dreamoutloudz · 4 years
Grief’s visit
I have
a poem
that my mind
to sleep
and every morning that I awake.
and although, I don’t like it very much
It is engrained in my mind
and like the best of hard-drives-
it has decided,
it will not be erased.
You are not here anymore.
My mind whispers to me as I fall asleep
and my eyes open the door and turn the key
They have let the thoughts loose.
You are not here anymore
I scramble to chase them
You are not here anymore
The memories continue to pour in
They become a river and I decide to fall in- I let the river take me,
I should have known It would become my enemy.
as It attempts to drown me- and what if I let it.
You are not here anymore
The water spits me out it has feed on enough of my tears.
You are not here anymore I continue to search for the lost words-
I run through the abandoned tunnels, they send chills through my arms
They tell me to continue walking but, I ask for one more hug
“He is not here anymore”
words echo in the dark
I shake my head “no”.
I call the air back into my lungs-
My breath mimics the land during an earthquake, as I let it go.
You are not here anymore.
But you were once.
This poem is about grief. I recently lost someone close to me that meant a lot these are the words that came out because of it. It’s the best way I could express it. Thanks for reading.
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dreamoutloudz · 4 years
Grief’s visit
I have
a poem
that my mind
to sleep
and every morning that I awake.
and although, I don’t like it very much
It is engrained in my mind
and like the best of hard-drives-
it has decided,
it will not be erased.
You are not here anymore.
My mind whispers to me as I fall asleep
and my eyes open the door and turn the key
They have let the thoughts loose.
You are not here anymore
I scramble to chase them
You are not here anymore
The memories continue to pour in
They become a river and I decide to fall in- I let the river take me,
I should have known It would become my enemy.
as It attempts to drown me- and what if I let it.
You are not here anymore
The water spits me out it has feed on enough of my tears.
You are not here anymore I continue to search for the lost words-
I run through the abandoned tunnels, they send chills through my arms
They tell me to continue walking but, I ask for one more hug
“He is not here anymore”
words echo in the dark
I shake my head “no”.
I call the air back into my lungs-
My breath mimics the land during an earthquake, as I let it go.
You are not here anymore.
But you were once.
This poem is about grief. I recently lost someone close to me that meant a lot these are the words that came out because of it. It’s the best way I could express it. Thanks for reading.
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dreamoutloudz · 4 years
Why haven’t I found the one?
Am I so difficult to love?
Why haven’t I found the one.
Is he lost?
Where is he hiding.
Does he want to be alone?
Most times I do too,
to get away from the noise,
at times I’m even scared to find you.
I’m scared I won’t be strong enough to keep you,
Or you won’t be strong enough to stay.
Maybe even, we’ll both be dumb enough to not be able to find our way.
If you are my home
Keep building the walls,
When you reach the roof
The smoke will clear the fog and show me the way.
Or may
Both our roofs will clash someway.....
- someday
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dreamoutloudz · 4 years
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This is about when someone has all those qualities you seem to be looking for. But you just can’t feel that way about them.
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dreamoutloudz · 4 years
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I wrote this :)
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dreamoutloudz · 4 years
If you were a poem
You would be a beautiful one
One that breaks your heart and tells you they love you, then leaves you wondering what you did wrong
You’d be the kind I would read too much into, but really wasn’t that deep.
You’d be the kind, the one, I’d come back to in a couple of months and realize “yea this wasn’t the one”
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dreamoutloudz · 4 years
They say “go on there’s nothing wrong with being vulnerable”
Then tell you to not cry,
Unless you’re alone and by yourself
So there’s nothing wrong with being vulnerable as long as no one can hear you cry?
Feel your pain inside,
Know there’s hurt falling off a smile like a landslide.
Makes them question
“Where’s the landscape”
The concept confused my mind
They say “there’s nothing wrong with being empathetic, sympathetic” but it’s pathetic when you allow others to see you cry,
When you show you have a side that feels deep, and hurts inside.
They say “the world needs more people like you”
But say your too much
When you always try to be by their side
So which one is it?
Am I supposed to be brave all the time or Hide my human side.
they say “there needs to be more people like you in this world”
But make you close your blinds as they pass by,
The only time they want people like you is when they need to vent n cry,
Need someone by their side.
Feel some love, the kind they’ve been denied.
Walk away and pick you, now your the bad guy.
