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anouri · 3 months
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Sam Sax from A Guide To Undressing Your Monsters (2014)
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bunytime · 1 year
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assorted 20-something-year olds for an AU I have w some pals 👐🏻
(sparing the self indulgent details here but it mostly involves bands, crushes, & drama)
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zetterbabe · 6 months
prep comes in many different forms 🐀
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decepti-thots · 27 days
i think it's really interesting how rung gets more flack in fandom as a character for stuff like the fact Roberts makes an off-colour joke about Whirl through him in the short story (which, yeah, it is a shitty thing to say, but it's clearly an issue of the comic/text itself at that point making such off-colour jokes and not specific to Rung's character, IMO, so I tend to treat that as more of an issue with the comic at that point personally) and not. well. the canonical fact that Rung was involved in signing off on state-ordered and presumably non-consensual lobotomies. i suppose it may be that a lot of people in fandom take the view that 'he would have just used the opportunity to refuse to ever sign off on them, of course!' but tbh, I do not find that enormously convincing given the framing we get! (and if you're someone who is interested in stated author intent, which admittedly i'm not overlmuch, roberts did discuss this in an interview and the intent seemingly was for rung to be willing to sometimes sign them off. so.)
like yeah, the joke about Rung being unconcerned about Whirl banging his head against a wall is unpleasant, in the same way the comic's snide approach to Red Alert in the earlier issues can be, and so on. but the later revelation that pre-war Rung was essentially performing a legitimized form of Shadowplay if he could be convinced there was a medical justification seems uhhhh. more relevant to any discussion of Rung as a character who has done bad things in his role! i wonder if it's because people implicitly feel like being a bad therapist in the sense of 'breaking the law/medical guidelines' is worse than in the sense of 'being legally required to do bad things as a licensed therapist', regardless of the relative morality of those actions in their own right.
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shorttfuse · 4 months
penelope n colin / polin au idea that i want but know i couldn’t write, free to a good home:
superhero-esque au. it still being regency is crucial in my opinion. penelope still has a secret identity as lady whistledown but lady whistledown is not a society writer, but rather a masked vigilante. One night she saves colin and he falls immediately in love. and simply Must track her down and declare his intention to marry her. i anticipate a lot of him commiserating to pen about his mystery woman while pen internally screams
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markbug · 5 months
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swagged out ☆
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gifsbysimplysonia · 19 days
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Where was this camera angle being broadcast??
Someone please link me when anyone does a timeline post of all these in chronological order.
Via istandbyhayden on IG
ETA: source video for screen cap from Tik Tok:
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wingstobetorn · 3 months
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Casey and S from Cabin Three offer bookmarks and homemade notebooks! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
"What? Yooo! These are so cool, thanks a lot, dude!" Species swap! April is pleased!
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"... But what's with the whole alien thing? You from some kinda Venom universe or something?"
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napneeders · 6 months
hot take but season 2 should have left Stede as wrecked as season 1 did Ed (but differently obviously)
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ruru-me · 3 months
Does Hertha's stepmother came after her mother died or even before that? If so, did they have a good relationship?
Hey anon
Now that's something I'd have to talk about with kat, but I'd say that this whole part of the story takes place after the death of hertha's mother
(but it could also be before, it all depends on what @z3r0sk1llz decide I'm fine with)
(I'll edit it when we decide this part 😭)
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anouri · 3 months
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E.M. Forster from Maurice (1971)
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madcontainer · 2 years
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02pencil · 7 months
act i, chapter i - introductions.
bruise - like tender. every razor - edged motion purposeful. calculated. but it wasn't. it never was. because rotting all starts to look the fucking same, michelle. so she begins to dissolve in the very presence of thin - veiled sheep. into an oppressive crawlspace. into a realm that isn't quite here nor there. won't exactly account for the ringed pattern of the floor. or the skewed layout she analyzed the night before. or the chipped paint on the honed - like walls. because she wasn't obtainable. because she didn't think she fucking ... cared. and so it commenced. child - like utterances, hands bound. a vacant stare. a slacked jaw. and not a goddamn thing in hand. she sits. in the back. always in the back. simply quiet. noting the in between's. the haunting  lull  between  the first  breath  and  the  last. the crucifying hum  of  cynicism. the apparition that simply won't find solace in death. and then nothingness.  again. nothingness. the thought, almost acidic. brims  off  the  tips  of  her  fingers sacrilegiously —  rots the  inside  of  her  ribcage.  her  mouth, teeth decaying. always decaying. decaying. decaying. enough. enough. enough.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
We know Ren/[Redacted]’s nickname for MC is Angel but what is everyone else’s (or if they don’t have one what would it be)
✦゜ANSWERED: aaaa it's kinda hinted on the 14DWY discord (via the roles you can get), but the main cast have a few different nicknames depending on the situation or their mood!!
Ren: angel, baby (for when they're feeling 📯🦵) [REDACTED]: angel, love (for when they're feelin soft and tender) Moth: love-bug, bestie, gamer, comrade, degenerate in arms, etc. Violet: petal, rosebud (because sims + she's also a gamer) Conan: sweetheart (he is an Old Man), or just your actual name Leon: sunfish, darl/darlin' (with an aussie accent!!! this is important!!!) Teo: doll/dollface, starshine (Rosie has this man on a leash!!) Jae: seashell, sunshine (he honestly copied Leon and Teo)
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starstruckstufful · 4 months
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favorite colors stimboard! 30 days of agere moodboards
day 4! purple and blue! pink is 3rd favorite 🐇
🎀 purple & blue stimboard 🧸 requests open ✔
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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lanshappycorner · 5 months
Could you draw more arts about the Role swap au with the Mádl, Ames, and Crown siblings? I love it your previous one very much. ☺️
Hello! Thank you for liking my au!! I've drawn more the Crown siblings here :) as for the madl and ames siblings, you can have this doodle
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