ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
❝I couldn’t sleep. Can I stay here?❞
CONCERN    THRIVES    LIKE    A    DISEASE    ,       emerging  as  furrowed  brows  &  creasing  skin  turned  pallid.   you  feel  pain  /  i  feel  it  too.    the  same  souls  split  into   TWO   :   think  not  that  the  familiar  voice  wakes  him    —–  –  -   for  those  eyes  have    long   been  vast  &  tamed  by  HAUNTING  dreams.    single  flame  illuminates  shadow   &   carves  rays  unto  skin.    when  the  words  spill ,  he  looks   (  *   so  swiftly   /   as  if  in  INSTINCT   ). 
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❛     LOUIE   —–  –  -     ❜       a  pitch  as  sooth  as  SILK.  he  ushers  him  over  with  the  signal  of  a  hand ,  palms  settling  ‘pon  the   dearest’s   shoulder.  even  in  dreams ,  i  would  not  allow  people  to  harm  you.  not  even  a  single  strand  of  lock  ‘pon  his  crown  to  be  in   HARM’S  touch.  we  are  a  we  /  we  are  one.       ——-     –     -       ❛       FUNNY.   I  WAS  ABOUT  to  make  my  way  over  to  you.    ❜       more   sullen ,       ❛      TALK  TO  ME.  you  know  you  never  have  to  ask.     ❜ 
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
               SKEPTICISM,  blatant  even  beneath  mask  –  so  he  knows  the  NAME,  most  do  these  days.  he’s  UNIMPRESSED,  but  curious  he  is,  arms  folding  over  chest  as  he  studies  every  move,  searching  for  something  to  justify  the  mistrust  (  aside  from  the  obvious  –  a  stranger  knows  of  the  REAPER,  and  in  turn,  most  know  the  old  soldier’s  identity;  that,  alone,  is  reason  enough  for  suspicion  ).
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                ❝  you’ve  piqued  my  interest,  ❞   he  replies  honestly;  should  things  go  sower,  he’s  got  his  means  to  get  out,  but  if  HONEST,  he’ll  take  anything  he  can  get,  anything  to  get  his  ANSWERS.  ❝  what  do  you  know?  ❞
❛       NOW   NOW ,  HOLD   YOUR   HORSES.     ❜       easier  than  he  expected ,  no  ?  amusement  is  effortlessly  masked.  witness   :  a  human  to  crumble  in  mention  to  an  old  ally ,  an  old  friend  (  *  he  too  understands  LOSS.  )
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so  shall  a  glove  reach  onward.  digits  spread  /  palm  extending.  there’s  a  reign  of  EXPECTANCY  unto  that  skin   &   a  glint  of    ....    something.     something  ,   yes  !  the  man  is  wholly  indecipherable  from  crown  to  toe.      SOMETHING   gleams   in   that   stare      ——-   –   -       ❛       YOU  KNOW  ALL  GOOD  THINGS  in  life  come  with  a  price.  $30.     ❜  
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
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❛       YOU   QUESTION   MY   LOYALTY.   I’M   OFFENDED.     ❜      palm  to  breast ,  digits  gnawing  into  suit  stitching.    a  visage  of  whole   &   utter  DOLOR.   here  pitch  tiers  scrunch  into  brow   &   those  lips  overturn.   PAINED   !       ——-   –   -        ❛       i  go  through  danger  on  the  daily  to  get  your  jobs  done.   OH   &     ....     you  lot  saved  my  life.  there’s  also  that.    ❜      @suollac 
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
❛       I   KNOW   ABOUT   YOUR   FRIEND.    REAPER.     ❜       sourced  from  the  shadowed  veil  of  an  alley ,  uttered  betwixt  a  FLAMING  cigarette.   here  he  emerges    (   *   boots  tip  before  another  ).   a  gentleman  !   one  may  believe.   a  suit   /   an  ol’  welcoming  smile.   to  be  fooled  by  that   FOOLISH.   
