yknow what ima just answer those old asks and then make a post about my Return and then.. organize some stuff.. im Coming Back Baybee!!
omg i have 14 asks oh my god im so sorry sis yall never deserved being left on read like that, i cant believe this
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omg i have 14 asks oh my god im so sorry sis yall never deserved being left on read like that, i cant believe this
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haha what if i did imagines again bc they were fun and a nice writing outlet for me... just kidding...... unless?
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damb bitch what the fuck
remember this shit? cause i dont
this is like a fever dream
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would you like one?
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would you like one?
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Why I’m SLOW
I haven’t exactly been answering much imagines, obviously, and I’m sorry for that!!! But I have some serious troubles with motivations, and trust me I want to get to them!!! But I just have trouble getting myself to actually do it... And to add onto the slowness, I’ve lately gotten a lot of inspiration and motivation to work on a storygame of mine and have been focusing on that lately... But I swear, the second I have inspiration for this again, I’ll be nyooming right back!!!!
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mini-fic for ur soul
Hey ya’ll! sorry for not answering any asks in a lil bit, I’ve been preoccupied wit ha storygame of mine. Though lately I got into a rather low moment, and to cheer myself up and to kidna makeup for my slowness, I wrote a very short minific for you all~ <3
Pairing: Cherryberry
Sfw - Fluff and comfort
Setting: sad smol blue
“Are you absolutely sure I don’t need to hurt anybody?”
“YES!!! I’M VERY, COMPLETELY, 100%, ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU DON’T NEED TO HURT ANYBODY! NO VIOLENCE IS NEEDED!!” Blue huffs out, voice muffled as he currently has his face stuffed into Red’s chest, determined to squeeze every bit of Red’s breath from the slightly bigger skeleton.
Red only lets out a chuckle, humming against the top of blue’s skull, letting the vibrations run through Blue, bringing the weepy skell some comfort. “Just wanted to make sure.”
Red didn’t need to know what was wrong and he was fine with staying quiet. If anything he preferred it, so he presses a reassuring kiss against Blue, silently letting him know he’ll always be here for him, which Blue returns with a small squeeze on his grip on his skell-friend.
The silence is welcome and Blue appreciates it, letting his eyes droop slowly shut, letting his breathing even out, letting his bright blue tears dry into streaked stains, letting the gentle beat of Red’s soul lull him to sleep. Soon a calm takes over his being and his previous sorrows evaporating into the air to be forgotten about.
Red doesn’t dare move, he instead decides to join Blue in his nap. He relaxes and melds with the couch and Blue, letting his skull fall and letting thoughts of the skeleton snoozing atop of him fill his skull. He may not be the best boyfriend, but damn does he promise himself he’ll do as much as he can for Blue.
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as an add on to my first ask, what about Fell finally winning Blues heart and getting them sweet ass cuddles and returned feelings??
fluff to fill the void in my soul
Boss is honestly relieved that such previous situation hadn’t tainted his chances of getting with the sweet bean. Not that he’d ever admit he ever doubted himself!!!! But still. He isn’t too much of a cuddler, but for Blue, and his intense not-relief(obviously) leaves him melting on the couch with a very happy Blue snuggled clinging to his side. The two are happy for the mutual returned feelings, and now they’re not gonna stop cuddling for probably an hour. Strap in Boss cause there’s gonna be more cuddles from where that came from.
i hope it isnt too short/good enough!!!
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hey yall!!! i made an askblog and i would absolutely love if you all checked it out!!! its about my bois, mom, smart purple and smoky!! im very excited for it so please do check it out!
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How would the Sans personalities react to their crush trying to flirt with them using pickup lines and messing up because they’re nervous? Like “Are you a Dalmatian? Cause I can spot you from a mile away! wAIT FUCK I MESSED UP!” Cause that’s my muse Honey in a nutshell-
sorry but im not completely sure what you mean by sans personalities!! so ima just go ahead and do ut, uf and us! hope you dont mind
Sans - “Ayyye don’t worry, I got it.” He’s blushing, but don’t pay any mind to that, instead he’s shooting back pickup lines as well, partly to cheer them up on the slight failure, partly because holy shit were you being serious with that pickup line should I be doing them too or was it just a joke oh god I can barely tell what’s what anymore.
