trysting-foes · 8 months
Patroclus & James: *somewhat accidentally kill a bully*
Achilles & Oliver: I would literally die for you
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trysting-foes · 10 months
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The Tragedy of an Epilogue - a post-finale dair playlist (listen here x)
(part i)
the 1 - taylor swift
if my wishes came true// it would have been you
hallucinogenics - matt maeson & lana del ray
And then I crawled back to the life // That I said I wouldn't live in
poison & wine - the civil wars
I don't love you // but I always will
dance alone - gunnar gehl
What a shame that you're a stranger now // The only one that knows me
(part ii)
concussion - girlhouse
I talk about you now to everyone // In case you haven't moved on, moved on
drunk text me (shallou remix) - lexi jade, shallou
We're over, but I'm not over it // do you know if you called I'd still pick up
cringe (stripped) - matt maeson
She said my spirit doesn't move like it did before // She said that I don't look like me no more
(part iii)
private fears in public places - front porch step
And I'd rather choke than to breathe in your absence // I'd rather feel your wrath than feel another's passion
exile - taylor swift, bon iver
I can see you starin', honey // Like he's just your understudy // Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me
a little bit yours - jp saxe
You're not mine anymore // But I'm still a little bit yours //
happier - olivia rodrigo
And I thought my heart was detached // From all the sunlight of our past
(part iv)
blind spot - maddie zahm
You could burn my house down, don't know what for // And all I'd be is grateful you're back at my door
fuck my life up - clara park
Come and fuck my life up // Your hands reset the clock // The damage is already done //So why stop?
illicit affairs - taylor swift
And you know damn well // For you, I would ruin myself A million little times
for now - p!nk
Can we just freeze frame, pause, rewind, stop // And get back to the feelings we think we lost //
(part v)
gotten - slash
i can't save you if you don't let me // You just get me // like I've never been gotten before
broken - jonah kagen
Now I'm begging you to come and pull me out the fire // Come and save me like you did when we were young
is it just me - emily burns
Cause this would be a whole lot easier // If underneath some calm exterior // You're all fucked up too
(part vi)
my dear - solomon
Cause in my time // i might not find another love like you my dear
come home - OneRepublic
there's someone I've been missing// I think that they could be the better half of me // They're in the wrong place tryin' to make it right // but I'm tired of justifying
hate & love - jack savoretti
Everything I need is everything you've got // All your hate and all your love
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trysting-foes · 1 year
rwrb henry pov chapter pt 2
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part 1
part 3
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trysting-foes · 1 year
rwrb bonus henry pov chapter!
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go feral babes <3
part 2
part 3
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trysting-foes · 1 year
People who hate Amy x Laurie and wish Laurie got together with Jo will never understand it’s about the girl falling first and the boy falling harder it’s about loving someone from afar, sketching him when he doesn’t even realize you’re watching and keeping the sketch for years to give to him when he needs to be reminded of the boy he used to be and the man he could become it’s about love that helps you grow and change and improve instead of staying stagnant it’s about slowly growing feelings for someone without knowing it, because she lingers in your mind until she becomes your muse and you’ve written an opera for her it’s about the relief you feel while peacefully and naturally falling in love because the first time it happened it was too passionate and fast and filled you with grief from start to end and it’s about realizing love is golden after years of believing it was red it’s about pulling a boat together so well you wish you might always pull in the same boat it’s about tender confessions it’s about not having to make a scene it’s about not having to say anything because your actions are enough it’s about comfortable silence and enjoying each other’s company it’s about your second love teaching you that your first love wasn’t really the kind of love you thought it was it’s about real love
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trysting-foes · 3 years
Henry Fox Mountchristen-Windsor is Easy by Camilla Cabello, and Alex Claremont-Diaz is Breathing by Anne Marie.
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trysting-foes · 4 years
Reading TGCF for the first time. I'm still in book one. Somewhere in the first ten chapters.
!!! SPOILERS !!!
Fu Yao and Nan Feng. They'e not really Fu Yao and Nan Feng, right ?
Nan Feng is under General "Nan" Yan, "Feng" Xin. That cannot be a coincidence, right ?
And neither of them have a "disciple" vibe to them. And they take insults about Feng Xin and Mu Qing on such a personal level.
