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dasfreak270 · 7 years ago
"Always look to scripture, not what people say" Okay then, scripture says that hell doesn't exist, it was made up by people and passed down through tradition. What is promised is "eternal destruction", that is, cessation of existence, to people who don't follow Jesus Christ. That is what rejection of what people say, and rejection of tradition, looks like. Besides, Hell is taken from Norse Mythology.
I just saw your message, I rarely ever use Tumblr. Hell is read...Read The Bible 🔥📖🔥!!
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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The way we use our money is a barometer of our present Spiritual Condition. Our neglect of the poor illustrates much about where our hearts lie. But even more than that, the way we use our money is an indicator of Our Eternal Destination 🤔. The Mark Of JESUS CHRIST Followers is that their hearts are in Heaven and their treasures are spent there 👊🏽!! . Sharing GODLY Wisdom with my Brothers and Sisters...Simple pleasures in earthly treasures don't compare to Heaven by any measure 👊🏽!! . #Repent #Christian #Christians #Christianity #Brother #Brothers #Sister #Sisters #Preach #Preaching #Preacher #Preachers #PreachIt #Pastor #Pastors #KeepItReal #RealityCheck #PayAttention #GetItTogether #Heaven #Earth #Worldly #Secular #Eternity #Choices #Culture #Herald #Redeemed #Bold #Unashamed
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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I pray that we will be a people who refuse to gorge our Spiritual stomachs on the entertaining pleasures of this world, because we have chosen to find our satisfaction in The Eternal Treasure Of HIS Word 🔥📖🏃🏾💃🏼🌎🔥!! . Read The Word 🔥📖🔥!! You Will Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR!! . Peace and GOD Bless Your Souls 🔥🙌🏽🔥!! . #Christianity #Judaism #Islam #Buddhism #Hinduism #Unitarian #Universalism #Communal #Rosicrucianism #Occult #Theosophy #AliceBailey #Voodoo #Satanism #NeoPaganism #Wiccan #Spiritualism #NativeAmerican #Bahaism #NewAge #Sikhism #Scientology #Humanism #Deism #Taoism #Druidism #Zoroastrianism #Eckankar #CaoDaism #Religion
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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This Is Christianity : Believing JESUS CHRIST to be everything you need for every moment you live. You Live By Faith In THE SON OF GOD 👊🏽!! . Sharing The Gospel With Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Satanists, Atheists...🔥📖🔥"John 3:16 16 For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS Only Begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have Everlasting Life."🔥📖🔥 . Read The Word 🔥📖🔥!! You Will Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR 🔥🙌🏽🏃🏾💃🏼🌎!! . #Christianity #Judaism #Islam #Buddhism #Hinduism #Unitarian #Universalism #Communal #Rosicrucianism #Occult #Theosophy #AliceBailey #Voodoo #Satanism #NeoPaganism #Wiccan #Spiritualism #NativeAmerican #Bahaism #NewAge #Sikhism #Scientology #Humanism #Deism #Taoism #Druidism #Santeria #Rastafarianism #Religion #Shintoism
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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Can't sleep, someone needs to hear this...When the wolves come...Stay Close To THE SHEPHERD 🔥🙌🏽🏃🏾💃🏼🔥!! . Sharing The Gospel with my Brothers and Sisters, also a reminder to the sons and daughters of satan...🔥📖🔥"John 10:27-29 27 My sheep hear MY VOICE, and I know them, and They Follow ME: 28 And I give unto them Eternal Life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of MY HAND. 29 MY FATHER, Which Gave Them ME, Is Greater Than All; And No Man Is Able To Pluck Them Out Of MY FATHER'S HAND."🔥📖🔥 . Read The Word 🔥📖🔥!! You Will Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR 🔥🏃🏾💃🏼🔥!! . #MYLORD #GOD #AbbaFather #SONOFGOD #Jesus #JesusChrist #HolyGhost #HolySpirit #HolyBible #Bible #Gospel #Scripture #Preach #Preaching #Preachers #Preacher #PreachIt #Pastor #Pastors #Culture #KeepItReal #RealityCheck #PayAttention #GetItTogether #Biblical #Bold #Unashamed #Herald #Redeemed #Reborn
