrange ver/Shima http://nico.ms/sm29590804 I was allowed to sing RADWIMPS' Zen Zen Zense (Many Lives Ago). The original song is the best. Music & Lyrics: Yojiro Noda Guitar&Bass: Taichou(@taityou930 mylist/47636401) Drum:Yokoyama Keiji(@keiji66) Illust: Tsukomori Fuyuka(@albino_karasu mylist/37206858) Movie:Asako(@OO1O83 mylist/33112620) Arrangement&MIX:Sum(@sum_sounc1) Vocal:Shima(@shima_s2 mylist/19444428 co1186343) SpecialThanks UraShimaSakataSen/Taichou/Yokoyama Keiji/Sum/Hatsube Miku/IA/GUMI/Kagamine Rin GUMIver:sm29577820
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
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ichiban-princess · 9 years ago
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