Online I go by Miss Hennessy. Feel free to reach out to me any time you need a person to talk to. I will reply as soon as utterly possible. I may not know you, but I promise, I do care. I am not a therapist. I have no special training. My advice and my opinions are my own thoughts - all based off of my own personal experiences (be them experienced myself or having witnessed another experiencing them) and based on research I do on my own through various sites and resources. I am only ever giving you the same advice that a friend would, and what I say should never be taken as professional advice for any reason. I am doing this because I genuinely care about people and am always wanting to help. I always want people to know that they are not alone and that even when it doesn't seem like it, that there's someone out there that cares about them. I want people to be happy and to be positive even when it's tough. I've been there. We all have. So know you're not alone.
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I am not sure if I'm falling out of love. I have known my partner for a great many years but most of my relationships have tanked in past years. I deeply cared for them at the beginning of the relationship and before that because we've been friends since we were young but I've been feeling a bit less lovey dovey over the last months and I'm not sure why. I've been having trouble with depression but why would that affect how much I love someone? Would you have any tips for me to renew my love?
Depression definitely affects how you are with other people - and that includes those that you love. I know that when my husband when through his severe moment of depression, he would constantly pick fights with me. He never touched me. He didn’t even want to be around me and he would constantly push me away any chance he could get. After that depression cloud lifted, he was back to his old self: loving me, joking around with me, constantly wanting to hold me and kiss me and tell me how beautiful I am. And same for when I had my moment of severe depression. My husband thought I was cheating on him or that I had fallen out of love. I finally had to tell him that I’m going through a lot right now and keep falling in and out of depression, and that it’s making it hard for me to be close with anyone. So depression could be the major factor in what is going on between the two of you.
I would first focus on the depression and getting things cleared up. Find reasons to be positive. Find reasons to laugh and smile more. Keep yourself busy with cleaning and organizing and going out, taking walks, working out, hiking, whatever. Get your mind active so that it has little time to dwell on the negativity.
I would also take some time to think about why you’re distancing yourself from them. It is always possible to fall out of love with someone. It sucks, but it does happen and I’ve dealt with it once before. One day I thought I was in love and the next I couldn’t understand why I was with the person anymore. So make sure that hasn’t happened. Kiss them. Do you feel anything special? And I don’t mean a peck on the cheek. Kiss them passionately. Is there anything still there? Cuddle with them and when they wrap their arms around you, do you still feel warm and safe there? Even when you’re not in the mood to be held, let him hold you. Joke around with him. Be playful. Kiss him on the cheek randomly. Tell him you love him for no reason - just out of the blue.
And if it’s just not there anymore, if you just don’t feel that same connection, then you have to do what’s right and end the relationship. I definitely say give it a chance first. First try and find those feelings again by acting like a couple who has just fallen in love - or who has just gotten together. Get back to being flirty and fun and playful with one another. But if a month or two goes by and you just don’t feel the same way you used to, it isn’t fair to him or even to yourself to keep a loveless relationship going. And that’s how you should explain it. Let them know you do still love them, but just not in the same way. That you tried to see if it was just your depression making you feel that way, but you truly believe that you’re just in two different places now.
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Your mind can be a prison. But you have created that prison, and that means you can break it down.
Miss Hennessy
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Quote by Marcus Aurelius | support blog.
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idk if i have useless lesbian syndrome or if my crush actually likes me back?? her and i do soccer together and ik she’s bi, and we kinda playfully tease and compliment each other (we spent over a minute saying no u after she called me pretty once) and today she offered me pocky and i tried to grab it and she said “no, let me be gay” and fed it to me, but idk if she was just joking, yk?? any advice for a useless lesbian???
Step one: stop calling yourself useless. You know that isn’t true. Don’t ever talk shit about yourself - even just to yourself. Unless you’re doing it sarcastically. Because there are plenty of dumb people in this world that feel a need to bring others down, and that will at times feel the need to bring you down. So if there are plenty of them, why do you need to add one more to the mix by being hard on yourself as well?
As for what you should do with your crush... first thing, a little back story on my end. In high school, I hung out with the “gay group” of my grade. I thought I was bisexual. Now that I’m older I know that I am not. That goes the same for a few other bisexuals that were in that group back then. Whereas others are now fully lesbian. So, it can go either way. However I know a lot of people that my lesbian friends would date that were supposedly bi, and then they ended up being as straight as straight can be. So be careful with that and be absolutely positive that if you’re going to try and move forward with this person, that it’s something you can truly be with. Not someone that only dates guys but claims to be bi because “it’s the cool thing to do” or whatever. Or because “everyone else is doing it”. Ya know? Ask yourself: does she only date guys? Or does she date girls too? And if she does date girls; does she date them the exact same way as she dates guys? For example, does she hook up with them just like she would a guy? One thing that showed me that I was only experimenting and not actually bisexual was that when I did date a girl, we weren’t very physical with one another. Sure we made out but we didn’t go much further than that. Or only when we were drunk did we do much.