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trail  of  smoke  to  descend  as  a  sole   STOMPS.    digits  in  pocket ,  shoulders  unstrained.  &  that  smile  ?  how  it  endures  !      ——-   –   -       ❛       HE’S  INTERESTED  IN  YOU.  &  you’re  interested  in  him.    it’s   simple  ,   really.    i  can  tell  you  some  things.     ❜       @warcommanded
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
A   RENAISSANCE   PAINTING   IN   FLESH.    distorted  features  at  present ,   in  what  seems  freeze  frame.  a  scene  of  theater.  another  descends  to  the  ground  ever  CLUMSILY  (  *  he  can  witness ,  amidst  the  roaring  chaos  from  the    same  man.   )   is  it  KARMA   ?   pray   tell   ;   does  that  gaze  deceive  him  ?  figure  trailed  off  spotlight.  there  exists  a  river  of  crimson.  HE  REIGNS.  that     NATURAL   demeanor  irks  him  so   ! 
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shaking  features  to   &   fro.   rolled  sleeves ,   balled  fists ,   ushering  arms ,   storming  boots  unto  podium.  there  is  a    COMMOTION    to  which  he  gracefully  dismisses   ,       own  vocals  one  with  uproar.    ——-   –   -       ❛       ENOUGH  OF  THIS  PLAYGROUND  BUSINESS.  i  can  take  you  on ,  old  man.     ❜    @duliant
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
‘ i ate a pumpkin once when i was drunk… i just took a bite out of a pumpkin. ’
BUZZFEED ╱ accepting.@ghoulsown
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THEY  HAD  climbed  the  highest  tower,  seeing  the  city  sprawl  beneath  them  in  all  its  glinting  splendour.  the  air  felt  so  clear  here,  like  it  was  somehow  more  fresh.  more  pure.  something  about  being  this  far  up  from  the  world  made  him  feel  alive  in  a  way  he  never  felt  like  before.  he  closed  his  eyes  &  savoured  the  familiar  tones  of  his  voice.  once,  he  had  known  the  heartbeat  of  his  brother  by  memory,  had  sworn  that  their  hearts  were  synced  because  they  were  twins.  they  shared  everything,  didn’t  they  ?  louie  leaned  back  &  laughed,  a  glittering  sound.   ❛   you  also  swallowed  that  quarter,  miggy.  &  that  was  after  you  said            hey,  wouldn’t  it  be  cool  if  i  could  literally  shit  money  ?   ❜ 
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
*   NICE  PLACE  !
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     his nature had been sown into him through his history.   STOIC, CALLOUS, DEADLY, AND DESTRUCTIVE   —–   what is all jointed, brings question if he truly is a mortal man at all.   rather than some sort of creature that takes form of man.   maybe a beast lies under his flesh. maybe some sort of demon, or devil, possesses this body and made a deal the leaders of talon.   THAT’S NOT THE CASE, HOWEVER.   he’s just as much as a human being, as all of the others that inhabit the earth… regardless of how others may differ. it’s understandable, however, for such thoughts to burrow themselves into others as they look upon him.   for he holds the capability, of what they fear for him to be.      it’s strange,   when there are those that don’t fear him as such…     his mouth remains in a frown that’s considered to be neutral, while eyes remained in a sort of study, striking themselves unto the subordinate   (the humerus killer).   a sound that nearly resembled a growl rumbled in his throat, while his gaze shifted to the door that had been tampered with. annoyance laid a fair layer over his features as the red eyes narrowed. his hold slackened upon his blade which he had at hand.   one would think to stay out of a beast’s lair.     ❝  this could have been your last mistake…  i usually kill intruders.  ❞
DO   NOT   THINK   HE   FLINCHES    !    a  deer  captured  in  headlights.   but  he  doesn’t  wince.  he  doesn’t  fret    !    nor  does  he  halt  so  swiftly.   lock  picks  gingerly  maneuver  again  into  suit  pockets ,   he  returns  from  crouched  position  to  stand  &    -----  --  -  DAMN  HIM   !    there’s  a  vast  ol’  grin  carved  into  that  CHEEKY  visage.  palms  raise  (  *  i  am  UNARMED  !  at  least ,  to  display  ).  there’s  a  curse  which  runs  in  MOTHER  TONGUE ,  through  that  little  mind ,  of  how  foolish  he  was  to  be  discovered.  none  would  think  ;  he’s  as    serene   as  the  winds  of  winter.  one  step  forward.  TWO.  boots  halt.      careful  not  to  wake  that  slumbering  lion   !   he  has  worked  under  HIM  for  years ,  witnessing  his  worse  &  his  worst.        foolish  man.      still  his  loyalties  are  yet  to  endure.  
