Taco's Crazy Ramblings
14 posts
My silly little blurbs and writings. Primarily I'll be writing about Undertale AUs I can't write, but I'll also post updates on my stories here.
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taco-rambles · 3 months ago
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taco-rambles · 3 months ago
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taco-rambles · 3 months ago
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taco-rambles · 3 months ago
we need more divorcebaiting. how strongly can canon imply (without technically outright stating) that these two characters are bitterly, acrimoniously divorced? essential we explore this
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taco-rambles · 3 months ago
Dead serious
Danny had always had a high pain tolerance. It came from both his injuries and the bullying at school(plus the times at home when the food fought back or weapons misfired.) it was something he was grateful for as phantom. It meant that shots that would’ve kept any normal person down, didn’t phase him as much. He was delighted when he realized his soulmate was not getting hurt as much now then he was when they were young(Danny refuses to think about how he was researching child abuse, and had to put his laptop away at nine years old when he started to realize that he qualified for it too.) he hoped his soulmate was safe.(he was so so sorry they had been stuck with him. He was so so sorry they had to feel this pain. At night sometimes he worried about they hated him for making them suffer, tracing over the Lechtenberg scars and hoping his soulmate was somehow oblivious to the pain. right now he could only help his soulmate didn’t feel him being cut open.)
Damien had always been conflicted about his soulmate. Growing up, he was taught soulmates for a weakness, so he ignored the pain that would come from his soulmate. However, father taught him soulmates were gift, and slowly became more used to his soulmate.(he often worried for his soulmate, wondering if there’s any way to find him. It only seemed that his soulmate was getting worse pain as Damien got away from the league.)(Alfred and Drake were the only ones there when his soulmate was electrocuted. The pain was worse than anything Damien had felt, and he was brought to his knees for a few agonizing seconds. When he came to, Drake was crowding around him while Alfred prepared medical supplies. He was only ever able to inform a broken voice that his soulmate had gotten hurt.(he was never so relieved when the next day he felt poking sensation in his arm that wasn’t his.))
It was in the middle of dinner when he felt the tearing sensation across his chest, and he couldn’t help but let out a wine, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Pain was excruciating, and he barely managed to choke out the words “My soulmate” before the pain got loud enough that he had to bite his tongue to keep from letting out yells. Even all of his torture training didn’t make sense in the face of this. He could barely register what was happening around him. He didn’t even notice father calling Constantine to see if there was a way to track down his soulmate or a way to make the pain stop. He couldn’t even feel Grayson‘s arms around him. All he could feel the pain of being cut open, of being vivisected. All he could do was hope against hope that his soulmate could be found before the pain stopped for good.
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taco-rambles · 3 months ago
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S.686 - RESTRICT Act
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taco-rambles · 3 months ago
Having ADHD is so fun because sometimes youre looking for something that you use regularly and definitely put away in a smart and reasonable place and you have absolutely 0 hope of remembering where and finding it. And then other times ur like "hmm I need a some kind of small pointed object. I feel like i remember seeing a paperclip under the left couch cushion a month ago, i wonder if its still there" and it is
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taco-rambles · 3 months ago
It's so much worse than boxers or briefs. Apparently, Ra's has an affection for less. He's left standing there as the rest of his clothes disintegrate around him, wearing only a banana hammock.
Or less .. dealers choice. Tim and Danny are both wanting brain bleach please. This has gone from fun to horrifying in the most hilarious way. And it's nowhere near as simple to re make the clothes as it was to take them apart.
Ra's smiled as he looked at the young Detective. He was trapped. If he did not acquiesce to Ra's's demands, then his new friend would perish. The other boy's shirt was already soaked with his blood.
The other boy did not look concerned by the fact that he was losing blood in the slightest and Ra's wondered where Timothy had found someone too stupid to realize their mortal peril.
"Well," said the other boy as he stretched--wasn't that the arm Ra's had cut off? "It's nice to know that the whole 'elderly Froot Loop' who wants to force a teen into being his protege is something that transcends dimensions."
Timothy looked at the other boy. Then his eyes moved to the ground, where the severed arm was still lying. "No shit," he asked.
"Sadly, no. Ugh, I'm covered in blood again." The other boy--flickered. That was the best way that Ra's could describe it. The blood then fell through his body to land on the floor. "That's better."
"Oh, that's good. You must save a fortune on cleaning."
"You'd think so, wouldn't you?"
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taco-rambles · 5 months ago
Reminder that you can block most ads on Android. yes, including youtube ads.
Steps: Download Firefox -> Install uBlock Origin extension.
That's literally it. Enjoy ad free web browsing while we still (barely) have it!
