#°。゚゚ out of character ┊ ⁽ ᵒᵒᶜ ⁾  ❜
playbarbies · 22 days
i know parents shouldn’t have favorites, but there’s something about writing robin that just feels like coming home
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tarnishedxknight · 1 month
Once you're stripped clean, what's at your core?
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Your result: rippling sunset
you’re the nicest person i’ll ever meet, probably. with an undying passion to protect those who can’t protect themselves, you’re energetic and bubbly to a fault. it’s cute, watching you run around trying to tie up loose ends. i feel bad for you — out of everyone you know, you probably have some of the deepest trauma, more than anyone’s aware of. this isn’t something that you want attention for at all, and you’d really just rather forget it exists at all… even then, it seems like you can never escape it. i wish you a pleasant rest of your life, full of rippling sunsets and free of prying eyes.
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Your result: silent admission
in tarot, the fool is numbered 0 – the number of unlimited potential. as the protagonist, he is ever present and therefore needs no number as well as no introduction. the world revolves around you in ways that i can't begin to describe, though you'd shrug it off if i were to begin to explain. i need you to know that time is running out. if you want to get this done, you need to start now. sloth is your greatest enemy in this world, and you can only run so far from the opposition when you start with such a disadvantage. keep your head high, yeah? the kid you were is still in there somewhere. you need to show him that it was worth it.
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Your result: warped metal
it's not working out the way you want it to. no matter how hard you try to look scary, the very picture of karmic retribution, your efforts will inevitably fall short. you're out of place here, a broken doll and a used marionette. there's nothing to gain in pretending you can't be hurt like anyone else. there's nothing to gain in pretending you aren't human, that you're made of twisted steel and distorted memories. embrace your humanity. embrace your vulnerability. give in to trust.
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Your result: flightless bird
the thought of your found family is what motivates you in your own little world. you touch the clouds, and the soil gives way under your footprints... this is utopia. if you were to erase one thing, it would be your memory. experience is important, but ignorance is bliss. identity, in heaven, should give way to happiness. you'd give anything just to sit by the swings and eat ice cream, but this isn't that kind of world. you have to get up and wash the dirt off of your scraped knees. i think you have an escapism problem.
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Your result: spun gossamer
the easiest thing to do is stay quiet when something’s up. you’re not bothered, and you know what? you shouldn’t be! it’s none of your business, even when it’s entirely your business. it’s difficult (read: impossible) to tell if your cheery demeanor is a cover-up for something sadder, or if it’s simply your natural state of mind. you see a lot of things: people coming through town, people leaving the house and never coming back, lies and deceit of the highest degree. what happened to you? will you ever be that kid again? your presence smells like cotton candy, and your fingertips sparkle like stars. whatever white rabbit you’re chasing isn’t going to lead you to wonderland if you don’t start reaching out when you’re not feeling okay.
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Your result: resounding truth
you have a goal in mind, and others brush it off right away… why does everyone always tell you to follow your dreams when it’s actually their dreams that they want you to follow? your memory is weak, and your conviction is even weaker on days when you’re reminded of how alone you really are. it’s hard to go on without someone pushing you forward… is this what life is? a cycle of monotony, fueled only by the desire not to trouble anyone too much with your passing? it would be nice to have something, or someone, to spur you on. i hope you find them.
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Your result: sympathy for the devil
you try so hard to be a beacon of hope for everyone, but nobody’s a beacon of hope for you. most likely, someone’s betrayed you in the past. it’s not like you’re easy to walk over, you just believe(d) too much in the inherent good of people. that isn’t a bad thing, and there’s nothing wrong with being kind and forgiving… i just feel kind of bad for you. i hope you can get a friend who doesn’t fuck with your head and take advantage of your kindness for once.
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Your result: behind the mask
you aren’t slick about whatever you think you’re hiding. glass shatters in your midst, blood spills, children scream. like some of your friends, your personality of choice is entirely artificial. the difference between you and them is that you can get away with it. you’re unknown, perhaps even to yourself, and your goals are complex and unknown. anyone stupid enough to fall for you is setting themselves up to be frustrated and confused, owing to your being ultimately unknowable. i hope you can find an identity that makes you comfortable.
