fandomismykingdom · 1 month
Had a dream this morning that Archive of our Own had a Random button which would simply take you to a random fanfic, like Wikipedia has. (AO3 does not appear to really have this, I checked and couldn't find one, but I kinda wish they did.) Someone had started a game where whatever fic you got, that was your new fandom, which is very fun! I would love this meme in real life.
The problem came in where so many people used the button that it broke and just started sending everyone to Stealing Harry, and like...I have fond memories of Stealing Harry but it's not my best work and nobody should be assigned to be a Harry Potter fan in this day and age.
So I decide to go off and find Astolat and demand she fix this but when I finally did (there was a whole quest) she turned to me like the baddie in a horror flick and said, "But that's the most random story there is" in a dark voice and I was terrified and woke up.
In the cold light of day I know there are more random stories by me on the archive, let alone by others, but I'm not going to try to get back there to argue my case. Pretty sure whatever I spoke to was actually the demon specifically assigned to plague fandom and not Astolat at all.
I'd say "get thee behind me, demon" but I know just how many porny fics on AO3 begin with that premise. (I've written some.) Begone foul spirit, and take your Satanic Panic with you!
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fandomismykingdom · 2 months
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Hi Tumblr! It’s been [redacted] years that I haven’t posted something, which is rather silly actually. Fixing that.
Anyway, here’s Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb series! :) Enjoy!
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fandomismykingdom · 2 months
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totally crazy example to use to demonstrate The Comparative Loneliness Epidemic Of The Twenty-First Century. melville was lonely as hell just jerking it unreciprocated to nathaniel hawthorne every night. that's a different thing
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fandomismykingdom · 2 months
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fandomismykingdom · 2 months
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this is incredible
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fandomismykingdom · 2 months
"there's something about the dying that feels familiar" fucking unbelievably metal thing to be told. you die and you could swear you've been here before. the last thing you feel before your breath leaves your body is intense deja vu. you've never died before but somehow you know how this goes. you have an uncanny feeling being dead is a temporary gig for you, but you have no idea what gives you that impression. and then you're alive again. and you remember dying. and all you remember is that there was something about it that felt familiar.
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fandomismykingdom · 2 months
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collection of posts for a very specific dynamic
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fandomismykingdom · 2 months
the trending tags here on tumblr are just there to pour salt in the wound huh
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fandomismykingdom · 2 months
Still obsessed with Arthur Conan Doyle’s letter to Bram Stoker gushing about how wonderful a book Dracula is, but particularly how it makes such a good template for leaving fic comments, so I’m gonna to a BREAKDOWN:
Just say you loved reading it - “I am sure that you will not think it an impertinence if I write to tell you how very much I have enjoyed reading Dracula.”
Comment on a detail of the craft or structure that impressed you - “It is really wonderful how with so much exciting interest over so long a book there is never an anticlimax.“
Comment on how it emotionally affected you - “It holds you from the very start and grows more and more engrossing until it is quite painfully vivid.”
SHARE YOUR BLORBO FEELINGS - “The old Professor is most excellent and so are the two girls.”
Show appreciation for them as an author - “I congratulate you with all my heart for having written so fine a book.”
Next time you don’t know what to say on a fic you enjoyed, just use the ACD method~
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fandomismykingdom · 2 months
The thing about Timmy Chalamet is that he’s truly a great actor and he even has good taste in projects and he’s not even overexposed when you calibrate for how overexposed all that group of 25-30 year old big stars are……however something is still off. any time he gets cast in something it feels like that movie instantly turns into a parody of a movie. I cannot explain this
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fandomismykingdom · 3 months
i knew life turned to shit when i stopped seeing the tuesday again? no problem dog every week
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fandomismykingdom · 4 months
Write a horror story in the format of an Internet search history
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fandomismykingdom · 4 months
crucial elements of my vision for a locked tomb animated series:
First season starts with Gideon falling to her death—freeze frame, Gideon voiceover: “Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this fucking mess.”
We rewind all the way to Gideon choking Harrow out as children. Gideon says “Well, now that’s just too far.” The running joke of the season is that this memory REALLY wants to play out, but Gideon refuses to get into it. That way, we get a lot of tension building up to the full scene and, more importantly, the imagery of the blood in Harrow’s nails really sticks with the audience.
Regular jumps between the present day and flashbacks so that they’re baked into the format and the river scenes in HtN don’t feel out of place.
Gideon pauses scenes literally all the time for asides and narration, a la The Emperor’s New Groove. (I feel her voice is crucial to the story and must be preserved as much as possible in a visual adaptation. The goofiness inherent to this device is also, in my opinion, completely necessary.)
When we finally get to the season finale, and Gideon dies, she KEEPS cutting in for asides, except now she’s talking directly to Harrow, who is responding, and it’s not really funny anymore.
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fandomismykingdom · 4 months
In honor of the Ides of March, my favorite Tiktok
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fandomismykingdom · 4 months
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fandomismykingdom · 4 months
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fandomismykingdom · 4 months
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