#please drink water if you can
dreamlogic · 1 year
y'all have to meet one of my most treasured possessions, who i got for $1 at a thift store, but is priceless in my heart. 1999 officially licensed star wars the phantom menace collectors drink cup exclusive to pizza hut, KFC, and taco bell:
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important detail: his arms are posable. 360° jar jar action 24/7.
he was first christened Jar Jar Drinks, on account of being able to stick a straw through his skull and. drink. however, he tastes strongly carcinogenic and probably contains several types of plastic that have been banned since his manufacture in 1999.
so, when i was working food service and a good chunk of my income was from cash tips, i started stuffing a fat roll of cash inside him for safe keeping. he became known as Jar Jar Banks.
since i stopped living a life where i have large sums of cash money i need to squirrel away regularly, the name fell out of favor. but i still cherish him, and i knew he's destined to be filled with something someday.
well. i just realized i can hide my weed stash in his torso. so, without further ado, i would like to introduce you to this thrice-christened icon: Jar Jar Danks.
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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closing time
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 4 months
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Tags on a post that said “if both candidates agree on an issue, it’s a non-issue”. Regarding a genocide.
Okay lol. Very normal people on the “vote blue no matter who” side.
“I personally don’t want to die” yet you’re alright voting for someone who kills others just because you think it’s a lost cause? You’d rather vote for someone you KNOW is going to kill thousands of Palestinians just because he MIGHT not kill you. And that is an extremely privileged take.
“Mehmehmeh third party can NEVER win” yes because you’d rather give Biden a deepthroat than actually vote for important change. This isn’t something like tax brackets or stimulus checks, Biden is, currently, right now, killing people. He condemns Israel to the press and then mails them more bombs through the “”humanitarian aid”” port he built.
I swear to god Biden could pick up an infant, bring it to the podium during a speech, set it on fire, and slam it on the ground as hard as he physically could and you’d still vote for him as long as it wasn’t YOUR baby.
Anyway, I’m done humoring this. I’m breaking and blocking mutuals over this. I’m not going to pretend this is an even remotely leftist let alone justifiable take.
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pythoneon · 9 months
not to be annoying about VHS christmas carols against but i’m gonna be bc
i can’t stop thinking about something curt said in his interview with james about starkid and how you can see the seams of the production in each performance, and how it adds to the experience, and i think that’s why so many people love starkid. not only is it extremely accessible for people who can’t afford broadway tickets (which are ABSURDLY expensive without a doubt) and exposes people to the joy of performance in a palpable and fun way. its unpolished sometimes, and not every run goes PERFECTLY, but that only elevates the experience.
as a recovering theater kid who’s also a fairly new starkid & tin can bros fan, its imperfections are what drew me in. my first musical i watched (TGWDLM) is AMAZING and still my favorite, but its not perfect, and i wouldn’t have it any other way. imperfections are human, they’re fun stumbles that can be brought up later as something unique that happened at that showing and no other. it shows the seams and doesn’t take you out of it. you hear people improvise lines to make their costar laugh, you see actors try really hard not to break character, you watch someone cry ACTUAL TEARS during a solo, so engrossed that you’re drawn in with them. you become a part of this world for a moment because starkid is nothing but passion and love for their craft, and they show it through ingenuity, creativity, and craftiness.
just like curt said in that same interview, VHS christmas carols is the embodiment of all that. its a small and intimate stage (MY FAVORITES), so the line between actor and viewer is blurred. there’s parts in the digital ticket where you hear clark laugh at a few line readings, which i love so much. it’s simpler than a lot of their other stuff, band wise and set wise, but what they DO have is excellent. the VHS-shaped stage, the play button on the box lids, the CANDLES UGH. they’re all enjoying themselves, putting their entire heart and soul into each performance, and it shows. even the happy songs brought tears to my eyes. seeing that reminded me of how much i loved being in theater and the friends i made doing it.