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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Beautiful day in the low 70's and getting my walk on 👊🏽🌲🚶🏽🌴!! . #GODLYWisdom #TrailWalk #Clarity #Lucidity #Detoxify #Detoxifying #Purify #Purifying #Nature #NatureLover #NatureLovers #Trees #Trees�� #Birds #Insects #Dirt #Passion #Intellectual #UnconditionalLove #LoveUnconditionally #Love #Peace #Joy #Forbearance #Kindness #Goodness #Faithfullness #SelfControl #Walking #Trail
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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GOD is building up a generation of Women who know how to fight 👊🏽!! Rise Up Women Of GOD 🔥🙌🏽💃🏼🔥!! This is how GOD Works...GOD Blesses HIS People So We Might Make HIS Glory Known To All Nations 🌎. No one regrets in Heaven for living and dying for the purpose of living and dying To Spread GOD'S Blessings 🔥🙌🏽🔥!! . You Are Made By GOD To Make Much Of GOD 🔥📖🔥!! . #Repent #GOD #AbbaFather #Jesus #JesusChrist #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #HolyBible #Bible #Gospel #Scripture #Sister #Sisters #WomanOfGOD #WomenOfGOD #Preach #Preacher #Preachers #Preaching #PreachIt #Pastor #Pastors #KeepItReal #RealityCheck #PayAttention #GetItTogether #Heaven #Disciple #Disciples #Herald
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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Sharing GODLY Wisdom with my Brothers and Sisters...The message of Biblical Christianity is not "GOD Loves me, period", as if we were the object of our own Faith 🤔!! The message of Biblical Christianity is "GOD Loves Me So That I Might Make Much Of HIM...HIS Ways, HIS Salivation, HIS Glory, And HIS Greatness...Known Among All nations 🔥🙌🏽🌎🔥 👊🏽"!! GOD Is The Object Of Our Faith, and Christianity Centers Around HIM!! We are not the end of The Gospel; GOD Is 🔥🙌🏽🔥!! . Sharing The Gospel with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Satanists, Atheists... The Gospel reveals The Glory Of GOD. According to GOD'S Word, HE Is The Sovereign Creator Of All Things 🔥🙌🏽🔥🌎!! . Read The Word 🔥📖🔥!! You Will Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR 🔥❤🔥!! . #Repent #GOD #AbbaFather #JesusChrist #Jesus #HolySpirit #HolyBible #Bible #TheGospel #Gospel #Christianity #Judaism #Islam #Buddhism #Hinduism #Unitarian #Universalism #Rosicrucianism #Occult #Theosophy #AliceBailey #Voodoo #Satanism #Atheism #Wiccan #Spiritualism #NewAge #Santeria #Herald #Redeemed
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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Bothers and Sisters we don't invest our lives in temporary trinkets. We invest our lives in Eternal Treasure 👊🏽!! Let us not waste today. Do something with your life that will matter when you're dead 🤔. . Read The Word 🔥📖🔥. You Will Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR 🔥🙌🏽🏃🏾💃🏼🌎🔥!! . #Repent #Bible #Heaven #PreachIt #KeepItReal #RealityCheck #PayAttention #GetItTogether #Preacher #Preach #Preaching #Preachers #Pastor #Pastors #Christians #Christian #Christianity #Disciple #Disciples #Believer #Believers #Biblical #Eternity #Worldy #Secular #Herald #Redeemed #Reborn #Bold #Unashamed
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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"TIME FOR CONVICTION"!! . Hypocritical Christian. Just because you post JESUS CHRIST under your caption or a Bible verse, doesn't mean you're Christian or even acting like one when you post photos like these, or selfies. You're using GOD as an opportunity to seek praise for yourself. If GOD is mentioned then the post should be about GOD, Not You 😏!! . If you really want to take a photo and post Scripture on it, then take a photo of you dressed modestly and then put this Bible Verse...🔥📖🔥"1Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that the Women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation ; Not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly clothing!!"🔥📖🔥 . May your character preach more loudly than your words 👊🏽!! . Read The Word 🔥📖🔥!! You Will Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR 🔥🙌🏽🔥!! . #Repent #SocialMedia #KeepItReal #GetItTogether #RealityCheck #PayAttention #PreachIt #Preach #Preaching #Preachers #Preacher #Pastor #Pastors #Biblical #HolyBible #Bible #Gospel #Scripture #Culture #Christian #Christians #Christianity #Disciple #Disciples #Herald #Servant #Steward #Instrument #Redeemed #Reborn
