Damon Salvatore
668 posts
Turned in 1864 by a psychotic bitch named Katherine Pierce.
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If u were in TVD what character would u like to be any gender ( except Damon) and if you could change one thing in the show what would it be?
Hey there! My personality is similar to Caroline Forbes'. If I could change one thing in the show, what would it be?
Gosh, there are soooo many things that the show did differently than the book.
But the main thing I would change is how Elena is written for the TV Show versus how she's written for the books.
Book Elena is initially depicted as popular and confident, with a sense of entitlement that stems from her beauty and social status. She's described as blonde, blue-eyed, and the epitome of the "popular girl" stereotype. However, beneath this surface, she harbors deep insecurities and vulnerabilities, particularly after the death of her parents. This insecurity fuels her desire to find meaning and purpose in her life, leading her to seek out dangerous adventures and ultimately becoming entangled with the supernatural world.
Book Elena's journey is one of self-discovery and growth. She learns to confront her flaws and weaknesses, becoming more compassionate and selfless as the series progresses. Despite her flaws, she is fiercely loyal to her friends and will stop at nothing to protect them, even at great personal cost.
In contrast, the TV show Elena starts off as a more grounded character. She's brunette, with a more girl-next-door vibe, and her popularity isn't as central to her identity. Instead, she's depicted as a caring and empathetic individual known for her kindness and compassion.
TV Elena faces similar trials and tribulations as her book counterpart, but she has a greater sense of moral clarity and altruism. She is quick to forgive and often puts the needs of others before her own, sometimes to her detriment.
I personally think that if they had kept Elena's personality the same for the TV Show as the book, then the show would've been more entertaining and dramatic all around. Given what the writers did to Elena, I think Nina Dobrev did an excellent job. I think she would've done an even better job if TV Elena had the same personality as the book Elena.
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WWDD if he was very weakened and needed to fight an enemy against both of them and Elena offered to give him her blood to get his strength back?
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Weakness crept through him like a slow-moving poison, each step a struggle against gravity's grasp. Dried blood clung to his skin, some flakes drifting away with his movements, revealing raw, tender flesh beneath. The healing process was agonizingly sluggish, his body's natural resilience hampered by the lingering effects of the vervain coursing through his veins.
He blinked, uncertain, as the world around him blurred and shifted with every heartbeat. Yet there she was, kneeling before him, an apparition of hope in the darkness. Her outstretched wrist was an offering, a lifeline he didn't dare believe was real.
Her eyes, pools of desperate sincerity, pleaded with him, silently beseeching him to drink. And in that silent plea, he found his resolve. With a mixture of reluctance and determination, he leaned forward, his fangs piercing her skin, drawing forth the warm, intoxicating flow of life.
For him, it was an act of necessity, of survival. For her, it was an act of trust, of sacrifice. In that moment, as he drank from her, he understood the weight of his duty, the depth of his commitment. He would do whatever it took to protect them, to protect her, even if it meant draining her to the brink.
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What Would Damon Do?
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How It Works: 
 You send me an ask like:
    “What would Damon do if you asked him to move in with you?”
Make sure you start it with “What would Damon Do” or “WWDD.”
Then I will write a headcanon (max two paragraphs) on how Damon would react/what he would do.
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Platonic relationships are fine such as, “What would Damon do if he found Stefan stealing blood from the hospital?”
You can send your WWDD message here. 
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just sharing some damon fanfics 🖤
one night
↳ you had to share a room, and a bed with damon salvatore. you were in love with damon, even if he treated you terribly. will his feelings change over night?
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damon salvatore x reader
warnings: cursing, mean damon, insecurity
part count: 1/?
“oh, you have to be kidding me.” you heard damon say, leaning into the front desk counter. the salvatore brothers, elena and you had to spend the night at a hotel. you had all went find out more about isobel, elena’s biological mother. it was already night time, and stefan decided it was best to rest for the night and get back on the road in the morning.
you stood behind the salvatores as they tried to book you all rooms. the front desk had informed you that they only had two rooms, with only one bed each available. you didn’t see a problem with that, you were exhausted, and just needed to rest. but damon didn’t seem to like it, since stefan and elena would get to share one of the rooms. elena and stefan had been dating for a very long time, yet damon didn’t seem to ever move on from her. you on the other hand, liked damon, a lot. you could even say you were in love with him. but his attention has never been on you. it has always been elena.
“damon, it doesn’t matter. we need the rest, and there’s not any other hotels close by.” elena said, before sighing and leaning into stefan’s chest, tired. stefan nodded, looking at his brother, who only scoffed.