 Red - Not gonna lie, he’s laughing at them, both at the shitty pickup line and the mess up at it. But after his roar of laughter quiets, he’s definitely going to shoot back the absolute worst and cheesiest of all pickup lines he can think of. It’s not going to stop, you’re not going to hear the end of it for weeks. You may think he’s being a dick, but deep down in Red, he’s not sure how to respond to the slightest possibility you were trying to woo him and now he’s just panicking and doesn’t know what to do but sputter stupid pickup lines while desperately trying to act cool.
Blueberry - “L-LANGUAGE!” He’s not even going to comment on such a cHEESY PICKUP LINE. DID MY BROTHER TEACH YOU THAT ONE? STARS. Though the next day, Blue’s running over, stumbling over himself as he sputters out a pickup line as well. “DID YOU FALL FROM HAVEN? BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE- WAIT WHAT’S THAT WORD? THAT HUMAN THING THAT LIVES IN HAVEN? IS HAVEN EVEN THE RIGHT WORD??? OH STARS-” To put it simply, he’s flustered and works up the courage to say one back, but also messes up. RIP both them and Blue.
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I'm sure you know who this is :3 how about some asexual Blue admitting to Fell pap he's ace and sex repulsed after Fells attempts to woo him, thinking it was for sex and not just cause Fell thinks he's a cutie and wants the cutie to be his babe (is this how this stuff works?? is this too specific? find out on the next episode of Dragon ball z)
dont worry sweetheart, its just fine!!!!
“I’M NOT- I UHM-” Blue stutters and stumbles over his words. He never was the best at talking about such a topic. “I DON’T LIKE THAT… STUFF…” He’s wildly gesturing his hands, obviously not wanting to say the word. “…sex…” He leans in close, cupping his mouth and sneakily glancing around as he whispers this part, almost as if a secret. “I’M ASEXUAL.” He tries to more clearly clarify after, now finding himself rocking nervously on the heels of his boots as Blueberry awaits for the much taller’s reaction.
“UNDERSTANDABLE.” It takes Boss a lil bit to realize Blue brought this up because of his attempts of wooing him, quickly doubling back. He’s standing rigid, and if looked at closely enough he’s subtly fidgeting his hands that are tightly but properly folded behind himself. “IT SEEMS YOU’RE MISTAKEN, OBVIOUSLY. FOR MY ATTEMPTS OF… SEDUCTION. WEREN’T FOR PHYSICAL AFFECTION.” He clears the throat he doesn’t have, jutting his chin upwards as he forces some kind of attempt of level-ness. “IT WAS PURELY EMOTIONAL AFFECTION. I WISH FOR COURTSHIP IS ALL.” He’s leaning his head higher up now, mainly to hide the red flush of his skull.
i hope this is what you meant and that you enjoi it!!!! also im so sorry for taking a while to get to it
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I need some fluffy stuff with Us!sans (of course with S/O). Pretty please 🙏
of course!!!!!!!! i lov me some of that blue boi
There’s never going to be a moment in time when he isn’t cuddling and clinging onto you.
If he’s in the cuddle mood, don’t even try to escape. There’s no hope.
He even clings to you while asleep.
Expect to wake up to a fresh breakfast every morning.
You wake up at 2? Early breakfast.
2 in the afternoon? Late breakfast.
I mean come on, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Contrary to popular depictions; he lets you sleep as much as you want. Though he may accidentally wake you up. He can’t help it! He’s just so excited and hyper to spend the day with you!! He tried to be quiet!!!
He’s kinda clingy as his whole life his brother has been the only one to give the time of day, so he’s always going to be near you. Honestly if you leave for most of the day don’t be surprised if you find him excitedly waiting for your return, probably with food prepared in welcome.
