delugeinacup · 4 days
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I feel like someone is standing next to me talking about how I'm dead
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delugeinacup · 16 days
nothing i own or interact with that is mine is female. my dog, male. my cats, male. my computer, male. my car, male. my fridge, male. everything is a he or him. everything. me, male too. im going against the grain; fuck all this "things that serve me are female" shit. not my boat, not my car, not my house, not my furniture, not my appliances, not my electronics, nothing. absolutely fucking nothing.
i think females have spent enough time occupying objects meant to serve and bear burdens, and take weight for us.
im not slotting in male for the same effect of dominance and servitude, rather, im just plain sick of the expectations, obligations, and tradition that was born out of domination. my fucking bed is a he, and so are my socks, and my bottle of pepsi, and they are doing me kind favors because i love them. the violence ends here lol. but so does the thematic oppressive history of gendered servitude.
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delugeinacup · 26 days
"so good for me" is the WORST line ive ever read in anything ever. if i never see it again, ill die happy. so tired, so overused, so boring. its in fucking every single goddamn fic ever written, anytime anything gets romantic/sexy/erotic/mildly sexual even when there's no sex in the fic at all. ugh.
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delugeinacup · 27 days
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#hi im a human and want to physically alter other living things to suit my aesthetic despite the harm it can do to other living organisms#this other living thing should be harmed and altered because im psychologically weak and also stupid and i keep imagining dumb shit#because i believe nonsense and hokey bullshit because IMAGINATION so real things should suffer for that#because my brain is broken and i cant just accept reality and id rather harm other things than work on myself#no no i get it. we got jokes and shit. the horror. the hilarity. the super clever references and humorous takes#still it pisses me off because this is how humans have been face fronting the fucking entire world and animal and plant kingdom without#regard to the damage its done to the entire fucking realm of existence. and weve ruined EVERYTHING#whether yall want to accept it or NOT plants are ALIVE. they are living things#and im currently fucking PISSED my home's insurance made me remove a gorgeous branch full of life and leaves and hurt my tree#just because it was “damaging” my roof. fuck my stupid not alive roof. ill take responsibility for that shit.#now because of this removed branch my tree ... my massive beautiful maple thats been protecting my house and reducing he ridiculous electri#bill... is vulnerable. it took damage for fucking WHAT? and it can get disease or infestations or simply suffer becuase of stupid fucking#human ignorance. fuck you. fuck ALL of you. the tree is more important than ANY living human in EVERY way#if my tree dies im killing everyone and then myself#i hope you all die. i hope i die. i hope all humans die. i hate everyone
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delugeinacup · 29 days
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delugeinacup · 2 months
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delugeinacup · 2 months
how some of yall write grown ass men:
they both brought their own cars, so they drove to the apartment in their cars, then parked their own cars beside each other in the parking lot and got out of their cars and shut their car doors and locked them and walked to tha apartment, away from their cars.
"he-hey, so..." bob stammered and blushed. "uh, umm, wh-what are we, uh d-doing?" stammered bob with a huge blush so bright it make him feel on fire. "the fuck you think, dumbass?!" jake cursed and stomped, blushing lightly as he cursed under his breath as he stomped to the elevator, dragging bob as he stammered and blushed and shook with nervous embarrassment.
they walked into the elevator through the elevator doors and the elevator closed before jake stabbed the elevator button for his floor with an angry grunt, ears pink in an angry blush. bob blushed and shuffled nervously in the elevator as the elevator rose to the floor, his blush growing hotter as the numbers rose in the elevator until they reached jakes floor.
"lets fucking go, asshole" jake cursed and stomped and dragged a blushing bob from the elevator, hands sweaty and hint of a blush on his neck. bob, a thirty six year old personal trainer and moderate youtube celebrity, was unsure what the aggressive man wanted of him. jake, the slender bad tempered thirty three year old reclusive scientist virgin grunted as he cursed under his breath and dragged the stammering blushing bob down the hall.
"ah, al-alright, j-jake. um." bob stammered and blushed and felt his face heat in a blush as he stammered and was dragged, stammering and blushing behind the stomping angry jake as he cursed under his breath and lightly blushed.
"curse curse curse" cursed jake as he stomped and cursed with a light blush. "stammer stammer blush stammer stutter blush" stuttered the stammering bob as he blushed some more.
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delugeinacup · 2 months
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i don't think we're talking enough about the bg3 underwear frankly
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delugeinacup · 4 months
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delugeinacup · 4 months
someguy watching two dudes hug after a tragedy while one cries over a loss: ugh, thats so gay.
somegirl: it is? i thought that was just friendship. huh! well, guess i ship them now! lol
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delugeinacup · 4 months
ghosts dont live in the woods, animals do. supernatural stuff in the woods isnt supernatural, its JUST natural, youre just urban or ignorant [not derogatory] and have heightened senses and anxiety and cant recognize or just dont know natural animal activity.
its wind and owls and various nocturnal animals and bugs and some diurnal animals who are still awake, or awakened and startled by weird shit happening [you] and skittering about. they are eating, nesting, hunting, foraging, traveling, playing, etc. its not spooky, its just life happing outside of your purview in a place you arent used to.
it IS scary, when you dont know, and somethings might be dangerous as you are invading their home and causing a ruckus and scaring them, so its best to jsut not be there if you dont have the familiarity or knowledge, or a guide/experienced person out there with you to explain the "happenings."
granted i do not believe in the supernatural so im not leaving a gap for the incomprehensibly exceedingly rare 1% of unexplainable events you might encounter, because those are also probably explainable with the right knowledge set.
but even if you DO believe, its very unlikely anything that happens in the woods is supernatural. if that kind of stuff is real, outside of some ancient convergence site or something, supernatural stuff would prob happen in areas humans regularly use. animals dont do dark magic and imbue things with negative energy by committing violence or worship of evil, thats people, so even when bad guys go in the woods to do bad magic evil stuff, its gonna be in a place thats obviously been touched by humans.
not even gonna touch on how many cryptids turn out to just be animals, often diseased or starving or injured or bearing the scars of human torture and abuse.
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delugeinacup · 5 months
Dog toy plushies have fundamentally different souls than that of regular plushies. Unlike regular plushies, which are content with just existing (and just go to regular heaven when they get destroyed and don’t mind being resurrected), dog toys seek Valhalla. This is why you don’t need to feel bad when your dog/cat/especially strong bird rips it to shreds, because this was the warriors death they were seeking all their life
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delugeinacup · 5 months
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They are one in the same. #ACAB
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delugeinacup · 5 months
People are passing food and water through the gates to the Columbia University Gaza Encampment protesters.
Columbia has completely shut down access to campus to try to starve the encampment.
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delugeinacup · 5 months
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delugeinacup · 5 months
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delugeinacup · 5 months
Columbia University associate professor Joseph Howley says allegations of “antisemitism” are being weaponized against student protesters demanding divestment from Israel.
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