GWG Life
35 posts
   GWG Life offers a variety of solutions for seniors who own life insurance. Our services allow policy owners to sell, keep, trade or gift their life insurance based upon their needs today. By working with a GWG representative, seniors can choose from one or more of our services to maximize the value of their life insurance.
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gwglife · 10 years ago
It is What It is!
It is What It is!
I recently watched the movie, “St. Vincent”, starring Bill Murray. What a beautiful story of an older man surviving, in his own way, while arranging care for his wife who has Alzheimer’s. He also was providing compassion and helping a young neighbor kid understand life’s nuances, while he was underwater with his finances. When his wife’s long-term-care institution asked for more money, he asked…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Impact investing for seniors’ quality of life
Impact investing for seniors’ quality of life
Investing in climate change, water protection and medical research is making a difference. This is called “impact investing,” and it’s been a growing investment category for the last decade or so. According to the Global Impact Investing Network, impact investments “…generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return.”
In a September 2014 article, New…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Do you know your financial risks?
Do you know your financial risks?
What are our real financial risks? Which ones make us sleep less at night, or make us study the Wall Street Journal for what to do next? The Wall Street Journal’s Intelligent Investor October 24 column, So You Think You’re a Risk-Taker?, reports that several international institutions “found that the density of cells in one region of the brain predicts how willing people are to take financial…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Hidden assets resolve emergency scares
Hidden assets resolve emergency scares
A recent articlepublished in InsuranceNews.Net reported that 79 percent of survey respondents have had a financial scare in the past, and 87 percent have financial fears about the future. Perhaps you are facing medical expenses that you do not have the money to pay. Or you won’t have the money to cover your 12-month budget. The car has to be replaced, but there’s not enough money to avoid having…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Seniors’ Incomes Not Sufficient in 49 of 50 States
Seniors’ Incomes Not Sufficient in 49 of 50 States
As pointed out at, seniors in 49 of 50 states, Nevada being the lone exception, are underfunded for retirement. Most retirees need at least 70% of the income they earned while they were working to maintain their accustomed living standards.
“Many Americans are struggling to make ends meet in their golden years,” said Mike Sante, managing editor of “Especially in…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
O Magazine suggests life settlement option for seniors
O Magazine suggests life settlement option for seniors
The option of seniors selling life insurance policies for much-needed cash is becoming more popular. The November 2014 issue of O Magazine devoted several pages to tips and advice related to caring for older parents. The editors included the life settlement option within a sidebar filled with ideas for hidden sources of discounts and cash.
As they correctly pointed out, selling a life insurance…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
National radio show encourages couples to share info on life insurance
Although it can be a difficult conversation, talking with your spouse or significant other about your finances is necessary. On the 2BoomerBabes Radio Hour, heard on RadioAmerica’s national affiliate network and Sirius Satellite Radio, listeners learned how having ongoing financial conversations can enhance their relationship as well as their finances. Professional financial advisor Nicole…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
GWG Life is grateful to be volunteering with seniors who have Alzheimer’s Disease
At GWG Life, we value seniors and their importance in our community. In that same spirit, we are proud to be volunteering for a wonderful organization called Rakhma Homes. With three locations in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area, Rakhma Homes provides compassionate care for elders with Alzheimer’s Disease.
During our visit last week, we met so many wonderful individuals, both seniors and…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
GWG explains opportunities in the secondary market for life insurance at Tampa event
Satya Shaw, CEO of Shaw Tax Advisory Group and financial advisor with Center Street Securities, held an event last week that drew over 200 people. He invited GWG Holdings, Inc.’s Regional Director David Darsch to speak about alternative, fixed income investment options GWG Holdings offers to investors. He also spoke about the secondary market for life insurance and how life settlement services…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Retirement planning option: Sell your house and buy an RV
Is a road trip in your future? GWG Executive Chairman Paul Siegert offers suggestions on how to find the money to purchase your dream RV. Tell us your road trip plans, or a good story from a previous road trip.
I like road trips. Our road adventures began when my wife wanted an RV to more comfortably fit her cherished dog. It was an expensive dog house! But we saw the country from coast to coast, and we found a second home in Green Valley, AZ. The beauty of our retirement plan was to utilize our assets for the enjoyment of life.
Too often, people affix themselves on where they are, what they have in the…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Life insurance in divorce
If you are going through a divorce, consider that the life insurance policy will someday, if not now, be sold at a price substantially greater than its cash surrender value. Your ex-spouse may also remove you as a beneficiary. Have your attorney give GWG Life a call to determine how a sale of the policy, now or in the future, might work for you.
Are you heading into retirement solo because of divorce? Wall Street Journal writer Jane Hodges has it right in her 2014 column, Retirement Planning Tips for Singles: The cost of living is higher per capita for a single-person household than a two-person household. For those who are divorced, she notes that life insurance policies may become a less reliable source of future income. The alimony…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Two Goldman Sachs Strategists’ View on Alternative Investments
Two Goldman Sachs Strategists’ View on Alternative Investments
“Goldman Sachs strategists say investors hold too many stocks and bonds, and need to jack up alternatives,” writes Investment News Senior Editor Jeff Benjamin in an October 2014 article. Benjamin’s comments were based the alternative investments presentation by two Goldman Sachs strategists at the Investment Management Consultants in San Diego.
According to the Goldman Sachs strategists, Theodore…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Debts can be a burden
If you are nearing retirement and concerned about your debt burden, GWG Executive Chairman Paul Siegert says there are three important rules to remember.
Debts push you to the wall as retirement nears. On Oct. 9, 2014, Fox Business noted that boomers, especially, need priorities for paying them down. That article discussed some fundamentals about debt reduction. The most important of these is to refinance all debts into a lower cost, delayed structure.
In my opinion, debts are like being overweight. Start with the easy part: less eating. Over the…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
What are life settlements?
What are life settlements?
Here’s a great article about the basics of life settlements found on (Oct. 31, 2014). Selling a life insurance policy in the secondary market often provides the policy owner with significantly more than the surrender value offered by the insurance company. GWG Lifetypically pays five to eight times more. This can be a wonderful solution for people who can’t afford their premiums or…
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Detours can occur in many areas of life. How about your life insurance?
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gwglife · 10 years ago
The event was attended by financial planning & investment experts interested in exploring opportunities in alternative investments such as life settlements.
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gwglife · 10 years ago
Mapping a life insurance plan
Mapping a life insurance plan
Early in June, on the water passage between Kanora, Ontario and Lake of the Woods, my body stretched only inches above the water precariously linking the prop stranded boat to land. My fingers grasped at the drifting helpless craft and my toes clung to the pine root on shore. My brother sat laughing at the prospect of me splashing into the icy water. Thanks! Meanwhile, he was the one who didn’t…
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