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from  a  grin  to  a  crescent  -  moon  SMIRK.     -------   --   -       ❛       STOP  BEING  SO  DRAMATIC.  i  just  heard  you  had  a  bottle  of  hennessy.     ❜
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
LIPS  CURLED              they  were  exposed  to  the  free  air  &  gently  whipping  winds.  long  dark  hair  twisted  into  a  thick  braid  down  the  middle  of  his  back,  moving  with  every  shift.  he  laughed,  the  brightness  unmasked  &  open  for  only  lorenzo  (  *  dearest  heart  )  to  see.    ❛   also  extremely  unoriginal  because  raphael  needs  to  get  his  own  name,  you  know  ?  i  feel  like  he’s  trying  to  steal  our  brand.   ❜
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❛      I   DIDN’T   KNOW   YOU   thought  so  strongly  about  it.     ❜      elbow  to  discover  a  brother’s  rib ,   edges  of  fine  lips  to  tug  especially  so   !   he  does  not  resemble  asuwang.  he  doesn’t  resemble  a  man  with  GLACIERS  for  skin    /    a    knife    for   a   tongue    /    a  WEAPON  of  a  existence.  NO    -----  --  -   for  the  first  time  in  years  &  years ,   he  resembles   LORENZO.      ❛    maybe  you  should  bring  it  up  to  him   !  i  can’t  guarantee  you’ll  survive  it   .....   but  hey.  been  there ,  done  that.  it’ll  be  FUNNY.  ❜   
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
LIKE  FOR  A  STARTER  !   i  haven’t  got  icons  or  the  pages  fully  sorted  bUT  DW  i’ll  get  to  them  quick.
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
lorenzo  always  wears  a  suit  &  acts  like  a  gentleman  but  uHHHHH  he  would  sell  u  for  One  corn  chip .
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
250+ starters you can use
even more starters random starters from various sources (once again, from spotify playlists, random commentary, tv shows, books, movies, and my brain).
❝A little warning would have been nice!❞
❝You almost shot me! Again!❞
❝Hide your wives, hide your daughters, hell, hide your sheep!❞
❝I saw how you danced for them. There is no more need for that innocent act.❞
❝You’ll have to rip my bento box from my cold, dead hands.❞
❝Book? What book?❞
❝It’s all lies! Slander I say!❞
❝So after we were finished, he reached for his phone and began to play Candy Crush.❞
❝You owe me. I mean really owe me.❞
❝Stop it, you’re being even more rude than usual.❞
❝The cold and I don’t mix.❞
❝You look like you were fucked thoroughly last night. Was it worth it?❞
❝I had sex behind the court house.❞
❝Public sex is the best kind of sex next to make up, angry sex.❞
❝They hold you to a different standard because you are not some peasant roaming the streets. You are royalty.❞
❝If you are going to dance, at least pretend you can dance well.❞
❝You have far too much darkness within your heart. You will not be able to enter this place.❞
❝If, for example, you are alive at the bottom of the sea, I shall cut off my two legs and become a fish.❞
❝I want to fall asleep while embraced.❞
❝I once believed long ago that I could wish upon a star and my dreams will come true. Now I know such things are false.❞
❝I will savor the day I can watch you fall.❞
❝I will hunt you down & I will not show mercy.❞
❝There is little we can do. The rot has begun to set in.❞
❝You can keep your little princess in her proper little place. But if she follows all your orders, does exactly what she’s told? She will never ever grow up, she will only grow old.❞
❝Good deed? You so called good deed sentenced him to death.❞
❝That child will do whatever it takes to survive ; I suggest you do the same.❞
❝I am the Queen/King & I demand respect.❞
❝You will find me at the corner of 5th avenue & 57th street.❞
❝Girls don’t want smelly boys. They want chocolate, pretty shoes, and a good fuck every week.❞
❝I want you to break me with your own hands.❞
❝Have you stepped into your own trap, my lord? Any evidence you have against me, you yourself bought and paid for. Do you now begin to believe it?❞