VHS christmas carols is like a reminder that starkid isn’t just a production company making high quality musicals for us to watch, it’s also a group of dorky friends having the time of their lives on stage.
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cozyy-bear · 1 year
Need to be able to breath underwater so I can rest in the cold silt and listen to the current rushing over the peddles. The fish swim above me like a mobile as the water cradles me.
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lovertm · 2 months
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mental health stickers by SonnetAndSlothStudio
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My favorite ship is Castiel x some fucking chapstick
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im-ashl · 2 months
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my babygrill hilda. my girlie ms hildegard my sweet
OKOK so shes a dnd character i played in. a rather traumatic dnd game which is. anotha story
buT this is me revival of her!! shes a PF2E Nephilim an has holy blood.
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Class wise she is a thaumaturge!! An she uses her holy blood in conjunction w/ other tactics to help her fight
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She's also plural!! you can see the other pupils in her eyes (i forgot to in the topmost image oope)
an her arc would be learnin to accept all of herselves. each of em is an important piece of who she is
learning to love herselves as much as she loves bionicles
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barksbog · 1 year
listen if i could i would make everyone i know play disco elysium and than write me an essay about it. i need to know what's going on in everyones brain. i need it. opening my friends skulls (affectionate) and looking in there like good god tell me what the phrase "you're a violent and irrepressible miracle" does to your soul.
i'm so normal about this i swear
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kiwisandpearls · 3 months
Kindly take your last post out of the Zutara tag.
People are allowed to criticize Aang. People are allowed to point out the failings of the writing behind his character. He's fictional. His feelings won't be hurt. It shouldn't matter that people hate him.
(Some people who dislike or criticize him aren't even Zutara shippers. And those that are have said that their dislike of Aang has nothing to do with liking Zutara)
What's not okay is attacking Zutara shippers who are real people over their opinions on a FICTIONAL character.
The problem with posts like yours is that they're so hypocritical. You always make out Zutara shippers to be the problem. Do you know what Kataang fans have done? They've doxxed people, sent death threats. They had a rape Discord a few years ago. They've continuously harassed DANTE BOSCO, calling him a pedo because he likes Zutara. They literally recently harassed an NATLA writer on Twitter because she likes Zutara.
Stop calling out Zutara shippers for not liking a fictional character when Kataang shippers have some real damage to real people.
I literally did not put my post in the zutara tag. I put them in the ‘zutara fans critical’ and ‘zutara stans critical’ tags because 1. I didn’t want to put them in the anti zutara tag because it wasn’t meant to be an anti zutara post and 2. I obviously did not want to put the post critical about zutara shippers in the general zutara tag. I’m guessing you most likely just looked up zutara because like again, you can check yourself, I did not use the general ‘zutara’ tag.
also I never said people weren’t allowed to criticize aang. My point was actually that you don’t have to vilify aang to excuse zutara and/or excuse your dislike of aang. Criticizing aang isn’t “aang forced katara to be with him and would be a horrible boyfriend/husband to her” criticizing aang is “aang was in the wrong for how he talked to katara after the ember islands play”.
“What's not okay is attacking Zutara shippers who are real people over their opinions on a FICTIONAL character.”
i’m not???? Where do you see me attacking zutara shippers, genuinely point it out to me because if I was being hostile to them that wasn’t my intention.
I would’ve just ignored and maybe deleted this ask if I weren’t completely baffled by it. How is me making this one post about how certain zutara shippers should just admit they have a negative opinion of aang and much prefer zutara to kataang instead of coming up batshit reasons to claim aang is a horrible person is me somehow attacking zutara shippers for…having negative opinion on aang, and turning a blind eye to kataang shippers that are just as if not worse?
trust me, I think kataang shippers who make up reasons to explain why zuko would also be terrible for katara is just as annoying as zutara shippers who make up reasons to explain why aang would be terrible for katara. And I don’t think kataang shippers, or any shippers, doxxing and harassing zutara and other shippers is ok in anyway. I just didn’t mention it because I kinda thought it would be obvious that kataang shippers that also harass people are just as bad as zutara shippers that harass people. Maybe that’s asking a little too much of the internet but idk.