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taco-rambles · 5 months ago
If you’re pining you need to stop and pick a different tree. You know, spruce it up a little
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taco-rambles · 5 months ago
DC XDP prompt: Danny falls out of a portal literally into Batmans arms in a JL meeting.
Feel free to play with this. I probably will write more, but I'm STUCK and don't know how to write the JL or anyone else for that matter.
The Justice League meeting had gone very well. For once there were no major crisis from anyone attending, and all of the regular members of the league were in attendance. A few of the second row hero’s had begged off for one reason or another, but nothing that was a threat of any real kind.
Batman was wary, and on edge as the meeting wrapped up. It was never this simple, it just couldn’t be. There was always some kind of threat to keep an eye on, but the worst thing that had come up during the meeting were routine security updates.
No one else seemed to be on edge from the far too calm, routine meeting, and Bruce had just about convinced himself that it was really just one of those meetings where nothing outrageous would happen. It was ideal even…
Then the alarms went off, in the specific modulation that indicated a magical incursion.
Batman wasn’t the only one who’s hands went to weapons when the portal materialized above the meeting room table only a moment after the alarm went off. Swirling lazarus green had him ready for the fight even as the rest of the league went into defensive positions around the incursion.
“What…” Flash started to ask about a minute later when nothing had happened yet, the alarms still blaring.
That’s when something came flying out of the portal, at speed, back first.
Batman had a split second to decide to attack… or not. A split second to try to process the impressions and decide if this was an attack.
The portal closed as he cradled the small body that had crashed into his arms, the alarms silencing a moment later as the rest of the league tried to catch up, all of them wondering if this was some new threat.
Batman looked down at the child in his arms, a boy in his mid teens and small for his age, with white hair framing a frighteningly familiar looking face, gently pointed ears, and fangs in a mouth that gasped for breath against pain. The eyes were closed, twisted tight as the child clutched at his chest and belly, holding together severed flesh that leaked lazarus green blood from a clinical and too regular wound. Fingers tipped with small claws spasmed, tears coming from closed eyes.
“Batman?” Wonder Woman asked, Diana’s voice filled with concern as Bruce wrapped the child in his arms and stood up from where he had been knocked on his ass catching said child.
“Call down to medical. Severely wounded unknown,” he snapped, moving towards the door, only to stop as there was a flash of light in his arms, and the child suddenly gained a solid weight that was closer to human. The blood dripping from passed out hands was now brilliant red, fingertips blunt with chewed nails, the boy’s skin going from pale white to… a healthier tone.
Bruce consciously stopped cataloging his observations then, swiftly making his way to medical. Whatever this boy was, whether he intended to tug at Batman’s heart the way he was or not, was severely wounded and needed medical attention immediately.
He could process it all, and wonder why a child looking exactly like Damian Wayne had been thrown into his arms through a lazarus portal later.
An hour later, after a discreet call to his youngest just to be sure, Bruce watched the now sedated child in the medical cot, working on trying to face match the databases and find out if the child came from earth or not.
The searches primarily turned up Damian Wayne. Bruce knew for certain this child was not his son, but he was also running a DNA analysis because this Might be his son. It made a disheartening amount of sense for this boy to be another version of Damien, perhaps from another dimension, or some manner of clone, or perhaps Talia had simply hidden another child of his away… Bruce needed to narrow down the possibilities, to find the truth.
Of course, it was equally possible that this boy was some manner of mimic, taking on a form that would ensure his safety in unknown environment, a shape shifter intentionally injuring himself in order to infiltrate the Watchtower. Though that last theory didn’t make sense for a number of reasons. Most shape shifters would be secure enough in their abilities to simply try to mimic someone who already had access to the watch tower, to say nothing of the boy’s dramatic entrance.
Batman wasn’t thinking logically. Bruce couldn’t simply leave the boy here though. Not until he knew more, everything relevant by preference. The thought that this might be his son in any way was enough to keep him near, but he could already tell he was compromised.
He had already informed Diana and Clark, and both of them had agreed that he should stay nearby until they had the situation sorted out.
Bruce had been stuck in a circular though pattern for about fifteen minutes when a green form came into the room, J’onn looking at him calmly.
“Can you find anything out?” Batman asked without preamble, unable to bring himself to observe polite pleasantries when he was so unsettled.
“Nothing beyond surface thoughts. The boy’s mind is static and pain of the emotional kind,” J’onn stated after a moment.
Batman nodded, accepting the answer. J’onn’s abilities weren’t always the answer to everything, could indeed often be a crutch that led to the wrong answers. But they could also give the Justice League a starting point often enough.
“You should rest friend. It is unlikely that the boy will awaken soon…” J’onn cut himself off with a quiet look at the boy. “Or not. He’s coming around.”
Batman watched as the child’s eyes blinked open, drowsy expression turning to the two heros without much recognition. Bruce didn’t let himself react, kept himself in a calm pose even as his mind once more went into overdrive.
