gesetzgeberskaptain · 4 years
Happy birthday Gintoki!
You're our best boy. Enjoy your birthday strawberry milk.
Much love from Austria
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 4 years
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I used my free time to photoshop all my pen and paper pals into lord of the rings scenes. Because of obvious reasons you guys only get to enjoy my face in those scenes~ Any ideas for new Photoshop projects?
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 4 years
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I photoshoped myself into Legolas' "they're taking the hobbits to isengard" scene. He is now happy about that observation
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 4 years
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So I decided to paint one of my favorite scenes from lord of the rings.
Watercolour on paper
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
I made smaug out of fimo I made it so my boyfriend can destroy his enemies on the tabletop battlefield. For he is fire, he is death.
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
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I made Smaug for my boyfriend. The games workshop Smaug for the hobbit and lotr tabletop This is my first ever sculpture. Hope you guys like it (made with fimo)
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
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Kühtai in Tyrol - Austria
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
2nd puperty?
When you recap the evening and aren't sure if you relive puperty or if nearly every other adult is just that stupid
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
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Bad Mouse Orchestra.
A Ukulele Jazz band. I worked about a week on this little painting. (A5)
Done with watercolour
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
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Tastyness overload
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
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As Beren looked into her eyes within the shadows of her hair, the trembling starlight of the skies, he saw there mirrowed shimmering.Tinúviel the elven-fair, immortal maiden, elven-wise,about him cast her shadowy hair and arms like silver glimmering. Since I listend to this song ( "The Song of Beren and Lúthien" by Clamavi De Profundis) I decided that I have to paint Tinúviel.
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
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Bumblebees are the cutest, aren't they? :)
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
My first Stormlight Archive dream
I trained myself at the age of 11 to remember my dreams so that I can eventually write them down or think about them afterwards....
Yeah, today I dreamed my first Stormlight Archive dream.
Kaladin and the rest of Bridge four were in battle.... a drawing battle. Dalinar told them to make a Portrait of the Stormfather and Shallan was to be the judge. I saw everything from Kaladin’s sight - he drew terribly but kinda cute... the Stormfather looked like a chibi cloud. Guess who won? Right The Lopen I think about drawing that dream just to have an excuse to draw a chibi-Stormfather with this exact expression: ò.ó
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
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Brandon Sanderson signed my fanart!!! :D I am the happiest girl in whole Austria
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
Brandon Sanderson...
...is in Munich tomorrow!! And guess who got a ticket! I’m so excited! Maybe he will sign my Shallan Fanart for me!! :D that would be heaven +_+ Damn I feel so nervous like the day before my finals.....
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
Sleep paralysis / hoffiric nightmares
Since it just happened again and I don't dare to sleep right now - here my experience and some tips regarding sleep paralysis / hoffiric nightmares:
It started in my very last year of school - a school for Kindergarten teachers. We had about 40 hours school per week not counting the homework, the time for studying, the projekts we had to write and so on.
My Mother does not have a lot of money... so she struggled every month - when I got asked if I wanted to work in the youth center of my town it was no hard decision. Three days a week on the evening - overall a bit more than 16 hours per week.
With 40 hours of school and 16 hours of work time I was at 56 hours - at least. With all the homework and the time I needed to study or write my Projekt.... well I was a machine for that year....
I seriously don't know how I did it. Maybe the don't thinking about it and just doing it helped. But then it started. My body didn't make it.
When it first happened I had no idea what was going on. I am no expert on sleep paralysis or such stuff but I was conscious. I lay in bed and saw a bit of my room, because the curtain was leeking licht - probably the garage I thought and hesitated. What was that shadow? There was a strange shadow by the courtain that drew closer.
It was man shaped but very strangely. And it drew closer.
I could not move. I could not scream. I thought I would die.
I could move my body after I hypervantilated that hard that my head went dizzy - that was my First sleep paralysis / hoffiric nightmare (I am no doctor so I leave the diagnosis to others who might know)
The second time was after I saw the trailer of Steven King's IT.... yeah. Not a good idea I know.... didn't watch the movie - the trailer was enough.
I lay in bed... of course, where else... and felt something was off. I think this one might have been a strange combination of dream and sleep paralysis. I know you are fully conscious when you have a sleep paralysis and you can't move. Well at the beginning of Nummer two I hat that dreamy sequence where I looked at my phone to see how late it was. But there was no light coming of it. Strange I thought and tried to turn on the light - still laying - but nothing happened. No light.... then he was there. In a corner. IT was there.
I could not move. I could not scream. IT drew closer. The Clown sat on me, grabbed my throat and started to laugh really loud while he started to strangle me. I felt the weight of his body press me into the bed and I felt his hands...
I hypervantilated and finally woke up.
The third time was when my roomdoor was a bit open - something came in and drew closer. BUT at that time I had weapons. And that is the reason I write this, so that maybe of the two people who might read this, one shares the same problem but doesn't have the weapons.
Since I was conscious - in a way at least - I surely wasn't fully conscious otherwise I could not try weapon #1: the knowledge of the situation - to know what will soon happen but the few seconds befor the horror. The light-check. In the nightmares to come - first thing I did wenn I felt conscious but knew something was off was the light-check. Try to activate something that normally gives you light. If it doesn't work... well then you're at the start of something very very bad.
But to KNOW this allows us to work against it. To fight the nightmare. To help us out of this horrible situation.
This is where weapon #2 comes in. Hyperventilation. Hyperventilate like you never did before. If you manage to hyperventilate you wake your body. You have to do it quite some time (seconds but we don't have much time in that situation - do we?)
Don't try to scream for your mom (no matter how old you are. When fucking IT tries to strangle you, believe me, you scream for mom.....) talking does not work. Only "hm" works.
That I discovered just now.
Today I made the light-check and realized I'm in a nightmare... I tried to scream but there was just a silent "hmmm". So I decided to hmmmm the fuck out. concentrating on the production of a loud hmmm, my hmmmmms grew louder and louder and finally woke me up.
I don't know if this is a good weapon since I just tried it once but it did work.
In that last year of school I had those sleep paralysises / hoffiric nightmares regularly. By the end of that year I was able to wake myself through hyperventilation before the monster arrived me.
So maybe my experience can help somebody (even though I know that probably nobody will read this)
If you are in this Situation:
Make yourself aware of the situation - do the light-check if possible.
Hyperventilate till you wake up your body - won't take too long
Hmmmmmm as loud as you can to wake yourself
Good Night
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gesetzgeberskaptain · 5 years
Chapter 84
Me after reading chapter 84 of the stormlight archive's oathbringer:
Book: I am a book
Me: But you could be fire
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