flertallity · 4 years
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Snow Miser from The Year Without a Santa Claus
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flertallity · 4 years
jenis : jean penis
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flertallity · 4 years
Hey guys! You're a system ? You have horror introjects or nonhuman alters ?? Check out The Horror/Nonhuman Haven! We are a system centric server that focuses in on nonhumans and introjects, and we are discourse free!
We offer a safe space to talk about your worries and meet up with others like you, and have bots like Plurakit, Tatsu and Toddbot! We also have a blacklist and a verification process to avoid trolls
Click the link below to hop in!
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flertallity · 4 years
hey guys, mod applications are open! if u want in fill out this fourm and I'll reach out when i can :D
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flertallity · 4 years
Hello o: I'm Rocket/Toby! I'm a fictive in a DID system and I wanna make more friends and contact ppl!!!
Like or Reblog if you are in bandom/bandlr (more exact MCR or Blink-182), Creepypasta or Marble Hornets, Petscop and Owl City or just wanna make friends :D
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flertallity · 4 years
no i SWEAR we're dating hes just goes to a different plane of existence trust me ok...yeah like i'd totally call him but he doesn't get cell signals in my consciousness dude
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flertallity · 4 years
neurodivergent/mentally ill people: do NOT portray us like this. this is gross and you are further adding to the stigma we face
fandoms: I AGREE 100%!!! this is so gross n nasty ugh, you guys are HUMAN TOO!
neurodivergent/mentally ill people: yeah. a good example of this being shown is [insert very popular piece of media], where-
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flertallity · 4 years
i see a lyric from a song I like i lock the front sorry!!!
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flertallity · 4 years
hello! we are a traumagenic polyfragmented did system, and we are fictive heavy as hell
me and a few of my headmates decided to create a blog for fictives. we do not get into syscourse and don’t rlly mention it, for our own mental health. do not ask us abt it
we do
- moodboards
- stimboards
- icons
- reassurances/vaildation
- banners
- selfcare packages/outfits!!
we do not accept kin requests, but we can also do factives and fricktives!!
if u can please read our links before u interact
requests open!!
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flertallity · 4 years
singlets repost what they think is cringe and its like "look this fictive split from a source various children attached to to cope with their mental illnesses. i will deem it fake because i do not like this media"
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flertallity · 4 years
alter traits always have a reason
DID/OSDD is a survival mechanism of a traumatized developing brain. it's not going to spit things out without reason. one of the things DID/OSDD does, as we all know, causes alters to form after recurring trauma
those alters form because the brain believes it needs a part which can handle whatever it's trying to store. naturally, this means everything about an alter are all things that the brain believed it needed in order to survive. even things which seem undesirable (eg, a part that holds sadness and cries all the time) were needed because Someone needed to hold all of that
this means everything about an alter has a reason. sometimes the reason isn't drastic. maybe an alter likes one toy more than the other because they split at the age you got that one toy and that's all. other times it can be something that really needs addressing, like parts that lash out
this means there will be threads of similarity throughout the whole system because the divergencies are where different traits were needed. if you're white, your brain will not just decide to make certain alters identify as a different race for no reason. if you're not trans feminine, your brain won't just decide it needs a trans feminine alter. if you're cis, you won't just have a trans alter for kicks. the same as how a part that lashes out is not just lashing out without reason, or how a part that does schoolwork is doing it for a reason
there will always be an underlying reason why they identify or act a certain way. and it is up to you as a whole to reduce any/all harm that causes when that is applicable
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flertallity · 4 years
To trans people with DID/OSDD:
To alters who don’t identify with the body’s assigned gender:
To alters who do identify with the body’s assigned gender, but the body is transitioning medically and socially and eventually won’t identify with it:
To systems with alters of many different genders:
To systems with alters of multiple genders who are considering transitioning medically or socially, for whom such a decision is hard because of the gender variance of the alters:
To alters/systems whose whole relationship with gender is muddled because of the system:
To systems who transitioned and later detransitioned because of system-related gender troubles:
I see you. You are loved and you are valued and you are valid.
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flertallity · 4 years
how are pr0 ana blogs still alive but if u search pica its like dead. nada
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flertallity · 4 years
also if its not clear my header is a joke i am not evil i know this i just think its funny 2 call myself an evil alter bc like. i drink vinegar and eat paper
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flertallity · 4 years
not to shit on anyones parade but as both a kinnie/system can i say this?
stop using system terms singlet kinnies!!!!!!!!!! it both a) can really mix up people with systems who don't know it (as me who thought some of my fictives were a kin, yes, it can happen) and not to undermine what a kinnie goes through, it really butchers how people see the both of us. some of these terms are exclusive (and professionally used) terms for systems
DON'T say switching; DO SAY shift
DON'T call your kins a system
DON'T or TRY TO avoid terms like plural or things like that
PLEASE KNOW: you're NOT a fictive if you're a singlet. Fictives are NOT kin terms
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flertallity · 4 years
system hosts are like: wow im so cringey because i have xyz alters lol wow if i form a vriska fictive ill go dormant I will literally jump off a cliff i hate this alter whos literally anything but a white attractive human non introject ill die
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flertallity · 4 years
dear fictives: youre not cringey. your existence isn't the end of your system. you are loved and you are your own person. you don't need to live up to your source counterpart. it isn't your fault people may think your system isn't real. you are more than a post on r/didcringe. you are worth more than someone shitting on you for enjoying your source. you deserve to be treated as a person, and im so sorry people don't do that.
as a host of an autistic system, we have many people just like you! we have many from childhood. we also have many we split off now. 8 times out of 10, a split of ours is an introject. you are not this weird rare concept that only exists on tumblr---your existence has been proven for ages. people have always had introjects of characters. headmates have always takened the apperances of characters people trust. it is not some new phenomna
please know you are a person and im sorry if nobody thinks that
singlets reblog but if you clown i kill you
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