Tagged by: I stole it back from @celestialmantdonna so I could update and include all my mewer muses, heh. Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! ^_^
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nightacquainted · 4 months
WTF Happened to Beauty and the Beast (1987 TV Show)?
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catncore · 1 year
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Mrs. Twister ready to 1v1  you at Pork City. 
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gerudospiriit · 1 year
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[Sometimes, I think about bringing Aveil and my Gerudo OCs over here, too, as secondary/on request muses, but that takes so much effort :'3]
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fasterthanmydemons · 2 years
I didn't like that Pietro died but how is it poor writing? Like don't get me wrong the MCU has done plenty of poor writing (Steve's ending I'm looking at you) but I don't see how Pietro's death is an example of that. Plot armor is far worse writing in my opinion xD And people... CAN actually live through dire situations irl but Pietro already did so when he was 10 when his parents were killed. Had he survived sacrificing himself... yeah that would have been some thick plot armor
{out of breath} Well, I guess there are a lot of different definitions people might have for "poor writing." And you are entitled to your opinion, so please don't think I'm like... coming at you with this post, heh. I'll just explain why I think it's poor writing from my point of view. Below the cut for length.
To me, poor writing is anything that's so unrealistic or OOC that it takes me right out of the fantasy/story of what I'm watching. Or it's something so outlandish that it's almost silly or it's not in keeping with what the character would do. Or if things are omitted or blatantly ignored because they're inconvenient to the plot (such as powers that would fix everything in two seconds). Or if it feels forced, rushed, or like the writers are railroading you with what they want whether it makes sense or not. All or any of those to me is poor writing, just different facets of it. It's when you write something for the characters that's easy, quick, simple, or otherwise just better for you or less work for you than writing something that actually makes sense.
Just... to throw this out there... I 100% agree with you about Steve's ending. That was total bullshit and one of the top worst examples of writing in the entire MCU.
In Pietro's case, his death was a major deviation from the comics. Pietro in the comics lived for years past the point of MCU Pietro dying. There was a lot of potential that was lost there, and it was totally for OOC reasons. One reason was that they wanted the MCU's version of Scarlet Witch to suffer so she could eventually take on that persona. They didn't need to kill off Pietro to do that, since she becomes the Scarlet Witch in the comics too, with her brother very much alive. Instead of keeping him alive and doing something more complex with him to contribute to her necessary suffering as the Scarlet Witch, they decided hey, let's just kill him off.
The reason this was such an easy decision for them was because the actor who played Pietro was not really interested (or so he said) in doing superhero movies. I'm not... really sure what he meant by that, since he'd played a superhero before Pietro (in Kick-Ass) and he was I think recast as another superhero in the MCU later on? So? But anyway, at the time he agreed to play Pietro if he was only in one movie. I mean, he was at the very end of CA:TWS, but no more than one full movie. So they just decided to kill him off. I guess that works, but the obvious out of character reason makes his death feel forced and unnecessary to me.
IF... they were going to just kill him off for OOC reasons, they should have at least made sure to treat his death as something MAJOR. While the moment of his death was poignant, that was it, and he was never shown again. No funeral. No memorial. No grieving shown from Wanda at all... until WandaVision how many movies/shows later? His death was major, especially for Wanda's character arc. The aftermath of it should have been handled far better than it was. The complete lack of mention of him afterward, in my opinion, negated a good amount of the impact and significance of his death. It was like winding up a pitch really dramatically, to then just gently place the ball on the ground. All that buildup and significance... and then nothing. Very poor writing, specifically very poor framing of the end of a main character's arc. Like I said, Pietro plays a much longer and bigger role in the comics, so they took a detailed, meaty character and tried to write a six-word-sentence story with him. That's how it felt... clunky, rushed, and poorly written.