Also, I didn’t know kataang shippers were harassing Dante Basco. I didn’t even know he was a zutara shipper, I’m not that deep in the fandom. I’m not even that much in it at all lol. So even if I were to talk about kataang shippers what did you want me to do about it? Telepathically figure out kataang shippers have been harassing him lol? Not saying that it’s ok nor surprising, I just straight up didn’t know.
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innalheid · 3 days
Feeling very Ascension by Gorillaz ft Vince Staples at 2:18
#i need to solve a puzzle or some shit. god. fuck.#i cant concentrate on anything i cant fall asleep i cant stay asleep i cant stay awake i cant wake up on time#i hate depression 😒 and all the other things wrong with me yknow#i need to do something like. good for me. but its so damn hard to drag myself into doing that too#brain. stop being so foggy. please.#im even like. im eating im drinking water. i could probably like do some sort of exercise but everything makes me so tired.....#like even a walk yknow? i do my shift at work and im at 3% battery. i dont. i dont know what to do man#and i dont even wanna die about it???? im actively NOT suicidal for once#like are you kidding me??? ive been suicidal for like over a decade and for once#my brain is still popping up like have you considered killing yourself? 🤔 but im Genuinely not swayed by it at all#which is weird. and probably good. but now i just feel like. numb#stuck. stagnant. foggy. can we PLEASE cut through this fog and have some meaningful brain functions for a little bit. brain. cmon#i dont wanna die but i *do* wanna sleep for like. three days#i want a week off where i have NOTHIN to do#genuinely nothing to do. chores are done work is on pause i need nothing creeping in at the edges thinkin bout#ohhhhh you should be doing this instead..........youre wasting your time........do a task.....#but i cant i cant do a task. i cant. and its so frustrating and i feel bad about it#id feel much worse about it if my BRAIN wasnt as foggy as fucking SAN FRANCISCO#and i keep trying like. healthy ways of ''feeling something'' like hobbies i like or yummy food#nothin. does fuckin nothin. i get off and it gives me a Little bit of clarity Maybe. like#no wonder bad coping mechanisms happen yknow??? its an absolute fucking miracle i havent taken up smoking#anyway. i need to go to bed. tomorrows gonna be a long day. if you feel so inclined send me mental love or something. im fuckin tired folks.
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fandumbass · 3 months
this post isn't very good news, and I'm sorry about that. My condition has been fluctuating in this past week and I fear it's taking a turn down again. On top of that, I've been trying to catch up with medical bills and dealing with the associated paperwork. Behind the scenes, fic editing has slowed down to a near halt because a lot of the fic ended up having to be rewritten last second. We're almost at arc 2 (this first arc isn't very big) and I have very little written for it; that is to say, I would've had to take a hiatus anyway to try building back up a buffer for it.
Since it was going to happen anyway (regardless of it happening now or later) I've decided to take a (hopefully small, god willing) hiatus now instead to focus on my health and the responsibilities I've been putting off, on top of editing the rest of arc 1 and building that buffer back up. I don't know exactly when fic posting will start up again, but I can only express that I don't want to be away for too long. I'll still be around for messages, and I'll try to post status updates as they come in (those will probably become the new weekly/biweekly posts instead of fic posts until I have enough fic to start posting regularly again).
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stetsonnewsie · 2 years
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They are both very concerned, and very fed up with your nonsense.
(full image and a silly thing under the cut)
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It's fun to draw angry Moon.
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cream-and-tea · 4 months
the fact is that pallas is sososo scared of agnes wanting them to be good and agnes wanting them to be better that they get completely blindsided by the reality of the situation (<- agnes wanting them to do self care)
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very evil of storage units to be almost entirely made of Metal, inside and out. id like to have a talk with whoever made that building decision. a friendly talk. ignore the barbed wire baseball bat its unrelated
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naamahdarling · 11 months
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