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I am seen.
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Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes
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by gtr.photography_
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one of the biggest things I can advocate for (in academia, but also just in life) is to build credibility with yourself. It’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking of yourself as someone who does things last minute or who struggles to start tasks. people will tell you that you just need to build different habits, but I know for me at least the idea of ‘habit’ is sort of abstract and dehumanizing. Credibility is more like ‘I’ve done this before, so I know I can do it, and more importantly I trust myself to do it’. you set an assignment goal for the day and you meet it, and then you feel stronger setting one the next day. You establish a relationship with yourself that’s built on confidence and trust. That in turn starts to erode the barrier of insecurity and perfectionism and makes it easier to start and finish tasks. reframing the narrative as a process of building credibility makes it easier to celebrate each step and recognize how strong your relationship with yourself can become
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Whoever cast Lee Pace as Thranduil has to be making bank! The Hobbit movies have been out for years now but every time I see that man, *whew, fans self, spray water, plop myself in a comfy chair* every angle I’ve seen is breathtaking, regardless of how many times I’ve watched his scenes. He’s so good he became the standard for elvish design!
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That one is my fav👆🏼😍
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Readers, especially White ones, gotta stop complaining about lack of racial diversity in books when they’re actively avoiding any books by minorities. You already know how POC feel about White authors writing characters of color, quit making excuses and read own voices works! If it helps join a book club that focuses on minority literature
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Today’s a perfect example. There’s a heatwave but you want me to help lug my brother’s laundry around because he NEEDS to have it washed today?!?
He can do it himself. Matter of fact HE should be the one doing his laundry all the time
We’re in a heatwave. I’m not risking my health for his stupidity. If you want to risk yours that’s your business
Is the laundry mat even open? They don’t have AC so it can overheat in there FAST, even on warm days. If they are they’re probably closing early too
It can wait until next week
But misogynists won’t see that 🙄 logic evades those who are narcissistic or borderline narcissistic
I’m so tired of co-signing stupidity from my family and people in general. I’m a people-pleaser and they take advantage of that then throw a fit when I don’t comply. No more. You’re on your own
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I’m so tired of co-signing stupidity from my family and people in general. I’m a people-pleaser and they take advantage of that then throw a fit when I don’t comply. No more. You’re on your own
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I need publishers, libraries, and book stores to start categorizing their books correctly! Why are you shelving erotica under other genres? Most romcoms or fantasy books I pick up should be under there instead of the main genre (romance or fantasy). It’s not funny and becoming questionable
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afrolicthroughfiction on Instagram
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If you buy a lot of books and end up not liking some of them very much, can I suggest checking them out from your library first?
I worked in bookstores for a long time, and of course lots of my paycheck went directly back into the store. I've ended up "weeding" a lot of those books and donating them to different places just because I knew I wasn't ever going to read them again.
Now I'm a librarian, and I'm realizing just how much money I'm saving by checking books out FIRST. Maybe I check something out and I end up DNF'ing it within 50 pages. Maybe I check something out and I enjoy it, but not enough to read it again. Maybe I check something out and I really love it, but it freaked me out so bad it's tattooed on the inside of my eyeballs and I won't need to read it again (Drew Magary's The Hike, I'm looking in your direction).
Or maybe I check something out and I love it! And then I go buy a copy to own because I know I'll reread it, probably with a pen to mark up the margins in a way I know I can't with a library book!
Idk man. If you want to be more intentional with the way you spend your money, if you want to combat the commercialization of the publishing industry, if you hate that authors are being forced to do all their own marketing on TikTok and that readers are feeling shame about not purchasing and finishing literal hundreds of books per year... Maybe start by going to your local library. You can still post haul photos of library books without spending a dime.
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if you start reading books again. you will feel at least a little better. I promise
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If you’re planning to self-publish make sure you have enough money to pay for a team to help you succeed. Off of the top of my head you’ll need a marketer, salesperson, accountant, publicist, editor & proofreader to help you get your work sold. You can’t just rely on your work alone. Please reach out to an accountant to understand how much $ you can afford to pay your employees, and reach out to authors who do the same for advice.
If you’re one of those authors feel free to share any other positions I’ve missed or any advice!
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Authors, if you cannot differentiate between constructive critique and hate reviews or you’re sensitive then DON’T publish your work(s)! You’re monetizing your art, not putting it out there for the fun of it, plus your fans want to see you succeed, so why would you think readers are attacking you? I don’t think anyone likes to be critiqued but everyone knows it’s to help them become better
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at any moment in time i’d rather be reading
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Some many books to read but not enough time
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