Ideal Midwifery
19 posts
Lisa Henney
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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Our climbing bean is doing amazing! Hunter loved picking them 💙 #vegetablepatch #greenbeans #myboy
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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So satisfying growing your own 👍🏼 #freshveg #climbingbeans #homegrown #beans #goodfood #greenfingers #veggiegarden #garden #veggiepatch
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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Third croob complete! I'm getting better 😂 #crochetboob #crochet #doula #breastfeeding
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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That's the first part done- Exciting times ahead! Visit or find idealmidwifery on Facebook and twitter 💜 #business #Hypnobirthing #doula #ilovewhatido
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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#positivethinking #jarofsmiles #mindfulness #positivity #cleanmind #letthemagichappen #thesecret
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
'Hypnobirthing is so expensive...'
‘’Hypnobirthing is expensive…’’
I agree, it is a lot of money to part with when you are saving for all those other expenses on the baby list. You want that £600+ travel system, all the nursery furniture and the cutest designer clothes. Ok so I am exaggerating, this is not every new mum! I am guilty of spending money on my boy that I look back and think is wasted. I also never attended a hypnobirthing session- thought it was for total Hippies if I’m honest.
When I started my midwifery training I began to realise that we heading way too close to highly medicalised maternity care and Midwives have to work with strict guidelines on top of the hospital policies of the trust they are working in. Labour and birth are given time restrictions, leading to the snowball effect of interventions, contributing to the increase in C-section and instrumental births in the UK.
Knowledge I have gained in training, together with my Hypnobirthing training, is used to educate couples about what to expect, what the procedures are and most importantly- informed consent. It is important that couples do their research to look at what is important to them. Couples also need to have the confidence to ask professionals (midwives and obstetricians) why they are doing what they are and what are the risks. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO DECLINE!! I wish that every couple chooses their birth and trusts their instincts instead of being pressured by the professionals that ‘know best’.
It has been proven that Hypnobirthing:
·         Reduces the need for pain relief (therefor reduced epidurals)
·         Reduced Instrumental and C-section births
·         Reduces perineal tearing (due to pushing not being advised and baby comes out slowly through relaxed muscles)
·         Reduces postnatal depression
·         Creates a calm relaxed atmosphere for birth
·         Educates on active birth, breathing techniques, coping strategies and a positive mind-set.
·         Positive attitude towards pregnancy and birth reducing fear and anxiety
·         Increases likelihood of successful breastfeeding.
·         Positive birth experiences increase bonding with baby. (physical and psychological trauma has a huge effect on bonding with baby and postnatal depression)
·         Sessions include 10 hours of teacher time- usually self-employed, with all materials included.
I don’t know about you, but I would much rather spend £350 for a positive birthing experience, maximum bonding with my baby and reducing my chances of postnatal depression (1 in 10 women in the UK get PND), than £600 on the latest pushchair.
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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#fearless #businesswoman #work #ilovewhatido #business #workhard #entrepreneur
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
New research on outcomes of VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarian) at home compared to VBAC at hospital. Results: you are more likely to have a normal vaginal delivery at home, compared to increased chance of Caesarian in hospital. Does this mean midwifery lead units should consider VBACS? What's your thoughts x
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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I love what I do 😍 #doula #Hypnobirth #breastfeeding #support #labour #birth #pregnancy #idealmidwifery #baby #mumtobe #antenatal #postnatal #business #businesswoman #selfemployed
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
HOMEBIRTH - sorry for those who cannot read full article. Believe it or not homebirth were completely normal just 60 years ago! Women are forgetting birth is a completely natural process and their bodies are designed perfectly for labour and birth, hence why homebirths have the lowest intervention rate. Homebirth a allow freedom to move around, create and environment you would like in a place you feel comfortable. Planned homebirth a will have fully qualified and experienced midwives present, who have confidence to let you lead your own birth. Ask your midwife for more information if you are interested or undecided. If you have a positive homebirth story, spread the word! All women deserve a calm and positive birth 💜
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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Some of the beautiful flowers in my garden! 💚 #nofilterneeded #flowers #gardening #nature #beautiful #summer #Britain #roses #greenfingers #sunshine #garden
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
A funny poem about labour/ birth you may appreciate 😜
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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Women have birthed for years, your baby is MADE to do this amazing job and the physiology behind labour and birth is really quite simple. Don't doubt your ability to birth or underestimate the power of the mind. Keep positive and start believing you can do it... And you will. Your body is capable and strong 💜 x
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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Thank you @suzanne_stamoulos! Don't forget to talk about your joys 😉 😘 #positivethoughts #positivity #bestie #jarofsmiles
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
Tough but productive day!
