Galathea's atelier
125 posts
🕯️Wiccan witch ♓ Pisces (Taurus asc) INFJ-ENFJ 🌱Vegan transition 🌌 Aesthetic 🍄forest lover 🖌️ lettering. All photos are genuine.
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
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Lemon minty tea for health and banish negativity.
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
Journaling Prompts for Witches
Having trouble breaking in your new journal? or maybe you feel like you have nothing to say. Hopefully these prompts help you out a little. 
✏️ Write about your favorite tarot card & make a collage inspired by it
✏️ Make monthly or seasonal vision boards
✏️ Write a short story about each moon phase
✏️ Write a poem about each element
✏️ Create a pendulum board in your journal 
✏️ Write a letter to your future self about your goals, put it in a sealed envelope and glue it into your journal. Don’t open it until the end of the year. 
✏️ Paint, draw, or collage what magic looks or feels like
✏️ Make a list of colors, write about how each color makes your feel and what you associate with each color
✏️ Create a list of songs that make you feel magical
✏️ If you were an animal, which would you be and why?
✏️ Write a love letter to each season
✏️ Write about your favorite place to do magic
✏️ What are 3 tool, as a witch, you can’t live without? why?
✏️ Paint, draw, or collage how the current weather (or that day) makes your feel
✏️ Make a list of NEW subjects, topics, spells, rituals etc. that you’d like to study, try or create.
✏️ Go for a walk, collect some flowers and leafs and press them into your journal, write about why you choose them.
✏️ Write about your current beliefs, values and spiritual or religious views
✏️ Describe your current altar. What’s on it? and why?
✏️ Collect the wrappers / packaging from your favorite teas and create a collage and write about how each one made you feel.
✏️ Describe what it looks like outside your window and how your surroundings can help aid you in your craft.
Those are, hopefully, some fun prompts to help get you into the journaling spirit this new year. 
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
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Getting ready for some of my special herbal blends. You can either brew, burn of smoke them, (I love versatility) so they're ideal for portable altars or witches on the go.
In this case I'm using:
❤️Raspberry leaves
Once the herbs are slightly grinded, mix them in any proportion (depends of your intention or your preference) and charge your blend using crystals and/or candles to fix the magical intention.
I like to storage them in these little cute glass containers.
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
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I'm getting a little witchy with these precious treasures that the seashore provided me.
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
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Tarot wooden boxes. I spent all afternoon in this project, but totally worth it. I love using my pirograph, is so relaxing and helps me meditate.
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
An Emoji spell for comfort and protection
You are safe and you are loved.
You are held together by love and light.
You are protected.
🌙likes to charge, reblogs to cast 🌙
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
🐚Discreet witchy things to do during Summer🐚
Summer is a perfect time to be a secret witch.
🏄 Going to the beach is a great opportunity to be in touch with the four elements: sand (earth) sea (water) wind (air) and heatig- sun (fire). If you live far from one, spend time in the forest.
🐚 Collect sea shells and use this to represent water element in your discreet altar.
🍉 Eat sessional fruits. You can have them for breakfast and offer this meal to the God/Goddess. Prepare a "devotion bowl" with a colourful variety.
⛲ STAY HYDRATED. Take a glass bottle and prepare a "cold potion" by mixing herbs and fruits to flavour your water. (Research magical uses for lemon, mint, cucumber or berries and add a little of magic in your routine!)
🥖 By the 1st of August, most of pagans celebrate Lammas. Bake (or buy) a loaf and share it with your family/friends. Get dressed in earthy colours this day (brown, orange, yellow, golden...)
💎 In some towns, there are summer festival, medieval markets etc. Maybe you can increase your chrystal collection there.
🌊 If your parents/flatmates go out on a trip, you can perform a ritual. Get fancy this time!
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
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Magical uses of Buganvilla:
To heal the respiratory system. Increase self-steem. Happiness. Abundance.
Perfect for altar decoration from Beltane to Lughnassad.
You can brew them in potions to be drinked.
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
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My crystal collection. [2003~2018] Some pieces are missing in the picture, because they are in altars.
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
Myths, Creatures, and Folklore
Want to create a religion for your fictional world? Here are some references and resources!