❝Why must you leave a king to follow you? Why not a QUEEN?❞
❝It is true. I was unfaithful to you with all of them. With half your court. With soldiers of your guard, with grooms, with stablehands. Look for the rest of your life at every man that ever knew me and wonder if I didn’t find him a better man than you!❞
❝ I have a little neck.❞
❝You make love as you eat, with a great deal of noise and no subtlety!❞
❝Will you not kiss your daughter?❞
❝She has the face of a simpering sheep. And the manners. But not the morals. I don’t want her near me.❞
❝How DARE you and the rest of your barbarians set fire to my library?❞
❝You have such bony knees.❞
❝Queens. Queens. Strip them naked as any other woman, they are no longer queens.❞
❝I will not be told where I can go and where I cannot go!❞
❝The King has asked for me?❞
❝Even in carnal matters?❞
❝I shall not go the way of my sister!❞
❝Power is as exciting as love, I discover.❞
❝And who has more power than our dearest king/queen?❞
❝Touch her, and I’ll have her sent from court.❞
❝Mind your tongue, or I’ll have you sent from court.❞
❝I ORDER you.❞
❝…I think I’m a good person. I think there’s good in everyone.❞
❝I see these kids I’ve known all my life and wonder: What happened?❞
❝Remember those days when we were singing and clapping, happy and napping, baking cookies, eating paste?❞
❝College will be paradise.❞
❝Grow up. Bulimia’s so ‘87.❞
❝…Before you answer: I also do report cards, permission slips and absence notes.❞
❝For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure.❞
❝You LIAR.❞
❝They will say my child is the bastard, regardless of what you do.❞
❝I care not who has the title “bastard” when I am dead.❞
❝You are the QUEEN. A girl this time, a boy the next.❞
❝Chaos is great! chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling!❞
❝Don’t read it. She’s having extra-heavy flow and wanted some advice from my gyno.❞
❝What’s your damage?❞
❝Sorry but I really had to wake you. See I decided that I must ride you ‘til I break you.❞
❝I think we broke my mattress.❞
❝No sleep tonight for you, better chug that Mountain Dew.❞
❝I’m like oxygen. I’m everywhere.❞
❝Thus ending her hangover. I say we go with Big Blue.❞
❝Shoulda thought of that before you killed me. I’m gonna be coughing up drain cleaner for eternity.”❞
❝Why are you not dead? Why do you live? How do you live? Why do you not lie at the deepest hole of the sea, bloodless, and bloated, and at peace with honorable death?❞
❝There are never enough hours in the days of a queen, and her nights have too many.❞
❝I was hoping you’d rip my clothes off me, sport.❞
❝I bet there’s all kinds of interesting things in that locker. Maybe some “ich luge” bullets…?”❞
❝I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.❞
❝And I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy.❞
❝You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.❞
❝Surprise, surprise.❞
❝I’m older, but hardly more wise.❞
❝Is she beautiful?❞
❝I have borne you a daughter, Your Majesty.❞
❝Your Queen, I cannot be. Your mistress, I will not be.❞
❝For men love what they cannot have, and hate what they cannot control.❞
❝If I must die, then I will die boldly, as I have lived.❞
❝But stars come out at night.❞
❝I am a fool to own it, but I am in a fever for his/her touch.❞
❝Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.❞
❝Is that how it is? You fuck me and go behind my back and pledge your love to another?❞
❝Cut the shrill voice alright? I can hardly hear myself think.❞
❝If you wake me up, I will throw sharp objects at you.❞
❝Okay, I get your angry, but you should know better than to antagonize them.❞
❝They’re as far away as I could send them.❞
❝Are we ruled by superstition?❞
❝I do not fear the people.❞
❝On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?❞
❝It is okay to cry. Crying is a natural response to pain.❞
❝What good is that act, unless every person in this kingdom first swears an oath to you? To both of us?❞
