#but i got enoug hmotivation to finish this at least!!!!
I RETURN WITH A MIGHTY NEED. How would Purple react to his best friend dying their hair purple? How would Purple react to his best friend having purple lipstick (and absolutely covering him in kisses with it 'platonically' to leave lipstick marks?)? How would Purple react to his best friend getting him a surprise present? How would Purple react to his best friend confessing that they really, /really/ like him? ~YLILD (Your Local Inquisitive Love Doctor)
Smart Purple - Woah there best friend, that’s some nice hair. Did you get inspired by a certain someone~? He’s staring at it constantly and honestly finds himself goofily grinning when he sees them and their hair, he really likes it. The purple lipstick is a hella nice bonus, but once his best friend starts leaving some platonic lipstick smooches on him he’s a big flustered baby who subtly hesitates before eventually trying to rub it away. Though the gift? He’s all over that shit, grinning like a dork, then quickly sputtering out to his best friend: “Th’ould I like- Get you th’omething? That’th how thi’th work’th, right?” If you don’t specify he’s probably gonna get his best friend a million things, they might have a subtle consistency of purple color to them.
Woah there best friend, you like him? Like really, really like him?… Really, really, really like hi- Okay he’ll stop. But he’s panicking and flustered and honestly embarrassed of himself for not picking it up sooner… The hair, the purple platonic smooches… The gift. Wow he can be pretty dense. He’s returning the feelings in a heartbeat, his whole ‘playfully rude best friend act’ turning instantly to ‘lovesick nerd’ and he’s going to be embarrassed for a while for not realizing earlier. You should reassure this boi.
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