dzsasztintime · 6 months
Wanting something made me superstitious
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dzsasztintime · 6 months
♀️t'aves baxtali ando miro blog♀️
💞 I made this blog to highlight the specific struggles Romani women face based on their sex, their race and their class
💞 I'm anti-gender, anti-sex trade, anti-religion, anti-capitalist
💞 I support women's and LGB rights. My feminism is female only!
💞 I'm a half-sinti, half-white working class lesbian living in Western Europe
Posts on the racialized misogyny targeting Romani women
-> general masterpost (x)
-> posts on Romani women being sex trafficked into prostitution in Europe (x) (x)
-> posts on the forced sterilization of Romani women in Europe (x) (x) (x) (x)
-> post on healthcare discrimination (x)
-> discrimination and domestic violence targeting Balkan Romani women (x)
Inspiring Romani women you should know about
-> autobiographies by Romani women (x)
-> Sandra Jayat, French-Romani painter and poet (x)
-> Katarina Taikon, Swedish-Romani writer and antiracist activist (x) (x)
-> Elena Gorolova, Czech-Romani women's rights advocate (x)
-> Jelena Savić, Serbian-Romani feminist, poet and essayist (x)
-> Tela-Tchaï, French-Romani actress (x)
-> Amoun Sleem, Palestinian-Domari antiracist activist and feminist (x)
-> Philomena Franz, German-Romani Holocaust survivor and writer (x)
-> Vera Kurtić, Serbian-Romani lesbian feminist (x)
-> Kiba Lumberg, Finnish-Romani and butch lesbian artist (x)
-> Zilli Schmidt, German-Romani Holocaust survivor (x)
-> "15 Bad ass Romani ladies you should know about" (x)
-> Romani herstory, an "ever-growing digital library that celebrates women of Romani descent from the past and present, unsung heroines & trailblazers who refuse(d) to conform to stereotypes"
Romani feminist writings
-> Intersections of Gender, Ethnicity, and Class: History and Future of the Romani Women’s Movement, by Jelena Jovanović, Angéla Kóczé, and Lídia Balogh (x)
-> Gender, Ethnicity and Class: Romani Women's Political Activism and Social Struggles, Angéla Kóczé (x)
-> Lessons from Roma Feminism in Europe: Digital Storytelling Projects with Roma Women Activists from Romania, Spain and Sweden, Jasmine Ljungberg (x)
-> Romani women’s identities real and imagined: Media discourse analysis of “I’m a European Roma Woman” campaign, Jelena Jovanović (x)
-> Džuvljarke: Roma Lesbian Existence, Vera Kurtić (x)
-> Re-envisioning Social Justice from the Ground Up: Including the Experiences of Romani Women, Alexandra Oprea (x)
-> Angéla Kóczé on the hijacking of the Romani feminist and antiracist movement by neoliberal groups (x) (x)
-> Mihaela Drăgan on the racialization of Romani women (x)
-> quotes from Romani feminist books (x)
Learn about the Romani genocide
-> general post (x)
The Genocide and Persecution of Roma and Sinti. Bibliography and Historiographical Review (x)
Roma Resistance During the Holocaust and in its Aftermath, Angéla Kóczé, Anna Lujza Szász (eds.) (x)
O Porrajmos: the Romani Holocaust, Ian Hancock (x)
Porrajmos: The Romani and the Holocaust, Ian Hancock (x)
Responses to the Porrajmos (the Romani Holocaust), Ian Hancock (x)
Barvalipe Roma Online University (playlist of lectures about many different aspects of Romani history, politics and culture) (x)
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dzsasztintime · 9 months
I wish there was an inverse in popular culture as well. The notion that a woman HAS to be beautiful to be desired, and all the man has to be is an unlucky quirky everyman that somehow DESERVES to have a beautiful woman fall for him. Every Beauty and the Beast kind of story has the male character being ugly and the female character as the one who recognizes the importance of personality. From the old plays like Cyrano, which is about a man being viewed for personality or looks, the female lead still has to be conventionally attractive. To all modern movies about loser boys falling for and getting to be with the objectified hot girl. I know there are some cases of unpopular and unconventional looking females dating with handsome males, but it's rare and all examples that come to my mind are books. We need more visual representation for that as well.
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dzsasztintime · 9 months
I always found it so fucked up how women are forced to learn about male historians, geniuses, painters and philosophers and see them as smart and good people when they saw women as literal shit on their shoe, for example Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Norman Mailer, Martin Luther, Paul Gauguin, Thomas Aquinas, Picasso, Napoleon, Confucius, Dalí, etc.
I remember I got in trouble at school for saying male historians and geniuses who saw women as subhuman aren’t great and I refuse to praise them for their achievements. Imagine what this does to girls and their self esteem.