❝Welcome to the nerd lab.❞
❝The more important they think they are, the quicker they finish.❞
❝Stay silent, & perhaps they will spare you.❞
❝Wanna fight for me?❞
❝Hey, are you still alive?❞
❝You speak as though you have seen this yourself.❞
❝You’re late. You missed quite a show.❞
❝Such tragic lovers.❞
❝I honestly don’t find that to be romantic. It’s pathetic.❞
❝Love? You think love will save you?❞
❝Only fools believe that soulmates exist.❞
❝I don’t know why the hell you want to sit courtside, unless you’re THAT desperate for balls in your face.❞
❝Gather the sheets and burn them. They cannot find evidence of this.❞
❝The blood is in your hands, not mine.❞
❝You speak as though you are innocent in this.❞
❝You took their heart and destroyed it.❞
❝Do you like killing? Do you like to watch the fear in their eyes as you bring your blade even closer to them?❞
❝I do not fear death.❞
❝Am I in hell?❞
❝If you think for a moment, then you’ll find it.❞
❝I will not be meek or obedient.❞
❝You do not own me. I am not your property or anyone else’s for that matter.❞
❝And you think sleeping with someone who is married is going to add excitement to your life?❞
❝There are worst faiths.❞
❝I would rather die than be locked in a cage.❞
❝You can take that pen and shove it up your ass.❞
❝Let me see your face.❞
❝My computer is acting weirder than usual. Did you give it an energy drink or something?❞
❝TV makes shit look so easy.❞
❝I could try, but no promises.❞
❝I just want to go home and shower.❞
❝That cat looks like he wants to murder us in our sleep.❞
❝I think there are better things to do in this city other than gawk at the buildings.❞
❝Put. those. cookies. down.❞
❝Oh shit, I made a booboo.❞
❝Banana monkeys apple balls!❞
❝What sort of insult is that? My cat can do a better job.❞
❝I have my eye on you. And I mean one eye. The other one is keeping an eye on the other guy.❞
❝You’re quite defiant, aren’t you.❞
❝Hold your tongue, or I will cut it out myself.❞
❝Bring them BACK.❞
❝I shall go to my grave loving you. HATING YOU.❞
❝Those who refuse will die.❞
❝How do you forget?❞
❝This was supposed to be a surprise damn it.❞
❝High or low, they will sign or they will die.❞
❝I believe in choices, both good and bad.❞
❝I didn’t fall off the horse. I held on for dear life as the horse dragged me along for a period of many years.❞
❝Funny how things work out. You love me now, when I do not love you.❞
❝I hate you. I hate your desire & MINE.❞
❝Call it what you wish, but you and I both know it’s the truth.❞
❝Don’t speak to me as if you know what I am suffering through. You know nothing.❞
❝Shut your eyes then.❞
❝That child saved your life.❞
❝Hey if you ever need some RELIEF, you know where to go.❞
❝I am no whore, despite what you like to think.❞
❝Beauty fades.❞
❝Mac or PC, I don’t care.❞
❝Find a legal way then.❞
❝Their blood is on your hands. Not mine.❞
❝Can’t make a habit of this you know.❞
❝Can I stay with you? I can’t be alone to my thoughts. The darkness will claim me again.❞
❝You swore you would protect me!❞
❝You are a toad.❞
❝What did you do, roll around in pig shit?❞
❝Get out you snake.❞
❝If they hurt me, then I will close my eyes.❞
❝There is nothing you can say that hasn’t already been said.❞
❝Music is important. There are so many advantages.❞
❝I couldn’t sleep. Can I stay here?❞
❝You are my soul mate!❞
❝I once tried to read that. I couldn’t get through the book.❞
❝BURN ME THEN. Do you think I care now that you have taken everything from me?❞
❝To love? Or to spy?❞
❝Which witch is which?❞
❝I signed up for a fun adventure in a creepy mansion. I didn’t sign up for demons trying to murder me.❞
❝Who’s your daddy now?❞
❝I’ll be good, I promise.❞
❝Do you hate me so much you would do this?❞
❝I loved you! I gave you my heart & you stepped on it.❞
❝My love for you surpasses everything.❞
❝I am a fool, yes. But this fool loves you. Do you hear me? I love you.❞
❝Take it from me as best you can, but there will come a time that you can no longer deny it.❞
❝Will you give yourself to me?❞
