here we go again/ some history to your news feed
Igor (Rurik’s son)
after the death of Oleg, the Drevlyans rebelled (they wanted to detach themselves from Kiev), Igor again conquered and imposed heavy tribute on them.
915- he made peace with the Pechenegs
922- he subdued the Ulici tribe
941, 944- he organized military campaigns to Byzantium
943- Igor made a trip to the North Caucasus
944- a mutually beneficial agreement was concluded with Byzantium
945- Igor died as a result of the Drevlyans' revolt due to repeated attempts to collect tribute.
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Oleg (879-912)
-he earned his nickname "the Prophet" after taking the city of Constantinople
- September 2, 911 - the first written agreement in the history of Eastern Europe between Russia and Byzantium. Concluded on the initiative of Byzantium in order to prevent future attacks.The agreement provided Kievan Rus with very favorable conditions
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Oleg of Novgorod (879-912)
- member of Rurik's squad, Regent for Rurik's young son Igor
- 882 - Oleg united Kiev and Novgorod
- he captured Smolensk, Liubech, he went on campaigns against Drevlyans, Northerners, Radimichi - forced them to pay tribute with furs. Khazar tribes also became part of Russia
- 907,911 - first successful campaigns to Byzantium
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Rurik (862-879)
-he came from ikea because he easily gathered the Russian tribes into a state.
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let's just enjoy the aesthetics of ancient Russia
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