fmlstudy · 5 years
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Omg I can't believe it's August already! Right now I'm on holiday in Norway with my family. I did some bullet journaling yesterday and look at that amazing view! I bought the little bottle a couple days ago, it's filled with small pieces of amethyst and I thought it was very cute. What are you doing this summer?
Btw the whale doodles are inspired bij @lifeinabujo on Instagram
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fmlstudy · 5 years
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Hii! Here are some of my April spreads, I used a card I got for my birthday last month (I'm finally 18!) because I really liked the colours and butterflies. Also I didn't have much time to draw this month because my final exams start in a week and a half so I spent a lot of time studying 😅. To use my time more efficiently I planned my days by the hour instead of just making my usual to-do lists and it worked really well for me. I'm definitely going to use it more often!
~ Floria
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fmlstudy · 5 years
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Mooore flowers!
I made this spread because I'm a bit behind with my schoolwork. I have two weeks to catch up with the assignments and papers and besides that I have also my job. Lately I have a bit trouble with sticking to my to-do list on a daily basis and I never get every thing done. I hope that another way of planning will solve this problem!
I'm also currently experimenting with different ways to study, like making flashcards or summarise all of my notes. Because of this studying takes a little more time, but I discovered what works for me and what doesn't! When people swear by a certain way of studying, it doesn't always mean it works for you. Flashcards for example, are not really my thing (vocabulary excluded) and rewriting my notes I find very useful!
I would really recommend to experiment with these things if you are struggling with studying! It takes a little efford, but it's absolutely worth it! ~ Maria
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fmlstudy · 5 years
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hello!! this is how my bookshelf looks like right now. i love how pretty and colourful it is! 
exams are fast approaching and honestly i’m s t r e s s e d. i’m actually thinking about doing a 100 days of productivity to help me prepare for them!! however i don’t know if i’m able to take enough pretty pictures to show to you all... so we’ll see! have a lovely day and i’ll talk to you all soon!
xoxo louise  ⭐
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fmlstudy · 5 years
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hello loves! school has absolutely swamped me these last few months and i haven’t found the time to post much (hence the spread from november hahaha), but i’m back now!! the past few days i’ve really enjoyed listening to chen’s new mini- album ‘april, and a flower’. the songs on the album are perfect for studying! have a good day/night and i’ll be back soon! 
xoxo louise✨
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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I hope you all are doing well :) The last few weeks have been intense. Because we have a short period of 6 weeks between our test weeks, we have to work incredibly hard to keep up with all the subjects. I can handle it so far, but I really want this week to get over with...
Right now I'm revising my biology notes. I'm soo glad that I made them some time ago, so now I can really focus on learning the material! ~Maria
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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Revising my biology notes! ~ Maria
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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It's been a while but I'm back! I have been very busy recently and I didn't really have time to journal. I started 2019 with a new notebook (Dingbats Wildlife collection) and this cute dreamcatcher theme, and I really like it! ~ Floria
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fmlstudy · 6 years
Maria and I decided to study together to keep eachother motivated and productive! She was working on chemistry and I was working on physics. We'll share some pictures of our work later! ~ Floria
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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Here are a couple of my October spreads! I used real petals from sunflowers. My mom had some sunflowers and one day all the petals just dropped but they were still very pretty so I dried them and used them for my bullet journal. I love flowers and I really like how this turned out! ~ Floria
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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Testweek is coming up and I have a lot to do! Right now it's autumn break and I try to balance between working (I work in a little café!) and studying. That means getting up at 8 am and studying until 11.30am, and then off to work. But I can handle it! Now I'm studying for biology, feeling quite motivated :) ~ Maria
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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Maybe a little late but here is my September spread! I have been really busy lately but I will try to post more frequently. For September I decided to go with cute animals and I really like how it turned out! ~ Floria
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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Happy October! It's autumn here in the Netherlands, and I love all the colors and mushrooms and leaves... I just really like autumn :) ~ Maria
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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i spilt water over all my pretty notes and now im sad :'| but i wanted to remind you all that while pretty notes are nice and all, more important is that they don't have to be perfect to be pretty!!!!!! its okay to make spelling mistakes, or if you accidentally write the wrong words, or if you (in my case) spill water aaalll over them... if they're functional, they're pretty!
lots of love, louise🌟
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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This week’s bullet journal spread! School has started again and apparently the teachers were pretty excited to get back to work. I have a lot of homework, assignments and tests coming up, but I will survive with hard work and coffee I guess :) ~ Maria
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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took these pics while waiting for the train, isn’t the roof of this train station lovely? now that the new school year has finally (already) started, i need to get back to reading books specifically for school. i’m currently reading dracula by bram stoker; i love his writing form but i’m not really a fan of his page-long descriptions of things and his lack of alineas lol - louise
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fmlstudy · 6 years
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I decided to make a bullet journal spread dedicated to the k-pop group NCT because there are SO MANY of them (18 members!!) so I made a timeline! I love their music a lot, right now my favourite song is either Baby Don’t Stop or Chewing Gum ~ Louise
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