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daddysdem0n · 2 years ago
In another universe, you changed your mind. You stayed.
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Pentagram vs Pentacle
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a pentagram is usually used for invoking and evoking
the points of the pentagram represents the element of earth, fire, water, air and spirit, with the spirit on top representing the divine ruling over the material world
inverted pentagram:
the inverted pentagram is still connected to the elements, but now spirits is at the bottom, showing the material world is ruling over the divine. It is meant to show the powers of the individual and not the powers of a divine or dogomatic system
The inverted pentagram has been used to represent the horned God
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a pentacle is usually used for protection and power
same thing as the pentagram but it is now unified and protected by a circle
the pentacle also represents male and female energy mixing together in a symbiotic relationship. The pentacle being the male energy and the circle being the female energy
inverted pentacle:
shows the unity of the elements inside the individual power and it's still a powerful protection talisman
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Invoke vs summoning
invoke is to call up (a person, specifically a deity) for help, assistance or guidance while summon is to call people together, a command, a call or an order
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Moh's scale of hardness
Friedrich Mohs devised a scale of hardness using 10 minerals as standards and ranked them so that any mineral on the scale would scratch only those below it.
The scale goes as follows:
1. Talcs
2. Gypsums
3. Calcites
4. Flourites
5. Apatites
6. Orthoclases
7. Quartz
8. Topaz
9. Conundrums
10. Diamonds
Why is this important?
It's important when it comes things like which crystals can and cant go in salt, water, sun, etc. Most crystals that are a 5 or below on the Mohs scale usually are too soft to be safe in salt / water. There's always some odd ones out, but it's a nice rule to follow!!
The scratching test
The scratching test is a test performed on crystals in which you scrape a piece of glass with the mineral and if it has made a scrape, it's real and if not, it's fake. This test is not very reliable for a few reasons: tumbled crystals are harder to scrape glass with and therefore can not give an accurate way of telling if it is fake. Secondly, the Mohs hardness scale shows us that glass falls anywhere between a 5.5 and 7. Anything around or above that will more than likely scratch the glass which again, doesn't indicate if it is real because glass (which a lot of fake crystals are made of) will scratch its own material.
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
water element correspondences
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Water: the moving element
Is the element of purification, the subconscious mind, love and emotions. Water is the element of absorption and germination. The subconscious is symbolized by this element because is rolling, always moving like the sea.
Animals- dragon, water snakes, dolphin, fish, cat, frog, turtle, swan, crab, sea mammals, sea birds
Characteristics of the element- Embodies nourishment healing purification, intuition, emotion and creativity, it also spells for growth and abundance, or nurture your creativity. Water energy is changeable and unpredictable
Colors- blue, aqua, silver, turquoise
Connect with water- connecting with water is critical in keeping your intuition sharp and your emotional health in check. Take a bath, drink water or tea, place a vessel of water near your bed or on your altar, visit a pond or the ocean, step at into the rain, eat fruits and vegetables high in water content. Connect with water by feeling its energy flow within you
Crystals- amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue fluorite, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal, pearl, sodalite
Cycle of life- maturity
Direction- west
Energy- receptive
- Emotional energy. We associate it with nourishment. Water moves constantly. We sense the change and movement. Because we think of this element as cleansing, clearing and healing
Gender- feminine
Goddesses- Aphrodite, Isis, Marianne, Mari, Tiammat, Yemaha
Gods- Dylan, Ea, Osiris, Manannan, Neptune, Poseidon
Instruments- anything resonant
Metals- mercury, silver
Pentagram placement- upper right
Places- lakes, springs and wells, pond, stream, river, beach, swimming pools, bedroom (for sleep), shower, ocean, tides
Plants/herbs- aloe, apple, bushes, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lilac, lily, lotus, moss, passion flower, rose, seaweed, thyme, willow
Ritual actions- bathing, dilution, washing, sprinkling, preparing cold herbal infusions
Rules- emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, deep feelings, the unconscious mind, fertility, tides, lunar energy, self-healing, reflection
Ruling planet- moon, Neptune, pluto
Season- fall
Sense- taste
Spirits- undines, nymphs, mermaids, fairies of ponds, lakes or streams
Symbols- ocean, river, shell, spring, lake, well, tain, fog, cup
Tarot suit- cups/ chalices
Time- twilight, dusk
Tools- sea shells, ocean water, seaweed, hog stones, chalice, cup, cauldron, mirror
Type of magick- sea, ice, snow, fog, mirror, magnet, rain
Virtues & vices
Virtues- compassion, love, flexibility, forgiveness, understanding
Vices- indifference, instability, moodiness, depression, fragility
Zodiac- cancer, scorpio, pisces
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
fire element correspondences
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Fire: the element of clarity
Fire is the element of change, will and passion. In a sense, it contains within it, all forms of magick, since magick is the process of change. It's the realm of sexuality and passion, not only the sacred fire of sex, also the spark of divinity which shines in all living things.It's the most physical and spiritual of the elements.
