[icon description: missy with her hand on her forehead, sighing. /end id] [header description: 'say something nice' written in light blue text on a background with dark blue text. /end id]
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[Image description taken from alt: Image 1: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "‘He’s an idiot,’ Kate’s father had explained, long ago. They were in the UNIT Research Institute and at the far end of a sprawling laboratory, a tall man with a mass of curly hair and a booming voice was protesting that he was caught in some kind of force field, while a dark-haired young woman patiently disentangled his scarf from a pair of double doors. Kate found herself staring at the scarf. It was stupidly long and multi-coloured. Who would wear a scarf like that? Although she was only seven, she had already guessed that this was the scary, funny man who worked with her father, and who sometimes kept the whole world safe.
‘The Doctor?’
‘Yes, the Doctor,’ said her father, who always seemed a bit cross when he talked about his old friend. His moustache was twitching as if separately irritated.
‘I thought you said he was a genius?’
‘He is, of course he is. The most extraordinary genius anyone has ever met.’
The Doctor was booming away again. ‘Yes, Sarah, yes,’ he was saying, ‘but there might have been a force field as well!’" Image 2: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "‘Then he’s not a genius all the time?’ asked Kate.
‘No, it’s all the time,’ said her father, with funereal regret.
‘So when is he an idiot?’
‘All the time.’
‘That doesn’t really make any sense,’ said Kate, after a moment’s consideration.
‘Yes, that’s about the size of it,’ he replied. The Doctor was striding towards them now, and as always her father straightened his shoulders and put…" Image 3: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "…some effort into a smile. Many years later, Kate found herself doing the same." Image 4: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "Kate watched them go, and kept the frown off her face. The change of mood was quite striking. ‘Sometimes you get the clown,’ her father had said, in his final illness, ‘sometimes you get the ancient beast.’ Then he’d started to laugh which had set him off coughing again, and she’d had to sit him up and get him some water. When he’d recovered, he corrected himself. ‘Actually, I think you always get both.’ And he’d given her that smile which had always…" Image 5: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "It took an effort, but Kate managed not to slap him. Had he really never mentioned any of it? Clara was obviously, at the very least, his friend. Had he never told her he’d spent years, trapped on Earth, in her father’s protection, working with him? They’d stood guard on a world together, they’d been friends. Best friends, she’d thought. She fought down the memory of the dying old soldier in the hospice. Maybe tomorrow.
I’m sorry, said a voice in her head, and it almost froze her. She’d been briefed about the Doctor’s occasional telepathy: low level, they’d said, and rarely used. I miss him too." Image 6: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "Not now, she thought back at him, we’ve got work to do. She felt her cheeks flush and her jaw tighten: he should have the damn decency to stay out her head!
As you wish, said the Doctor, and stepped politely away. But as I returned to my own thoughts, I took an image of Kate’s dying father with me, and filed it for later: Alistair waiting for me. ‘One should live with one’s sins,’ I’d told a young man once, though I couldn’t remember who or why. Clara was glancing at me, so I kept striding and smiling, as she expected. Clown and ancient beast—was that really what Alistair had thought? Was that what Clara thought too? I resisted having a look inside her head. In front of us, a pair of doors were being opened, and I forced my mind back to the present. Work to do! I squared my shoulders, straightened my bow tie, and the Doctor stepped through the doors." Image 7: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "Once, during one of my many visits, I asked old Alistair (Lethbridge- Stewart, do keep up!) what was the most important quality in a UNIT commander. He thought for a moment, in his usual grave way, and said, ‘Good handwriting!’
Oh, we laughed. But we always laughed, he and I, right up to the end. The mischief we got up to! But look, you’re not reading this book to hear about…" Image 8: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "…two old boys, chortling away together in a hospice, I do realise that—the fact is, I just don’t care. He was a good friend, the bravest of soldiers, and a devil with the ladies till his last day. Gracious me, that man could tango—but as soon as a pretty girl came in, I was shoved straight out of the way.