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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I'm not here for likes 👍🏽. I'm not here for my own praise 🙌🏽. I'm not here for my own followers 👨‍👩‍👦. I'm only here for you to build a relationship with GOD 🙇🏽. I'm only here so you will Study GODS' Word 🔥📖🔥. I'm here, so You Will Follow JESUS CHRIST 🔥🙌🏽🏃🏾💃🏼🌎🔥!! . Read The Word!! You Will Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR 🔥🙌🏽🔥!! . #Christianity #Judaism #Islam #Buddhism #Hinduism #Unitarian #Communal #Rosicrucianism #Occult #Theosophy #Voodoo #Satanism #NeoPaganism #Wiccan #Spiritualism #NativeAmerican #Bahaism #NewAge #Sikhism #Scientology #Humanism #Deism #Taoism #Druidism #Santeria #Rastafarianism #Satanism #Atheism #Hollywood #Religion
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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Brothers and Sisters we are not called to be popular. We are called to Be Biblical 🔥🙌🏽📖🔥!! Millions are still waiting to hear The Gospel, and you have a part to play in reaching them...Let Us Not Waste Today!! . Sharing The Gospel with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Satanists, Atheists... 🔥📖🔥"John 3:16 16 For GOD So Loved The World, That HE Gave HIS Only Begotten SON, That Whosoever Believeth In HIM Should Not Perish, But Have Everlasting Life"!!🔥📖🔥 . Read The Word 🔥📖🔥!! You Would Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR 🔥🙌🏽🏃🏾💃🏼🌎🔥!! . #Judaism #Islam #Buddhism #Hinduism #Unitarian #Universalism #Communal #Rosicrucianism #Occult #Theosophy #Voodoo #Satanism #Atheism #Agnosticism #NeoPaganism #Wiccan #Spiritualism #NativeAmerican #Bahaism #NewAge #Sikhism #Scientology #Humanism #Deism #Taoism #Druidism #Santeria #Rastafarianism #Religion #Herald
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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Always Be Different. Never Conform. Go Against The Grain. Always Be The Black Sheep. Better to be known as A Fighter. Better to be known as One With Conviction. Better To Die A Fearless Warrior Of JESUS CHRIST The King, than sheltered in the masses of sheep. GOD Loves Those Who Stand Up For HIS Values 🔥🙌🏽🏃🏾💃🏼🔥 and although those people may be hated here and their life may be hard here. The day will come when they see HIS Judgment upon the sheeple and they will claim their reward. The Only Goal Of This Life Is Upon Death To Hear..."WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT 🔥🙌🏽🏃🏾💃🏼🔥!! . Sharing GODLY Wisdom with my Brothers and Sisters...Do something with your life that will matter when you're dead 🤔!! . Read The Word 🔥📖🔥!! You Will Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR 🔥🙌🏽🔥!! . #Repent #GOD #JesusChrist #Jesus #HolySpirit #TheHolyBible #HolyBible #Bible #TheGospel #Gospel #Soul #Souls #Culture #Heaven #Hell #Biblical #Preach #Preacher #Preachers #PreachIt #Preaching #Pastor #Pastors #KeepItReal #RealityCheck #PayAttention #GetItTogether #Christian #Herald #Redeemed
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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What one must realize is that GOD has a purpose for each and every one of us on this earth. Your life and accomplishments may seem to pale in comparison to others like athletes, celebrities and politicians, rock stars or power players. These people are often worshiped as gods by others. GOD tells us not to have any idols, therefore, we must not idolize these people. However, someone who is simple, poor, and weak in the eyes of man may in The Eyes Of GOD Supersede All Of The People Society Has Idolized 👊🏽. You cannot judge a human beings worth based on what they have accomplished in the eyes of man, however, some of the least important people in the eyes of man are the