If you truly believe this is someone who is bi and not someone who’s just doing it for the attention or because they think it’s the cool thing to do at the moment, then I say you bring it up. Text them if you really can’t bring yourself to say it face to face (but in person is always best, of course). Tell them that you like them more than a friend and you want to know if the feeling is mutual. Because if it is, you want more to come of it. And if it isn’t mutual, you can move along and find someone who feels the same way about you. Just be honest and up front. There is nothing wrong with that. And tell them, “I don’t want anything to change between us, so if you don’t feel the same way I feel about you about me, then that’s totally fine. Nothing has to change between us. I just need to know so I know which road to go down: do I pursue more or do I respect your feelings and stop flirting so I can focus on flirting with someone who I have a chance with?”
But of course word it in a way that fits how you actually talk.
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Stop. Close your eyes. Inhale slowly. Exhale slowly. Repeat.
Miss Hennessy (support blog)
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- Virginia Woolf | support blog.
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You are not alone. Just remind yourself of that. Know that you can talk to someone. Know that not everyone will judge you. Facebook is RARELY the place to go for help. Instead, find a forum dedicating to people who have anxiety. There are PLENTY! Or, you know, you can always just contact a certain blog *wink* | support blog.
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Hi, my boyfriend told me some narrowminded thoughts he has and he's not able to understand when I explain why I think what he says is wrong. Would you leave your partner if they said something problematic? I have been single for years, and now that I have doubts about him, it makes me think that I don't like people if they are not "perfect" for me. You think it's bad to continue a relationship with someone who has different opinions on serious facts? I'm not sure about not seeing him anymore
Have the two of you been together for long? And are this beliefs and opinions negatively affecting your relationship in other ways? Those are two things I would consider before jumping to a decision on leaving them.
My husband and I have some extremely different opinions from one another. Some of the things he thinks, I think he’s ignorant to believe - and he also thinks some of mine are stupid. But besides when the topic comes up (and typically it happens one time and never again comes up), it doesn’t affect us or our relationship. He’s entitled to his thoughts and I’m entitled to mine. As long as our thoughts don’t affect the way we act physically, I see no harm in being with someone who doesn’t feel the same way as me on every topic.
Also, it’s okay to be picky, but don’t over do it or you’re going to miss out. No one is perfect and every single person you date is going to have flaws. There’s always gonna be something about them that annoys you. But part of being in a serious relationship is putting up with someone’s flaws and mistakes, and also making sacrifices and changes for the one you love. Long term relationships though, not short term. I don’t think you should change yourself for a new relationship unless it’s something severely unhealthy like you’re an alcoholic or a drug abuser and your new partner wants you to get clean or cut back. That’s understandable hah. But I think you get what I mean...
Sounds to me that you already don’t feel too sure about this person. Maybe you wanted to end it prior to this coming to light and you’re just using this as a reason to leave. Personally I don’t think it’s enough of one, but consider other factors like if this is the only thing wrong and otherwise they’re perfect? Or do you just not feel anything for them anymore?
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I know things are bad right now, but that doesn't mean we as people have to be bad too.
Miss Hennessy (support blog)
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Miss Hennessy I need some advice. I met this boy and we've been together for nearly a year now. I'm genuinely in love with him and think he's in love with me too. However sometimes he gets very handsy and won't stop touching me whether it's feeling me up or tickling me even when I've said no. He tends to pin me under his weight and I can't push him off. I feel scared that he might go too far one day and I don't know what to do
Whether you’re in a relationship or not, no means no and it’s as simple as that. If you’re not ready to take things all the way, or to whatever next level is next for the two of you, that is entirely your right. I would suggest, before taking any drastic measures, that you should wait for a time that the two of you are sitting and relaxed, in a good mood, and bring it up calmly. Tell him that when he does that, that it makes you extremely nervous. Let him know that him doing that now (or in the past) makes it so that you’re scared to do more things with him, because you’re scared if he doesn’t listen when you say no, what if he doesn’t stop doing something when you’re actually physically involved? That him doing it to you now is actually making things difficult for the future. And lastly, be sure to tell him that you feel completely disrespected when he does it and that it isn’t fair to you. If he isn’t going to respect you, what’s the point of being together? Two people who are together, especially long term, have to have respect for one another or it’ll never work out and you want your relationship to work.
If it doesn’t stop, even after talking to him, I would say you may want to consider moving on. I know that isn’t the easy thing to do here, but is it worth being with someone that makes you think uncomfortable? That scares you? And like I mentioned, if he isn’t willing to listen to “no” now, what makes you think he will listen later when you’re doing something? What if you’re having sex and you’re in actual serious pain and he refuses to stop? What if something is physically and internally wrong and he doesn’t stop? Or what if one day he pushes it further than just pinning you down? What if he forces you to do things you aren’t ready to do or just don’t want to do? That would be rape. And that is not okay - whether you’re dating or not. Whether you’re in love or not. That does not matter.
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Thank you so much, sweet angel. You will get through this and you will come out much more stronger, happier, and wealthier in any sense than before. Best wishes!
Thank you so much. I appreciate that and I hope so too. So far, I’ve learned from all of the bad I’ve experienced. I am hoping that happens again and that I can share the good and bad, the pros and cons, the good decisions and the bad that I make through it.
Thank you again <3 Seriously. Means a lot.
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