pieces of you & i
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hailynx · 6 years ago
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Boku no hero academia→  Bakugō Katsuki. (爆豪勝己)
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hailynx · 6 years ago
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kageyama gets interviewed
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hailynx · 7 years ago
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Between 三明治女孩的逆襲 - Episode 06
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hailynx · 7 years ago
Attention ALL artists!
You sure have seen this post. It has spread like wildfire over the past few days so I doubt there is any artist out there who hasn’t seen it. But even if you didn’t, you should read on because I’m about to tell you a handy little thing that can help you to protect your art from such assholes as the anon who submitted this bullcrap, as well as art thieves in general.
The magic word is Metadata.
Metadata is like an invisible signature that is embeded into a file. It can contain all kinds of information, like Title, date, keywords for online seach engines, and copyright information. And the best thing is, since this information is “hidden” in the code of your picture, it’s hard to remove it.
There is a nice basic tutorial on how to add Metadata, or “additional file information” to your images in photoshop. It’s really, really easy so check it out!
“Adding Your Contact And Copyright Info To Your Photos With Photoshop” on PhotoshopEssentials.com
I’m not sure if you can do the same with any other art program. If you know how to do this in other programs / can confirm that it works the same way there, please tell me so I can add the information to this post.
Adding the Metadata will not stop idiots from taking and reposting your art. It also won’t make them stop editing out your signature. It WILL however, help you prove that you are the original artist whenever you have to. Always remember my friends. You, the artist, are protected by law. No one has the right to take your intellectual property and hard work and repost, use or edit it without your permission. Ever.
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hailynx · 7 years ago
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hailynx · 7 years ago
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Happy new year 2018!!!
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hailynx · 7 years ago
I know most people associate LUSH Cosmetics with white girls and bath bombs but products from this beautiful company have faded my scars and stretch marks, completely gotten rid of my acne, fixed my dry skin problems, thickened my eyelashes, laid my edges, made my hair grow like crazy… I can go on and on. I’ve actually never tried the bath bombs, but their skincare and haircare products work magic.
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hailynx · 7 years ago
control your own consumption of content
Sarah is allergic to strawberries. As soon as she puts them in her mouth, her face swells up and she gets hives. It’s non-life-threatening but uncomfortable for her.  
Sally is also allergic to strawberries, and has the same symptoms. 
Sarah informs her friends she is allergic to strawberries so they can stop using them in shared food. Some of them even stop eating strawberries too (or, at least, stop eating them around her), so she is more comfortable. Sarah researches places she can eat out that will take care with her allergy, and chooses restaurants who agree they can accommodate her, or who do not use strawberries in any of their cooking. 
Sally, on the other hand, goes into restaurants specifically advertising only strawberry desserts, orders a dessert, and makes a huge fuss when she gets sick. She takes to social media, the local newspapers, everywhere, to tell people how terrible this restaurant is for not specifically accommodating her personal allergy. She goes back frequently to insult and harass specific staff. Some staff have even quit because of her. Sally says it is her personal right to have her allergy accommodated in every single place she feels like eating! She posts pictures of herself all swollen and ill everywhere and blames the restaurant and the staff for her discomfort. 
Be like Sarah, not like Sally. 
Control your own consumption of content, don’t enter tags you don’t like, and don’t harass creators that make things you don’t like because you’ve decided you have to have the entire internet cater to your personal likes and comforts. 
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hailynx · 7 years ago
I see a lot of posts on tumblr that imply borrowing a book from a library is less supportive of the author than buying it outright and I would like to offer a few unsolicited thoughts as to why that’s not true:
Every book in a public library has to earn its spot on the shelf. If no one checks it out, then it will be weeded from the collection to make way for a book that will circulate. So, if you check out a book, you’ve just given it a much a better chance at being there for someone else to discover!
A recently returned book is more likely to be propped up as a display in the tiny nooks around the library. Every shelver loves an empty display space because it means they can quickly get rid of several books. A book on display is more likely to catch someone’s eye and on and on!
You might not be able to tell this just by looking at the shelves, but when a book first comes out from an author, the library often buys several copies and based on how many people have reserved the title and how heavily it circulates, they might buy even more copies! Also, when purchasing a new title from an established author, many librarians will look at the circ stats of the author’s other books and will use that as a guide for how many copies to buy of the new book. In case you didn’t know, libraries buy a lot of books - we make up a huge portion of the book sales market.
