#but I love u
sanjisprincesswifey · 7 months
Congratulations on 3000 followers 😃 You deserve them all!
May I please request Song 1 with Shanks and AFAB Reader? SFW or NSFW is fine 😊
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lucky girl (or realizing you’re falling in love ft. shanks)
notes: shanks is kinda dopey, gender-neutral reader implied, sfw content, 600+ words, thank u for participating!!!
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you had heard that shanks often dismissed potential lovers.
with the excuse of his love for the sea, he left a string of broken hearts in his wake. he had a reputation, anyone who knew of red-haired shanks knew of his vile personality towards women.
his narcissistic behavior often loved the longing and desperation that his romantic partners exemplified when he left them the next morning, it fueled his idiotic ego, so when he showed up on your island, you knew you were not going to fall victim to him.
despite your knowledge, you couldn't find proper reasoning behind his settlement on your home island. this was longer than he'd typically stay anywhere, a couple onlookers chose to believe you were the reason behind his decision.
you were indifferent about it.
“aw come on y/n, just one drink,” shanks whines, his cheeks flushed with a warm red hue.
you only chuckle, snatching the glass from his hand before filling it with water.
“my answer is the same as it was yesterday—”
“—and the day before that. but come on, i’ll treat you real nice,” he pleas, surely attempting to pull you into his irresistible trap.
today, he’d sat on the same barstool for hours for almost the entirety of your shift desiring to coax you into his arms. now that you are no longer protected by the safety of your work schedule, you heavily sigh as shanks walks over to you just as you’re about to leave.
“not interested,” you dismiss with a polite smile as if he were a random stranger.
he feigns hurt but holds the door open for you as you exit the building, not bothering to accept your rejection. now that he had been incessantly bothering you for weeks on end, you had come to understand why all the other women fell for his charming façade.
“you can’t take a hint, can you?” you joke, wrapping your hand around his right arm.
he grazes you with a cheeky smile, shaking his head. “nope!”
the air that settled was familiar, too familiar for your liking, but you decide to succumb to him anyway, resting your head on his shoulder.  each day that he walked you home you had found him more irresistible as time passed; slick, sugar-coated words began to woo you more than you’d like to admit until you finally realized this was what all the women before you had warned about.
“if you’re going to stay the night, you gotta stay on the couch,” you warn, unlocking your front door and inviting him inside.  
but before you receive a response, he had you pinned against your own door, head tilted as he leans his face in closer to yours.
“i had a feeling you were going to do that,” you whisper, staring directly at his lips. you watch them contort into a smile, a soft laugh escaping him.
“oh yeah? was i that obvious?” he teases, cupping your face.
as you find the tension impossible to break, lips inching closer to his with no desire to retract, you wonder if all the other women had felt the way that you do right now.
was he soft with his touch, fingers holding your face with a delicacy that could have only been described as passion. were his eyes soft, glazed over with a look of adoration as he stared back at them? none of these actions had ever appeared malicious, no ulterior motives had ever presented themselves no matter how high you had kept your walls up.
you didn’t know if this time was any different for him as any of the others had been, if he had pulled the same moves, used the same lines just as he did all the time before. but you didn’t care.
as his warm lips latch onto yours, moving in a confident, yet needy motion. you can feel shanks sink into your touch as you pull him closer by his collar, submitting to your touch as you begin to guide the kiss.
it was your way of taking control, alerting him that this time would be different than all the others, but maybe that was his plan all along.
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celebrate 3,000 followers with me!
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dessavitale · 5 months
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tteokdoroki · 6 months
no longer feeling sad feeling lots of love so if u see this post im gripping u very tightly and pressing delicate smooches on ur nose good day
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charlixcxashtray · 1 month
HAHAHAHAHA oh they got quinn so good 😭
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tell me what my vibes are
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seneon · 3 months
sometimes i forgot i have wattpad, anyways i hit 3.5K followers!!! thank u senation your king is delighted
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mushiewrites · 1 year
U should tell me about ur fic George's favorite rib :3
from this milestone post / george's favorite rib
idiot mouse ):< I am hating 🙄
firstly, this was for my lee!george week - and we all are aware of how I am with george and his ribs, so this should be no surprise to anyone who has ever read my fics before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and like I said in the tags on this fic I literally sent cal a diagram of the exact rib I was talking about and we had a very thorough conversation about it
I think originally, it was just gonna be snf or knf. but then when I was thinking about it, the idea of two people getting both sides of his ribcage so that every single bone is getting the attention it deserves????? it was waaaay too good to pass up. so it became a banter fic :D
I found some brainrot of this fic with cal, and we were literally laughing about how sapnap would never let george talk to karl with any type of attitude, and just kept talking about different ways that they could fuck up his ribs and make him scream. it was......truly something 🫠
also! I kept replaying this clip of george's laugh from banter (my favorite laugh of his ever to date) and kept imagining him laughing all cutely like this throughout the whole thing - besides when he was literally dying and screaming, of course :D
so like...long story short, there wasn't a huge reason this fic came to be, basically just knew I wanted to focus on a day for ribs for lee!george week and this is what happened!
(btw the placement of the rib on george had nothing to do with anything ever, there is no reason I picked this specific rib at all!!! :D so everyone can be quiet about that <3 same with the techniques <3)
anyway juno ur insane <3
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rosekasa · 1 year
why are you kicking us out :(
causing SHENANIGANS in my HOME
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ear-motif · 1 year
Have you watched Mizumono yet? 🫵👹
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insane4fandoms · 1 year
I am nothing, and nothing will be the same again, went in with bright smiles, ended with sorrow tears, for what I have witness, let people be my witness that nothing will ever heal my tender soul.
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(Finished watching Good Omens season 2 just now lmao)
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ormymarius · 1 year
no one:
my partner when I tried to leave today:
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dessavitale · 2 months
Eighteen won't come back Eighteen 돌아오지 않을 This moment is yours, all in, all in 이 순간을 너의 너에게 all in, all in Eighteen This is the time Eighteen 지금 이 시간이
This might be my everything Everything, everything Oh yeah yeah yeah Oh gigi now Oh This might be my everything, everything, everything, yeah
Ah, I love this lyrics idk but I'm feeling this
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awek-s · 8 months
can’t even pway games with my meowtuals anymore my anon is indefinitely but I agree w what everyone is saying on the dash
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ratsoh-writes · 9 months
fuck no go ahead
I hate u
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roetrolls · 2 years
i shuffle into zerkevs work space with a lil... i have a lil box of chocolate with me.. to set on his desk :) because he's so nice and supportive (to me specifically fuck them other guys)
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"Good to see you, son. I thought you might swing by."
> He withdraws from his desk... A box of See's Candies butterscotch lollipops!!!
"Little birdie told me you're not a fan of chocolate."
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butchboybait · 1 year
So as an autistic person who frequently goes silent, I don’t understand why we as people can’t simply, like, stop using the term ‘non-verbal’?
I’ve seen plenty of mute/non-verbal folks say that they prefer generally speaking people not use their terms, and i think ‘unspeaking’ is a perfectly good replacement?
This isn’t me trying to be intentionally clueless btw this is an open discussion
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