❝Once, I think I could have loved you. But now, I think I can only despise you.❞
❝My heart cannot take this secrecy anymore. Why must I hide my feelings for you?❞
❝You can try.❞
❝I think that there are better ways to spend my time than to listen to their insults.❞
❝Children? Oh no, I– I don’t think I can even have children.❞
❝Impossible things can be possible if you have enough hope.❞
❝Did they touch you?❞
❝I don’t think I can move.❞
❝The best time of year is when I can cuddle with you in front of the fire.❞
❝My heart belongs to one being and it is you.❞
❝I need help. I cannot face this alone.❞
❝You ask far too much. Please, don’t make me do this.❞
❝Are you pregnant?❞
❝I’m pregnant.❞
❝I’m sorry, but your child is dead.❞
❝Who is the father?❞
❝How can you love a person like him/her?❞
❝You are not a monster. Stop thinking that you are!❞
❝There is nothing you could have done. Their life was forfeit the moment they left this place.❞
❝Y-You? What are you doing here?❞
❝The last dance you will ever have is with me.❞
❝We are two ships in the night.❞
❝The shadows grow darker.❞
❝It will not be long before the darkness consumes your heart.❞
❝You belong to me now.❞
❝You WITCH.❞
❝You sold your soul to the devil & for what?❞
❝Revenge will be mine.❞
❝The dogs will eat their fill of you and shit your remains onto the crags.❞
❝Our Grand Rite now is done. Blood dimmed dawn now shall come. Powers of the moon and sun ignite. All flesh trembles at the sight. Thirteen souls fed to hungry earth opens the way for our dark lord’s birth.❞
❝Oh this ain’t right. This ain’t right. Any fool can feel that, even this fool.❞
❝ I shall miss the dazzling wit of your conversation.❞
❝This is my vow. I will meet you here, before the moon goes above those trees. I swear it.❞
❝You know, my father said this was the land of second chances. This can be ours. All we have to do is walk away.❞
❝Living in here and not believing in witches is like living in London and not believing in fog. It is to deny what is right in front of you.❞
❝Love is a two-faced coin and one is certainly betrayal.❞
❝Love is not a lost cause. I will not betray the one true love of my life.❞
❝If. Such a small word with such immense consequence. For all of us.❞
❝The wine is from God. The drunkard is from the devil.❞
❝I recognize the symptoms of your illness, and it’s not called marsh fever. You’re with child.❞
❝He’s insane.❞
❝This is a good day for him.❞
❝If you knew my father, you’d commend me for waiting this long.❞
❝How long may we enjoy your curative presence in town?❞
❝There was a reason for my marriage. Remind me of it.❞
❝Is it murder to defend your mother’s honor?❞
❝And if these times have made you clever, the coming months may thrust genius upon you.❞
❝You care so much for someone you hardly know.❞
❝That was the bravest thing I’ve ever seen, like a man sticking his head inside a lion’s jaw. I would gladly reward you for your bravery.❞
❝All things are permissible in our dreams.❞
❝I believe trust needs to be earned.❞
❝The others bought and sold. We merely proved ourselves better at the game, but we draw the line at murder. Do we not?❞
❝I do tend to win whatever battles I fight.❞
❝You’re not the only one who knows what it feels like to hold desires that come true only in dreams. But every morning we have a choice – forget our dreams or live them.❞
❝True malice like that which powers the Grand Rite ferments best in a loveless heart. I have looked into your heart and it is anything but loveless.❞
❝And so the queen came to rule the king and all of his kingdom and thus became the Queen of the Night. And so she lived happily ever after.❞
❝For it was not by a kiss she might make a frog into a prince, but by a kiss that she make a king into a toad.❞
❝That night she felt one monster on top of her and another inside and she glimpsed what her soul was becoming and learned her first lesson as queen: be careful what you wish for.❞
❝You know the worst part about becoming a queen? You often have to marry a king.❞