Then we get to how and why he died... and it just starts getting silly in my opinion. Earlier in the movie they had him able to observe bullets flying right in front of his face as if they were in super slo-mo. So.... why... couldn't he just knock each of the jet's bullets off their trajectory? Or... grab something else to deflect them with? He had the time, presumably. But no, he decides to just... run in the way of bullets... HUGE, military grade, armor-piercing rounds from a JET, no less... instead of blocking them with something other than his body or grabbing Clint and Costel and pulling them out of harm's way. That second one especially seemed like a good option spur of the moment, and Pietro does have increased strength as part of his powers, so it was doable. But no, the writers were like we'll just have him run at stuff and die. Okay... that's... okay. *eye roll* I feel like they could have given him the same heroic death, but had it make a lot more sense with some more brainstorming and better writing.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the condition of his body was completely inaccurate to the types of rounds that would have come out of that jet. He should have been a lot more uh... destroyed. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he wasn't, but it's completely unrealistic to an almost laughable degree. They even go so far as to show not only entry wounds on Pietro but exit wounds as well. Meaning... the bullets went THROUGH him. So if they went through him... would they not just hit Clint and Costel anyway? But nope, we're just going to ignore that completely and they're fine. Again, it's sloppy and unrealistic.
I just think that Pietro's death could have been handled better, it could have made more sense, it could have been streamlined into something more impactful to the overall story and for Wanda's character arc, and it could have been meshed into Pietro's overall story a bit better. To save these two "kids" from Hydra, have them with this redemption arc, have Pietro portrayed as this nice guy with some genuine heroic qualities... we all were rooting for him. We all wanted him, after everything he'd suffered along with Wanda, to have that freedom and better treatment afterward. And instead it was just like... boom, dead. No closure. No further mention. it felt like the writers were just wiping their hands of him and moving on. It came out of nowhere, and I think for a lot of us in the audience, that felt very hollow and unfulfilling considering our hopes for him as a character and how they'd been built up for us by the rest of the movie.
As someone who has struggled with the construction of character arcs and plot arcs in epic fantasy novels, I've had to really think about having everything make sense. Not only for the characters themselves, but to the readers. You have to think not only about what you want to do with your characters, but also what the expectations of the audience are, and how to balance something disappointing or that just isn't what they wanted for the character with what you need to do to move your plot forward. You can't always make the audience/readers happy, but something that will really infuriate them is if, not only did they not get what they wanted for this character, but on top of that it feels forced or rushed or OOC. You end up turning your audience/readers completely off if you don't handle their disappointment carefully, and in my opinion, the disappointment that was Pietro's death for all of us was not handled well.
And this was a huge rant, haha, but I think this is an interesting topic to discuss! =)
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deadlyhand · 3 years
I suppose it’s time I do a starter call - so consider this that! Like this for a starter (of varied length)
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introspectral · 3 years
{out of directives} Okay, okay... hear me out. White Vision getting his own short series, taking place while he’s off on his own, for the purpose of connecting things from WandaVision to wherever he ends up in the future. I understand that this is very unlikely to ever happen, but... but... but... What if it did? What. If. It. Did? White Vision reconnecting with Wanda. Meeting Doctor Strange. Searching for the Avengers in his memories. Meeting new people entirely. Processing feelings of abandonment, anger, and resentment. Struggling with nightmares and flashbacks. Having his own adventures and journey of self-discovery. The possibilities are endless and I need it.
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baphometed · 3 years
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                         like this and i’ll jump into your DM’s and we can plot for your character and abel. i want to do more with him. 
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playbarbies · 2 months
me now that i’ve watched cinderella’s castle :
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tarnishedxknight · 2 years
Fortress: A Little Directory for the Final Fantasy Game That Never Happened
{out of dalmasca} I don’t know how I missed all of this information, given how much I’ve searched for information about Basch over the years, but I recently found this set of sites discussing Fortress, the canceled sequel to Final Fantasy XII for which Basch would have been the main protagonist. They explained a lot more about the game than I ever knew before, so I thought I would pass them along to other fans who may not have seen them either.
Not much is known about it, as it never got out of the early stages of development before the project was canceled. It was abandoned after its now-defunct production studio, Grin, and Square Enix, the makers of FFXII, had some serious creative differences about everything from the climate and type of terrain to use, to story pacing and the levels of involvement of returning characters.
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Fortress was supposed to have centered mainly around a titular, highly magical fortress in northern Ivalice that would have seen Basch (as Judge Magister Gabranth), Queen Ashelia, Emperor Larsa, and others from FFXII charged with defending it from various threats, the most formidable of which was a new villain, Loemund, the King of the Sea. Unfortunately, Grin pushed for the use of a recycled world design from another previously scrapped game, including terrain and climate biomes that didn’t match with that of Ivalice in FFXII:
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This was just the start of some of the catastrophic creative differences between Grin and Square Enix that, along with Grin’s studio ultimately closing, sealed Fortress’ fate before it ever had a chance.