“yeah, cause you both get to share a room. me? i get y/n.” damon said, making your heart shatter. you thought you’d get used to his mean remarks but, it has never gotten any easier. you loved damon, but you had to admit that he wasn’t the sweetest person out there, at least not to you.
“come on, damon. stop. you could hurt y/n’s feelings.” stefan said, looking over at you, hoping you wouldn’t be upset over damon’s comment. you shrugged. it hurt, but at this point, you were so tired, you just needed to rest.
“it’s alright. i just want to sleep.” you said, hoping to head to the rooms soon. elena nodded, as she yawned a bit. damon took the keys, handing one to stefan, and began to walk towards the rooms. you could tell he was upset.
“i’m sorry about him. you know he can be a bit..” stefan started, apologetic for his brother’s behavior.
“of a dick? i know.” you finished, causing stefan to chuckle gently. he nodded. you smiled, wishing them a goodnight before walking towards your room. you sighed, a bit reluctant to open the door. it was an absolute dream to sleep next to the man you were so deadly in love with, but god, it truly felt so horrible and heartbreaking to know that he wished he were there with someone else, literally anyone else but you, it seemed.
you opened the door and saw him, sitting by the bed, with a bottle of alcohol in his hands. you decided to not say a word to him, and take a shower instead. you felt so dirty, you had sweat a lot during the day. you grabbed a few towels and walked towards the bathroom, soon locking yourself inside. you took a well-needed bath, you took your time in the bathroom, because honestly, you didn’t want to get out and deal with damon. you soon finished and got dressed once again. you walked out of the bathroom, drying your wet hair.
“finally.” damon said, dryly, before walking past you and locking himself in the bathroom. you sighed and continue what you were doing. you were too tired to deal with him. you lost no time, and headed over to the bed, where you finally laid to rest. you exhaled, before smiling. you got under the covers and decided to use your phone for a while. soon enough, damon came out of the bathroom.
he walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, completely shirtless. you almost stopped breathing as you looked at his gorgeous figure. damon salvatore was one of the most breathtaking men you had ever come across in your life. he was a dream come true, definitely too good to be true.. if it weren’t for that attitude he always had. after getting dressed, he got into his side of the bed, without saying a word to you.
it was freezing inside the room. even under all the covers, you felt extremely cold. you could feel the heat radiate from damon’s body and you wished you could just hug him, to both heat yourself up, and to feel him close. you didn’t even realize you had scooted just a little bit closer to him.
“god, y/n. can you back off?” damon said, looking at you, annoyed. you glared at him, completely confused. you didn’t even touch him.
“what? i didn’t do anything, damon. it’s just cold as hell in here.” you said, now getting mad at him. he exhaled, even more annoyed by you, before turning his back on you.
“i couldn’t care less, just give me space.” he finished and you just sighed. you even found yourself wondering why you were even in love with this man. he treated you so horribly. you also turned your back on him. now, you didn’t even want to be in the same bed as him. he was so mean to you, for no reason. what did you ever do to deserve such treatment from him? it wasn’t your fault elena didn’t love him back.
a hour passed, and you couldn’t seem to fall asleep. you kept overthinking everything. your feelings were hurt, and that seemed to keep you awake. being next to the person you loved, yet feeling so unwanted was not a nice feeling at all. you felt so.. disgusting in a way. you felt insecure, and just unlovable. you sighed, and got up from the bed. you decided to give damon the space he so desperately wanted. you grabbed your pillow, and headed to the couch. you laid down in the couch, and tried to finally fall asleep. soon enough, you did.
damon woke up in the middle of the night, feeling cold himself. he turned around, seeking your warmth, only to find he was alone in bed. he got worried quickly, wondering if something happened to you. he got off the bed, to look for you. he soon found you, sleeping in the small, uncomfortable couch next to the door. he didn’t know why, but his heart sank at the view.
he watched you as you slept, uncomfortably, hugging your legs to hopefully warm yourself up. you had no blanket protecting you from the cold. he cursed at himself. he sighed, walking closer to you, in order to pick you up and take you towards the bed. you didn’t deserve this. he gasped, as soon as his fingers touched your now cold skin. he almost started panicking, you were stone cold.
“fuck, you must be freezing.. fuck.” damon said under his breath, picking you up and leading you towards the bed. he laid you down on his side, since it still had his warmth on it, and covered you with the blankets gently. he got on your side and pulled your body close to his. he hugged you so softly, so tenderly. he had never been this way towards anyone.
he caressed your hair, cursing at himself over and over again for being so unexplainably mean and inconsiderate to you. you had done nothing wrong to him and he knew that. he always did this, taking out his anger on people who don’t deserve it. but it had never made him feel as guilty as this. he kept biting his lip anxiously, whenever he felt your cold skin. he spent the entire night holding you, making sure you were warm.
it was the next morning, and you were still incredibly tired. you had barely gotten any sleep. you woke up in the bed, confused. did damon move you? you didn’t care. you were still hurt, and slept in the cold for him. just because you didn’t want to be close to him, because he made you feel so unwanted. you were having breakfast, before hitting the road once again.