most important in The Eyes Of GOD 🔥🙌🏽🏃🏾💃🏼🔥. So that poor person that you see with the smile on their face and The Bible in their hand may just be one of the biggest rock stars or celebrities or power players in The Eyes Of GOD. You never know when you're entertaining Angels 🤔. They often come as humble and meek and even physically weak. In summary, we must realize that our bodies are simply a house for our Souls and the most important thing is how Powerful Is Your Soul 🤔. Your body is just there as the house for your Soul while you make yourself a better person while you're on this earth. GOD put you here to Grow Spiritually, Love Unconditionally, and Learn The Life Lessons. So you may think your life is not that important but to GOD, you are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and HE Loves You just as much as HE Loves any person idolized by man. For in GODS' Eyes they are no more important than you. Always remember that and always do your best in life. Just Pray To GOD and ask HIM to use you to Fulfill Your Mission HE has for you on this earth 👊🏽!! . Read The Word 🔥📖🔥! You Will Fall In Love With THE AUTHOR 🔥🙌🏽🔥!! . #GOD #HeavenlyFather #JesusChrist #Jesus #HolySpirit #Bible #Gospel #Scripture #Soul #Souls #Purpose #Athlete #Celebrity #Politicians #RockStar #PowerPlayers #Worship #Glorify #Idolize #Culture #Herald #Reborn #Redeemed #LoveUnconditionally #UnconditionalLove #Love #Joy #Peace #Forbearance #Kindness
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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Remember, if you want to be truly happy and A Biblical Person, you cannot continually fill your mind with negative thoughts and information. The MSM is pretty much 100% negative 🤔. You can be in a great mood when you wake up and you turn on the tv, radio, or pick up the paper, and the headlines shove negativity down your throat 🤔. Try reading The Bible in the morning and listening to A Christian radio station when you wake up 🔥📖🔥. Surround yourself with Biblical people. If your friends constantly complain about how bad their lives are, pray for them, and try to change the subject 🙇🏽. If they continually criticize, condemn and complain about everything, it's time to find some new friends. Sometimes it's better to be alone and Biblical 🔥📖🔥, then be among narcissistic, selfish, self-centered, all consuming, and negative people 🤔. They say misery loves company. It does, and so does gossip, negativity, and despair. Stay far away from all of it. Focus on GOD. Make HIM Your Best Friend and You Will Have Life Forevermore 🔥🙌🏽🔥!! . Open The Bible! Learn It! Live It! Peace and GOD Bless Your Souls 🔥🙌🏽📖🏃🏾💃🏼🌎🔥 . #GOD #HeavenlyFather #JesusChrist #Jesus #SONOfGOD #HolySpirit #TheBible #Bible #TheGospel #Gospel #Soul #Souls #Christianity #Christians #Christian #Believers #Believer #SpiritualBattle #Culture #Mankind #Earth #World #Herald #Harbinger #Servant #Steward #Instrument #Messenger #Reborn #Redeemed
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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Looking out our window looks like a postcard 👊🏽!! . #HISFingerPrints #Sunday #Nature #Mountain #SilentLucidity #Herald #Servant #Steward #Instrument #Harbinger #Messenger #Winter #Snow #Snow❄️ #Leisure #LeisureTime #Joy #Peace #Love #UnconditionalLove #LoveUnconditionally #Forbearance #Kindness #Goodness #Faithfulness #Gentleness #SelfControl #Reborn #Redeemed #Disciple
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dasfreak270 · 8 years ago
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A great photo we took when we were up at The Ritz Carlton in Tahoe. It's a beautifull place and should be on everyone's bucket list 👊🏽!! . #HISFingerPrints #Privacy #Luxury #LuxuryLife #MountainLife #Mountain #Recharge #Resort #RitzCarlton #RitzCarlton🔥 #RitzCarltonHotel #TheRitzCarlton #Epic #EpicPhoto #EpicPhotos #EpicPlace #Beautiful #BeautifulPlace #BeautifulPlaceToBe #PutItOnYourBucketList #FineDining #Tahoe #TahoeLife #Serenity #PeaceOfMind #Peaceful #Rest #Relaxation #Nature #NatureLife
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