We barely learn about female history and when we do so much shit gets glossed over, and the history we get taught about in full is about misogynistic a$$holes. Then if girls complain they get lied to and told those men were actually great people and to just shut up. 😢
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dzsasztintime · 1 year
The weird thing is, it never occured me to think about toilets or any public spaces when reading the initial post.
Instead my mind went straight to any time a boy wanted to sit next to his crush or be in a group project with her, despite her not enjoying his presence at all. The teachers, usually female, always sided and sympathised with the boy and focused on making him happy by purposefully pairing him with his crush.
A lot of the time the boy was abusive and noone would care except the girl he hurt. Always listen to the one who wants to be left alone.
Two people are standing in front of you. One is male, and says “I want to share a space with her”. The other is female, and says “I don’t want to share a space with him”.
Think: Which person do you listen to? Which person’s desires do you care more about? Which person’s preferences do you think are more important? Which person’s boundaries do you think are less important? Which person do you think is more important, and which person do you think is less important? Why?
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dzsasztintime · 1 year
The reason men discriminate and belittle women, trying to break their confidence and get every field of profession to themselves is because being a man has no value by itself. Being a woman does. If a woman realizes her special talents and takes the place of a mediocre man of that field, the woman will have twice the respectability, while the men will have none. Woman are superior, and if they all find out, men are scared that they will be recognized as worthless.
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dzsasztintime · 2 years
The Cobra Kai Christmas Special
That should have been,
What I would have really liked is a non-canon christmas musical, like what South Park once did to air between S3 and S4.
Featuring Robby singing a sad song about his missing dad in the Cobra Kai dojo, staring at the snow out the window, then Kreese comes along and they decorate a tree.
The Diaz family invite Johnny over and they share their traditions with him, singing about how christmas is celebrated in Equador, Johnny always a step behind, up until the end of the song, when he gets it right.
Kreese then dresses up like Santa with Robby as an elf/raindeer. They sing about bringing christmas spirit through the Valley. They visit Tory, Kyler, Big Red, Rickenberger in the hospital, and they give gifts to all of them.
When Kreese is distracted, Robby has a moment of empathy, and knocks on the LaRusso door. Anthony opens with some prejudice, but Robby gives him a present, nods and leaves.
Sam and Demetri enjoy a Miyagi-Do/Eagle Fang secret santa party. They all sing about uniting their dojos, Nate gives a present to Bert, Bert gives a present to Mitch, etc... It all culminates in Hawk showing up in the door and giving Sam a present, which is a new glass frame for the Mr. Miyagi picture Tory broke.
Mitch and Chris should also have a fun song about christmas punch with some word-play.
Amanda and Daniel sing a borderline alcoholic marriage themed song about christmas wine.
We then get an early bird cameo of Terrance Silver with his back turned to us, playing traditional christmas songs on the piano, with decorations all around his room.
Robby and Kreese return to Cobra Kai, as they put their socks next to the newly installed fireplace, they hear some knocks. A group of carolers enter, which consists of the remaining Cobra Kai members. They all brought more tree decorations. Robby is happy he's not alone this christmas. All the Cobras sing and the camera slowly zooms out through the window, and it fades.
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dzsasztintime · 3 years
Daniel: (nervous) Before you meet them, you should be prepared for my grandparents are nazis. Robin: (smiles) It’s all right. My grandparents are famous nazi hunters.
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dzsasztintime · 3 years
Glee next generation
OK it sounds horrible but hear me out
As Daniel Finn Schuester turns 15, he goes to William McKinley, since his dad is the principal, and both think that the school will do him good. Everyone is welcoming to him in the school, but they have high expectations for him. He is kind of awkward and shy, uncomfortable from mess and dirt, but overall organized, and thanks to his parents, the most tolerant kid imaginable. He gets into the New Directions coached by Sam Evans. Despite having a talent for both singing and dancing, Daniel doesn’t really know how to sell a number or perform well, and he feels like he failed Sam’s expectations. Luckily for him, he meets a girl on the Cheerios...  /because while the school is mainly for arts, somehow the cheerios are back in true Glee fashion/ ...so this girl is really confident and competitive. She doesn’t sing, but she can play the synth really well. In some ways she’s similar to Becky Jackson, but also more diligent and individualistic. I’m of course talking about 16 year old Robin Sylvester! Naturally, Robin and Daniel bond, and soon become best friends and even love interests, before they find out their parents’ history. 
IDK I’d love this if this could be made without it relying too much on the original series. 
Sam Evans would return as a main character. He’s in most episodes, teaching music to Daniel, Robin and the other emerging main characters.
Sue Sylvester returns as a main antagonist, she’s a politician and Robin’s overprotective mother.
Will Schuester & Emma Pillsbury-Schuester would be recurring characters, with similar amount of screentime as Figgins used to have, but also more depth, since they are the protagonist’s parents.
Becky Jackson returns in a recurring role as Sue’s bodyguard, her role being similar to her season 6 self.