“how was your sleep, y/n? sorry to mention it, but you look a bit rough.” elena said, a bit worried for you, you chuckled a bit at her. she was sitting down next to you, while the salvatores sat across from you. damon kept his eyes locked on you, feeling terrible for your lack of sleep. he felt terrible for the way he has been treating you all together.
“i’m okay, elena. just want to go home.” you said, looking down at your plate. you just wanted to be alone. you missed your room. damon couldn’t help but feel even more worried for you.
soon, you all finished eating and decided to get back on the road. you were watching the brothers place all of your bags in the trunk of the car, while you and elena conversed. you were still cold, it was a cold day, very breezy. you couldn’t help but hug yourself, trying to warm up a bit. damon seemed to notice. he took off his jacket and walked over to you, then putting the piece of clothing around your shoulders. he didn’t say a word, and neither did you. even then, you were thankful. he nodded his head and walked back to stefan, who stared at him puzzled. damon had never been so kind towards anyone who wasn’t elena.
“alright, time to go.” damon said, getting on the driver’s seat. you nodded and walked towards the backseat, where elena stopped you. you giggled softly at her and nodded. she probably wanted to cuddle with stefan the whole ride back. you got into the passengers seat, leaving the two lovebirds in the back seat.
damon was glad you were next to him. it was like he needed to have his eyes on you, all the time. he needed to make sure you were alright and that you didn’t need anything. it seemed like after what happened, he realized how much he truly cares about you. he started driving, you knew the trip was going to be long, so you leaned on the window, and looked at the scenery.
you didn’t know you had fallen asleep until you woke up, around an hour later. you yawned softly, looking back at stefan and elena who were also sleeping, you smiled at them. you looked at damon, who was already looking at you. you broke eye contact and went back to watching through the window.
“are you feeling alright? do you need anything?” damon said lightly, staring at you once in a while. you looked at him, a bit shocked he was even asking.
“it’s okay, damon. you don’t have to act like you suddenly care about me.” you said, emotionless, while relaxing into your seat. you wished to be home already. you heard damon sigh.
“i do care, y/n.” he said, stealing a few glances, trying to keep his eyes on the road. you almost laughed at his words.
“sure, you do.“ you whispered, loud enough for him to hear it. he sighed deeper and continued driving. after a while, you reached your house, finally. they were dropping you off first, since elena was currently living with the salvatores. you smiled, starting to get off the car. damon got off the car, and started taking your bags out of the trunk.
“thank you for coming, y/n! it meant a lot!” elena said. you smiled at her, reaching for her hand and giving it a light squeeze.
“of course! i’m always here for you.” you replied, smiling. you looked at stefan. “see you guys later.” you said, saying your final goodbyes before getting off the car. you saw damon waiting for you in front of your front tour, with your bags. you sighed, walking past him and opening up your front door. you turned back to look at him and reached out to grab your bags, he pulled them back. you looked at him confused.
“i’ll take them up to your room.” he said, you looked at him, puzzled. what was going on? you were so confused. you shook your head and tried reaching for them again, to no avail.
“no need, damon. just give them.” you said, reaching for them once again. damon brushed past you, walking into your home, up the stairs to your room. you sighed and followed behind him. he placed the bags on top of your bed as you stood by the door frame.
“thank you. see yourself out.” you said, walking towards your closet, you looked at yourself in the mirror, noticing you were still wearing his jacket. “oh, wait.” you said, before taking it off and handling it back to him. “now you can leave.” you said, he furrowed his eyebrows at you. you had never acted so cold towards him before. it bothered him.
“listen. i’m sorry, okay?” he said, taking a step closer to you. you sighed, not wanting to deal with this anymore. you turned around and opened your bag.
“whatever, damon. i’m used to being treated like this by you, anyways.” you said, before he grabbed your wrist, making you turn around to face him. you gasped a bit.
“let me apologize, will you?” he said, just needing to apologize to you. he felt so awful for treating you so badly for so long. you sighed.
“i’m sorry. i really am. you don’t know how shitty it felt to watch you shaking, in an uncomfortable couch, y/n.” he started, looking deeply into your eyes. “i’m truly sorry. i know i’m not great with words, but please know i’m being honest here.” he said, as you stared at him, stunned by him. you had never seen damon apologize to anyone, not even his brother.