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
i love you
I’m sorry if i couldn’t show it
if i was too scared, but my intention was never to forfeit
i deposited my feelings in storage and stored them away
- you were right 
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
You always pick you
I always pick my heart and so, I pick you
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
I don’t wana rely on anyone to be “okay”. I want to be that for me. I want to okay on my own.
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
love like yours isn’t found by by even the greatest of lovers
Forgive me
It feels like it’s been raining a hundred days do you feel me?
Rain drops falling down on my face
(on me, down on me mmmmm)
And if you leave I might not recover, they say love like this isn’t heard by by even the greatest of lovers……please
Heal me.
I been feeling cold, freezing in the sunshine
I can’t seem to hold
a line on my face, breaks my mold
facades are catching up to me
my breathing isn’t controlled, can you heal me?
Can you hear me…..will you please heal me.
I know it’s not my fault, but I can’t seem to forgive myself-
Can you give me some kind of clarity into this all,
I can’t hear the positive thoughts
I don’t know what it is, but it’s eating me
Breaking me, beating me
I’m losing a battle with myself, within myself
And suddenly I turned to stone
Regardless of it all, can you still feel me?
Twenty five thousand questions left unanswered, hanging questions marks in the sky
If this were a comic they would all be above my mind
I’ve been praying for the most of nights, but I still don’t feel you by my side
I know it’s me, I’ve been beat, I’m missing parts of me, complete.
I know your watching me, wish I could hear
I’m living blinded and only partly hearing from one ear
I know it’s not your fault, I know you’re trying to let me know
And I pray above it all, I find my peace
Fallen stone, stories
Please help me find the glory
I’ve been lost as long as I can remember
Can you heal me. please
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
I miss you
But I can’t be with you
Not right now
Not with my state of my mind
I’m talking too loud-
I miss you but I can’t rely on you to heal me
I want that to be me
I miss you, I wish you could hear me
I love you, but I can’t put this burden on you
I love me and it’s fine if I lost you
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
Dear God
Dear God,
Healing is not easy, why do people make it seem like it’s pretty.
It must be beautiful when you make it to the other side, when you reach the gate of “I’m fine” and you don’t have to lie
But, me I’m a mess I’m laying far, I’m on the other side and I don’t like this place. To be honest I wish I could skip this mess. I wish I could be in another dimension, the me that lives so care free. Suffer free but, I’m suffering. I suffered is that what makes me me?
Is it bad to say I don’t care I’d rather be the me who didn’t stuffer anywhere.
I’d rather be the me that feels like she deserves to be up there.
By your side. I don’t understand so many things, my mind is but a grain of sand, while the most brilliant of minds brains is like a pebble.
In this gold mine I want my heart and mind to be one piece, can you help me create peace within me, make it make sense when I feel like life isn’t worth living.
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
You always pick you
I always pick my heart and so, I pick you
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
i love you
I'm sorry if i couldn’t show it
if i was too scared, but my intention was never to forfeit
i deposited my feelings in storage and stored them away
- you were right 
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
love like yours isn’t found by by even the greatest of lovers
Forgive me
It feels like it’s been raining a hundred days do you feel me?
 Rain drops falling down on my face
(on me, down on me mmmmm)
 And if you leave I might not recover, they say love like this isn’t heard by by even the greatest of lovers……please
Heal me.
I been feeling cold, freezing in the sunshine
I can’t seem to hold
a line on my face, breaks my mold
facades are catching up to me
my breathing isn’t controlled, can you heal me?
Can you hear me…..will you please heal me.
I know it’s not my fault, but I can’t seem to forgive myself-
Can you give me some kind of clarity into this all,
I can’t hear the positive thoughts
I don’t know what it is, but it’s eating me
Breaking me, beating me
I’m losing a battle with myself, within myself
And suddenly I turned to stone
Regardless of it all, can you still feel me?
Twenty five thousand questions left unanswered, hanging questions marks in the sky
If this were a comic they would all be above my mind
I’ve been praying for the most of nights, but I still don’t feel you by my side
I know it’s me, I’ve been beat, I’m missing parts of me, complete.
I know your watching me, wish I could hear
I’m living blinded and only partly hearing from one ear
I know it’s not your fault, I know you’re trying to let me know
And I pray above it all, I find my peace
Fallen stone, stories
Please help me find the glory
I’ve been lost as long as I can remember
Can you heal me. please
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dreamoutloudz · 5 years
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The beauty in us was that we didn’t have to try
The beauty in us was the honestly, the truth that there were no lies
I have never been so effortlessly myself with someone
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