So today I finally sent my appeal to university, after checking and rechecking that I was sending the right thing with the correct evidence to the correct email and of course FROM the correct email… I pressed send. I felt sick on that moment and now know it is out of my hands and I pray it is accepted and I get the outcome I deserve. All I want is to complete the degree to get the job of my dreams. Mental health is becoming less of a taboo with more people talking about it so here is my story…
I come from a long line of female depressants in my family so I have most likely inherited some depressive genes! When I was at secondary school my grandad died which just knocked me off the rails and I had no desire to use my brains and complete my GSCE’s but I did it with people pushing me in the right direction! Same with A-levels, having to drop certain subjects to help me cope with more education and work load.
I came through with 2 A levels and an AS and not having a clue what I wanted to do with my life. I then got into work at an art gallery, moved to being a waitress and then working full time at a wetherspoons. I had fun and felt I had a bit of a life but certain I didn’t want to do this for the rest of my living days. After getting married into the forces and giving birth to my gorgeous boy I thought things would be great!… little did I know i was at the time suffering from postnatal depression and my husband was suffering from PTSD after his tour of Afghanistan. I was unhappy and the relationship broke down, he turned controlling, violent and I was mentally abused too- which was effected me most!
I tried to leave several times, it wasn’t until I found out he had been having an affair that I knew was my time to be tough and get rid for good. I had to be evicted from my military home so council would provide my son and I a home.
I started my university degree in Midwifery a month before I moved, no money, had to find a car, childcare and study alongside placement shifts. There is nothing in the world I want to do more as looking after the women in any stage of pregnancy and birth fills me with warmth and joy and I know it’s what I need to be doing for the rest of my life. I am fulfilled.
Unfortunately the demands brought my depression back with a vengeance and I was struggling to keep afloat with financial problems, childcare, exams, essays, my physical and mental wellbeing. I made it to the latter half of 2nd year and was almost there. I requested my antidepressant dose to be increased to help me through. I failed a module which just needed a few tweaks… I was happy to retake and it was an online portfolio pass or fail, thought it would be fine but the stresses of life were overwhelming me and I was ‘coping’ as I usually do. My now 2nd car since I had started was also for the scrap yard being left with no way of getting to placement and no money for train tickets to uni. Desperate to carry on I found a finance company that would accept me and bought a more reliable second hand car- called Molly, by the way 😊. I was catching up with missed shifts, writing an essay for the new module and revising for an upcoming exam.
Totally forgetting my resubmission I had just left sitting in a word document for weeks, I was a few hours late. Thinking nothing of it I carried on the stress for another few months.
I was on top of the world with placement, absolutely adored my mentor who was full of knowledge and wisdom. She was tough so a compliment was well earned and I felt I was becoming a midwife. I was even more assured I was doing what I made for. Hearing how much of an amazing midwife I would be off new parents would bring a tear to my eye. I LOVED it.
I read an joke email about how I failed my online portfolio and I laughed. It told me I must hand in my uniform and uni card immediately and not return to uni or placement. I emailed a lecturer… still not taking it seriously ‘I just read an email I’ve been kicked off the course…WHAAAAAT?!?!’
I was asked to call her.
My heart sank.
I listened for what seemed like an hour, can’t remember a word and broke down in tears. The whole two years of me working my arse off and sacrificing time with my precious son for what seems nothing. It was all gone in a click of fingers. My dream of becoming a midwife was gone. I was told to appeal within 28 days. In the mean time you have at least a year out.
All I needed to do was claim mitigating circumstances with university and ask for help.
Appeal was sent today. I sit and wait the result. Please wish me luck xxx
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
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idealmidwifery-blog · 8 years ago
Invited to my first blessing way by a lovely lady I met through teaching Hypnobirthing! An absolute pleasure to be invited and celebrate her pregnancy and wish her luck on her birth💜 tell me your amazing experiences of blessings / blessing ways x
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