❝Not all queens start as princesses.❞
❝Your eyes. So filled with want. The hard part is not getting what you want, child. The hard part is knowing what you want.❞
❝We had a deal.❞
❝I want to be just like you.❞
❝Sometimes in life we make choices. These choices in life they lead us to do things, terrible things and we don’t wish to, we’d do anything not to. Choice informs choice. They don’t resemble anything you’d have wanted or wish for. Tell me if it was like that. If it was a difficult choice. Please. Please. So that I may still believe in goodness.❞
❝I murdered 20 men and I make no excuses for myself. Will you have me arrested?❞
❝The dead don’t lie.❞
❝I am the only one that knows.❞
❝The next lie to cross your lips will be your last.❞
❝You would threaten me, your one true ally?❞
❝So you would buy me outright?❞
❝I want it to stop. The torture, the torment, the suffering… or I will tell them. I will tell them all who and what you are.❞
❝We know that what we desire and what we must do to survive are often at odds.❞
❝My husband’s affliction has robbed him of both reason and sense.❞
❝We’ve lost control. She’s no longer ours.❞
❝Why? Because this is the fulfillment of all our dreams. Vengeance for centuries of oppression.❞
❝I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a mixture of reason and bullshit in a man.❞
❝There was a time when I might have suckled more than a toad.❞
❝All the world shall be yours in return; all the world.❞
❝You asked who would do such a thing. The answer is many people.❞
❝The witch hunt has begun and we will be runninng the trials.❞
❝He/She has all the sweetness of an apple on a tree.❞
❝This dog will come back and bite.❞
❝Save your thoughts. Say nothing.❞
❝You must cry for me, for I have no more tears.❞
❝Where is the murderer?❞
❝Be careful, be very careful, or you might find yourself wearing peasant shoes.❞
❝You see I’ve lost everything in this town that I ever cared for. You however, you have everything left to lose. A sentiment that makes you vulnerable.❞
❝Do not stare at him in public. It weakens you.❞
❝The only thing keeping me alive is the look on your face.❞
❝All things return, like every salty tear returns to the sea.❞
❝They will hunt and kill and drown in their very own blood till there’s no one left standing.❞
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
luis  :  cheery ,  happy ,  lively ,  joke  lover ,  youthful ,  absolute  darling ,  human  embodiment  of  sunshine  ! lorenzo  :
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
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SORRY,  THE  OLD  LUIS  CAN’T  COME  TO  THE  PHONE  RIGHT  NOW.  WHY?  ‘CAUSE  HE’S  DEAD  !           independent  &  highly  selective.     overwatch  oc  from  blizzard’s  overwatch.     multo,  the  masked  mercenary.     as  narrated  by  coslyn.     #ghostsown.
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
       ❛   TALON’S  A  pretty  lame  name  for  an  organization  don’t  you  think  ?   ❜   he  dropped  down,  quieter  than  even  a  speck  of  dust  landing  on  the  floor.  he  stretches,  liquid  movements  a  far  cry  from  the  fumbling  movements  of  a  child  swept  up  in  a  cause  he  had  no  idea  of.    ❛   their  logo  sucks  too.   ❜
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❛     ------  --  -  EH.    ❜      shoulders  to  elevate  &  slump  ever  inelegantly.  lips  to  coil ,  twist   /   to  mold  into  a  sly   &     boyish    ol’  grin    !    such  wonderful  brotherly  bond.    his  gaze   ,    possessing  saturation   ,    alter  to  COLOUR  upon  witness  to  that  dearest.       ❛     as  long  as  they’re  paying  us  i  DON’T  CARE  how  lame  they  want  to  be.    which  is  pretty  lame ,    i’ll  admit.   ❜  
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ghoulsown-blog · 7 years
LIKE  FOR  A  STARTER  !   i  haven’t  got  icons  or  the  pages  fully  sorted  bUT  DW  i’ll  get  to  them  quick.
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