He invites you to every exercise session he has, cheerfully motivating and cheering you on all along.
Ultimate nuzzle-master.
He’s sometimes due to lazy days himself, so if your lazy days sync up, then prime cuddle times and Blue excitedly rambling about napstaton’s show today is expected.
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I RETURN WITH A MIGHTY NEED. How would Purple react to his best friend dying their hair purple? How would Purple react to his best friend having purple lipstick (and absolutely covering him in kisses with it 'platonically' to leave lipstick marks?)? How would Purple react to his best friend getting him a surprise present? How would Purple react to his best friend confessing that they really, /really/ like him? ~YLILD (Your Local Inquisitive Love Doctor)
Smart Purple - Woah there best friend, that’s some nice hair. Did you get inspired by a certain someone~? He’s staring at it constantly and honestly finds himself goofily grinning when he sees them and their hair, he really likes it. The purple lipstick is a hella nice bonus, but once his best friend starts leaving some platonic lipstick smooches on him he’s a big flustered baby who subtly hesitates before eventually trying to rub it away. Though the gift? He’s all over that shit, grinning like a dork, then quickly sputtering out to his best friend: “Th’ould I like- Get you th’omething? That’th how thi’th work’th, right?” If you don’t specify he’s probably gonna get his best friend a million things, they might have a subtle consistency of purple color to them.
Woah there best friend, you like him? Like really, really like him?… Really, really, really like hi- Okay he’ll stop. But he’s panicking and flustered and honestly embarrassed of himself for not picking it up sooner… The hair, the purple platonic smooches… The gift. Wow he can be pretty dense. He’s returning the feelings in a heartbeat, his whole ‘playfully rude best friend act’ turning instantly to ‘lovesick nerd’ and he’s going to be embarrassed for a while for not realizing earlier. You should reassure this boi.
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how would lust sans be with a partner who's completely asexual? someone he's fallen totally in love with, but they're absolutely not comfortable having sex?
a plum boi coming right up!!! put it under a read more just in case
-Read More Link-
Sugarplum - He’s definitely ready to try, but he’s a bit conflicted. He’ll completely tone it down around them, though he might need some reminding to chill out if S/O starts getting uncomfortable at a slip up, but he’s trying his best, for them. He’d never do anything S/O wouldn’t want him to do, but he might suggest at some point an open relationship; so he can please his needs. If S/O rejects, he won’t complain or persist and instead try to deal with himself… by himself.
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awww thank you so much sweetie!!!!!!
but the boy’s worries are right, take care of yourself!!! <3
So how would UT, UF, HT, Outertale, Science and Reapertale Sans react to a s/o who has very low blood pressure and really anything that causes it to drop can result in fainting? What would they do if they find out that the s/o has been fainting at least once a month, but they're hiding it, because they H A T E hospitals and are insisting that they are fine? P.S. Can you tall I prefer the Sans personally more? Heh
no worries dude, same tbh
Sans - The first time he sees it happen he’s panicking right away, though trying his best to stay calm. He’s at their side in an instant, and as they begin to wake up, he nervously chuckles, eyeing them with worry and confusion. “Eheh, uhm… Tired there?”
When he learns of the situation more fully, he’s immediately going to be urging them to go to the hospital. He knows they hate it, but this is important! He’s not going to force them, but damn is he gonna be urging it everyday. If they still refuse, you bet your ass he’s going to carry around certain foods in his jacket in case they have another fainting-spell so he can give it to them. He’s a lowkey worried mess who’s jacket is stuffed with even more food than usual please go to a doctor… For him, at least.
Red - When they faint he’s at their side in an instant, if the two are in public, he’s already teleported them both to somewhere private, he’s desperately panicking over them. As they finally wake up, he’s almost yelling in their face, frantically asking if they’re alright? What the fuck happened there?? Does anything hurt???
Once explained of the situation, there’s no but’s about it he’s teleporting the both of them to a hospital immediately. He understands you hate it, but this is for their health and to make sure they don’t like… die or something, okay?
