ichiban-princess · 8 years
[Translation] Shakemii’s wallet...
Shakemii: Okay, I'm going to leave no matter how cold it is or how rainy it is, I'm going to go out. Actually, I'm already outside, wait, my wallet isn't with me. I'm dead.
Shakemii: I’ll return it ASAP so can anyone please lend me money
Kouichi: How much?
Shakemii: Half of what’s inside your wallet (for real)
Kouichi: Pick it up at Fukui Prefecture
Shakemii: I don’t have money to go to Fukui (no money)
Kouichi: ah~ Too bad~ too bad~
Shakemii: Pretty much everyone is showing me their attitude of lending money, so fishy
Shakemii: I'll return it someday!!!!!!!!! RT @zxow2: Sure, but it depends on what you'll use it on. When will you return it?
Shakemii: Isn’t your teacher just running away? RT @NATUATR1: My teacher told me that “someday” means that it will not happen for an eternity-!
Stungun: I tried out the popular swirly eyes thing but I just look like a monster wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [photo] 
Shakemii: Medama-ojisan! [t/n:Like Gegege no Kitaro’s Medama-oyaji but ojisan(uncle) ww] 
Stungun: gross w 
Shakemii: Crazy ojisan! 
Stungun: wait did you really forget your wallet? 
Shakemii: I went back to get it so I’m okay 
Stungun: that’s good that’s good 
Shakemii: Leave it to me, I act as soon as possible in this kind of situation, leave it to me
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