Animals- dragon, cat, lion, horse, snake, cricket, mantis, ladybug, bee, scorpion, phoenix, coyote, fox
Characteristics of the fire element - It conveys inspiration, enthusiasm and daring. Fire energy moves rapidly, it’s volatile and unpredictable. Magicians link the fire element with creativity, action and the will to make things happen. You can also employ fire energy to banish fear, see the future, or in purification spells and rituals
Colors- red, orange, gold, white
Connect with fire - This is a good way to fuel your soul with courage and strength when dealing with big goals and passionate affairs, Exercise, light some candles, go on adventure, do something that scares you or you are passionate about. Connect with fire by igniting the fire in your own soul
Crystals- fire opal, ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, lavastone, quartz, tiger’s eye, agate, obsidian, sunstone
Cycle of life- youth
Direction- south
Energy- projective
- Creative energy. It represents our passions, enthusiasm and skinship. Fire also allowed early people to see in the darkness, therefore, magicians connect it with clarity vision and enlightenment. Associated with transformation
Gender- masculine
Goddesses- Pele, Brigit, Hestia, Vasta
Gods- Agni, Horus, Prometheus, Vulcan
Instruments- guitar, string instruments
Metals- gold, brass
Pentagram placement- lower right
Places- desert, hot springs, volcanoes, fire, oven, bedroom (for intimacy)
Plants/ herbs- allspice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, juniper, hibiscus, nettle, onion, red/orange peppers, red poppies, thistle
Ritual actions- burning objects, wood, paper, heating, preparing decorations, cauldron work
Rules- energy, will, healing, destruction, courage, strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, flame, light
Ruling planet- sun, mars
Season- summer
Sense- sight
Spirits- salamanders, fire deakes
Symbols- flame, lightning, heated objects, volcano, rainbow, sun, stars, lava, and heat
Tarot- wands/rod’s/stoves
Time- noon
Tools- candle, lamp, sword, dagger, burned herbs
Type of magick- candle, storm, time and star
Virtues & vices
Virtues- courage, enthusiasm, will power, action, strength
Vices- anger, jealousy, hatred, pettiness, recklessness, irrationality
Zodiac- aries, leo, Sagittarius
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
air element correspondences
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Air: the elusive element
Air is the element of the intelect, of the thought, a powerful tool for change, the movement in all its forms; the impetus. It rules spells involving travels, instruction, freedom, knowledge, discovering lost items, and can also be used to develop psychic faculties.
The air describes how words are spread far and wide, air can be gentle or fierce, damp or dry, hot or cold, and each of these moods has slightly different magickal connotation
The wind beneath your spells
We see a fair amount of directional wind work in spellcraft
Perform a magick for new projects with the wind at your back it’s good fortune
When trying to quell anger opening a window to air out the negative energy has a great symbolic value
Animals: Cow - Bull - Bison - Snake - Dog - Horse - Ant - Bears - Wolf
Characteristics of the air element - It relates to flexibility instability, intellect and detachment. You can also use it to contact spirits or other nonphysical beings. Magicians link it with mental activity, communication and social interaction
Colors- yellow, gold, white, light blue
Connect with air- connecting with air is a key to clear mind and finding inner wisdom. Spend time outside and feel the breeze hang wind chimes around your home, complete a creative project, meditate. Connect with air by feeling it fill your lungs and breathe your life into you
Crystals- topaz, amber, citrine, jasper, agate, aventurine, opal, quartz, amethyst
Cycle of life- infancy
Direction- east
Energy- projective
- Mental energy- air is the most elusive element because it’s invisible, intangible and changeable. The ancients believed that the wind is influenced by the direction from which is originated
Gender- masculine
Goddesses- aradia, arianrhod, cardea, nuit, urania
Gods- Enlil, kheokleva, merawrim, shu, thoth
Instruments- flute, wind instruments
Metals- tin, copper
Pentagram placement- upper left
Places- Mountaintops - Cloudy skies - Windy beaches - High towers - Airports Schools - Libraries - Offices - Travel agencies - Pschyatrist's Office.