I cannot wait to see if I'm wrong or not.
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trysting-foes · 4 years
In the comment section of a drama with mostly a queer cast, some straight people just complained that there was too few straight characters and that they don't have anyone to identify with.
Reminds me of people who wanted straight pride.
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trysting-foes · 4 years
Canon drarry was one fight in an abandoned corridor away from fucking and that’s a fact.
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trysting-foes · 4 years
They Told Me
“Draco?” Harry asked, finger tracing the dips of the blonde’s ribcage.
At the sound of his name, he looked down to the head that was laying on his chest, running a hand gently through the messy brunette locks springing from it.
“Yes, love?” Draco answered, catching Harry’s abrupt change of tone.
“Do you think they were like us when they were younger? Do you think they loved each other the way we do?” Harry nearly whispered, his voice almost getting lost in the silence of the room.
“Who, Harry?”
“Sirius and Remus.”
Draco felt his throat close up slightly as the names rang in his ears. When Harry didn’t receive an answer after a few moments of silence, he pushed himself up onto his elbow, looking down at Draco concerned.
Harry froze —becoming very aware of the fact that his vision was exceptionally blurry due to his glasses being laid on the night stand— and focused in on Draco’s pained expression. His head was turned away from Harry, eyes looking out through the bedroom window.
“They were just like us,” Draco nodded, a sad smile tugging at the corners of his pale lips. “Though they didn’t have to hide it as much in their younger years I suppose —not like we did— seeing as how they weren’t fighting a bloody war against each other. They loved each other the way you and I do, yes, possibly even more.”
“But how do you know?” Harry questioned.
Draco looked back to his boyfriend, tears threatening to spill from his eyes at any moment. He placed a hand to the back of Harry’s head and pulled him against his chest again, burying a hand in his hair.
Countless memories of the night that Remus and Sirius had caught Draco lurking around the whomping willow well past curfew clouded over his entire mind.
The sorrowful look that Sirius gave Draco upon finding him crying about how he didn’t want to have to kill the only boy he had ever loved, verbally refusing to have that blood on his hands.
Remus taking a seat beside his shaking form, offering nothing but a warm smile and comforting words as he assured him everything would be alright.
The both of them staying outside with Draco for the remainder of the night, telling him the story of two boys who were very much in love, but allowed a nasty war to separate the two of them for too many years.
The conversation he had with them just days before Sirius would die, the pair telling him that even if he failed at everything else in life, he needed to succeed in making his feelings known before it was too late.
The secret note he had received from Remus just minutes before all hell broke loose, making Draco promise that he would protect Harry with all his life because he wasn’t going to be able to do it anymore.
The tears finally started slipping down Draco’s flushed cheeks as he tightened his grip around Harry. Letting out a silent breath, his eyes drifted back to the moon hanging outside the window.
“Because they told me.”
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trysting-foes · 4 years
I reread Simon vs The Homosapiens Agenda ... again. And I was at the part where Simon called tryouts auditions. And I never related more to that.
I too am a theatre kid, clueless about sports. I still remember the embarassing moment when I called the players who sit on the bench understudies. 🤦🏽‍♀️
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trysting-foes · 4 years
Ah well. I finished it and I was right. I don't know how it's gonna turn out well. I am excited about the next book !
It's the first time I'm reading something where the MCs are the traitors. I don't see how this story can turn out well. And it's a problem because I'm so rutting attached to the characters and the ship.
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trysting-foes · 4 years
I went into Bonds of Brass thinking it was going to be a friends-to-lovers story.
Little did I know it was friends-to-lovers-to-whatever-that-shit-at-the-end-was .
Still enjoyed it though. Easy five stars with hearbreak.
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trysting-foes · 4 years
I feel you. That's exactly what happened.
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So that ending huh
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trysting-foes · 4 years
Dear @skrutskie ,
Your book is beautiful and incredible. Also, the ending broke me. So thank you very much.
A girl still in tears 30 minutes after reading it.
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trysting-foes · 4 years
Bonds Of Brass literally broke me. I know it's the first book in a trilogy, but I'm still so fucking hurt.
Literally, I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
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trysting-foes · 4 years
The Plot twist towards the end of Bonds of Brass. Oh my god. I'm on my bed. Mouth open and tears running down my cheeks. I am dead.
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