Dyrpyn, the Divine Doofus
23 posts
(he/him) Just some weird guy who doodles and writes sometimes.
Last active 2 hours ago
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dyrpyn · 2 months ago
I love how I'll occasionally get shocked by connections I hadn't noticed before in my OWN stories. Like there is an entity a few steps ahead of me at all times and with it I get the experiences of being an invested fan of something that I Myself am putting together. I am both the creator And the consumer. How is
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dyrpyn · 2 months ago
Brain: Hey so small update. There are too many people (two) around right now and they're making a bunch of noise and moving around in ways I don't like. Therefore we are no longer doing The Thing(TM)
Me: Wait. What? We just have to put this back real quick-
Brain: And they're standing close to where we need to walk. Not doing it
Me: Just ask them to move??
Brain: No :)
Me: Well then can *I* please move
Brain: No :). We are frozen now
Me: Dude-
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dyrpyn · 2 months ago
People are off-put whenever I use my socked feet to open drawers near the floor. I have four limbs and I refuse to accept only using two of them to grab things. Those are two whole other hands they just have way smaller fingers. Also I am deadass not bending down to pick that up it does. back hurty
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dyrpyn · 4 months ago
This election isn't looking great now.
There is one thing you must ALWAYS. ALWAYS REMEMBER.
Your two greatest, most powerful weapons against evil, against bigotry and fascism, against hate, against even hate that comes from inside the self...
are Hope, and Spite.
If nothing else can fuel you, let these. Embrace these. Let these consume you, let them become all that you are.
Let Hope help you find light in the little details, silver linings to cling onto with bleeding hands and pockets of joy to admire in every day. Let it inject you with good faith, motivation to spread kindness where it is needed most, and deepening trust that this won't last forever.
Let Spite charge you with fury that carries you to make moves and take actions. Let it lead you to little victories right in the face of evil. Let it fuel you to do the strongest, most meaningful thing you can possibly do in this potential age: Thrive.
With enough reframing of perspectives and looking in the right places, even the most oppressed can find little ways to thrive in their personal communities, to find joy in every day. To forget how bad things are for even a second. To believe and see proof that they can change it all. To cling onto their Hope and Spite.
And THAT is the most powerful message you can send to those who wish to eradicate you.
We are the cockroaches who survive the radiation. We are the banged-up sewer rats who get in countless scuffles and still come crawling out of the tunnels covered in wounds to see the sunrise. For it rises every day no matter what may be brewing underneath its shine.
And we will watch every sunrise together. We will hold hands and sing in our defiance. We will always remain connected through our shared suffering and yet especially our shared Strength.
And with our weapons kept at our sides, we will all make it.
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dyrpyn · 4 months ago
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Silly doodle of a creechur
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dyrpyn · 4 months ago
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dyrpyn · 9 months ago
You can't spell "happiness" without "penis" fellas. Check and mate (mate is a command.)
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dyrpyn · 10 months ago
I think the idea of creating is so important to me that I've been hurting myself trying to nurture every idea my mind comes across. Spreading myself thin while being stuck in inaction from choice paralysis around all these projects and ideas within them. Before this I never thought it was possible to feel overworked WITHOUT doing much work.
Creating feeds my soul and makes me happy, but the process to get to a reward of a completed task/work has become so exhausting lately that that reward is getting dampened. I take breaks and then feel guilty for leaving my WIPs to collect dust, and then the break doesn't do anything helpful because of that guilt.
And it's so so annoying. I'll get an idea and get really excited to incorporate it into a project, but then I sit down to do it and I just. Can't start. Something won't let me start. Or I work TOO much on it and end up overthinking things to death to the point where my idea is now draining to think about.
I. Suffer. From perfectionism. It feels weird to use the word suffer but it seems fairly appropriate. When I think of starting work on something it stops me from doing so by making me fret severely over the shame it's gonna make me feel if what I write or draw seems wonky in any way.
I just want to create without something in my mind pressuring me about it. The ideas are piling up and I want to Get Through Them so I can make more room to be comfier with my creativity.
I have orchestrated a perpetuated state of thought-related burnout for too damn long.
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dyrpyn · 10 months ago
It's the anniversary of the beginning of my existence YEAH
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dyrpyn · 11 months ago
I do this thing while planning out my WIPs where I'll take a tiny idea and expand it into something so overly technical that I end up trying to make a series of ludicrous maneuvers just to answer how a trivial detail about a character fits thematically into the story for example.
I'll get an idea for what the antagonist could do and eight links in the chain later I'm calculating advanced algebra to find out whether a new species can safely kick a rock
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dyrpyn · 11 months ago
Noticed some dumbass thing that happens with my wi-fi a lot. I'll be goofing off on my computer or whatever and I'll have full bars the whole time but AS SOON as I try to Actually Be Productive(TM)? There's like a 60% chance it'll drop with suspicious timing
It's like "Wait, you're ACTUALLY trying to take care of your ever-growing pile of tasks?? NOT ON MY WATCH *turns into a slightly shorter version of self. Somehow this is devastating on efficiency*"
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dyrpyn · 11 months ago
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I have this as my phone's lock screen by the way. Because I'm just that Fucking Rad
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dyrpyn · 11 months ago
In a place where the lights are way too damn bright. I feel like I'm seeing too much and that my peripheral vision is a lot more apparent than normal. I feel like some sort of cave creature who has never seen the sun before in here istg
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dyrpyn · 11 months ago
I should really post here more often. My brain comes up with so much ludicrous shit all the time that like 70% of it would make good shitposts here and I just. Flat-out don't put them here. I totally should. I should Expose you guys more heavily to my appealingly biohazardous thought chains. Lay down a picnic blanket at Chernobyl or whatever
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dyrpyn · 11 months ago
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This image was shown to me in a science class in middle school and every time I look at it I SEE the meme format potential. Poor guy's about to get a severe Bonking and that damn animal is just looking on doing nothing. I'd make an example meme with this but I'm completely blanking on what it'd be about
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dyrpyn · 11 months ago
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They playin' golf
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dyrpyn · 1 year ago
"Yeah no shit man why do you think they call it a walkie talkie"
You're well on your way to becoming bleedie-deadie my good buffoon
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