Plants/herbs- acacia, anise, aspen, clover, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, myrrh, pine, vervain, yarrow, primrose, dill
Ritual actions- playing flute, tossing objects in the air, burning incense, hanging objects in trees
Rules- mind, clarity, wisdom, knowledge, logic, abstract thought, wind, higher consciousness, divination, psychic work, intuition, memory
Ruling planet- Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury
Season- spring
Spirits- slyphs, zephyrs, fairies of the trees, flowers, wind
Symbols- sky, wind, trees, breezes, clouds, feathers, breath, vibrations, smoke, plants, herbs, trees, flowers
Tarot- sword/ Daggers
Time- down
Tools- feather, wand, staff, incense, censer, pen, broom, bell
Type of magick- divination, concentration, wind, magick, prophecy
Virtues & Vices
Virtues- intelligent, practical, optimistic, curious, creativity
Vices- impulsive, frivolous, gullible, flighty, and detached
Zodiac- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
earth element correspondences
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Earth: the solid element
Earth doesn't necessary represents the physical earth, but everything that is stable, solid, dependable. This is the element of our home. It's the realm of abundance, prosperity and wealth.
Animals- cow, bulldog, horse, ant, bear, wolf
Characteristics of the earth element - In the material sense, earth serves as air foundation, thus it corresponds to the characteristics of stability, permanence, groundedness, security and endurance. Earth energy moves slowly and steady. Magicians link the earth element with financial matters, material abundance and fertility
Connect with earth- connecting with earth will keep you grounded and fuel you with stable reliable energy, Spend time in nature, garden, put plants around your house, cook foods rich in fruits and vegetables, meditate outside, take walks. Connect with Earth by taking time to feel time to feel its power around you
Colors- green, brown, black, white, gold, yellow
Crystals- emerald, jet, tourmaline, quartz, granite, bedrock, salt, peridot, onyx, jasper, azurite, amethyst, agate, turquoise, green calcite
Cycle of life- advanced age
Direction- north
Energy- perceptive
- Physical energy- Earth in a magickal sense is also an energetic property
Gender- female
Goddesses- ceres, demeter, gaea, mah, nephtys, Persephone, rhea
Gods- Adonis, athnos, cernunnus, Dionysus, mardyn, pan, tammuz
Instruments- drums and percussion
Metals- iron, lead
Pentacle placement- lower left
Places- Caves, canyon, forest, grove, valley fields, parks, kitchen, basement, mines, hole, chasm
Plants/herbs- cedar, cupress, honeysuckle, ivy, magnolia, grains, patchouli, primrose, sage, nuts, oak, lichens, rice, oats, jasmin
Ritual action- burying, making clay, effigies, gardening
Rules- grounding, strength, healing, nature, animals, success, stability, sturdiness, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, wisdom, feminity
Ruling planet- Venus, Saturn
Season- winter
Sense- touch
Spirits- gnomes, dwarves, trolls
Symbols- rock, fields, soil, salt, caves, clay
Tarot- pentacle/coins/discs
Time- midnight
Tools- pentacle, pentagram, cords images, stones, gems, salt, crystals, dirt, herbs, wood, plants, flowers
Type of magick- gardening, magnet images, stone, knot, binding, money spells, grounding, finding treasures, runes
Virtues & Vices-
Virtues- being grounded, patience, truth, reliability, thoroughness
Vices- dullness, laziness, inconsiderate, gluttony
Zodiac- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Element Correspondences
Earth Correspondences
Air Correspondences
Fire Correspondences
Water Correspondences
For more info about the elements, or questions, join us in our discord server All Things Spiritual
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
The Four Direction
Angelic Connections
- Raphael guard the east
- Michael watches over the south
- Gabriel presides over the west
- Uriel governs the north
You can call upon these guardians and ask them to lend their assistance to your rituals and rites
Elemental Connections
- Air relates to the east
- Fire is associated to the south
- Water corresponds to the west
- Earth is linked with the north
Each has its own connection with the zodiac signs, the suits of the tarot, spirits and angels
Color correspondences
- Yellow relates to the east
- Red’s associated with the south
- Blue corresponds to the west
- Green is linked with the north
It will strengthen your connection to both the earth and to the magickal universe around you
3 More Directions
- Above (refers to the heavenly realm and all that live there
- Below (correspond to mother earth)
Your own inner self
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Crystal cleansing