“it’s fine, damon.” you said, shaking your head. “it’s not like i’m someone important, i’m just elena’s friend. i’m used to being treated like this all the time.” you said, looking down at your feet. he shook his head. elena has always been the one everyone cares the most for, but you.. it felt like no one truly loved or took care of you.
“why do you always talk of yourself like that?” he asked, truly confused. he lifted up your head by your chin, and looked into your eyes. “fuck, i feel so horrible for making you feel this way.” he cursed under his breath, his eyes glaring at your lips for a while, before returning to your eyes. why was he feeling this way?
“you’re so much more than just someone’s friend, alright?” he said, planting a soft kiss on your cheek, right next to the corners of your mouth. your cheeks flushed immediately by his sudden actions. “so much more.” he whispered, before smirking lightly, and planting yet another gentle kiss by your temple.
he felt something. something he has only felt near katherina and elena. but so much more intense. it terrified him. he stood there, staring into your gorgeous eyes when he realized he was falling. how and when did this happen? he was absolutely petrified.
he felt so connected to you, he felt as if he belong right by your side. he masked his feelings by anger and being mean towards you. he had finally been honest with himself about you. he was falling for you. it was just so sudden and it didn’t make sense to him. you had just been in his life for only a short period of time, yet you meant so, so much to him. why?
he was confused and scared at the realization of his feelings towards you. he had only been in love twice, and he had never been loved back. but he knew for a fact you loved him. the fact that he was loved was still something he couldn’t believe. damon was scared out of his mind, but so eager to have you. he knew he needed to be worthy of loving you. he knew he needed to earn your forgiveness, and then your love. but he was ready to be fully yours. he was ready to give his entire heart and soul to you, and only you.
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Hello 👋
WWDD if he found me crying?
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He’d enter your space slowly, trying to gauge how you’re feeling exactly. If you want him to sit next to you without touching you and listen. If you want him to wrap his arms around you in a hug. Or if he can grab your hand and convince you to take a walk with him and tell him what’s on your mind.  Above all, he’d listen. He’d wait. Then once you were done, he would give you what you need whether it be advice, sympathy, or help you hide a body.
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I fixed my question! What would Damon do if he watches twilight movie with You?
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He’d spend the whole movie making fun of Edward and his “killer” skin. He’d pick apart every single thing Edward did wrong and how he would’ve done it differently.  You’d roll your eyes at his antics and bump his shoulder and tease, “So, show me your best spider monkey.” 
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I brushed past Stefan as I stepped over the threshold of the Gilbert house, “You have a beautiful home, Elena.”
She thanked me for the compliment right as I heard a voice approaching us. 
“Giles sent over some of his weird-” 
I turned from smirking at Stefan’s failed attempt to keep me from being invited in and was met by a blonde a good 4” shorter than Caroline. 
My eyes trailed over her features before locking with her green ones as Caroline rambled on in the background. 
Focus, Damon. 
–Buffy, Elena’s cousin from California.” Crap. 
The blonde, Buffy, smiled and stuck her hand out toward me, “Hi, Damon is it?” 
I smiled politely and shook her hand, “Yes, the more handsome Salvatore brother.” 
Her golden tan skin looked appealing and as my gaze wondered from her face to her neck, I spotted a glimmer of a silver scar on her neck. The crescent shape of the scar seemed peculiar and somewhat familiar. 
Is that what…
Elena called Buffy’s name drawing her attention and giving me a better look at the scar, confirming my suspicions. Buffy had been fed on before in the past and from the look of the scar, the vampire that bit her didn’t care about being discrete. 
A warning bell went off in my head and the sudden need to make sure the current healing bites on Caroline’s neck stayed hidden slammed into me. 
I smiled at the exchange between Buffy and Elena and made my way to Caroline’s side. I followed her into the living room and sat down in a chair while she perched on the edge of the chair and placed her hands on my knees. 
From my spot, I could see easily into the dining room and kitchen area as Elena asked Bonnie for help with the cake, Stefan picked up dishes and took them to the sink, and Buffy walked over to the coffee pot.  
I leaned forward in my seat and whispered in Caroline’s ear, “Remember keep your scarf on and I’ll reward you when we leave.” I was sure the compulsion I did on her earlier would remain, but there was no harm in sweetening the deal for Caroline. I would have to be more discrete on where I choose to feed on Caroline. I would need to choose places that could be more easily hidden by her tops or pants. 
I nudged Caroline with my leg and nodded towards where Buffy was pulling down mugs from the cabinet. “Do you want one too?” she ran her hand up my thigh. I stopped her hand before it got any further. “No, I’m good. Why don’t you go get yourself some cake and coffee?” 