Axe - He can’t help but stare at the fainted S/O for a moment or two, the fact they just went unconscious not fully registering with him for some seconds, and at first he thinks they just dropped dead on the spot. But as he protectively clutches their body after finally scrambling to them, he subtly relaxes at their faint breathing.
Once they’re awake he doesn’t ask what’s wrong, but he’s clearly worried, so when it’s eventually explained he’s already trying to convince you to go to a hospital. But if they refuse and continue to refuse for a week, don’t be surprised if S/O goes to bed one night but wakes up in the morning in the waiting area of the hospital with Axe worriedly eyeing them down next to him. He’s not going to apologize, they need this for their physical well-being and he’s worried.
Space - His reaction is a bit similar to Sans’, but add a handful of more panicked worrying. He worriedly grips S/O’s hand as they finally begin to rouse from their unconsciousness, and Space can’t help but skip over any nervous puns and get straight to the point of asking what happened.
Once explained he’s going to instantly suggest going to the hospital. He doesn’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do, that’ll just make things worse, but he’s going to make sure that you don’t forget that this is an important matter that needs medical attention. He’ll be patient with them, but S/O can probably catch him worryingly eyeing them down when he’s reminded of what happened.
Science - Oh jeez. Science was already beginning to panic when S/O started to sway and show signs of fainting, he’s experienced plenty of fainting-spells himself, so he’s used to it, but that doesn’t stop his worrying! He’ll be trying all the tactics he knows to help with their unconsciousness, and when they finally come-to he’s asking worriedly if they eaten, drank or slept enough, or just anything???
Once S/O finally explains the real reason, he’s of course going to recommend going to the hospital. It’s the obvious choice! But once he realizes their fear and anxieties about going, he’s still going to suggest it here and there, but he won’t be forceful and persistent. In the meantime of whether or not S/O will go, Science is going to research plenty about low blood-pressure. He may be a scientist and not a doctor, but he’s going to know every tip and tactic on how to deal with this at home. He’s of course still going to slip in that S/O should still go every now and then.
Death - When S/O first drops, the first thing to come to Death’s mind is that they died. But that worry completely dissolves after a second or two, he’d know if they did. He would love nothing more to hold them, but the danger of his previous worry coming to light because of that prevents him, so instead he crouches beside them at a safe distance, staring them down like a hawk… A very worried hawk.
As they begin to wake, he can’t help but shuffle a bit closer, looking over their body for any signs of physical evidence explaining why this would happen, his worrying questioning already pouring from his mouth. But once he learns of the full situation he’s going to sternly suggest… or more demand they go to the hospital. He gets their worrying, he doesn’t like going there either, reminds him too much of the reason he exists. But he tries to reassure them, in his own odd way. “I’ve dealt with death so much, I don’t want you also being another one of those people I have to cross over to the afterlife. Not now, please.”  He’s a bit blunt, but he’s obviously very worried. He’d love to hold their hand as he gently tries to convince them but he was a bit caught off guard to fine his gloves, I mean… “You scared me half to death.” He nervously chuckles, desperately trying to lighten the situation.
He’s going to be persistent on the fact that they should go to the hospital, but he won’t force them either. Though he’s bad at being patient.
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So how would UT, UF, HT, Outertale, Science and Reapertale Sans react to a s/o who has very low blood pressure and really anything that causes it to drop can result in fainting? What would they do if they find out that the s/o has been fainting at least once a month, but they're hiding it, because they H A T E hospitals and are insisting that they are fine? P.S. Can you tall I prefer the Sans personally more? Heh
no worries dude, same tbh
Sans - The first time he sees it happen he’s panicking right away, though trying his best to stay calm. He’s at their side in an instant, and as they begin to wake up, he nervously chuckles, eyeing them with worry and confusion. “Eheh, uhm… Tired there?”