General Folklore
Various Folktales
Weather Folklore
Trees in Mythology
Animals in Mythology
Birds in Mythology
Flowers in Mythology
Fruit in Mythology
Plants in Mythology
Folktales from Around the World
Egyptian Mythology
African Mythology
More African Mythology
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
The Gods of Africa
Even More African Mythology
West African Mythology
All About African Mythology
African Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
The Americas:
Aztec Mythology
Haitian Mythology
Inca Mythology
Maya Mythology
Native American Mythology
More Inca Mythology
More Native American Mythology
South American Mythical Creatures
North American Mythical Creatures
Aztec Gods and Goddesses
Chinese Mythology
Hindu Mythology
Japanese Mythology
Korean Mythology
More Japanese Mythology
Chinese and Japanese Mythical Creatures
Indian Mythical Creatures
Chinese Gods and Goddesses
Hindu Gods and Goddesses
Korean Gods and Goddesses
Basque Mythology
Celtic Mythology
Etruscan Mythology
Greek Mythology
Latvian Mythology
Norse Mythology
Roman Mythology
Arthurian Legends
Celtic Gods and Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses of the Celtic Lands
Finnish Mythology
Celtic Mythical Creatures
Gods and Goddesses
Middle East:
Islamic Mythology
Judaic Mythology
Mesopotamian Mythology
Persian Mythology
Middle Eastern Mythical Creatures
Aboriginal Mythology
Polynesian Mythology
More Polynesian Mythology
Mythology of the Polynesian Islands
Melanesian Mythology
Massive Polynesian Mythology Post
Maori Mythical Creatures
Hawaiian Gods and Goddesses
Hawaiian Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses
Creating a Fantasy Religion:
Creating Part 1
Creating Part 2
Creating Part 3
Creating Part 4
Fantasy Religion Design Guide
Using Religion in Fantasy
Religion in Fantasy
Creating Fantasy Worlds
Beliefs in Fantasy
Some superstitions:
Seguir leyendo
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
The Great Goddess Hecate (Hekate)
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Who is Hecate? She is the Goddess of Witchcraft, Necromancy, Ghosts, Magic, and, in some instances, the Night, Darkness, The Mist, and Moon. For some She is also the goddess of motherhood, protection, and the sea. She is a Hellenic deity, born of the Titans Asteria and Perses. There’s a few beliefs circling around Her being a crone goddess or a Triple Goddess, but those are modern and neopagan beliefs—which She predates. I also consider Her to be a part of the Chthonic deities.
Symbology: Black dogs, Wolves, Keys, Torches, Flames, Torches, Crossroads, Serpents, Daggers, Birds of Prey (crows, ravens, owls), the Moon, witchcraft tools (such as cauldrons, tarot, athames)
Offerings & Devotional Acts for Her:
Figurines of any of Her symbols
keys, skeleton keys, lockets
fire witchcraft and candles, flames, matchsticks
dedicating any lunar or symbolic jewelry to Her
black/dark crystals such as obsidian and onyx
nocturnal animal imagery
black/cool colored glitter
baneful/poisonous herbs and plants
pomegranates/berries (She seems to really like blackberries)
dark blend wines
honey, cinnamon, poppy seeds, chocolates (dark)
mugwort, lavender, roses, jasmine, dragon’s blood
bones and feathers from birds of prey (please check your local laws about obtaining these)
pinpricks of blood (please DO NOT attempt this if you struggle with self harm/etc, blood magic is particularly strong and isn’t for everyone. She will understand if you cannot offer that to her).
Taking midnight walks, setting up altars and rituals at crossroads, paying respects to the dead and practicing your craft in a cemetery 
Any playlists, poems, literature, whether it be your own or just a piece you associate with Her, also make wonderful offerings. 
Lunar Influences & Connections: Reaching out to Hecate tends to work best at night, and really any time the moon is at it’s peak. The Witching Hours, midnight to 3A.M., during strong lunar influences (blue moons, blood moons, eclipses, new moons, etc) all hold strong bonds with Hecate. Also, any time it is particularly foggy or your surroundings are covered in a mist is a good time to try to connect with Her.
Disclaimer: These are correspondences that have been gathered through my personal experiences working through my craft with Her. If you find She responds better to different offerings/during different times, by all means, stick to it! Your bond with Her is your own and should be cultivated in whichever way works best for you and Her. Thank You!
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galathea3 · 6 years ago
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Herbal tea for selfcare. You'll need: 🌿 A handful of peppermint (beauty, sweet and healthy relationships, health, strength your digestive system) 💮 Some jasmine buds (beauty, intuition, spiritual energy) 🌸 A handful of bugavilla flowers (repels envy, bring you happiness and strength your respiratory system) Brew this in your cauldron/pot for a couple of minutes. I don't like it sweet, but you can use some organic honey/panela. Drink slowly while taking a bath, refreshing in the pool, reading a book or enjoying a film. Light a candle next to the teapot to make if charged of energy.
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galathea3 · 7 years ago
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Quinta da Regaleira, un Sintra. A perfect place full of esoteric symbolism. Today was my second visit, and I can't wait to come back in few years.