Kate was the apple of his eye, of course. She could do no wrong by him. Though when she came to see him at the hospice, he’d tell her she was his only visitor, just so she’d come round more often. The old dog! Sometimes I was right there, hiding under the bed." Image 9: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "I was just thinking about Alistair again. I do that a lot, because I enjoy smiling. I told him I was thinking of writing this book, of course, and I thought he’d be pleased. Instead he gave a sort of grim nod, and we carried on playing Risk in silence for a bit. (He always got to be the Daleks, which was a bit unfair.)
‘What’s wrong?’ I said eventually.
‘It’s a security breach,’ he said, through his crossest moustache.
‘It’s not my fault,’ I protested. ‘You left Italy undefended.’
‘No, your book. Your book is a clear breach of security. There’s classified material in there.’
‘I’ve thought about that,’ I said. ‘And I have a clever plan.’
He rolled his eyes. ‘Really?’
‘I’m going to write “fiction” on the back.’
‘Oh, for God’s sake!’
‘No, seriously. It will be released as fiction, and sold only in the fiction departments of bookshops. That way, everyone will think it’s not true.’
‘But it’s not fiction, is it? It’s fact.’
‘Fact, fiction, same thing,’ I told him."
Image 10: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "‘For God’s sake, no it isn’t!’ He thumped the table with his big, silly fist, and all the little Daleks on the board jumped at once, like they’d had a fright. I think I laughed for five minutes.
‘Fact and fiction are not the same thing. Please don’t be so ridiculous.’
‘Oh, Alistair, think about it. The Universe is vast, and it goes on for a very long time. And do you know what that means? It means that everything that can happen will happen somewhere eventually—that’s the rule. That means every story you can make up, will actually happen one day, somewhere in space and time. The only difference between a factual book and a fictional book is that factual books are written after the event, and fictional books are written before the event. Which makes fiction much more useful, don’t you see? When you’re writing facts, you’re just copying down. When you write fiction, you’re seeing into the future.’
We just sat there for a bit, and he did a lot of glaring. I bent down and picked up the Dalek he’d thrown and put it back on the board. He’d got me right on the nose, though I have to admit it’s not a difficult target.
‘Why do the Doctor Papers exist?’ he asked. ‘Why write up that one adventure? Why not any of the others?’" Image 11: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "I’d known he was going to ask that question, and I’d slightly dreaded it. ‘To reflect, perhaps,’ I said. ‘Or to remember. The timelines were all tangled, it needed to be set down before it all faded from memory, possibly as a cheat sheet for next time. Though, of course, there’s not a lot of use in a cheat sheet you don’t know you have, because you can’t remember writing it.’
I was standing at the window now, looking out over the grounds. Was I hiding my face, I wondered. I didn’t like him seeing me unsure or troubled.
‘There’s more to it than that, isn’t there?’ said Alistair.
The sun was just starting to set, and a mother was leading a small boy along the path, away from the sad old building. I could hear their feet crunching on the gravel. The boy was clutching the string of a red balloon that bobbed along above them both, as if trying to escape. I stared at the little hand, with the string wrapped around it.
‘The Doctor had to keep hold,’ I said.
‘Hold of what,’ asked Alistair.
‘The Doctor.’
‘You’re not making any sense.’
I sighed. How to explain? ‘It wasn’t an adventure,’ I said. ‘It was a day. A…" Image 12: Text from the Day of the Doctor novelisation: "…day that went on for a very long time, and happened over and over again.’ The boy had twisted round to look back at the building. I thought about all the windows he could see from down there, and wondered if he was thinking about all the people behind them, tucked up in their beds, fading slowly from their lives. I gave him a smile and a wave, to show him it wasn’t so bad, but he just turned to look ahead again, and kept marching away down the path. Quite right, I thought. Get away from here, have a laugh, play a game, make mistakes, and never, ever stop running. Time enough for this place, I thought. Time enough.
‘What are you talking about?’ said Alistair. ‘Not an adventure, a day—what is that supposed to mean?’
I looked at the sunset, and pulled myself together. ‘It was the day the Doctor understood who the Doctor always had to be.’
Alistair didn’t say anything for a long moment. Then a Dalek pinged off the window next to my head." End description.]