Many people use the library as a way to discover new authors. It’s a risk-free investment and helps them experiment with a lot of different titles that they wouldn’t be able to if they had to buy all of them. And if they really love an author, they might become a life-long fan who will buy their books for years to come, all because of kismet at the library.
If you check out the book at the library, your librarian can make a better case for inviting the author to come to the library for an event for which they can get paid! This is especially true for lesser-known authors.
In conclusion, borrowing a book from the library is a wonderful thing to do. It helps make sure other people have access to that book in the future, creating an ever-wider audience for the author.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t buy books, I’m just saying, borrowing books from the library has just as many positive effects and you don’t ever have to feel bad that you’re somehow not supporting an author by borrowing their book instead of buying it. :)
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hailynx · 7 years ago
just a quick reminder to content creators: don’t be discouraged by other people’s works. your creative process is completely different from someone else’s, which means you will yield different results from others. we all have our own styles which will be redefined as we create more things. always remember that the work you see is the result of the creative process. and the person behind it may have had years of practise. 
keep creating the things you want in the style you enjoy. when you put in hard work, people will naturally see the time you spent to create something. and when you’re going through a creative slump, let yourself ride through it. don’t force yourself to create something because you have to. create stuff because you want to and enjoy doing so. 
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hailynx · 7 years ago
picking RPG clothes based on maxing stats instead of whether they match or not
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hailynx · 7 years ago
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flower & butterfly
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hailynx · 7 years ago
Final Fantasy In A Nutshell
Final Fantasy I - Four Heroes Break A Time Loop
Final Fantasy II - Star Wars Where The Emperor Dies And Then Comes Back As The Devil And Then Dies Again And Then Comes Back As God And Then Gets Killed By Obi-wan
Final Fantasy III - Four Orphans Fight A Man Who Threw A Hissy Fit Over His Inheritance
Final Fantasy IV - Star Wars But The Emperor Is  A Space Ghost On The Moon
Final Fantasy V - Evil Giving Tree And His Gay Lover Fight A Confused Harem Protagonist And His Princesses
Final Fantasy VI - Star Wars But The Emperor Is Killed And Replaced By The Joker Halfway Through, Racism is Bad
Final Fantasy VII - Eco-terrorists Recruit Man With Padded Resume, Discover Corporate Greed Has Caused Giant Meteor To Be Elected, Hold Recount
Final Fantasy VIII - A Group of Cadets Find Out They All Lived At The Same Orphanage: Amnesia To Blame, Lead May Be Dead
Final Fantasy IX - Star Wars But The Main Characters Are Either Clones Or Princesses
Final Fantasy X - Daddy Issues, the Real Sports Story, With Special Guest Christian Guilt Complex
Final Fantasy XI - Giraffe And Friends Stop The Writer From Erasing This Game
Final Fantasy XII - Star Wars But Half The Bad Guys Aren’t Actually That Bad.  Except Judge Bergan, That Guy Is A Dick
Final Fantasy XIII - Being The Chosen One Will Kill Your Dating Life
Final Fantasy XIV - Heroes Saved The World From Bad Gameplay, Bugs
Final Fantasy XV - A Bachelor Party Goes Very Badly
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hailynx · 7 years ago
when all the party members die except one and they get all the EXP
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hailynx · 7 years ago
The Detergent Exchange (Yoonseok Fic Exchange)
Hey guys!
Sign-ups for the detergent exchange is open now! For more information check out the rules, faq and the intended schedule information can be found on tumblr and AO3!
Please check out the AO3 page to sign up, or feel free to contact us via our ask here or on twitter @detergent_ex or via email at [email protected].
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hailynx · 7 years ago
i didnt realise ao3 was started in response to lj deleting account relating to p//edophi|ia and they explicitly support the posting of such works yikes
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hailynx · 7 years ago
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one of my lecturers printed us a step-by-step guide to writing an essay for an assignment we had. i decided to type it up and share it with you guys. i think for the most part it is really useful and a super simple way to break down your essay. hope this helps :~)
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