The boy had blue eyes, not green like Damian's.
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taco-rambles · 9 years ago
Frisk regularly does the Impossible
So... Plot seed~
Frisk regularly does the impossible. This time, the impossible is just a lot more impossible than usual, but that doesn’t stop them from getting it done. Frisk manages to reset the time line far enough back that Chara is still alive and hasn’t eaten the buttercups yet. Asriel is still alive. The monsters still have hope.
THERE IS NO NEW WAR WITH HUMANS. Asgore never declares war on humans... It’s  up to the Plotseed adopter (? is there a better word for that?) whether or not the other humans ever fall, or if they stay in the underground or have to find a way home. If they stay in the underground, are they still around when Frisk gets there? Is Chara still alive when Frisk gets there. Personally, I’ll give bonus Kudos to whoever decides that due to some weird quirk of monster adoption and/or Boss Monsters, Chara is aging like a Boss Monster instead of a human (Sooo... rather slowly... so still a teenager and thus around when Frisk shows up 8D)
The kicker to the whole idea? Chara knows about a genocide run timeline, a neutral timeline, and a Pacifist run timeline all from the get go. They remember becoming the demon that comes when you call it’s name, and they remember Frisk arguing for a peaceful route. They remember murdering Flowey, and hugging Asriel before he turns back into a soulless flower, and they’re determined not to let that happen again. Only the time when Chara would have commited suicide rolls around... and Asriel starts acting strange because now he’s remembering too. Then Sans Remembers on the day Frisk came to the underground (or not... o.O Sans is ambiguous on how much he figures out of what’s going on anyways...)
Then Frisk comes back.. and didn’t remember until the day they fell to the underground.
So what happens? Are the other fallen children still around? Did they find a way to get the Fallen children home safely? If so, did anyone believe them about monsters and magic under the mountain? are there new legends or did the humans start working on a way to break the barrier and free everyone? If so Did Frisk meet anyone in new and different ways? If not, did the fallen children stay in the underground, making lives for themselves? Did they end up changing because of living with the magic? Are they still alive? How long did it take for more humans to fall? Did they age and eventually die and donate their souls to the monsters for breaking the barrier? How do the monsters react in either situation?
It would thrill me to see someone write this XD...
I may eventually get to it.. but maybe not.
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taco-rambles · 9 years ago
Plot Seed Up for Adoption!
So I’m a little bit weird when I’m sharing plot seeds and story points that I write. I don’t care if someone else ‘steals the idea’ because whatever anyone else writes won’t be what I write. My brain is fairly unique, and I’m confident that the ideas I come up with will never be the exact same as others. That being said, I kind of LOVE the idea of seeing the stories that other people come up with from the same ideas!
So I’ve got a plot bunny that it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting to any time soon, and I wanted to share it. If I do find time for it between the SNAFU that is RL and working on other stories and fics, I’ll come back to it, but until then, pot seed up for adoption.
In this plot seed, which I’m sure someone else has already come up with if only because there are no new ideas in the world,Frisk has soul mates.
Yes this is Undertale. So Frisk has at least seven soul mates, the seven main Monsters (Toriel, Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, and Asgore) and it’s all or almost all Platonic (I prefer Platonic soul mates, but if you adopt the bunny go with whatever floats your boat XD)
Humans have the names of their soulmates written on their bodies, and monsters can hear the songs in the souls of their soulmates. Frisk has at least the main monsters written on their body. Huge Bonus points if Frisk his covered neck to toe in the names of every monster they meet though, up to and including Asriel/flowey.
What would the journey through the underground be like if Frisk were also meeting all of their soulmates? what would living on the surface in a Pacifist run be like with all those soul mates? How deep would the pain run never seeing them again after a neutral run? What kind of horrors would lurk forever more inside of Frisk after killing all of them in a Genocide run? Do the names of dead soulmates fade away completely in that case or does something else happen to them? If so is Frisk relieved at no longer having all of these names making them different from other humans who only have one or two soul mates? or is there a deep aching lonelyness that can never again be filled? Do the resets affect the names of their soulmates? do little cracks appear in the names for every genocide run? do they heal with pacifist runs?
XD and if you do decide to give writing the idea a try, please link back to me so I can read it!
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taco-rambles · 9 years ago
Ground Breaking!
Greetings and salutations! I’ve made this Tumblr page to share my goofy ideas. Primarily, I’m going to be sharing Undertale AU ideas, but I’m also going to be posting the occasional snippet from my original stories and links to the stories on Ao3. Not to mention that there will definitely be the occasional bit of art up here.
I’m hoping to keep up with this page, but because I’m me and I don’t like making promises, well... no promises. :3
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