Mercedes Jones returns in a recurring role as Sam’s girlfriend/wife.
Other past characters may get some references about their happy life (Santana lives with Brittany, Puck with Quinn) but no need to bring anyone else back, maaaaaybe Blaine Anderson for one guest episode as Sam’s best friend, but no one else, no need to force these reunions.
Daniel and Robin would be the new main pairing, but other original New Directions members have to be created. Quite possibly most of them being minorities, this is supposed to be Glee, after all...
Does it still sound horrible? (It might, but I love it)
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dzsasztintime · 5 years
Les Miserables Hogwarts AU
I thought about this a lot, and this is how I think the sorting hat would sort the young generation of the Les Miserables characters.
Éponine Thenardier
Azelma Thenardier
I wanted to create a toxic atmosphere at Slytherin (not hating, I’m also a Slytherin, but it fits well with what was given in the HP books), and Enjolras being the lost soul there, spending most of his free time alone, thinking about ways he could change the world, while pretty-boy/bad-boy Montparnasse flirts with Éponine, who doesn’t really enjoy it, but had an abusive childhood, so she can’t reject his advances. I like to imagine that the Thénardier family is a long line of pure-blood Slytherins, that’s why Azelma is here. Enjolras, Montparnasse and Éponine are usually depicted as Slytherins by the fandom so I don’t think I have to point out why. Grantaire, on the other hand, from what I’ve seen is frequently put into Ravenclaw by fellow fans, but I feel like he belongs here, as Ravenclaws like learning new things, but R only cares for his own, already stable opinion. Also Ravenclaws are (according to Pottermore) sharp and individual, and R is not that sharp (I mean his rants are a bit out-there), nor is he an individual, as he cares so much for what Enjolras does and he goes along with it beyond reason (at least beyond his own reasoning). Instead he is prideful (takes it very seriously when he’s being overlooked) and determined (”You’ll see!”) as a Slytherin should be. Bonus points for this that he is in the same house as Enjolras and he probably wants to know his plans all the time, and won’t stop bothering him. :)
Combeferre is the Guide and a bookworm, it’s a given he’s here. A fan of medical studies such as Joly doesn’t really need explaining, Feuilly absolutely loves learning, he self-taught himself how to read! Musichetta, I wanted her to be in the same house as Joly, and also seems like she fits the sharp individual type, even if she’s artistic, a bit like Luna Lovegood. Finally, Louison was like the only woman in the book who listened to politics, she deserves this spot.
Marius Pontmercy
Courfeyrac and Lesgles are the two funnest persons to be around, absolute jokesters, and they are clearly honest, hard-working and accepting, so that fits the Hufflepuff ideal. Marius is one I’ve seen everywhere (except maybe Slytherin) but him in Gryffindor just doesn’t make sense, remember how he didn’t have the guts to talk to Cosette, and he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed either. He’s good qualities include being all about fair-play, being patient and loyal, and that’s what the Hufflepuff spirit is about. Bonus points for him being in the same house as Courfeyrac and Bossuet, his best friend and his first friend in the brick. Chowder seems like being able to take a joke and positively accept her fate, like Bossuet and Courfeyrac, and Fricassée is kind of a shrinking violet who will need her friends’ help to get out of her shell, a lot like Marius.
Cosette Fauchelevent
Jean Prouvaire
Gavroche Thenardier
Irma Boissy
Cosette is like the Harry Potter equivalent, the distaff counterpart of the boy who lived, Floréal is the perfect foil for her, as she is that spoiled alpha b.tch (who deep down actually has a heart of gold) (like Rose from the Cursed Child) to round out Cosette’s innocent personality. All we really learn from the book about Irma is that she’s sassy, but that’s enough for us, since Gryffindor is the house of sass, as evidenced by all characters who were Gryffindors. Gavroche is a bit like Sirius, coming from a family of Slytherins, expecting to be there too, and than everyone is surprised. He doesn’t mind, he’s all for adventures and he kinda likes that his big sisters can’t monitor him all the time. Jehan is kinda the Neville of this story (Yeah, I noticed this section has a lot of HP comparisons, just roll with it), a wimp who seems like he’s a bit timid, but when given the chance, he shows how brave he really is, when opposing great threats. Bahorel low-key has my favorite story of all of them. He’s a heroic popular jock athlete, who thinks everyone at Gryffindor will be just like him, and is very excited to get sorted into the house of his dreams, only to find out that his housemates are either self-centered and self-righteous or weaklings who write poems. Disappointed at first, but then decides that it’s his job to see and bring out the best in everyone, so he keeps on showing off his sportsmanship and team-spirit to influence them, and as they develop, Bahorel couldn’t be happier. Especially about Jehan, whom he successfully gets into the Quidditch team, and a bromance like no other forms between them.
If you think I got any character’s placement either horribly wrong or completely right, please give this post some feedback, because I’d love to discuss this topic.
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