Some nice term definition to be used as reference, Courtesy of one Sir John Ross (1777-1856)
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Extract of the Narratives of his second voyage
Never thought the sky actually looked different if land was around or water :o
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I guess it's time to start moving some content from twt over here! For those who don't know me, I'm a public librarian with a special interest in polar and nautical history, and I love nothing more than connecting readers with good books. I've managed to convert some friends to my way of thinking, and one of them coined the phrase "sad boat books" to describe the types of books that I'm always reading and recommending. Here is my first list of sad boat books-- I can personally vouch for all of them!
New to sad boat? Start here to see if it’s for you!
Endurance by Alfred Lansing
Madhouse at the End of the Earth by Julian Sancton
The Worst Journey in the World- The Graphic Novel Volume 1: Making Our Easting Down adapted by Sarah Airriess from the book by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition by Owen Beattie and John Geiger
Terra Nova, A GREAT first expedition!
The Worst Journey in the World- The Graphic Novel Volume 1: Making Our Easting Down adapted by Sarah Airriess from the book by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
The Worst Journey in the World by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
A First Rate Tragedy by Diana Preston
Robert Falcon Scott Journals- Captain Scott’s Last Expedition by Robert Falcon Scott
“I Love Ernest Shackleton” starter pack
Endurance by Alfred Lansing
Shackleton’s Boat Journey by Frank Worsley
The Endurance by Caroline Alexander
“I Hate Ernest Shackleton” starter pack
The Lost Men by Kelly Tyler-Lewis
Polar Castaways by Richard McElrea and David Harrowfield
Roald Roald Roald!
The Last Viking: The Life of Roald Amundsen by Stephen Bown
The South Pole by Roald Amundsen
The Last Place on Earth by Roland Huntford*
*DISCLAIMER: this guy hates Captain Scott and gets most of the Scott details wrong, read for Roald only!
The Franklin Expedition
Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition by Owen Beattie and John Geiger
Erebus by Michael Palin
May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Expedition edited by Russell A. Potter, Regina Koellner, Peter Carney, and Mary Williamson
Non-polar sad boats
The Bounty by Caroline Alexander
Batavia’s Graveyard by Mike Dash
The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger
In The Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick
Sometimes a sad balloon can be a sad boat
The Expedition by Bea Uusma
The Ice Balloon by Alec Wilkinson
Karluk/Wrangel Island, the expeditions of my heart
Empire of Ice and Stone: The Disastrous and Heroic Voyage of the Karluk by Buddy Levy
The Ice Master by Jennifer Niven
The Karluk’s Last Voyage by Robert A. Bartlett
The Last Voyage of the Karluk: A Survivor’s Memoir of Arctic Disaster by William Laird McKinlay
Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic by Jennifer Niven
Miscellaneous sad boat books that are well worth your time
The Ship Beneath the Ice: The Discovery of Shackleton’s Endurance by Mensun Bound
In The Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette by Hampton Sides
Madhouse at the End of the Earth by Julian Sancton
Alone on the Ice: The Greatest Survival Story in the History of Exploration by David Roberts
Labyrinth of Ice: The Triumphant and Tragic Greely Polar Expedition by Buddy Levy
If you read and enjoy any of these, please let me know!
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Extensively and lavishly illustrated logbook of the whaler Charles Carroll, by Josiah C. Long, Master, about a whaling voyage from Nantucket to the Pacific Ocean, which began on 1 December 1848 and ended on 29 December 1852
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definitely not a link to a de-paywalled version of the new franklin expedition nat geo article
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Artefacts recovered from HMS Erebus
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Episode 6: “A Mercy” by Vinnie Wilhelm
Read the script here
Submit questions for the Q&As with Dave K here
Event details can be found here
  REMINDER: These scripts contain unaired and deleted scenes which are the intellectual property of AMC and must not be shared or reposted publicly. If you need clarification on what that means and how you can talk about them on social media, you can ask me directly.
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Fashion history resources?
researching fashion for the various time periods has been driving me a little crazy, particularly because when you search up historical fashion, the results overwhelmingly trend towards upper class women (usually aristocracy), then upper class/aristocratic men, then middle class men/women, with little representation of working class women and even less for working class men. (This obviously depends on time period and country; currently, I'm scrounging around for references for servants in 1660s France. Non-European fashion is even harder to research).