The Day of the Doctor novelisation
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[Image description taken from alt: Image 1: A digital drawing of Romana II and the Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who. Romana is a woman with pale skin and blonde hair. She wears a white shirt with a red tie under a black dress and a black blazer. She has white stockings and red shoes. The Doctor has pale skin and curly hair. He wears a white shirt, dark gray pants, and brown shoes under a long tan coat. A small pin of an artists paint palette is on his lapel, and he has a very long, multicolored scarf. They are walking somewhere, Romana holding her hat on her head and smiling at Four, who is turning to smile back at her. The background is a light, dull purple. Image 2: A close-up of Romana's face. Image 3: A close-up of Four's face. End description.]

i think every doctor who episode should spend 15 minutes with the doctor and their companion(s) wandering around wherever they ended up
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[Image description: Tags that read "incredibly fair point; they break into his house and threaten to call CPS like. a little kidnapping isn't a wholly disproportionate response". End description.]
listen i’m not saying it was like. morally correct to jump straight to kidnapping but in the first doctors defense ian and barbara did break into what was essentially his house
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Hey, uh

(from Sarah Jane’s wiki page) UM

(from TV Tropes)
(brb I have to go draw something don’t worry abt it)
update: Top 10 ways to make the Doctor’s Life Miserable
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[Image description: Gifs of the Twelfth Doctor from Doctor Who. He says, "Happy 2017! And 2018! And 3042... And 4748! And Eighty-hundred! All of them.]
[Plain text: New year greetings from The Doctor. End plain text.]
New year greetings from The Doctor
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[Image description: Two gifs from Doctor Who. Wilfred is wearing reindeer antlers. Sylvia says, "Dad, take those things off." Wilf replies, "No, I shan't, it's Christmas!" End description.]
[Plain text: A Christmas Classic. Doctor Who 4.11 × Turn Left
End plain text.]
A Christmas Classic. Doctor Who 4.11 × Turn Left
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Do I have a ton of wips, some with rapidly approaching deadlines? Yes. Did I spend my evening painting a dumbass catboy? also yes.
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[Image description: Behind the scenes photo of Billie Piper as Rose Tyler from Doctor Who. She is smiling and giving a double thumbs-up in front of a sign reading "Welcome to Hell". End description.]

found this picture last night and it is just... so joyous
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I'm given to understand that many of the gay people in my computer have Opinions and Feelings about Thirteen licking her lips. So I guess this one's for you?
ID: a realistic digital painting of the thirteenth Doctor thoughtfully licking her upper lip as she looks off to the side.
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romanamor floor time
[ID: art of Romana I and Romana II. Romana II is shown lying on the floor, propping herself up with one arm; Romana I is shown sitting on the floor. Both appear contemplative. /end ID]
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[ID: art of Romana I and Romana II leaning in, as if to kiss. /end ID]
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i repeat : romanamor
[ID: art of Romana II hugging Romana I from behind. Both are smiling. /end ID]
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[ID: a sketch of Romana I and II from Doctor Who. Romana II is standing up, one leg outstretched; Romana I is kneeling before her, looking up at her, and Romana II puts her hand out for her. /end ID]
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romana i I love you
[ID: art of Romana I from Doctor Who smiling. She is shown on a pink background. /end ID]
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[ID: text from a Doctor Who sourcebook. It concerns the Master. It reads: "This entry contains information on one of Gallifrey’s most dangerous enemies, the renegade Time Lord known as the Master. The Master has, in some fashion yet unknown, erased his Biodata entry from the APC Net. As a result, the only information about him that we now possess has been drawn from the memories of the Doctor. It is, therefore, highly subjective, and Time Lords consulting this section should be aware that the Doctor’s perceptions do not always correspond with Reality.
Lord Engin, Coordinator of the APC Net
Appearance: Height: Average Build: Average Looks: Sinfully attractive Apparent Age: Middle-aged Actual Age: 800+ Number Of Regenerations Used: 12 (now using stolen body) Recognition Handle: Satanic beard; piercing blue eyes; black dress; black gloves." /end ID]
Just been reading through the Doctor Who FASA RPG Field Agent sourcebook and UMMM…
o h m y g o d …
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I tried combining meme formats and it just made it look like Mrs Flood was being even meaner to poor Cherry
(image description: Cherry Sunday from Doctor Who excitedly saying "I would love the Rani to return," then Mrs Flood responding "Well, we'd all like a lot of things you piece of shit stoner")
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