Caroline rolled her eyes at me and walked over to where Elena and Bonnie were placing cake slices on plates. I ignored the exasperated sigh from my brother as Stefan sat down on the couch next to my chair. 
“What are you doing here, Damon?” he hissed at me.
I loved to rile Stefan up. The angrier he got, the more amusing it was for me. 
“I’m here with my girl to eat cake and be merry,” I smirked at him. 
The brother part of me wanted to warn Stefan about my suspicions, but the self preserving part of me needed to confirm my suspicions without Stefan knowing. 
“What are you two whispering about?” Caroline asked as she approached with the girls trailing behind her. I smiled at her and shifted over a bit as I reached one arm out for her to regain her spot in our shared chair. 
“Brotherly things. I was reminiscing with Stefan on our time in New York.” 
Caroline settled against me as the rest of the party got settled. I licked my lips, I needed to learn more about Elena’s cousin. “So Buffy, what brought you to Mystic Falls? It must be quite a change from sunny California.” 
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That is NOT Angel, Buffy inwardly reminded herself for the millionth time as she listened to the conversation between Bonnie and Stefan, the boy Elena had started seeing.  Buffy had already met him once. He was nice, but the resemblance between him and Buffy’s old boyfriend was uncanny.
In fact, the more Buffy thought about it, this was the third thing in Elena’s life that paralleled hers back in Sunnydale. The first was that she lived in a town full of vampires (which was why Giles encouraged Buffy to stay in Mystic Falls) and the second was that her best friend might be a witch. Buffy shrugged it off at first, but when Angel Jr. walked through the door and she heard about an “animal attack” at a party Elena and Jeremy were at, she started to worry.
Buffy did her best to keep this part of her life from Jenna, Elena, and Jeremy. So far, she had kept the fact that she was a slayer and that she went out every night to fight monsters from them.  If they knew, they would automatically be dragged into this life and she didn’t want that for them. Especially not for Elena and Jeremy. They were still in high school. They shouldn’t be living this life, even if they involved themselves by choice like Xander and Willow. 
But, Buffy was worrying for nothing. There was no way her cousin’s new boyfriend was a vampire. He went to school with her and apparently, he had just made the football team, who practiced in an open field in the sunlight. A vampire couldn’t do that. Just because Stefan bore a resemblance to Angel didn’t mean he was a vampire. 
The doorbell rang making the blonde jump a bit. “Were you expecting anyone else?” she asked Elena. “No?” Elena got up and answered the door. First, Buffy heard a female voice. Then she heard a male voice that made Stefan spring to his feet. “That’s my idiot brother,” he grumbled to Buffy and Bonnie. “I’ll get rid of him.” It was just Buffy and Bonnie now. Buffy liked Bonnie a lot. She was kind and genuine and funny. The two listened to what was going on at the front door, but Buffy couldn’t make out a word anyone was saying, but it sounded tense. “Hey, Elena,” Buffy called out, standing up. “I’m gonna put some coffee on. Also, Giles sent over some of his weird-”
As she was making her way to the front doorway, her eyes immediately locked with ice-blue irises belonging to someone a little taller than her. She assumed this was Stefan’s brother. Objectively he was gorgeous, but there was something about him that made Buffy feel uneasy. His smile gave her the chills.  
“Oh, hi, Buffy!” Caroline greeted her, pushing away a little past the dark-haired brother. “I didn’t know you were here. Damon, this is Buffy, Elena’s cousin from California.” Caroline said “from California” like it was one of the coolest things ever. Caroline reminded Buffy of Cordelia, but she wasn’t mean on purpose like the brunette was. She genuinely cared for her friends, but things just slipped out of her mouth. 
Buffy managed a small smile extending her hand out. “Hi, Damon is it?” 
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Wwdd if he was competing with eminem for you
Assuming Eminem would want to compete in a rap battle, Damon would listen to Eminem’s whole verse, then roll his eyes and snap Eminem’s neck. 
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What Would Damon Do?
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How It Works: 
 You send me an ask like:
    “What would Damon do if you asked him to move in with you?”
Make sure you start it with “What would Damon Do” or “WWDD.”
Then I will write a headcanon (max two paragraphs) on how Damon would react/what he would do.
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Platonic relationships are fine such as, “What would Damon do if he found Stefan stealing blood from the hospital?”
You can send your WWDD message here. 
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Role Plays (RPs) Start Today
I like to engage in no more than two role plays at once to not confuse followers. 
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You can read my role play requirements here. You can read past role plays here. 
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