So, I figured it could be good to start a chain of resources on fashion history! Here's two that I've been using heavily in researching my current WIP:
Nicole Kipar's Restoration Costume Comes to Life
This truly lovely website which details costumes of the Restoration (1660s England, mostly), and has a gallery collection of paintings of working class people with annotations on what they're wearing, the time period, and their specific social role (i.e., poor peasant, affluent peasant, market trader). It's designed for costume makers, but it's also useful for artists or writers. There are five parts: working class men and women, women of the gentry and aristocracy, men of the gentry and aristocracy, accessories, and a costume focus.
Fashion History Timeline
It is what the name suggests: open source fashion history timeline from prehistory to (afaik) 19th century. I haven't explored much beyond 1660s yet, and generally does seem to focus on fashion of the upper classes, but it's already been so useful.
If anyone has any websites/books/other resources to add, please do!
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Jopson Family History Posts Masterlist
Hello, my Jopson family research posts are finally making an appearance!
Below is the intended posting order; the stuff I’ve found will be split up to clump information more usefully and understandably, and reduce posts being outrageously long.
It will all also be compiled into a single GDocument, which will have its own post for ease of use. (I’ve also considered alternatively putting it on AO3; but I’m not sure that it’s appropriate as a fan work?)
Posts will be bolded and dated as they are released, and this post is pinned for ease of reference. Any questions, just ask. :) I hope you enjoy them <3
Mum & Dad - attempting to trace the lives of Thomas Jopson’s parents - posted November 14th 2022
The Area In Which They Lived - Volume 1 - tracking the suspected chronology of Sarah and William Jopson Srs; brief notes on the suspected socio-economic state of their homes; comparison with in-show’s Jopson’s story; discussion of my incorrectness in previous reblog - scheduled November 21st
The Children - Volume 1 - The Vanishing Four - scheduled Nov 21st
The Area In Which They Lived - Volume 2 - associated map work for The Vanishing Four; may be combined into that post depending on worked length - estimated Nov 21st
The Children - Volume 2 - Mary & Emma
The Area In Which They Lived - Volume 3 - tracking Mary and Emma, from St Luke’s to Lewisham; Booth’s Poverty Map
The Children - Volume 3 - Thomas - includes notes on stewarding in the Navy; what I’ve managed to glean from Admiralty records (which is why it is so far down the list)
Full List of All Sources - first edition scheduled November 21st - will update with most releases - link for associated Ancestry Family Tree; all sources accessed, as far as possible; guide to Map of old City of London and its Environs for this project; etc.
Author’s Notes - original post November 16th - will update with most releases - problems encountered; suspected dead ends and commonly confused other people with explanations for their rejection; useful resources not covered elsewhere; reasons for post layouts; etc.
The order is subject to change. Schedule dates will fill in as compiling continues.
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Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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More sweet words from best dad Robert Coningham:
5th December 1832 "I am scribbling at Watford almost in the dark, & with fingers so cold, as scarcely to be able to make legible marks - but tomorrow is foreign post day from London and I do not like to lose time, as you have been so long without hearing. - You must read with the heart instead of the eyes - and then you will discover even if it were not written, that no time or distance can make any difference in the affection subsisting between us - Ever fondly yours R.C."
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When comes my turn to walk through the Pearly Gates, every member of the Franklin Expedition will be lined up to kick my ass, and I will deserve it.
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“We’ve come here to find a way through to China and India. A victory for the Empire, it would be, to find a way. A passage. A Northwest Passage. For our economy…For trade.”
The Terror (2018) - 01x04 ‘Punished, As a boy’’
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Edward Little + dreading the office party - Part 1 (Part 2)
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The Terror 1x05 “First Shot a Winner, Lads” The Terror 1x10 “We Are Gone”
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Temporarily falling off the face of tumblr because May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth is destroying my life both in predictable ways (the emotional devastation of reading a collection of letters sent to and from the 1845 Franklin Expedition); and unpredictable ways—a bombshell letter from Henry TD Le Vesconte is not in this book?!
I have my work cut out for me: finishing chores, doing schoolwork, AND I need to transcribe and share a letter from 1845.
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POV: you are the Royal Navy’s leading expert on magnetic research in polar regions… and then they hire a fancy man who doesn’t know anything about the topic at all for your expedition
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