fathersonadventures · 6 years
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People say learning to speak #Czech is very difficult. But Father & Son are extremely intelligent. In Czech, this says “Pepsi Regular.” . . . . . . #ReadingRainbow #ReadingIsFundamental #PoppinBottles #PoppingBottles #BottleService #Coke #CocaCola #CokeZero #Prague #Praha #Soda #CzechRepublic #Language #Food #FoodStagram #Bottles (at Old Town Square Praque Czech Republic)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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Seriously Mother, when is the last time you fed Father dessert at home? Father enters #BeastMode and inhales food like @KobayashiTakeru . . . . . #Kobayashi #Beast #FoodPorn #FoodPornography #DessertPorn #FoodPhotography #Food #Foodstagram #Desserts #Dessert #VanillaIceCream #CheatDay #FitnessMotivation #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Travel #Adventure (at Old Town Square Praque Czech Republic)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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Father just spotted #crepes and wants to destroy Son’s healthy eating. 🐮🐄 . . . . . #FoodPorn #FoodPornography #DessertPorn #FoodPhotography #Food #Foodstagram #Desserts #Dessert #VanillaIceCream #CheatDay #FitnessMotivation #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Travel #Adventure (at Old Town Square Praque Czech Republic)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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#CzechingOut Prague’s stunning architecture at night. . . . . . #Architecture #Design #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Night #OldTownSquarePrague #OldTownSquare #Medieval #Church #CzechItOut #Travel #Adventure (at Old Town Square Praque Czech Republic)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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A beautiful musical and singing performance by great #Czech Musicians at one of the world’s most beautiful synagogues — Prague’s Spanish Synagogue. #MiGente #CzechItOut . . . . . . . . . #Music #Opera #Cantata #Songstress #LiveMusic #Sextet #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #SpanishSinagogue #Synagoga #Shul #Temple #Kosher #Music #LiveMusic #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov (at Španělská Synagoga, Prague)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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#CzechingOut Prague’s stunning architecture at night. . . . . #Architecture #Design #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Night #OldTownSquarePrague #OldTownSquare #Medieval #Church #CzechItOut #Travel #Adventure (at Old Town Square Praque Czech Republic)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
Czech musicians now performing the Jewish wedding classic! Where’s the #Hora 💃🏽 #HavaNagila #LetUsRejoice #הבהנגילה . . ....performed at one of the world’s most beautiful synagogues — Prague’s Spanish Synagogue. #MiGente #CzechItOut . . . . . . . . . #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #SpanishSinagogue #Synagoga #Shul #Temple #Kosher #Music #LiveMusic #JewishSong #AmIsraelChai #עםישראלחי #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov (at Španělská Synagoga, Prague)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
Czech musicians now performing in Hebrew! #HevenuShalomAleichem #WeBroughtPeaceOntoYou #הבאנושלוםעליכם . . ....performed at one of the world’s most beautiful synagogues — Prague’s Spanish Synagogue. #MiGente #CzechItOut . . . . . . . . . #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #SpanishSinagogue #Synagoga #Shul #Temple #Kosher #Music #LiveMusic #JewishSong #AmIsraelChai עםישראלחי# (at Španělská Synagoga, Prague)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
#Evita — Don’t 😢 for Me 🇦🇷, the Truth is I Never 🏃🏻‍♂️ ....performed at one of the world’s most beautiful synagogues — Prague’s Spanish Synagogue. #MiGente #CzechItOut . . . . . . . . . #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #SpanishSinagogue #Synagoga #Shul #Temple #Kosher #Music #LiveMusic #Musical #AndrewLloydWebber #Argentina #EvaPeron #EvaPerón #JuanPeron #BuenosAires #DontCryForMeArgentina (at Španělská Synagoga, Prague)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
Carl Orff’s #OFortuna performed at one of the world’s most beautiful synagogues — Prague’s Spanish Synagogue. #MiGente #CzechItOut . . . . . . . . . #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #SpanishSinagogue #Synagoga #Shul #Temple #Kosher #Music #LiveMusic #Opera #Cantata #CarminaBurana #CarlOrff (at Španělská Synagoga, Prague)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
Carl Orff’s #OFortuna performed at one of the world’s most beautiful synagogues — Prague’s Spanish Synagogue. #MiGente #CzechItOut . . . . . . . . . #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #SpanishSinagogue #Synagoga #Shul #Temple #Kosher #Music #LiveMusic #Opera #Cantata #CarminaBurana #CarlOrff (at Španělská Synagoga, Prague)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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Who knew you could see great live music and opera at one of the world’s most beautiful synagogues?!?! Father & Son enjoying the amazing atmosphere of Prague’s Spanish Synagogue. #MiGente #CzechItOut . . . . . . . . . #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #SpanishSinagogue #Synagoga #Shul #Temple #Kosher #Music #LiveMusic #Opera #CarminaBurana #Bolero . . . . (at Španělská Synagoga, Prague)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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Under the beautiful ceiling design as Father & Son return to the Spanish Synagogue for ... an Opera performance! . . . . . #StarOfDavid #MagenDavid #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #SpanishSinagogue #Synagoga #Shul #Temple #Kosher #Architecture (at Španělská Synagoga, Prague)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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Father says no🍴and enters #BeastMode with the #Trdelnik covered in cinnamon and pistachios. #BreakfastOfChampions. 🐮🐄 . . . . . #BeastModeActivated #Beast #Breakfast #FoodPorn #FoodPornography #DessertPorn #FoodPhotography #Food #Foodstagram #Desserts #Dessert #Nutella #Trdelník #CheatDay #FitnessMotivation #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Travel (at MLS Golem)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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If #Trdelnik with Nutella was a woman, we would marry her. 😍❤️ And then she would make us fat..... . . Why, Prague, is this temptress available for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack?!?! 🐄 . . #HappyMarriage #FoodPorn #FoodPornography #DessertPorn #FoodPhotography #Food #Foodstagram #Desserts #Dessert #Nutella #Trdelník #CheatDay #FitnessMotivation #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Travel (at MLS Golem)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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Long before McDonalds and Starbucks — it seems like there were synagogues on nearly every corner of the Old Jewish Quarter in Prague. It was *really* easy to get to synagogue back then!!! (McDonalds would not have done well here — nobody was eating bacon cheeseburgers! 🐷🐽🙊) . . This ark contains Torah scrolls in the Klausen Synagogue — currently the largest synagogue in the Old Jewish Quarter. Originally built in the 1570s, and reconstructed in 1694 and 1893, the Synagogue now serves as a museum and testament to a large thriving Jewish Czech community that was destroyed (along with numerous other synagogues). . . . . . . . #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #KlausenSynagogue #Torah #Tora #Synagoga #Shul #Temple #Kosher #Architecture #History #JewishQuarter #JewishHistory (at Klausová Synagoga)
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fathersonadventures · 6 years
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The Old Jewish Cemetery — in between the Pinkas and Klausen Synagogues in the Old Jewish Quarter — is among the oldest surviving Jewish burial grounds in the world with 12,000 tombstones, the earliest dating 1439. Several famed rabbis are buried here. . . #Czech #CzechRepublic #Prague #Praha #Jew #Jewish #Josefov #Hebrew #Synagogue #Sinagoga #Kosher #Yizkor #Cemetery (at Old Jewish Cemetery, Prague)
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