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galathea3 · 7 years ago
Please tell me plants that are cat-friendly
I've recently become mother of two cats who love bitting plants. I know that there are lots of toxic ones. Please, help me! My house doesn't have direct sun (is quite shady, actually). Thank you, cats lovers!!
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galathea3 · 7 years ago
My Spiritual Protection Tips:
🖤 dragon’s blood incense is a good protective energy additive to spells and wards. burn it for protection.
🖤 shells with horns and spikes make great protective charms for rooms.
🖤 black tourmaline and white jade are a power couple when it comes to negative energy removal and protection.
🖤 i use black candles for banishing and white candles to transmute negative energy into positive energy.
🖤 create servitors/thoughtforms for protection.
🖤 visualizing impenetrable armor around your body, golden light, and shields are great exercises.
🖤 i like to take a bundle of cedar and walk around in each space that has bad energy, sweep it over my body, and then safely burn it in a cauldron or fire safe dish. visualizing that all the negative energy it has collected is being transmuted into abundant blessings.
🖤 if you work with spirits or deities, petition them, pray to them, ask them for help.
🖤 drink green tea to heal any damage in your energy and aura.
🖤 a fresh vase of flowers helps to raise a space’s vibration.
🖤ritual baths with sea salt, sage, cedar, any oils or potions you like to work with for protection will help.
🖤 charge a glass of water with purifying intent before drinking (can be done anywhere/anytime)
🖤exercising helps to heal your energy and cleanse all stagnant energies out of your system.
🖤 putting a drop of skin safe lavender essential oil on energy points, (i like putting them on my wrists and the nape of my neck), will seal off entrances for negative spirits so they cannot possess you.
🖤 with a strong intention just tell the energy to leave. it works wonderfully.
🖤 petition archangel michael with a candle for him, dress it with cinnamon pieces, cinnamon oil, orange slices, orange oil, and let it safely burn to protect you from all lower vibrational energies.
🖤 if possible; a quick trip to the beach, regardless if you are a sea witch or not, will help purify and protect you from bad energy.
🖤 visualize opening an energetic black hole and push all the negative energy into it banishing it then, close it up.
🖤 elixirs made with cinnamon, pepper, salt, and sage are great for dressing protection candles.
🖤obsidian, onyx, black hematite, and black tourmaline are my favorites for absorbing negative energy and transmuting it.
🖤 meditate with a smokey quartz to ground stagnant energy.
🖤selenite will cleanse and open up blocked energy channels letting positive energies flow easier.
🖤my favorite protection herbs: rosemary, palo santo, cedar, sweetgrass, and sage of any kind (can be dried garden sage)
🖤 ALWAYS remember to invite only positive, abundant, high vibrational energies into your space after cleansing. this is very important because once negative energy is gone it can leave a void allowing more negative energy to enter.
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galathea3 · 7 years ago
For those of you with anxiety
here’s a website that translates the time into hexidecimal colours,
here is a website where you can create your own galaxies
here is a website where you can play flow
here you can interact with organisms in different environments to see how to music changes
here you can play silk which is an interactive generative art designing website.
Here is a website where you can travel along a 3D line into the infinite unkown
here is a website where you can listen to rain with or without music
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galathea3 · 7 years ago
🌸 Discreet Witchy things to do during Spring 🌸
Ostara and Beltaine are the spring pagan festivals. For those who can't show their practices in public, here they are some witchy tip.
🌸 Grow a succulent terrarium. (Please, remember that drainage is VERY important in this kind of plant) Add some natural gemstones for decoration. You can even use this to clean and charge small pieces of jewelry.
🌸 Plant an herbal garden. Due to their kitchen application, nobody will suspect. Rosemary, sage, thyme, lavender... There's a wide variety and your spells will be extra charged because you've put your own energy from the very beginning.
🌸 Take a warm ritual bath, full of christals and flowers. It will help you release unwanted energy. During the bath, focus on your goals and how to achieve them.
🌸 Melt ice. Fill a balloon with water and place it in the freezer; then peel the rubber and voilà! A fancy piece of ice to melt in a bowl. This symbolice the end of winter, and can be done any afternoon during a study session for your school/college exams.
If it's too risky anyway, melt the ice in your favourite natural beverage (smoothy, tea, juices)
🌸 Take some pebbles from the park/beach/forest and use as a magical stone as well. The increase of the temperatures is the perfect excuse to go outside for a walk.
🌸 Stay in touch with nature. Organize a picnic with your friends. Try to increase your fruit and vegetable intake.
🌸 Dress up with spring colours (light green, pink, yellow, cream, white etc) in order to stay connected to the vibes.
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