When he learns of the situation more fully, he’s immediately going to be urging them to go to the hospital. He knows they hate it, but this is important! He’s not going to force them, but damn is he gonna be urging it everyday. If they still refuse, you bet your ass he’s going to carry around certain foods in his jacket in case they have another fainting-spell so he can give it to them. He’s a lowkey worried mess who’s jacket is stuffed with even more food than usual please go to a doctor… For him, at least.
Red - When they faint he’s at their side in an instant, if the two are in public, he’s already teleported them both to somewhere private, he’s desperately panicking over them. As they finally wake up, he’s almost yelling in their face, frantically asking if they’re alright? What the fuck happened there?? Does anything hurt???
Once explained of the situation, there’s no but’s about it he’s teleporting the both of them to a hospital immediately. He understands you hate it, but this is for their health and to make sure they don’t like… die or something, okay?
Axe - He can’t help but stare at the fainted S/O for a moment or two, the fact they just went unconscious not fully registering with him for some seconds, and at first he thinks they just dropped dead on the spot. But as he protectively clutches their body after finally scrambling to them, he subtly relaxes at their faint breathing.
Once they’re awake he doesn’t ask what’s wrong, but he’s clearly worried, so when it’s eventually explained he’s already trying to convince you to go to a hospital. But if they refuse and continue to refuse for a week, don’t be surprised if S/O goes to bed one night but wakes up in the morning in the waiting area of the hospital with Axe worriedly eyeing them down next to him. He’s not going to apologize, they need this for their physical well-being and he’s worried.
Space - His reaction is a bit similar to Sans’, but add a handful of more panicked worrying. He worriedly grips S/O’s hand as they finally begin to rouse from their unconsciousness, and Space can’t help but skip over any nervous puns and get straight to the point of asking what happened.
Once explained he’s going to instantly suggest going to the hospital. He doesn’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do, that’ll just make things worse, but he’s going to make sure that you don’t forget that this is an important matter that needs medical attention. He’ll be patient with them, but S/O can probably catch him worryingly eyeing them down when he’s reminded of what happened.
Science - Oh jeez. Science was already beginning to panic when S/O started to sway and show signs of fainting, he’s experienced plenty of fainting-spells himself, so he’s used to it, but that doesn’t stop his worrying! He’ll be trying all the tactics he knows to help with their unconsciousness, and when they finally come-to he’s asking worriedly if they eaten, drank or slept enough, or just anything???
Once S/O finally explains the real reason, he’s of course going to recommend going to the hospital. It’s the obvious choice! But once he realizes their fear and anxieties about going, he’s still going to suggest it here and there, but he won’t be forceful and persistent. In the meantime of whether or not S/O will go, Science is going to research plenty about low blood-pressure. He may be a scientist and not a doctor, but he’s going to know every tip and tactic on how to deal with this at home. He’s of course still going to slip in that S/O should still go every now and then.
Death - When S/O first drops, the first thing to come to Death’s mind is that they died. But that worry completely dissolves after a second or two, he’d know if they did. He would love nothing more to hold them, but the danger of his previous worry coming to light because of that prevents him, so instead he crouches beside them at a safe distance, staring them down like a hawk… A very worried hawk.
As they begin to wake, he can’t help but shuffle a bit closer, looking over their body for any signs of physical evidence explaining why this would happen, his worrying questioning already pouring from his mouth. But once he learns of the full situation he’s going to sternly suggest… or more demand they go to the hospital. He gets their worrying, he doesn’t like going there either, reminds him too much of the reason he exists. But he tries to reassure them, in his own odd way. “I’ve dealt with death so much, I don’t want you also being another one of those people I have to cross over to the afterlife. Not now, please.”  He’s a bit blunt, but he’s obviously very worried. He’d love to hold their hand as he gently tries to convince them but he was a bit caught off guard to fine his gloves, I mean… “You scared me half to death.” He nervously chuckles, desperately trying to lighten the situation.
He’s going to be persistent on the fact that they should go to the hospital, but he won’t force them either. Though he’s bad at being patient.
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