Before reading this remember to do your own research about your crystals so you know if they’re water/sun/soil/etc safe! Putting your crystal in a non-safe environment can cause damage of different types
Why: water is nature’s most potent cleanser and purifier
How: rinse your crystal gently under a running tap or submerge briefly in a bowl of water. You can use special water like moon water, river water, etc
Why: sunlight powerfully shine away stale energies and is extremely activating
How: Most new crystals benefit from at least a short sunbath when you first bring them home: place them in a sunny spot and put them there for at least 4 hours
Why: moonlight is supercharging and safe for all crystals
How: Crystals thrive regular moonbaths, lay your crystals overnight in a place where moonlight will touch them for potent charging. Take advantage of the moon phases and their correspondences
Breath+ Intention
Why: breath combined with intention is the easiest and most instant purifying option
How: hold your crystal and inhale through your nose, envisioning golden light filling your lungs, breathe out through your mouth with a gently forcefulbreath while thinking or whispering your intention
Why: the cleansing smokes from burning herbs move and purifies energies
How: light a small bundle, hold your crystal above the stream of smoke allowing smoke to dance over and around your crystal for several moments
Why: music’s vibrational waves harmonizes the energy of everything it touches
How: crystals love being around music and beautiful sounds, live music brings them to life and infuses them with a special glow
Why: everything with soil grounds and recharge
How: place the crystal under or on the soil, leave it for at least one night, or as long as it feels right
Why: salt is purifying
How: saltwater soaks or burying crystals in salt are traditional but it’s not 100% recommended. Fill a bowl with Himalayan salt and let your crystals on top of the salt for at least 10mins
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Protection herbs
Bay leaf
Black berry
Black pepper
Blessed thistle
Dragon’s blood
High john
Rose petals + thorns
St. John’s Wort
Witch hazel
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Water unsafe crystals
Stones NOT to cleanse with water
- Pyrite
- Kunzite
- Kyanite
- Azurite
- Fluorite
- Black tourmaline
- Aquamarine
- Turquoise
- Ruby
- Moonstone
- Opal
- Lapis Lazuli
- Fluorite
- Fire opal
- Red coral
- Imperial topaz
- Amber
- Amazonite
- Desert rose
- Gypsum
- Talc
- Calcite
- Angelite
- Malachite
- Celestine
- Selenite
- Any crystal tht contains copper and usually any that ends in “ite”
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Tips for my closeted witches <3
-Pick up gardening or cooking so you have an excuse to buy/grow herbs/plants
-Do your big spells at night, so no one will intrude & the power of the moon will be the highest than too
-For making moon water just stick a glass of water on your window sill for a couple hours, it doesn’t need to be overnight
-Use symbolism & substitution, such as symbols that represent any deities your work with (if you work with them) this way you can represent them subtly
-Wear a black shirt for protection (use color magic for clothes or make up)
-Make paper book covers to cover your witchcraft books, put them behind other books, or place them with your school work
-Take advantage of windy days and use wind to cleanse
-Practice candle magick
-Research energy work
-Practice ring magick
-Work with essential oils
-Use pdf books and change the name of the file
-Start a crystal collection because they’re pretty
-Start a candle collection because they smell nice
-When making sigils, write them in moon water or in invisible ink so your parents won’t see them
-Store pressed dried herbs in books
-If you play an instrument you can turn spells into songs or melodies
-Use regular cards instead of a tarot deck for cartomancy (in the link down below is our discord server where you will be able to find how to use and play cartomancy), you can also make your own tarot!
-Use showers to cleanse yourself with water and visualization
-Create a cleansing spray and disguise it as an air freshener
-Make a travel alter in an altoids can or make an altar on a board/baking tray and store it under your bed
-Turn your room into an altar, a plant could represent earth in the north corner, a fan or incense burner in the east for air, a dragons statue south for fire and a fountain for water in the west (you can choose what represents each element, this is an example)
-You can also make your altar in a shoebox
-make a digital altar (a dedicated tumblr blog, pinterest board, moodboard, a crafted temple in a building game, etc)
-dedicate meals to them before you eat it, art, music, writing, etc
-Say your grimoire/bos is a book of story ideas or info for a game of dnd
-make digital grimoires/bos in notion or google drive
-Art magick!!
