fancomixhk · 3 years
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Karma 業報 #comics #comic #illustration #illustrator #creator #創作 #漫畫 #漫画 #插畫 #插畫家 #迷因 #memes #香港 #hongkong #寵物 #pet #倉鼠 #毛孩 #fluffy #furry #hamster #棄養 #abandoned #新冠肺炎 #covid #covid_19 Patreon: patreon.com/FanComixHK https://www.instagram.com/p/CZL2TkWvjtn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fancomixhk · 4 years
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Patreon: patreon.com/FanComixHK
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fancomixhk · 4 years
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It's just a phase?
Patreon: patreon.com/FanComixHK
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fancomixhk · 4 years
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Some people are just not meant to stay, cherish those around. Patreon: patreon.com/FanComixHK https://www.instagram.com/p/CHxhdzLAZ4w/?igshid=o17y1pbna73e
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fancomixhk · 4 years
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學習失去,珍惜擁有 Patreon: patreon.com/FanComixHK https://www.instagram.com/p/CHxMlIqAGpO/?igshid=14vddrdmhla4q
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fancomixhk · 4 years
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你有其他生活小建議分享嗎? https://www.instagram.com/p/CHN6QuhDMMg/?igshid=1tabb8imzral7
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fancomixhk · 4 years
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Do you have other life tips to share? https://www.instagram.com/p/CHN6M_KDXjo/?igshid=3y69ouj5kpn5
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fancomixhk · 4 years
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有冇人有同感?好煩囉🤪 Patreon: patreon.com/FanComixHK 完整故事請click IG link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CG6a79vjT-x/?igshid=jug6vdhmxsiy
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fancomixhk · 4 years
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Does anyone relate? It’s so annoying🤪
Patreon: patreon.com/FanComixHK
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fancomixhk · 4 years
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Does anyone recognise this posture? 這三位一體的架式莫非是⋯⋯
Patreon: patreon.com/FanComixHK
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fancomixhk · 8 years
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蛋哥的日常 - 給敘利亞一點光 你知道關於敘利亞的戰事嗎?天災人禍我們不能阻止,但我們可以為受災的一群送上一點光。如果你想了解或捐助香港世界宣明會於當地的工作,請瀏覽:http://bit.ly/wvhk-Candle4Syria
Mr. Yolk's Eggly Life - Candle4Syria Have you heard of the war in Syria? We can't stop disasters, natural or man-made, but we can send our concerns. If you wish to know more about the work of World Vision Hong Kong, or donate, pleas visit: http://bit.ly/wvhk-Candle4Syria
#給敘利亞一點光 #Candle4Syria #敘利亞 #Syria #戰爭 #War #社會 #Society #粉漫 #FanComix #漫畫 #Comic #插畫 #Illustration #創作人 #Creator #香港 #HK #HongKong #蛋哥的日常 #MrYolksEgglyLife #藝造香港 #CreatorHubHK
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fancomixhk · 8 years
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粉漫 - 港式聖誕卡 聖誕又快到了,你想得到一張充滿粉漫角色們和港式風味的聖誕卡嗎?請留意以下方法: 1. 讚好粉漫專頁; 2. 讚好及公開分享這個post; 3. 把你的郵寄地址及��呼inbox給我,並告訴我你喜歡粉漫甚麼,可以是某個角色、某個議題、漫畫風格,甚至是「我也不知道,但就是喜歡」也行; 我會在當中抽出10位,把這張港式聖誕明信片寄給你們啊。截止日期為12月11日~~~
FanComix - Kongish Xmas Card Xmas is around the corner, do you want a Xmas card with all FanComix characters in Kongish style? Please note the followings to get one: 1. Like FanComix; 2. Like and share this post to public; 3. Inbox me your postal address and your name, and also tell me why you like FanComix, it can be a character, a theme, the drawing style, or even "Well I don't know, but I just like it"; I'll draw 10 and post this postcard to those. Deadline will be 11 December...
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fancomixhk · 8 years
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萌魔家族 - 平權 祝願台灣能成為亞洲平權先驅
Cutie Evil Family - Equality May Taiwan be the Asian pioneer of marriage equality
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fancomixhk · 8 years
布丁兔的世界 - 痛苦掛飾 The World of Pubbit - Chain of Pain
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你願意每天把兔兔的痛苦掛再身上嗎?沒有購買便沒有殺害 相關新聞:https://goo.gl/nbLuUU
You wanna hang bunnies' pain over your body? If the buying stops, so will the killing Related news: https://goo.gl/zJfn6D
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fancomixhk · 8 years
萌魔家族 - 三權 Cutie Evil Family - Three Powers
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點解唔使畫新畫都重可以有嘢出?因爲... Why don’t I need new illustrations for new posts? As...
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fancomixhk · 8 years
布丁兔 X 萌魔家族 - 風中流浪 Pubbit X Cutie Evil Family - Wandering in the Wind
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Sarika, who made HK into a flooding waterfall, just left and now Haima is taking his turn. Though I don’t have the time to update new illustrations, I hope this old one can remind you that all those homeless, people or fluffy kids, need our respect. This won’t make you lose a thing, but gain you more blessings and humanity.
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fancomixhk · 8 years
布丁兔的世界 - 領養不棄養 The World of Pubbit - Adopt, Don't Abandon
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近來工作比較忙,更新亦真的少了,但能在繁忙的工作中擠出一點時間參與一些公益項目令生活多了一份意義。受到兔協的邀請為他們義務設計了一個 A4 folder 推廣「領養不棄養」的訊息,希望更多人能參與領養毛小孩,減少不良繁殖,並承諾不論疾病、生育,對所領養的毛小孩也不離不棄。
Have been busy at work lately and thus haven't been able to update the page for a while, but working on some public welfare projects gives life a new layer. Invited by HKRS, I've designed an A4 folder to publicize the message of "Adopt, Don't Abandon", with the hope of getting more people to adopt fluffy kids and hence reduce inhumane breeding, and also promise not to abandon those adopted in any case of illness and pregnancy.
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