Below are links to a three-part article (the first link is the hub and the next three are the parts of the article) that explains a great deal of information about Fortress, including clothing and enemy design, setting, gameplay, and storyboards. The last link outlines the entire story of the game, so don’t read it unless you want spoilers, although since this game is unlikely ever to be picked up by another studio, I doubt that matters very much. If you are a fan specifically of Basch, Ashelia, Larsa, or even Zargabaath, you’ll want to read the story. It... is not at all what I expected and has some twists and turns that have definitely left me... feeling some things.
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If I find more information about this game in my travels, I will add to this directory, but for now, I’ll leave these here for anyone who is interested and to save them for my own reference:
Everything We Know About Fortress, the Canceled Final Fantasy XII Sequel
The Story Behind Fortress, the Final Fantasy Game That Never Was
The Canceled Final Fantasy XII Sequel: Narrative and Gameplay Revealed
The Story of Fortress, the Canceled Final Fantasy XII Sequel
Feel free to reply to this post with your comments on the story if you do read it. I would love to know what other fans of FFXII think of it.
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dandelyun-a · 3 years
Blows a kiss to the dash
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catncore · 3 years
Youre so ooc it’s embarrassing to read im sorry
Good thing I'm not writing it for you. if you don't like my content then dont follow me.
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thenexusofsouls · 3 years
{i am the caretaker of souls} When you have a MIGHTY need to write a character from a fantasy steampunk world whose background, personality, and motivations are stuck like glue to the world he’s in and the people he meets and is related to... but somehow also make him standalone, versatile, and interesting enough to write with non-canon muses on the Tumbles.
*sigh* Whyyyyy brain, whyyyy........
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fasterthanmydemons · 3 years
{out of breath} Bear with me, I just finished work for the night, but I’ve been flooded by inspiration for a character I can’t rp because reasons that has always kindof just... begged attention every now and then over the years at random, and now I have zero muse for Pietro and Marvel stuff. I’m trying to indulge a little by playing the character’s game to get it out of my system but it’s just making it worse. Super inconvenient to have this character bugging me NOW when I’m already frustratingly behind on things. *sigh* Really poor timing. And I did a stupid thing... I tried to make myself feel better by proving that no rpc existed for the character’s fandom, so I looked it up... and nope, there are lots of people rping in the fandom. Now I just feel really left out.
In summary, I am a hot mess tonight. I truly apologize. I will do my best to derail this unwanted inspiration and somehow get things done for Pietro tonight because I know I’m so behind. But if not tonight then hopefully tomorrow. *headdesk*
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thiscrimsonsoul · 4 years
Headcanons: Wanda Singing to Pietro
{out of paprikash} Here are some headcanons regarding Wanda and singing to Pietro:
The lullaby Wanda sings to her twin sons in episode 3 of WandaVision was one her mother Marya used to sing to the twins to help them sleep. (To read about it from Marya’s point of view, read here.) Wanda never forgot it, and from the time she and Pietro were very little until after their parents died, she would sing it to him herself. She did it whenever he couldn’t sleep or was very restless or upset. It had always comforted her when her mother sang it, and Wanda noticed that it really worked wonders for Pietro when he couldn’t relax to rest or sleep.
She sang it to him while they were trapped in the rubble of their apartment building for two days. She sang it as they huddled somewhere to sleep when they were living on the streets as children. She sang it to him in the Hydra lab whenever he was able to hear her. And... she sang it to him again on the helicarrier after he’d been killed by Ultron. Why that last one, you ask? Because she was afraid he was still there, in spirit, restless and anxious, and she wanted him to be able to move on and rest.
Wanda continued to sing the song to herself, partially because she doesn’t want to forget it, but also because doing so reminds her of all the times she sang it to Pietro. Lying alone in her room in the Avengers compound, Wanda would often sing the lullaby and pretend that Pietro was there with her. In doing so, she managed to make the song a reminder of him even more so than of her mother.
Remembering Pietro in WandaVision and having two new sons in front of her, it was a feeling of coming full circle for Wanda. Now she was the mother, and although the brother she used to sing to is gone, she has two sons she can now pass the tradition down to. She hopes the song will comfort her twins in the same way it comforted her and Pietro.
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