-Sigils as fancy doodles or a language for a fantasy setting
-Trace sigils in your food, in the shower, while applying skin care, in your notebooks, digitally on pictures in your phone, draw a sigil on your nails before painting them with nail polish
-Drinking tea and you’re bad at drawing sigils at the bottom with honey? Don’t like the taste of honey but want to incorporate sigils on your tea) use washable markers on your mugs, you can also use color intent
-enchant your jewelry, masks, clothes, etc
-Pass your pendulum as jewelry
-Make your own incense with kitchen spices/herbs
-If you need to get rid of the smell of incense or perfume or burnt herbs, you can make a solution of 50% water and 50% white vinegar in a spray bottle, also keeping a wet wipe or mini towel next to you can absorb some of the odor
-Hide stuff in plain sight and say they’re decorations (crystals, shells, feathers, etc)
-Spend time on nature so you can connect to the Earth
-If you want to have chalices, you can try to find a cup that you can pass off as drinking cup you keep in your room, if this isn’t possible, than even something as small as a thimble can work
-containers you can use, little pots of lip balm when it runs out, container ||sharpeners||, the containers of camera fills, use old makeup containers, sweet containers, lead containers (pencils, compasses, etc.), medicine containers, etc
-take advantage of being home alone!!!!
-candle wax can be replaced with glue (if you want it with color respondence you can put colorant in it) or melted crayons
Join our discord server: All Things Spiritual for more tips!!!!!!
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Shadow work
let’s talk about what is our shadow self and how it affects us. The shadow is dark because we are made of both light and dark aspects. Carl Jung describes it as the unconscious and disowned parts of our personalities that ego fails to see, acknowledge and accept. When we depend on our caregivers, we suppress the aspects that are disapproved and exaggerate the ones that are approved.
For example a Little kid crying and his father telling him to not cry bc that’s not a man thing, so the kid will suppress that feeling into his shadow self and grow acting though.
It doesn’t necessarily needs to be from your caregivers, maybe from a friend, a teacher, or even someone on the Street, we bottle it up and throw it on our shadow self.
But the shadow isn’t always just negative, in the shadow is also so much potential, gifts and talents that haven´t been unhearted yet, that has been suppressed.
For example a girl that was born with a strong sense of self, but she grew up in a family where she was constantly told to shut up, eventually she grew being quiet and shy, but she feels being that way is so painful. She has suppressed her true self, which has so much potential in so many things
To be able to heal our shadow selves we can do shadow work, it might be uncomfortable, painful, sad and many other feelings, but those feelings are necessary to heal, the healing path is not always roses and sweets, but also feeling sad and face ourselves. This is a sign for you to do shadow work! You deserve happiness and be your true self! Who knows? Probably you have lots of potential on something hidden there <3!
in our server All Things Spiritual we have lots of shadow work prompts to start with and guidance help!
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
Back to school crystals
Golden rutilated quartz (aka Venus hair): It gives you a boost of energy and protects against negative, stressful energy. Empowering and generally happy
Black tourmaline: protects against negative energy
Amethyst: calming, cooling, and psychically protective
Ctirine: happy and positive, repels stress and gives you a creative boost
Angelite: calming, cooling, great for anxiety (especially if you’re giving a presentation)
Red jasper: subtle but very grounding, makes you feel safe and centered
Moonstone: helping an acceptance of change
Rose quartz: brings kindness and encouragement to others and yourself
Rhodonite: balances mental and physical energy, putting you in a focused state of mind
Fluorite: improves concentration levels and absorption of new concepts and information
Carnelian: aids mental efficiency and ability to learn
Obsidian: protects against unwanted negative attention
Sodalite: provides introspection and confidence to focus on studies or well as communication to express ideas
Aquamarine: clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears confusion
Cherry quartz: helps get rid of anxiety
Smokey quartz: grounding, clears negative energy, balance, purification
Selenite: clears negative energy
Tiger’s eye: encourages you to put fear and anxiety aside so you can tap into hidden strengths and talents
Yellow jasper: encourages constant learning and the completion of tasks that you have put off
Don't forget to join us in our discord sevrer for more info like this! All Things Spiritual
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daddysdem0n · 3 years ago
How to make...
Air salt
- Salt
- Lavender
- Willow bark
- Eucalyptus
Fire salt
- Salt
- Paprika
- Chili poder
- Red chili pepper flakes
Solar salt
- Salt
- Chamomile
- Orange peel
- calendula
Black salt:
- Salt
- Activated charcoal/ incense ashes
- Crushed eggshells
Water salt
- Salt
- Cornflower
- Damiana
Earth salt
- Salt
- Burdock
- Tulsi
- Peppermint
there is not only one way to make this types of salt, if you think or want to replace something with an herb, etc of that element, feel free to do so!!!
Don't forget to join our discord server to get more info! All Spiritual things
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